evil spirit

Chapter 129 I will kill you

Chapter 129 [I will kill you] When the black finger lit me, my expression was very cold.

The black man grinned, hooked his finger, and motioned me to come forward.

I didn't move and looked at him coldly.

The two of us looked at each other, and his eyes gradually showed a trace of anger, as if he felt that his authority had been taken over, and the sneer at the corners of his mouth disappeared little by little, and he hooked his fingers again.

The two crew members behind him looked at me and shouted, and someone pulled down the bolt.

My hands hung on both sides, and my fists were tightly clenched... I felt that a stream of blood had rushed to my forehead, and my mind was buzzing, staring at the black man.

He thought I was a beast... He thought I was a beast!! The muzzle of the black hole was already aimed at me.

I have no doubt that they dare to shoot! I already know from the old snake that these people kill people without blinking an eye! They killed me and could easily throw my body into the sea! The muscles of my whole body first tightened, and then relaxed little by little. I clenched my teeth.

Just when the black man was a little impatient, I finally took a step.

The people on both sides automatically got out of the way, and I walked over slowly like a robot.

The black man handed me the wooden bowl and raised his chin.

That means to let me drink it.

I didn't move. Immediately, the two crew members behind me took the next step.

I took a deep breath and glanced at the black man.

There was anger in my eyes.

But I know, I can only put up with it now! I can only put up with it! I told myself coldly in my heart: Chen Yang! You can't die! You can't die here! At least not now!! Just as I reached out to pick up the wooden bowl, the black man suddenly smiled, withdrew his hand again, and then looked at me.

His eyes were full of viciousness. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and coughed, and spit out in the bowl.

In an instant, my whole body was stiff! My whole body couldn't stop shaking.

Raising his eyelids and staring at the black man, he raised his chin provocatively, and the two crew members behind him laughed.

Fight with him! Fight with him! A voice in my heart shouted crazily! With the distance between me and him now, I know very well that if I take action immediately.

I can twist his neck before he reacts, and then use the killing moves in martial arts. I'm 70% sure I can twist his throat at once! Or I can reach out and insert it under his armpit to tear his ribs! But what about after killing him? I have no doubt that I will be immediately shot into honeycomb coal by the crew behind me! I don't know how long it took.

I only felt that the bowl in front of me was swaying in my eyes... Suddenly, I smiled.

I didn't even understand how I could laugh, but it seemed that a strange idea occupied my mind. The anger in my heart did not disappear at all, and the anger almost burned my whole body! Although the blood is boiling.

But my face is very calm! I took a deep breath, with that smile on my face, and then slowly reached over the wooden bowl and came to my mouth... As I drank water, my eyelids were always raised, staring at the black man in front of me.

A bowl of water was quickly drunk by me.

The black man also seemed to be a little surprised. He even forgot to let me just take a sip, but when I finished a whole bowl of water, he reacted and kicked me.

Although his body is very strong, his foot is not fast. If he is still in normal times, I can easily avoid it.

But I didn't hide.

I didn't even move. Even if his foot was on my lower abdomen, I kicked my whole body down.

I bent over, bowed in pain, and then struggled to get up little by little.

The black man suddenly picked up the barrel and splashed the remaining water on the crowd.

With a bang.

I lay on the ground, the water was dripping on me, dripping down my hair, and the rest of the people exclaimed.

The black man had thrown away the bucket, then kicked me again, turned around and took his crew away.

At this time, I stood up and looked at his background.

I swear to myself in my heart: I, will, kill, he! Definitely!! I slowly climbed back to the corner of the wall in the crowd, and then gasped and watched the people scrambled for the barrel. Although the water was poured out, the experienced man could still leave a little water in the barrel.

For these people, a little water is good! I even saw someone lying on the ground with water on the floor! My heart is so cold that I'm almost numb! Just leaning against the corner of the wall, he looked at the group of people coldly.

Suddenly, I really want to laugh... because I find myself as pitiful as them! I rested for a while, and then ate some bread. Although it was difficult to swallow, I told myself to replenish my strength! People need it when they are hungry.

If you are thirsty, drink it! Lying in the corner of the wall, my body shook with the body of the boat, and I couldn't help thinking of my home.

But then I forbade myself to think about these things.

I told myself: Thinking about these things will make you weak!! I don't know how long it took, the cabin was kicked away again. This time, the light outside was much darker, and it seemed to be night.

I sat up straight, and then looked at the two crew members who broke in, one with a gun and the other with a flashlight in his hand.

It was dark in the cabin, but the two people took flashlights and shone back and went to the crowd lying on the floor, as if they were looking for something.

