
Chapter 193 White Tiger Mother

The snow-white and soft hair flashes in the moonlight, and the black stripes mixed in the hair are constantly intertwined with the darkness in the night, writing the mystery and domineering that belongs to the night king.

The huge, strong and powerful limbs fell to the ground, but there was no sound. The sharp horned claws were hidden on the meat pad of the soles of the feet, implicitly and flamboyantly. Every landing means that the intention of a hunt appeared and disappeared.

The dark blue eyes are ghostly and sad in this dark forest, and the ruthless eyes deeply portray the fear into the hearts of the prey.

The huge body flashed behind the trunk, and the fear of suffocating the soul could not disappear at all times. In the dark, the mysterious king suddenly jumped from a cliff dozens of meters high to a cliff hanging alone. Under the white moonlight, her mysterious and domineering figure was finally revealed - a close to There is a tall white tiger standing on all four limbs.

The giant tiger exposed itself to the bright moonlight at this time, but there was no discomfort. The dark blue ruthless tiger's eyes stabbed into the depths of the dense forest, where the enemies and hidden assassins were invisible in her eyes.

But these shameful charms can't cause her any trouble at all, and she even disdains to look at those greedy and timid fools with two eyes.

However, bravery is her talent, just as her pride comes with life. But all this does not make her addicted. The wisdom of the white tiger should be praised even by human wise men.

She ignored the stupid and greedy ants, but still carefully emitted some dangerous breaths and warned some more powerful and ill-good beasts. This is not a place for them to cove, otherwise it will be an endless struggle.

After feeling the determination and will of the white tiger, especially the bloody "trapes" that have taken place in recent years, these beasts who also have a little wisdom immediately felt that their necks were cold, their hair began to stand up, slowly retreated a few steps, and then most of them immediately turned around and ran away in a hurry.

There are also several particularly insidious people who ran for a while and stopped, hesitated and hid in the dense forest. The vicious beasts are often the most horrible and rewarding strong men in the deep forest, and of course, they are also a group of guys who are easy to die.

In fact, all this scene has not been hidden from the perception of the White Tiger. Since she got the initial power a year ago, she has been the most powerful king in the jungle, a king who is definitely different from the past. How can those beasts who have only enlightened a little wisdom understand her real power?

If someone appears in front of this horrible white tiger, he can even see that her proud and majestic face is actually a humanized sarcastic smile, which is an absolute manifestation of wisdom in human water.

This smile only existed for a short time, and then the white tiger began to look at the moon seriously and deeply.

is not thinking, but raising the neck, the huge body bows, and the roots of the hair close to the body are erected, like a needle of a hedgehog.

The soft tail suddenly scratched on the ground, and the hard rock was drawn a horizontal line like tofu. It can be seen that what the white tiger was doing was very difficult.

is indeed very difficult, because for things like tigers, they are not cattle and sheep. They still need to chew after eating grass. Her stomach basically doesn't come out when they go in, but now what she does is the opposite.

Soft and snow-white constantly recycles the concave and then bulges, but it can't spit it out. If it doesn't want to stain its fur, the white tiger actually has a plan to cut open its belly and take out the things in it.

Finally, it seems to have found some kind of rhythm and feeling. The white tiger's abdomen was concave and bulging, and finally found the most suitable shock point. A ball of meat visible to the naked eye protruded from the soft abdomen, and then slowly bulged forward.

Bai Hu's expression became more and more depressed and spit out what she ate. This kind of thing that violated her nature made her really unhappy, but thinking that if she didn't do this, maybe that thing would tear her stomach and come out, Bai Hu felt that it was really bad.

Finally, this thing reached the throat. Even the huge size of the white tiger feels very difficult. After all, no matter how big the animal's throat is, there is a limit.

If it hadn't been for the fact that he had mastered some strange power to make his body more tenacious and powerful existence, the white tiger would rather die until the one in his belly came out.

At this time, the white tiger under the nightlight did not have the domineering appearance of the recent period. The ridiculous bulge blocked at the neck made the domineering head ridiculous. The object that could not spit out for a moment not only blocked the throat, but also blocked the trachea.

