1875 I come from the future

Chapter 254 The First Shape of Greater China

[254] The first prototype of Greater China

With the capture of Saigon, the Annan Campaign ended in the early summer of 1878. Yao Fan canceled the establishment of the Wuhan Theater. Huang Huisheng, the former commander of the Wuhan Theater, and Zhang Congwu, the political commissar, were transferred to the commander and political commissar of the Saigon Theater.

Yao Fan pointed out in a message to all the leaders in the Saigon Theater:

Military victory is a good start. Annan's work at this stage is mainly national work.

National problems are difficult to solve and easy to solve. Look at the Lanzhou war zone, Yang Ping and Feng Renhou did a good job. After completely flattening the ruling class of the noble masters in the Hui people in the countryside, holding big cakes and salt, carrying lambs and milk #, beating gongs and drums to the military region to report the good news, thanking the military region for eliminating the mountains on their heads.

So I have repeatedly stressed that the essence of national problems is class problems; national #contradictions and conflicts ultimately come down to class struggle.

Only by letting the majority of ethnic minority proletarians understand that the culprit who caused their hunger and hardship is the aristocratic oppressors of their own nation, can the ethnic minority compatriots and Han compatriots truly stand together and jointly oppose their own ruling class.

The so-called national unity without class views can never be achieved!

The so-called special attributes of national problems are ultimately class contradictions.

Take the Lanzhou Theater as an example. They have now established the Agricultural Reclamation Construction Corps in Xinjiang, which has been welcomed by compatriots of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang. They sell fairly, selflessly teach scientific knowledge to compatriots of all ethnic groups, and sell agricultural tools and other industrial products to the people at low prices, which has truly won the hearts of the people.

Now the Uighus people, with the commanders of the military region, made a revolution in a village in Xinjiang, arrested those landlords, Master Bayi, and was shot on the same day, eliminated the old feudal aristocratic class, and established a proletarian village regime where the people are the masters of the country.

This is why we are supported by the people, because we are a proletarian party, which is integrated with the village regime of the proletariat. We and the old landlord ruling class in those areas can never pee in the same pot. Whether they oppose us or not, we will eliminate them, otherwise the work of ethnic minorities will not be carried out.

For Marxist parties, the national problem is a class problem, which can only be truly solved through class struggle.

The hope for one-sided national unity and ethnic friendship can only lead to the illusion of national cohesion. This illusion cannot stand the test of history.

Only by relying on the proletariat of all ethnic groups and jointly opposing the ruling classes within all ethnic groups can we truly realize great national unity based on the interests of the proletarian community. This is the only way for proletarian parties to solve national problems.

The Saigon Theater is composed of elite troops in the Wuhan Theater, Guangzhou Theater and Kunming Theater. I expect you to continue to carry forward the fine tradition of our army, take military politics, take land reform as a breakthrough, completely destroy the old feudal forces of Annan in the land reform, and thoroughly remove the reactionaries in all corners of society. Eliminate the bottom.

Yao Zaofan"

With the arrival of Yao Fan's message, there were also a large number of radios and publicity materials allocated by the central government to Annan Province.

Therefore, with the in-depth development of land reform in Annan, Chinese teaching has also begun, and the criticism to eliminate the internal ruling classes of various ethnic groups is also flourishing. All township governments are equipped with radios and batteries to listen to the broadcast of the Central People's Radio Station regularly every day.

Huang Huisheng, commander of the Saigon Theater Command, stood on the rostrum of the Thousand Cadres Conference in Saigon and constantly stressed to the microphone: "Chairman Yao taught us that revolution is not an invitation to dinner! You can't be gentle and frugal!

If I say do it, just do it thoroughly. Don't drag it down!

At present, the railways from Guangzhou to Saigon are in urgent need of manpower, which creates excellent conditions for the labor reform and education of prisoners. However, at present, some areas have not completed the target of catching reactionaries and criminals. Compared with those areas that have overfulfilled tasks, these cadres should be ashamed!

I emphasize again that by the end of the month, no matter which county or township can't complete the target, the local leading cadres will come to me to resign!"


Seeing that Annan dust settled, Yao Fan sent a secret message to Xiao Chukai, the commander of the Shenyang Theater and political commissar Deng Yuanling, asking them to immediately launch the long-prepared Dongfan return battle.

Xiao Chukai and Deng Yuanling immediately sent troops after receiving Yao Fan's telegram. In summer, it took only a week to attack the middle of the peninsula.

After successfully capturing the capital of the Eastern Fan, it took only one month to complete the military plan of abandoning the vassal and returning to the clan.

At this time, the local Tibetan delegation visited the factory in Beijing and met with Yao Fan for details. After detailed discussion, it also agreed to the revolutionary army to enter Tibet and agree to completely remove the private armed forces of the local manor owners in Tibet.

The prototype of a huge socialist country finally appeared in the East.

Mongolia in the north, Tsushima Strait in the east, Xinjiang in the west, Laos, Cambodia and Annan in the south.

With the grandeur of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the People's Revolutionary Army has successfully completed the order of the central deployment of the vassals to return to the center.

The whole Pacific region and even the whole world were stunned by the appetite of China.

The United States suddenly expressed its willingness to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China and develop friendly trade exchanges. Subsequently, Western powers such as Japan, Sweden and Denmark established formal diplomatic relations with China.

Yao Fan's abrupt use of guns, cannons and warships forced the West to recognize the existence of the People's Republic of China.

Since the completion of the abolition of the vassal and the return of the vassals (after the completion of the return of the vassals to the middle, the unified words of the propaganda mouth), Japan has become a mess in Japan.

China's rapid advance on the battlefields of Dongfan and Annan shows the unparalleled courage and combat effectiveness of the Chinese army. The annihilation of the British and French joint fleet at sea shows the bravery and invincible of the Chinese navy.

Faced with the dazzling light of the rising Chinese Republic in a series of military operations, Japan finally came to the mark. Mori, as the plenipotentiary representative of the Japanese emperor Meiji, finally agreed to the three opinions put forward by Li Hongzhang's previous representative Yao Fan, including compensation to China, the return of Ryukyu, and the abolition of the Jianghua Treaty.

So China and Japan officially established diplomatic relations.

After establishing an embassy in Tokyo, Chinese Ambassador to Japan He Ruzhang quickly followed the instructions of the central government and supported the Japanese Labor Party.

After the establishment of a national headquarters in Tokyo, the Japanese Labor Party immediately began to send young cadres to all over Japan to establish and develop local branches.

Due to China's pressure, the Meiji government can only order localities to strengthen the surveillance of the booming Labor Party and dare not take action for the time being.

In order to promote the development of the Japanese Labor Party, Yao Fan put on it the cloak of commercialization and used the import and export of foreign trade to provide funds and activities for Japanese workers.

Tokyo, Osaka, Sendai and Nagoya, Japanese workers continue to build stores run by internal party members, and unique goods from China are unimpeded in Japan.