They searched very carefully, almost alone, and finally found me. The light beam of the flashlight only shook on my face. I felt very dazzling, and I twisted my face like a reflex.

I feel a little vague in front of me.

At this time, I heard a crew member cheering. The two of them immediately surrounded the woman not far from me, and then they put down their flashlight and immediately rushed to her.

The woman screamed.

struggled twice, but the two crew members raised their feet one by one and their shoulders. They abruptly lifted her up and went out.

The woman kicked and bit, and suddenly shouted, "I paid for it!" I paid for it!!!" It's Chinese!! She speaks Chinese!! Moreover, although her voice was hoarse, she opened her mouth.

I still recognize it! It's Xiaofeng! It's Xiaofeng! I was stunned and watched the two crew members carry Xiaofeng out. I stood up instinctively and shouted something. One of the crew members simply carried Xiaofeng on his shoulder.

The other one picked up the gun and scared the others.

The people on the ground moved away one after another.

I saw Xiaofeng hissing, "I paid for it", and then she was taken out by the two of them.

Without hesitation, I immediately rushed to them. The guy behind me saw me rushing over and immediately hit me with a butt.

I instinctively raised my hand to block it, but at this time, my physical strength was far worse than usual, which made me stagger one by one, and then two people rushed into the outside of the cabin. Around me, I began to punch and kick, and I resisted in all sides.

Just as he was about to stand up, he suddenly felt a cold on his forehead and immediately stopped moving... A barrel against my forehead, and then I saw a murderous face looking at me.

At that moment, I thought I might be dead, so I simply closed my eyes.

But then, the barrel moved away, and the man kicked me away.

Then several people left the cabin.

After the door closed, the surroundings fell into darkness again.

This change made me a little confused. I slowly returned to the corner and recalled the details after getting on the ship... Xiaofeng was also on this ship? After the pyramid scheme den was taken out that day... Well, she must have been tracked down in China, and then she came out to run away.

I don't know how long it took, the hatch opened, and then a man staggered in, and then crawled in under the eyes of everyone.

is Xiaofeng.

She struggled to walk inside. Before the hatch behind her closed, there were a few men's obscene laughter.

Then the light of the moment before the hatch was closed, I faintly saw that Xiaofeng's face was cold, and her clothes were a little shabby.

She slowly walked to the corner of the wall, sat down silently, and buried her head with her knees in her hands.

She was very close to me. I looked at her for a while before she said, "Xiaofeng, is that you?" It's me."

She raised her head. In the dark, she seemed to be facing me, but I couldn't see her face: "You are Xiaowu. I recognized you a long time ago. I recognized you when you came in and sat next to me."

Her voice was very calm, and there was something indescribable despair in it.

I was silent for a while: "You...are you all right?"

"It's okay!" She suddenly smiled, a little nervously: "What can I do?"

After a while, I hesitated for a moment and asked, "They took you out..." Xiaofeng immediately said coldly, "Do you still need to ask?" She laughed louder and louder, and then said to me in cold words, "A group of men grabbed me and a woman. Guess what they did to me?" I am silent.

Xiaofeng took a deep breath. There was a crying voice in her voice, but she still smiled desperately. She cried and laughed at the same time, saying crazily, "What am I afraid of! What am I afraid of! I used to do that! What am I afraid of this kind of thing? It's not that I haven't been sex with a man! But just think of it as not collecting money this time! What am I afraid of! ...I...what am I afraid of...what!!" The more she said, the more she cried, and finally buried her head deep under her knees.

I felt her body seemed to be trembling.

Frankly, I don't like this woman, and I can even say that I hate her very much.

I don't have much pity and sympathy for her... But now I have a strange feeling in my heart... a very, very strange feeling.

Looking at her, I really think she is very pitiful.

This is not pity or sympathy.

I just feel that she is very pitiful!! Xiaofeng cried for a while and suddenly wiped away her tears.

I whispered to myself, "Xiao Wu...you..." "What?" I spoke calmly.

"Do you have any water?"

In the dark, her voice trembled a little: "I'm in pain... I want to wash it."

Without hesitation, I slowly took out a bottle of water from my bag and handed it over silently.

Then he turned around and stopped looking at her.

I know very well that in this case, water is very precious! Because I don't know how long I have to stay on this ship!! But Xiaofeng made this request, and I didn't refuse it.

I don't know how long it took to turn around. Xiaofeng said behind me, "Thank you."

Her voice calmed down.

There was no wave at all, as if the previous thing had not happened at all.

The two of us sat in the corner, but we didn't talk or talk anymore.

A strange atmosphere.

At the end of the mountain, it is clear that two people know each other.

And it is very familiar. In this case, we didn't talk or talk, but chose to keep silent.

