evil spirit

Chapter 157 Favorite in this life

Chapter 157 [Favorite in This Life]

The FBI agent who pretended to be a photojournalist had a little sweat on his forehead, but he still disguised well and took the camera in his hand to shoot from several angles. In fact, I know that he is observing the terrain.

"All right, ladies and gentlemen." Ramucci clapped his last palm and smiled: "The following is my favorite part..."

He snapped his finger, and two men immediately came in from a door in the back.

At this moment, a flame in my heart rushed straight to my forehead!

The woman who was framed in is Yang Wei.

Her face is still flushed, short of breath and difficult, but she seems to be calm. It's just that she obviously has no strength and no resistance, allowing the two terrorists to carry her to the crowd. Yang Wei's beautiful face was indifferent, which was a real indifferent to everything around her.

"Gentlemen, ladies. This is the most ** part of this grand party tonight..."

Ramucci's intoxicated expression: "Beauty, and...death!"

As he raised his hands, all the crystal chandeliers were turned on in the hall that was a little dark! And all the lights that have not been damaged have been turned on! Even those spotlights shone on the gas metal jar in the middle.

The whole hall is illuminated by all kinds of colorful lights! Even Ramucci looked intoxicated, and the conductor turned on the stereo and played the music of John Strauss...

Yang Wei was taken to the middle like a martyr who was about to be burned to death. In front of the reporter's camera, Yang Wei's face was still very calm. Her only expression was to take a gentle look at Ramucci and then squeezed her lips.

"Let me introduce our heroine tonight." Lamucci stood beside Yang Wei and looked at the camera: "This is Miss Yang. I also found her name from tonight's guest list... Look, how beautiful she is. As he spoke, he gently grabbed a wisp of Yang Wei's beautiful hair with one hand, put it next to his nose to smell it, and then whispered, "This beautiful woman from the East, she is mysterious, noble, elegant, and has a strange temperament and charm."

"You..." Phil changed color slightly.

"Oh. What you are seeing now is the most ** part tonight. Lamucci said quietly, "Originally, regarding the selection of the heroine, I first considered choosing the highest-value female star in Hollywood at present. There are many movie queen-level celebrities here tonight... Unfortunately, none of those women in the end can make me pay attention to. They either cried or looked panicked.. But look at this Miss Yang... Oh, her expression is so perfect!"

From the perspective of my lying down now, I can kill this guy with one shot! But I know that if I kill him, it will detonate the poison gas, so I can't do that.

"Let me introduce it. Miss Yang, I saw it from her profile. She comes from the deep-rooted clover family... Well, this family should be quite famous in the United States... Oh. I'm really surprised that a young lady from the clover family has such beauty...and...courage!" Ramucci smiled evilly as if he came from hell: "Look, she still has that undisguised disdain in her eyes now... as if the expression before Joan of Arc was burned to death... It's perfect! All of this should really be filmed in the movie!"

Lamucci made a gentle gesture. His men held Yang Wei to the metal jar, and then tied Yang Wei to the metal jar with a chain. Several buckles were all locked. Yang Wei's body and wrist were locked, and the whole The man showed a large character shape and stood with a metal jar on his back.

"You...what do you want to do to her?" Phil's voice was so dry that she even forgot to pick up the microphone in her hand.

"It's very simple... a classic interpretation." Ramucci said lightly, "You see, I don't know how many people were burned to death in the Middle Ages. In front of the stakes in front of those religions, those chains were once burned blackened by the fireworks of history. Isn't all this tonight like a re-recurrent of that cruel scene? However, I don't use flames, but a more beautiful and charming killing weapon than flames.

He smiled at the camera: "Everyone in front of the camera, I now announce that from now on, within half an hour, if they can't agree to our request, I will detonate here... And the live broadcast will be the scene of the death of Miss Yang of the clover family! Look, she is so beautiful and indifferent. But when she struggles in the face of death, how much of her beauty can she retain?

I felt that my fingertips were trembling with anger!

Next, Ramucci made a strange move! He carefully selected a few pieces of diamond jewelry in the hall and all the glass cabinets. The diamond earrings, necklaces, brooches... were all worn by Yang Wei.

Then, it's like a small vest inlaid with countless diamonds... That was originally the most expensive treasure on display tonight. Just such a small vest is worth at least 60 million dollars!

Yang Wei, who hangs diamonds all over his body, looks like a goddess! She looked cold and calm, just quietly watching Lamucci wear everything for herself, and she even smiled contemptuously.

"Oh, look, our saint is smiling. What are you laughing at?" Ramucci said deliberately.

Yang Wei seemed to sigh and said lightly, "Oh, I just remembered that I seem to have never worn such expensive clothes and jewelry in my life."

A strange light flashed in Ramucci's eyes, and then he stepped back two steps and pointed to Phil: "Okay, Miss Phil, now you can interview. Let's interview our saint. Before she dies, I'll give it to you..." He looked at the time: "Two minutes."

After a pause, he smiled and said, "This interview can be released as a 'pre-sultation before the martyrdom' in the future, which must shock the world."

Phil's eyes were very complicated. She walked slowly to Yang Wei and whispered, "Yes, I'm sorry... Is it okay?"

"Yes." Yang said lightly.

I heard Phil's voice choked a little. She was a reporter. Looking at a person who was also a woman tied to a gas bomb so cruelly, she seemed to be a little sad: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you any questions. It's too cruel."

Yang Wei was silent for a few seconds, and then she suddenly said, "Oh, since you don't have any questions to ask me... So, can I ask you a question?"

"Oh? What?" Phil suddenly raised his head and said strangely.

"Well, I do have a problem, maybe you may know." Yang Wei said slowly, "You came up from below. What I want to ask is that not long ago, two people escaped from here and jumped from upstairs. I think they should not have died. One of the men is about a little older. In his twenties, short hair. Have you ever seen him? Is he safe now?"

Phil's body was shocked. She stared at Yang Wei. Yang Wei's face was calm and there was a shallow smile on the corners of her mouth.

"Well, I think both of them should be safe. Someone watched them walk out of the building under the escort of the police. After Phil finished answering, he looked at Yang Wei and said, "You can ask... those two... Well, the man you mentioned is yours..."

Yang Wei smiled comfortingly, and then closed her eyes. She seemed to be thinking about something. Then she opened her eyes, looked at Phil, and said slowly, "What you want to ask is... who he is me, right? That's the question you want to ask, right?

Then, without waiting for Phil to speak, Yang Wei suddenly smiled. At this moment, the smile on her face was sweet and gentle, and her voice was as soft as a spring breeze, as if muttering in a low voice: "He... He should be the person I love the most in my life."



My mind is in a mess! It seems that there are one hundred and eight thousand thunderbolts directly on my heavenly cover! Countless voices, countless voices, at the same time in my ears, in my mind, in my heart! I felt my heart trembling. It was really trembling, which made me almost collapse!

I almost bit my lips hard before I resisted myself and didn't make a sound! I felt that my lips were a little salty because it had been bitten out of blood.

Phil was probably shocked. She took a deep breath and said slowly, "Are you... afraid now?"

Yang Wei shook her head gently, and then she suddenly remembered something and looked at Phil: "Can you do me a favor?"

"...please say it."

"In a moment, you will leave here, right? The most regrettable thing in my life is that I didn't tell him in person. If you go out, please find him, and then please tell him the sentence I just said. All right?"