
Chapter 287 A game is like a dream

A wide galaxy blocked the way, and the brilliant starlight dyed the universe into a strange beauty. Countless stars emit brilliant brilliance, in which endless planets and the world that breeds life grow.

However, Mora looked at the sea of stars from afar and suddenly remembered the world detonated by the main gods. Unlike this universe, each of those worlds has its own civilization and life, and each planet is a brilliant existence in the universe. Although they are all created by those main gods, It is the kind of creation that also refers to the laws of the universe.

In this world, there is nothing that completely violates the law, unless it is that dream world. But the dream world itself is also based on the reasonable laws of the universe.

How many stories and epics can be passed down forever in those destroyed worlds and civilizations? How many feelings and entanglements are there in the world? How many brilliant ideals and pursuits are there?

Everyone is a legend, and every creature has its unique meaning. Even the dead dragonfly has its unique structure and life significance.

There are also countless mountains and seas, national civilizations, scientific and technological magic spells and other human and life's amazing creation and work to transcend their own world.

However, only for a moment, in the will of the Lord Gods, for the sake of the highest existence in their own eyes, in a blink of an eye, everything turned into a bubble, like a dream.

It seems that everything is a dream, the flowers and moon in the water, and it will disperse.

Although without those main gods, maybe these lives and worlds do not exist, but when he thought that the living life and brilliant civilization there became a dream because of another "great" will to exist, a strange feeling surged in Mora's heart.

It doesn't look like hatred or resentment, but a faint confusion.

The behavior of those gods looks hateful, because although those lives are derived from their creation, since the parents have children, do they still belong to their parents after they have grown to a certain extent?

After the created life and civilization formed their own system, should all this still be mastered by the main gods?

The world of each world always has the birth of gods. Is that just because of the nature of the law? Children always yearn to grow up like their parents.

Those lives are also growing and running on the road to becoming gods. Is that just out of their own wishes? Everything has its laws and theorems.

What is fate? Is the Supreme also under fate?

Or is it that all creatures with thoughts are the children of fate?

The existence without thoughts may also be affected by the so-called fate, but that influence is just the view of creatures with life and thinking. Without those thoughts, what kind of fate is it actually?

But then again, if the whole universe is moving with thoughtless objects, then what is fate?

I thought so, but I fell into another dead cycle. Because fate comes from a noun formed in the thoughts of thinkers and an understanding and description of a certain understanding. Without life and thinking, such a description will not exist. Does fate still have its meaning at this time?

It's really contradictory.

Think more deeply, if life does not exist, and only matter without thinking is in this world, then does other existence still have this meaning?

Because without thinking, all existence cannot exist. The word meaning exists for thinking. Without thinking, what else is the meaning?

In the latter, all souls and thoughts do not exist, so even the thinking at this time is wrong and missing.

The chaotic thoughts flowed in Mora's mind, forming ideas to pass the time. Time passed quickly, and these thoughts were quickly left behind.

There is still a lot of work to do.

Let those annoying things continue to think. For the supreme, existence is existence. Where there are so many messy things? If there is any trouble, just ignore them directly. If you can't ignore them, they will be destroyed. If they can't be destroyed, they will be finished. Anyway, it will come back after more than 100 times the universe is destroyed.

Over and over again, I have long been used to it. As for whether it will be boring, well, since the memory has faded over time. Only the most fundamental law is retained, so where does boredom come from?

What's more, even if you write it down, it's different every time. The future is always worth looking forward to, because the story that happened is very interesting.

In that gradually recovered memory, several supremes died because of the future.

was not killed by the future, but because they were really curious about what the future scene would look like. As a result, they rushed to the future and looked at everything before coming back.

In other words, if you know the future, you can completely change something and then change the future. This kind of thing is extremely difficult for ordinary people and even gods, but for the supreme, it is simply a small dish, and the shadows of the future are actually shadows.

If the future is changed, it is a real change. It will never be like the future changed by those gods and produce other parallel worlds. As a result, it has not changed all this in the original time and space.

Because the highest in the universe are the real highest beings, they are truly outside the universe. For them, the universe has no way to adjust. For the future changed by the supreme, the universe has no way to create a parallel world to withstand that change, but can only endure it. This change has written the future into a different look.

However, that time was a little different. The future of that time was very interesting, so when several supremes who rushed to the future came back and wanted to change the future because they felt bored, but they were stopped by other supremes. How could several people fight against a large group of people?

As a result, those depressed beings had to destroy themselves in advance and wait for another future that they did not know to recover again.

For these truly immortal existences, anything reasonable will be greatly challenged. The loneliness and boredom of immortals does not exist at all. They think that it is impossible to bear the idea of immortality. .

If the gods are not human, then the supreme is not even gods!

In fact, there are no feelings and relationships that human beings can understand in their world. Those seemingly normal movements and performances are actually the manifestations of the supreme in this universe. Their hearts are absolutely the most thorough inhuman and godly horrible thoughts.

The thoughts and will of the supreme often have great instability. When the world's first universe was born, there were several times when the supreme was suddenly half of the existence crazy and destroyed the universe, and finally ended early and changed the universe.

Later, after countless changes, these supremes finally became a system of waking up and sleeping in turn. Every waking sleep is a prelude to the end and birth of the universe. However, each form is different, because of the existence of more than 100 supremes, waking up and sleeping. The order is different.

As for the real end, it is said that it is the time when more than 100 supremes finally appear to repeat, which is the end of everything. Unfortunately, even the supremes themselves don't know where the end is, because every time they sleep and wake up, they will give up their memories of their previous lives, so, After all, it was repeated, and even the supremes themselves did not know it.

But this is interesting, isn't it?

["Come·Jing" is actually a harmonious word??? ( Later, after...)】