
A Shen Capable Explorer Li Tairan

An Yanyan and Li Qi talked about her thoughts and added, "But if you really want to do this, you can't say that you have found this power very early as you said before, but it has not been announced to the public. If so, the other party will wonder why everything else he doesn't need has been announced, but this one he needs has not been announced.

Li Qi said, "If this is the case... what do we need to do to make it reasonable?"

An Yanyan said: "We need to find him in a normal way to find the power, so that the other party's explorer can also detect him, and then we will register a fake ability when we put the power into the file afterwards."

Li Qi said, "This is indeed a good idea, but if so, we need a capable explorer."

An Yanyan asked, "Wait, is there any detective who can detect the specific ability of a power? I remember Pang Weihao said at that time that he could see that the power of pupils was concentrated in his eyes.

Li Qi thought for a moment, and then turned over his mobile phone: "Let me check... Well, let me put it this way. Most of the explorers are not simple explorers. They generally have other abilities in addition to exploring the position of the powers in short distance. For example, Pang Weihao, he can know a strange Outside the position of the capable person, he can also know the parts and organs where his ability is concentrated. You see..." Li Qi turned a few pages on his touch screen mobile phone to show everyone, "Almost each of the 11 active explorers in the Dragon Group have different characteristics. Some can detect the strength of the power, some can measure the gender age of the power, and some have explored the range of more than 100 kilometers, plus a specific growth device. It can almost cover the whole country. You see, this person can see the number of a person's powers... There is no prospect who can directly know the specific functions of other people's powers.

An Yanyan said, "Since the dragon group doesn't have it, can we think that there is no opponent?"

Everyone was silent.

Li Qi said, "Basically, it should be right. Besides, the other party will get the most photos of the powers we find, and they won't let him see the real person."

An Yanyan clapped his hands: "Yes, that's what it means. What we showed each other is just a file about a power uncle who has just been discovered."

Yuan Yi interrupted and said, "Generally speaking, it will only be the eldest brother, not the uncle."


"The awakening of powers also has an age rule. Generally speaking, the first power awakens before the age of 30, and very few awakens after the age of 30, and most of them are awakened before the age of 30 and then discovered. If it is a second power, the number is too small, and there is no statistical law yet. Yuan Yi explained that she suddenly found that these people had too little information. Let's not talk about Liu Yuan, even if An Yanyan, a member of the martial arts alliance, lacked common sense about the powers.

An Yanyan nodded clearly: "It's okay, but the sensory contrast is not so obvious... So, Brother Li Qi, where can you find a detective?"

Li Qi said, "Where can I find it?" With that, he called out: "Hey, Team Leader Shi? Oh, I, Li Qi, right... No, you can't catch that man..." Speaking of this, Li Qi deliberately stood up and stayed away from everyone. "I now expect to rely on Dai Zhitong to lead him to take the bait... No, I didn't mean that, anyway... You can hand in this matter. Give it to me... I really don't underestimate the dragon group. This is a specialty in art, and I also need the help of the dragon group... Yes, if I want to arrest this person, I have to ask you for a capable explorer..."


A few days later, the Dragon Group designated the East China Martial Arts Alliance to send a capable explorer to Nanjing to listen to Li Qi's deployment.

At this time, everyone was enjoying lunch in the cafeteria of the five-star suite, and An Yanyan and Dai Zhitong were chatting while taking a trading table.

An Yanyan said to Dai Zhitong, "Will you stay with me for two more days!"

Dai Zhitong shook her head: "No, I've been away from home for so long that my parents are so anxious."

An Yanyan shouted, "You are a college student now, and you are not running away from home. What's the hurry?"

Dai Zhitong said, "My parents are not far away."

An Yanyan shook his finger: "No, why did people say that in the past? That's because people used to travel for a long time. From Guangzhou to Beijing, it took a year on the road. Of course, they shouldn't travel far. What about now? Travel all over the world in one day. According to time, it is not a long trip in ancient times.

Dai Zhitong said shyly, "I'm an only daughter, so I still want to spend more time with my parents."

An Yanyan was stunned, "Are you an only daughter?"

Because the two-child policy has gradually replaced the one-child policy, and the economic pressure is not so great that people are afraid to have children in some traditional developed countries, there are fewer and fewer only children in this era. Only a small number of families have only one child for some other reasons. Gradually, "only child" It has also become a slightly derogatory term, mainly because the children of some two-child families laugh at the only child for being too spoiled.

So Dai Zhitong is actually reluctant to admit that he is an only daughter.

But of course, An Yanyan will not laugh at Dai Zhitong. "Even if you are an only daughter, there is no need to do this. I think you video chat with your parents every day."

Dai Zhitong suddenly whispered, "Someone is looking at us."

"What's wrong? Who is watching? An Yanyan asked.

"Our right rear, a man."

"Alas! What's that?" An Yanyan said, "Our pupils are charming. Can't we attract bees to attract butterflies?"

Dai Zhitong shook his head: "No, ah, that man came over..."

An Yanyan said, "Are you going to talk to me?"

Dai Zhitong said nervously, "Take out my mobile phone..."

An Yanyan asked: "Stealth photography? Or do you want a phone call?

Dai Zhitong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's wrong?" An Yanyan didn't look back and didn't know what had happened, so he asked Dai Zhitong.

"He walked away and made a phone call." Dai Zhitong said.

An Yanyan said strangely, "Aren't you here to chat up? Why did you suddenly go to do something else? You're not fooling me, are you?"

Dai Zhitong pointed to his back: "If you don't believe it, you can see it yourself."

An Yanyan looked along Dai Zhitong's fingers and saw a man on the phone.

