1875 I come from the future

Chapter 253 Shipbuilding Competition

[253] Shipbuilding Competition

Watching China push all the way to Annan Saigon.

The French colonial infantry were killed with blood and collapsed.

Due to the continuous defeats in previous naval battles, the British Admiralty has issued a strict order to prohibit the Royal Navy from launching any form of attack on China before finding out the secret weapons of the Chinese navy.

Britain and France are anxious at the time being. After uniting Germany and Austria put pressure on Russia, Britain decided to support Japan's rise to deal with China's strength.

After consulting with the Japanese ambassador to the United Kingdom, the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs quickly approved a loan to Japan for the construction of four ironclad ships and train crew for Japan in the British mainland.

Once this news was disclosed in the newspaper, it was simply a stage play against the loan news just released by China to Russia.

Yao Fan admired the reaction speed of the British.

Some people say that the greatest thing about Britain is not the establishment of the sunless empire, but the elegance, calmness and order he showed in the decline of the sunless empire, without too much anger and hysteria.

But Yao Fan thinks this is bullshit. As a world financial center with international bankers and the number one troublemaker in continental Europe, Britain's elegance is helpless.

When the Jewish banking group transferred its strategic focus and assets to the United States, a bastard of the same breed as the United Kingdom, what else could Britain do besides the helpless pretending to be elegant in World War II? After all, the master behind the hegemony of the new world has not changed, and he is still a few Jewish bank families.

Yao Fan knows that the British will never give up. They are waiting for the opportunity. As long as they do not move the buffer zone of Thailand, they will not threaten Myanmar in the west of Thailand and Malaysia in the south of Thailand for the time being, and will not cause losses to India and South Asia in Britain.

As for France, Yao Fan directly ignored that this country, which hopes to revive by holding Britain, needs to seek more blessings.

Due to the successive destruction of the Royal Chinese Fleet and the Royal East India Fleet, the British Navy has felt great pressure, partly from the eagerness of European countries.

After the news that the Royal Navy was so hard hit by the young Chinese navy that the whole army was destroyed spread all over Europe, Germany launched a ship-building plan to build 22 new warships, 4 of which are main armored gunships, 6 cruisers and 12 fish # mine boats. Obviously, the excellent performance of the Chinese navy's fish # mine boat brigade makes the Germans feel that the fish # mine boat is an excellent small and large weapon.

Although funds were tight due to the 10th Russo-Turkish War, Russia decided to build 12 new ships in St. Petersburg in the Baltic Sea, including 2 armored iron warships, 2 cruisers and 8 fish # mine boats to supplement the fight against Ottoman Turkey in the Russo-Turkish War. The Black Sea Fleet is at a disadvantage. The existence of the Black Sea Fleet has always been a tragedy. Due to the restrictions of the Paris Peace Treaty, Russia could only maintain 10 small boats in the Black Sea. This restriction was not lifted until 1871, which also greatly delayed Russia's shipbuilding capacity in the Black Sea region.

With the support of Britain and France, the Ottoman Turkish navy has 22 armored iron ships and 82 non-armoured ships. If Russia hadn't made a bloody road with gray animals on land, the Russian Black Sea Fleet would not have been capable of rushing out of the Bosphorus Strait on its own. Realize Peter the Great's last wish to rush out of the Black Sea, not to mention competing with the British and French fleets.

In order to protect the victory fruit of the San Stefano Contract under the pressure of Britain, France, Germany and Austria, hold the right to go out of the Bosphorus Strait, so as to fulfill Peter the long-cherished wish, and at the same time ensure China's respect and dependence with strength, Russia can be said to go all out.

In order to ask the British to pressure Russia and compress the Russian navy in the Black Sea, Ottoman Turkey promised Cyprus to Britain, but the Russians did not accept it and did not let go in the pressure from Britain, France, Germany and Austria, so Ottoman Turkey did not hand over the island of Cyprus to Britain as in history, but The old one is in my hand.

Although France lost its trousers due to huge compensation in the Franco-Prussian War, it suffered the destruction of the Far East fleet and had to force its belt to start the shipbuilding plan and raise domestic taxes again.

Unsurprisingly, Jules Simon, the new prime minister, went out of the field soon after, and the seventh Prime Minister Broglie, but there was still a stir in China. A month later, the eighth Prime Minister de Rochebuel came to power, and there was still riots in China. A month later, the French Third Republic finally gave birth to the ninth president. Li, Jules Duffer.

This is the third time that Duffer has been prime minister since the birth of the French Third Republic in 1871. Duffer, who was laid off due to the failure of the Battle of Shanghai and the domestic economic depression, once again became prime minister. This is not surprising. For France under the bourgeois dictatorship, the prime minister is always around a few nobles and big capitalists supported by bankers.

Yao Fan felt that he could even recite one or even two prime ministers of France every year, and did not have to struggle to win over someone.

After the Franco-Prussian War, France has become a British puppet. Externally, it cannot challenge its century-old enemy Britain and its emerging enemy Germany. Of course, it cannot stabilize the mood of nationalists internally. Now it is even bullied by China. Being the French Prime Minister is really a kind of physical and mental torture.

From 1871 to 1940, the short-lived French Third Republic changed 87 prime ministers, such as royalists, republicans, left-wing socialist parties, far-right militarist forces, slippery moderates, etc. The debut is as lively as a theater.

Yao Fan knew that unless there were such earth-shaking changes in the world political landscape as World War II, Gallic chickens could not escape the palms of cattle and could only die by the international banking group of Jewish families based in Britain.

Although Yao Fan ignored France, he was still very concerned about Britain's actions.

Sure enough, Britain not only loaned Japan to build warships, but also accelerated its own shipbuilding plan in the face of European countries.

At the same time, Britain transferred five warships from the Atlantic Fleet, Arkinkelt, Belesl, Captain, West Crops and ** to the Royal Navy's Far East Pacific Fleet stationed in Malaya, and officially split the West Indies Fleet to make up for the destruction of the East India Fleet. The blank.

At this time, China, with the support of the 21st century, has 160 fish # mine boats and 16 fish # mine boat brigades!

In addition, the young Chinese navy is also equipped with 10 second-hand 037 hunting submarines. The main guns are two front and rear double 57mm naval guns, and the close defense guns are two 61-1 double 25mm naval guns. The North Sea Fleet, as a naval incubator, is also rapidly training and mastery of these 10 hunting submarines.