yu feng xing

Chapter 53: World League Meeting

The bamboo flute was only half an inch away from the fist, but it suddenly stopped.

The green wave-like bamboo shadow gathered on the bamboo flute, and the fist strength was like a long whale absorbing water. Back in their fists, the two were shaken by their respective anti-shock forces and jumped back a few steps.

"Good! This retreat is indeed the sea and sky! If the strong fight continues, it will only lead to both sides!" Chen Rufeng saw a beauty. Just now, the extremely sad momentum on the bamboo flute encountered the fierce fist of Ling Xiaoyu's fist. Yu Chuan was like holding a branch and hitting a strong wall. If he had to work hard, he would only break the branch. For Ling Xiaoyu, it is like a swollen cloth bag, and the other party's stab will make it burst.

The two sides stopped in time, and the river elegantly turned the bamboo flute back into their sleeves, and their eyes were sad. Ling Xiaoyu smiled brightly and hugged his fist and exclaimed admiration.

This is intended to test the strength of the Sichuan countercurrent. Seeing that he and Ling Xiaoyu are not superior, Chen Rufeng knew that he had added another fierce general under his command and was overjoyed.

Chuan touched his bangs with a bamboo flute, "This Ling Xiaoyu chivalrous man's kung fu is really good. Alas, poor me..."

Looking at the river's countercurrent and beginning to feel sorry for himself again, Chen Rufeng annoyedly asked him to shut up.

Calling Ding Yu, Ling Xiaoyu and Chuan against the current, Chen Rufeng said proudly, "From now on, you are the three heroes of my Tianfeng Gang. Um... Ding Yu has the title of 'blood gun', and the river countercurrent has the title of 'sad man', and Xiaoyu, you..."

Chen Rufeng thought for a moment, thinking about what name should be good for Ling Xiaoyu'an to add the prestige of "Three Heroes of Tianfeng". After reading for a long time, the inspiration finally flashed and blurted out: "It's called 'a fine gambler'!"

Ling Xiaoyu was stunned and grew long. "Why is their name so pleasant, but mine is so unpleasant?"

The "blood gun" and the "sad man" are indeed much better than this "ad gambler", but Chen Rufeng did it with his heart. Chen Rufeng raised his eyebrows cunningly and slowly explained, "You are easy to gamble. That day, you 'borrow' hundreds of taels from the warehouse. Do you think I really don't know where you spend?"

As soon as Ling Xiaoyu heard that Chen Rufeng caught his painful foot, he suddenly had to be obedient. His voice was as small as a mosquito fly, and muttered, "It's not so unpleasant."

Chen Rufeng snorted, "Calling 'disciple' is enough to give you face. Otherwise, I will give you the name of 'the gambler'.

Ling Xiaoyu's mind changed her mind. It was indeed that the "tu" sounded much better than the "ghost", so she had no choice but to accept this name.

As a result, the "Three Heroes of Tianfeng" was born today, with a bloody gun Ding Yu, a gambling ghost Ling Xiaoyu, and the sad son became a good hand in the Tianfeng Gang. Chen Rufeng forced them to practice hard day by day, and the rising sun began in the east until the sunset. As for other gangs, they are not allowed to slack off. They should step up their training and prepare for the World League.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it comes to the day of the World Alliance Conference.

At the foot of the mountains and rivers where the World League is located, many travelers have suddenly come in the past few days. The small village at the foot of the mountain is overcrowded for a while, and the inn is not full for a few days.

The convening of the World League will be greatly related to the entanglement of various complex interests and the prospects of various gangs in the world, which is a topic of concern to all people in the world.

Especially this time, the World Alliance will elect a new alliance leader to lead the whole world alliance.

The gang arrived one after another. Instead of lingering with the small village under the mountain, they climbed straight up and brought them into the site of the World Alliance, where there were houses for their accommodation.

Those who can live in the World League are all gangs belonging to the World League, all of whom have a good face, praising the eyes of those Jianghu people who live in small stacks in mountain villages.

A few hours before the convening of the World League, the Tianfeng Gang and his party have appeared at the foot of the mountain.

Chen Rufeng stopped and was followed by three heroes of Tianfeng, as well as Hu Jiuwei, Chai Yuanlang and Liu Hong, a total of seven people.