The man held his mobile phone and said, looking at Dai Zhitong from time to time. After a while, he hung up the phone and walked to the door of the restaurant, secretly staring at Dai Zhitong.

An Yanyan thought, "No, if you really want to talk to me, why don't you come here? How can it go further and further? Looking at his action, it's not so much to talk to him as to... monitor..."

After a while, Li Qi walked from his seat to the door of the restaurant and greeted the man. The man said a few words to Li Qi and pointed to An Yanyan and Dai Zhitong who were still standing side by side. Li Qi smiled. He came over and said to the two girls, "Two beautiful women, this handsome Brother, you have been a ism for a long time.

An Yanyan knew at a glance that the man had no evil intentions, so he shook his fingers: "I found out for a long time! No voyeur can escape the eyes of our pupils.

Dai Zhitong smiled shyly: "It's not that exaggerated."

Li Qixiao said, "Come on, let me introduce you to the two beautiful women. This handsome man is Mr. Li Tairan, the explorer I mentioned two days ago. These two are Miss An Yanyan and Miss Dai Zhitong.

An Yanyan suddenly found that Dai Zhitong was a supernatural person, so he paid so much attention to them.

Li Tairan stretched out his hand and shook hands with the two in turn, and kissed the back of the two women's hands: "Beautiful ladies, I would like to express my deep apologies for the unwitting peep just now. I wonder if the two ladies can forgive them?"

Dai Zhitong is not used to this very "elegant" way of speaking, and she doesn't know how to answer at all.

However, An Yanyan patted Li Tairan on the shoulder and said, "Forgive me! Of course I forgive you!"

Li Tairan was not embarrassed by An Yanyan's way of speaking, but still said "Elegantly": "Miss An's personality is like the stars in the night sky, which is beautiful and impossible, illuminating us ordinary people and talking to Miss An, which makes me feel that my soul has been refreshed and the whole person is refreshed. Maybe it's an illusion, but being able to listen to the teachings of the two ladies really makes me feel that I have opened the gap with my past self.

An Yanyan laughed and said, "I like your honesty!" Dai Zhitong felt that he had vomited all the gastric juice into the alveoli, then flowed to his heart, and swallowed it back into his stomach after circulating all over his body.

Obviously, Li Qi felt similar to her, and quickly stopped the conversation between the two: "Mr. Li hasn't eaten yet. Don't be hungry from afar."

Li Tairan smiled and said, "No, as the ancients said, beautiful and delicious. In front of the two beautiful ladies, they feel satisfied even if they don't eat for three days. The beauty of the two ladies is enough to make anyone forget the rest of their desires. Even if it is the most basic need for food, there will become nothing in front of the two ladies. It's important."

An Yanyan patted Dai Zhitong: "Pupil, do you hear me? He said he was going to eat you!"

Li Tairan took over An Yanyan's words: "Miss An is indeed a language expert. Her achievements in language art have been fascinated. An ordinary word 'eat' is actually a pun. Different understandings make the meaning of the whole sentence completely different. If it is expected, Miss An must be a Chinese university. Home, your talent shines into the hearts of everyone around you like the holy light of God.

Dai Zhitong squeezed out a sentence with difficulty for a long time: "I think... I'm... full..."

Li Tairan smiled so much that his eyes narrowed into a line: "Miss Dai has been praised. The way you praise men fully reflects your wise vision. If Miss An is a master of Sinology, you are the master of language. It is true that it is a little biased to describe a man with words such as beautiful food, which may be a difficult problem for others, but..." After a pause, "Your wording is very clever. Your brilliance is enough to be admired by the world. In order to thank you for your unparalleled praise to me, can I invite you to lunch in this noble and elegant cafeteria?

This time, even An Yanyan was embarrassed to pretend to be a rough nerve again, and Li Qi greeted Li Tairan with all four words of Tiangong in his heart: "Damn it! Speaking of whether you still want to eat, then the pile of words you just said is only for disgusting people!!!???"


"Next..." Li Qi turned to the electronic pen in his hand and said to everyone, "We need to wait for the news of Beijing. When they find a power near Nanjing - there is no need for age and gender restrictions - we will contact him. At that time, I will temporarily ask Team Leader Shi for a file entry authority to register his power as 'creation and change power', and then we will keep him.

An Yanyan said, "This time, if he doesn't show up, it only shows that he is still dissatisfied with this ability... Why do I think he has become our customer?"

Luo Binghong said, "The first half of the trap is to treat the opponent as his own customer."

An Yanyan patted the table: "Classic!" But he thought to himself, "This place is very beautiful, but he has no idea. He is not good at speaking. Typical is the symptoms that someone has brought but has not been taught. Who has taken her...? Liu Wei? Unlike, how long have they known each other... Forget it, it doesn't matter."

An Yanyan took back what he said just now: "If that's the case, then they are looking for someone who can't find anyone."

"What do you mean?"

"That means that they are looking for someone not to use a power, but to find a power with a power." An Yanyan thought for a moment, "Anyway, I need to see the results first."

Liu thought to think, "Sister Yanyan, it still doesn't work. It's still not meticulous enough. I'm really worried... Maybe there is another person who can use it...?"

Li Qi and his party were very lucky. Only a few days later, new powers appeared in Jiangsu.

"Go! Go to Taizhou," Li Qi greeted his group of younger brothers, "We have someone to use..."

Then everyone went to Taizhou City.

An Yanyan frowned secretly when he saw this situation: "Why didn't I find this team like this before..."


Nation narration: All the manuscripts have been used up... From tomorrow on, we have to code how many words and how many words. Hey, if it's less than 2,000 yuan a day, then there's only... break the update?