But I am clearly aware of it.

After that, the door opens every time.

Xiaofeng began to tremble. She seemed to be frightened, and then she tried her best to shrink inside.

But then the people outside didn't come in to find her again. Every time they just opened the hatch to deliver food and water.

I can't tell the time, but I just feel that it's getting colder and colder here day by day.

Xiaofeng is still coughing, coughing worse and worse every day.

But there is an acquaintance around me.

It's still good.

I finally have time to go to bed.

When I was sleeping, she was awake. We didn't say anything, but we tacitly distinguished the time to rest, so as to avoid the bastards in the cabin attacking me when I was asleep.

Boom!! I woke up in my sleep and only felt that the body of the boat shook violently, and then it was full of exclamations! Then I heard the door outside was slaid open, and several crew members came in and shouted with guns.

Then I saw the people in the cabin crowded out and ran out, but then I heard a few gunshots, and the crowd screamed in fear.

The crew rushed in and kicked us away.

I pulled up Xiaofeng and felt that her hands were cold, and then we walked out of the crowd.

As soon as I went out, I felt a shiver. It was very cold outside and windy.

But there is a vast sea around, and I can't see the land at all.

We were driven to the bow of the ship, and we saw that the crew on the deck were busy. The black man looked ferocious and impatient, and commanded the crew to drive us to the edge of the ship! At this time, with a bang! Ten meters to the left side of the hull, a wave broke out of the sea, and I clearly heard it. It seemed to be the sound of gunfire! I immediately looked back and saw a boat behind in the distance on the horizon of the sea! And the outline can be faintly seen, with the national flag hanging on it and the sound of a sharp whistle.

The crew surrounded us, and I shouted, "What's going on! What's going on!" Xiaofeng's face was full of panic and her body trembled.

At this time, the black man was standing not far in front of me, pointing to the person at the front of the crowd, and then signaling something.

I see... He asked us to jump into the sea! The man in front of him obviously understood what he meant, but who dared to jump down to the vast sea? The black man did not hesitate to shoot him in the head! Bang!! The man carried a blood arrow and fell straight like the sea.

The crowd immediately seemed to be a frightened flock, and it was chaotic! The crew shot and killed two more people, but the crowd was in a mess, and they seemed to be a little uncontrollable. I immediately pulled Xiaofeng behind the deck and heard the continuous gunfire behind me. I saw a crew member head-on, immediately punched him on the head, put him down, and then picked up his gun.

At this time, I saw a lifebuoy hanging on the wall, grabbed it and put it on Xiaofeng's neck.

The crowd behind has begun to scream, the sound of gunfire is dense, and fewer and fewer people are shouting.

Xiaofeng and I hid behind a wooden barrel and watched the guys kill the stowaways and the bodies quickly thrown into the sea.

I know what I have to do now! I gritted my teeth and pushed Xiaofeng down to the edge of the boat and quickly said to her, "Everyone has their own destiny!" Then push her from the deck into the sea.

Xiaofeng exclaimed, and the lifebuoy around her neck fell down.

That's all I can do. As for whether she can escape this disaster, I can do it.

At least I gave her the only life buoy! The armor was still noisy, but as soon as the two of us showed up, someone immediately saw us. I heard a gunshot beside me, and I immediately fell down. Then I pulled the trigger in my hand, and the bullet blindly swept over! I turned up, and then the cat's waist rushed to the other side.

My goal is obvious! I saw the black man standing side by side with two crew members! Almost in an instant, I rushed over from one side and hugged the black man, and then in the exclamation of the crowd, the two of us hugged and fell into the sea... Plop!! The splash splashed around, and the sea squeezed me in all directions, cold and piercing! The black man was struggling from the beginning, but the moment I held him, I reached out and held the dagger stuck in his waist and pulled it out quickly.

I twisted his waist and shoulders behind me, and he struggled desperately in the water. I knew that my water quality must be far worse than his.

So I scratched his neck fiercely with the pulled out dagger at the first time! There was no sound... In the sea, my ears were flooded, and I could hear any sound at all.

I let go of him, and then moved away little by little. I clearly saw a stream of blood coming out of his neck and dyed the sea water. He was still struggling. He covered his neck with his hands, as if he wanted to stay desperately. I had leaned over again, put the dagger against his back, and then poked it in! Under the washing of the sea, he has turned his face, and the originally ferocious face is now full of fear and despair.

Those eyes were staring at me.

I suddenly smiled at him, and then pressed his shoulder and pressed him down on the bottom of the sea.

He has stopped struggling, his body is stiff, and then sank little by little in front of me... Looking at him, I said silently in my heart: I said, I will kill you!