1875 I come from the future

Chapter 252gong hui and Social Security

[252]gong hui and Social Security

Qingdao Bicycle Factory,

After going to work at 8 o'clock in the morning,

The open space in front of the assembly workshop,

Yu Fakui, a young worker, stood on an upside-down wooden crate, holding a self-criticism in his hand and sadly read:

"...Because of my assembly error, the bearings of more than 20 permanent bicycles were deformed, and I almost brought significant economic losses to the factory. Fortunately, the comrades of the Quality Inspection Department found it in time...

... How did such a mistake occur? It was paralyzed in my mind, I didn't firmly remember Chairman Yao's teaching, and I didn't engrave the saying that quality is the life of the enterprise in my heart...

... I'm here to make a deep review, ensuring that I will never make similar mistakes in the future. Reviewer, Yu Fakui..."

This is the regular morning meeting of all factory workshops in 1878. In order to implement the modern enterprise management plan issued by the central government and regard quality as the life of the enterprise, all factories have established a regular morning meeting system for those employees who ignore quality to review it.

1878's factory does not have a lifetime system. Yao Fan does not want enterprises to be extremely bloated in the future. Each factory implements a contract system. However, considering the start-up of enterprises, it is stipulated that in the first five years of enterprise establishment, government-enterprises will not be separated. Five years later, government and enterprises will be separated, and the state will adopt a wholly-owned holding method for market-oriented operation, and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has also emerged.

In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises, Yao Fan stipulates that after all enterprises pay various insurances to their employees, in addition to pay taxes, one-third of the profits are handed over to the state as shareholder dividends, one-third as the provident fund for the future development of enterprises, and one-third are used to pay bonuses to the employees of the whole factory. The amount of the bonus is linked to the performance evaluation and management level of employees.

At the same time, Yao Fan adopted the trade union responsibility system. Except for the technical jobs and management positions that need the support of national ministries and commissions, the rest of the recruitment rights of the enterprise are the responsibility of the factory union elected by employees every year.

In this way, in order to ensure the amount of mid-year dividends, it is impossible for the factory union elected by the employees of the enterprise to recruit a large number of employees, because it will greatly dilute the profit dividends of the existing employees of the enterprise. In this way, it is enough to ensure that the enterprise will not be over the matter.

Yao Fan originally hoped to set a system for each enterprise to prevent people from floating, but he was worried about the exhaustion of external work in future generations and the pain of idleness in the establishment, so he finally decided to adopt the guild responsibility system.

Socialist enterprises should adopt the big guild system, and the guilds elected by the workers themselves can truly ensure the interests of workers.

Of course, the excessive expansion of the guild power is not conducive to the institutional progress and strict management of the enterprise, so Yao Fan only handed over the basic recruitment power of the enterprise to the guild for the time being.

also stipulates the ratio of the number of trade union representatives of each enterprise to the total number of employees of the enterprise, stipulates that the chairman and vice chairman of the association must be party members, and stipulates that more than half of the representatives of the enterprise association must be party members.

The dictatorship of the proletariat must be guaranteed by proletarian democracy.

proletarian democracy must be institutionalized and standardized.

Yao Fan plans that once the workers understand the union election, are familiar with the system operation of the guild, and understand how the guild participates in the operation and management of the enterprise, they will give the guild greater rights and allow the guild to participate more in the grass-roots management of the enterprise to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of workers will not be violated by the bureaucracy.

Yao Fan feels that as long as the interests of the working class can be guaranteed, even if enterprises pay a certain degree of damage to the interests and the speed of development, it is worth it.

Only the rich working class can provide a stable social foundation for the country, provide the children of well-educated working class, provide the next generation of talents under the dictatorship of the proletariat, and provide a market with strong purchasing power for the country's goods.

If the interests of workers are not guaranteed, continuously improved, and workers are not rich, how can they have a voice in society? So how can their children be well educated? How can their children be competitive in society? How can the dictatorship of the proletariat of this country not fall into the hands of the bureaucracy in the future? Under the dictatorship of the bureaucratic class, how can the social form not evolve towards the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie?

At present, as the roads in Weifangku District and all parts of Shandong are getting wider and wider, the loess pavement has been upgraded to cement pavement, and the railway line connecting Weifang and the whole country is gradually smooth. Cities along the main railway are developing rapidly, and various enterprises are building more and more.

Almost all the light industries transferred from the 21st century started from the assembly industry. Because the technical requirements for assembling originals are far lower than those of manufacturing parts, Yao Fan pays more attention to quality and requires enterprises to meet the highest standards from the beginning of assembly. For employees with poor craftsmanship, they are increasing training. After that, it has still not been improved, and it will be fired immediately after the contract expires!

After all, communist society has not yet arrived, and enterprises cannot raise fools and lazy people.

The dismissed employee can get a subsistence allowance from the civil affairs bureaus of various cities before finding a suitable career from the Social Employment Bureau, so there is no problem of starving to death. If you can't find a new job within half a year, and you are unwilling to accept the hard work arranged by the Social Employment Bureau (such as sweeping streets, opening sewers, building roads, emigrating to Northeast China, Xinjiang, Annan, agricultural reclamation, etc.), then the subsistence allowance will be cancelled, or even basic medical insurance will be cancelled.

The basic medical insurance provided by Yao Fan to citizens of the whole country is completely free, whether they are workers or farmers, whether urban residents are employed or not, everyone has a share.

In addition to some expensive drugs and surgeries, primary drugs for general consultation and treatment of minor diseases are distributed free of charge. There are strict regulations on the distribution of primary drugs. Only small paper bags are used to give patients three days at a time to prevent people from collecting drugs for private sale #smuggling abroad for profit. Strict legal punishment can also ensure that no one dares to take advantage of the public health system.

Yao Fan can't afford to provide all drugs and operations for free. At present, 1878 does not have this financial resources and so many medical staff. Non-free medical projects need to be realized by enterprises to purchase medical insurance for employees. As for farmers and non-employed people, they can only participate in social medical insurance at their own expense to cope with possible serious diseases.

Contrained by the level of social productivity, the country is unable to fully bear everyone's burden.

However, Yao Fan hopes that 30 years later, when China comes to the world, he can provide all Chinese citizens with a high welfare life similar to that of Germany and Northern Europe.

The premise of a happy life is to let the motherland rule the world, otherwise everything is empty talk. If even national security cannot be guaranteed, how can we talk about social welfare?