This is a little beyond the expectation of the white tiger, so at this time, her sharp claws kept tearing and pressing the swollen bulge around her neck. The snow-white hair was torn off, and some soft places were scratched by her own claws, but the mass of things were blocked there. No.

Moreover, with the continuation of time, the air I breathe became less and less, my brain began to be confused, my eyes became blurred, and the power in my body was slowly accumulating, but there was a feeling of explosion. But the hateful thing is less than half away from the throat.

The shape of that thing can't be swallowed at this time, because it looks like a barb. It's just stuck there. It can't spit out or swallow, but it's stuck in the whole breath and esophagus. The power formed in the past year has been accumulating in the body.

The white tiger who doesn't know how to use this power has a feeling that if he doesn't solve this problem, he may not starve to death or suffothe, but will be blown up by this force.

Is it that my name died in such a place?

White Tiger's legs and feet suddenly softened, and her huge body suddenly fell down softly, and her body itself reached its limit because of suffocation.

Maybe the domineering and dignity formed this year belong to the king, until the coma white tiger had nothing to roll except scratch its neck with its claws. Before the coma, her body remained clean and tidy, except for her neck.

However, just as the power accumulated in the white tiger's body was about to explode, the thing blocked in the white tiger's throat suddenly suffoed like a broken balloon, and at the same time, the white tiger's chest was about to become a round energy mass.

This change happened at the moment before the white tiger was about to die, so many things were as tragic as fate, for some persistent hunters.

A dead white tiger is worthless. Killing her at the moment before her death, whether the white tiger still has strength or not, this behavior will make the energy-type beast, such as this white tiger, get half the power that belongs to her.

Many beasts are coming back after staying away from this place, waiting for the "production" of the white tiger. If the white tiger can "produce" normally and smoothly, they will leave immediately. However, if the white tiger has a little loss, it means that they have the opportunity to inherit the power that belongs to the white tiger.

Now, this opportunity has come.

After the white tiger fell to the ground, a very gloomy, cruel and vicious smell suddenly appeared in the whole quiet jungle, which were some beasts that had never left or returned.

They also have some power, but that power only adds to their greedy hearts, but does not open up their wisdom. Such beasts are real beasts. They have never thought of any other way of evolution except devouring and killing.

In fact, White Tiger was not the first to get that power, but several predecessors tried to take the power enough to become the Beast Emperor as their own, but unfortunately became the sacrifice of that power at a critical moment.

Only the white tiger, a wild beast with natural wisdom, chose to obey that will. As a result, it is obvious that in a year, she has become the most invincible king in this mountain forest. At this time, the beasts that used to oppose her have all become broken bones in the forest or gone far away.

It's just that it turned out to be such a situation at this last moment. It seems that you are going to die here? However, fate always seems to be more favorable to wise people. Oh, so do smart beasts.

Dozens of powerful beasts suddenly jumped out of the deep jungle. Under the pale moonlight, the deep and cold eyes were greedy and ferocious. Under the moonlight, the cracks of the sharp teeth of the beasts kept falling into the air.

The stone platform where the White Tiger is located is a 100-meter-high lonely peak, usually covered by clouds and fog. Although the weather is good at this time, it is obviously not easy to jump from a nearby cliff dozens of meters away from the platform.

Especially, these cliff edges are almost full of trees and weeds. There is no running distance, and there is no definite jump indicator line. If you jump late, you will only fall to death in the valley between the lonely peak and the cliff;

jumped late, maybe he directly stepped on the empty grass nest and fell to death under the cliff. Moreover, even if you jump to the stone platform, the stone platform, which is only four or five meters wide, has no running distance at all. Unless you have strong energy or wings, you can't cross the dozens of meters of volley.

There are almost no beasts who can jump back from where they come from. Their only rely on is to kill the white tiger to get her last general energy, and then rely on that to come back.

So, these people jumping in the air are all guys who are ready to succeed.

However, everything will be worth it. Dozens of powerful beasts jumped down, and several jumped early and were doomed to fall down; several rolled down the cliff without stepping on the right position, which was a dead end. Even if there was a legendary big mage secret under the cliff, they could not save their lives, because they could not understand.

↖(^ω^)↗ Meow, White Tiger Lady asks for a ticket↖(^ω^)↗