Looking at the vague cloudy world alliance in the high place, Chen Rufeng was full of fighting spirit and smiled galantly.

When he comes this time, he must take back the position of leader of the alliance.

In order to prove his strength to others, and more importantly, to show that person.

Thinking of the person who came with him for the first time that day, but now he is working for an old fox in Chang'an, Chen Rufeng can't help but feel a trace of displeasure in his heart.

Climbing to the top of the mountain is near noon.

Today's world alliance is different from the few people on that day. There are groups of disciples whispering or talking loudly on the terrace. It seems that their words are enough to determine the fate of the future.

Chen Rufeng and others walked into the world alliance and immediately attracted the attention of the people around them.

This rumored gang, which defeated the strong enemy and rose rapidly and was as famous as the three gangs, finally appeared.

Everyone wants to see what is special about this group of people. Although most people's eyes are focused on Chen Rufeng, they realize that the three people who follow Chen Rufeng are the most special.

It is normal for a man to hold his head high, his face is tight, and he holds a long gun in his hand. As for the other person, his eyelids beat and glanced around with a smile, as if he were plotting something, like a mouse ready to go out of the hole for food. And the young man in green robe looked sad and lightless, as if he had just encountered some great sadness.

In this way, Tianfeng Gang and his party passed through the strange eyes of everyone, passed through the terrace and went straight to the hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, he heard a bright laugh. Zegangyun strode over. Today, he was wearing a blue cloak. His whole spirit was extraordinary. He hadn't seen him for many days, but he felt that his temperament was better.

"Lord!" Chen Rufeng held his fist and nod first, and a group of people behind him quickly saluted as usual.

There are also a lot of people behind Ze Kunyun, including Ze Yu, Ye Guhong and Shen Xinyu. Zeyu saw Chen Rufeng smile and nodded to him with kindness. Although Ye Guhong looked cold, he also raised his hand and hugged Chen Rufeng. Shen Xinyu saw Chen Rufeng's excellent swordsmanship that day, and also greeted him politely.

"Master Chen is fine and looks good. It seems that the Qingshi Martial Arts Hall has not exhausted Master Chen, right?"

Seeing that Ze Kunyun was so enthusiastic, he must have told him about the competition between the two young men in the martial arts hall that day, which made Ze Kunyun more fond of Chen Rufeng.

Today, the elites of Qianjianmen have come out, and it seems that they attach great importance to this world alliance meeting.

"The body is OK! Thank you for your concern!" Chen Rufeng said politely and introduced Tianfeng's help to a group of people behind him. After a few words of greeting, the two sides took their seats one after another.

The hall is full of guest chairs, leaving only one avenue in the middle. The front row is the position of the leader of the world alliance gang. Today, Ze Kunyun is also the leader of the alliance and the master of Qianjianmen, so he has to sit in the front row on his behalf. Chen Rufeng sat next to Ze Yu. The two talked and laughed and exchanged their recent swordsmanship experience.

Behind Zeyu, Ye Guhong sat next to Shen Xinyu, and Shen Xinyu's face turned slightly red. Ze Yu was talking eagerly with Chen Rufeng sideways, and his eyes caught a glimpse of the two, although they had no words to communicate, the smile on their faces still faded a lot.

Except for Ling Xiaoyu, Tianfeng Sanjie behind Chen Rufeng is very calm. Ling Xiaoyu keeps teasing others, and even wants to teach Sichuan countercurrent and Ding Yu gambling skills, and talk about his experiences on the gambling table. Dante Yu just looked nervously at the door from time to time, as if waiting for someone to come. Chuan stroked his bamboo flute sadly against the current, and tears were about to flow. The two made Ling Xiaoyu bored, so he had to take out a few dice and throw them up and down.

A voice came from the door, and Ding Yu suddenly looked up, but the people who came were the Red Devil Altar. Ding Yu was silently relieved and felt a little relieved.

The leader of this group is not Lan Yuer or anyone else. Behind her are Jun Moxiao, Wen Zicheng and Gu brothers. Lan Yuer is still charming today, and her posture is hot and seductive. Where her slender legs pass by, she absorbs all the men's eyes. Only Ze Kunyun, who is very determined, can keep her mind and not be moved by her charm.

Chen Rufeng was surprised, so he did not pay much attention to Lan Yuer, but stared at Wen Zicheng behind her. As one of the four envoys of the Red Devil Altar, Wen Zicheng also accompanied Mei Zun to attend the world alliance meeting today. He greeted Chen Rufeng with his eyes, but a faint smile with an unpredictable meaning.

Seeing that Wen Zicheng followed Lan Yuer, Chen Rufeng finally became clear about Wen Zicheng's previous actions.

"It turned out that he was from the altar of the Red Devil. No wonder what he used that day was full of magic skills... So, the person who saved him that day was Jun Mo laughed?" Chen Rufeng turned his eyes to Jun Moxiao again, and Jun Moxiao nod to him to show his respect.

Lan Yuer also captured Chen Rufeng's eyes, and her expression was as kind as Jun Moxiao, as if she had seen an old friend from afar. Although Chen Rufeng was disgusted, he thought of the election of the alliance leader with relevant interests, so he had to put up with the disdainful hum. If he nodded as a reply.

Ze Kunyun came up. After all, the Red Devil Altar is also one of the giants of the world, and it should not be neglected. He politely joked, "Meizun's arrival has attracted the attention of so many people, but it really gloomys me as an alliance leader!"

Lan Yuer smiled charmingly, which made many men present fascinated. "The leader of the alliance is serious. Today, the protagonist of the alliance will be you. How dare I take away your limelight from the alliance leader?"

The two said a few more words, and Lan Yuer led the crowd to sit down. Originally, the world was a little shameless towards the demon sect such as the Red Devil Altar, but it was slow to realize that it was taken by Lan Yuer for a while. Now it gradually comes to remember that they all cast a look of contempt at the Red Devil Altar, but the other side of the Red Devil Altar does not pay attention to these people, but quietly waits for the beginning of the alliance.

Chen Rufeng suspiciously glanced at the Red Devil Altar and was worried. The Red Devil Altar had a notorious move in the past. Can he support himself to fight for the position of leader of the world's alliance?

When I frowned and thought about it, there were many more people outside the door.

Ding Yu heard a familiar voice, and this time he turned his head sweaty and stared at the group of people at the door.

Four gangs of Bixuexuan, Canyingge, Kunpengmen and Douri faction came together. Yuan Fan, Lu Qiyin, He Chengpiao and Liu Feilong walked into the hall with their disciples Zhuang Wenxiang, Ye Shengkui, Huang Ju and Li Tianfang, who had appeared in the Qingshiwu Hall. Ding Yu looked at Lu Qiyin, and his heart was in chaos. He was expelled from Bi Xuexuan that day. Now that goodbye, it is naturally difficult to taste.

The four gangs turned a blind eye to the heroes who had taken the seats and went straight to Ze Kangyun to greet them enthusiastically, as if they could show their nobleness. After pestering Ze Kunyun to say a few more words, they were willing to take their seats.

Lu Qiyin and Chen Rufeng looked at each other and had a convulsions on their faces. They had been unable to sleep by Chen Rufeng for days, and the gang business was greatly affected. Even though their faces were full of hypocrisy, they could not smile at Chen Rufeng.

"It's really you." Lu Zhiyin was also shocked when his eyes fell on Ding Yu.

Ding Yu is tongueless. After all, Lu Zhiyin is his former mentor. Today's meeting, everyone has stood on different fronts, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

"You are weak, no matter where you go, you are just a loser." Lu Qiyin sneered a few times and was about to sit down, but he heard Chen Rufeng laugh and refute:

"If so, isn't your apprentice inferior to the loser? I'm afraid he's not even as good as a pig. Poor his master, after teaching for so many years, he can only teach one pig. Chen Rufeng and Lu Chiyin also scolded. Lu Chiyin's face changed, but it was not easy to attack in front of so many people, so he had to bear his anger and stared at Chen Rufeng angrily.

The people around him sneered repeatedly, and even the other four gangs of Bi Xuexuan couldn't help laughing. Seeing Lu Qiyin's angry eyes swept away, they restrained.