Spring boudoir note

Chapter 328 Kidnapping

Fujian vision was not arranged by the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager thought it was true.

This vision is right in the heart of the emperor.

The courtiers may not feel it.

The imperial power originally needs several checks and balances, so that the monarchs and ministers can be harmonious.

As an emperor, he can check and balance his ministers, but he doesn't want to be counterbalanced by his ministers. He needs to do whatever he wants, so recently he feels bound and powerless.

According to the difference, the king of Luyang can help his enemy solve the predicament.

It suddenly came to the emperor's heart.

The emperor was very happy.

Compared with Gu Jinzhi, the government is more important.

By the tenth day of August, the early morning was finally settled. The wedding of King Luyang starts on August 15th to the day of the grand ceremony on the 10th day of September.

The Ministry of Ceremonies sent a decree to the Gu family.

One of Gu Jin's family members and Zhu Zhongjun knew about it.

Zhu Zhongjun was afraid that he would not understand the rules and made the mistake of Qianlan last time. He ran into the palace to ask about the wedding procedure.

He came back and said to Gu Jin: "From August 15th, accept the collection, make the book, make the bed, make the admonition, and then greet in person on the tenth day of September. In the meantime, every procedure needs a good day. It turns out that the so-called big marriage does not refer to a certain day, but to a certain period of time. The prince's wedding is really tedious.

Gu Jinzhi smiled.

She asked, "Have you said which day to make and issue the book?"

The prince's wedding is indeed a period of time.

There are too many programs to be completed in one day; and it can't be connected, because not every day is a good day. Each procedure needs to choose a date.

Generally, it takes half a month or a month to complete the wedding process.

The book was issued, that is, the emperor passed on the imperial edict and gave the title of Gu Jinzhi as Princess Luyang.

From the day of the book, Gu Jinzhi is the official princess...

August 15th.

A procedure after the collection is to issue the book.

The relationship between the book and the big wedding ceremony is equivalent to getting a marriage certificate in later generations is the same as holding a wedding.

Gu Jinzhi is more concerned about when the emperor will issue her a marriage certificate.

Her question made Zhu Zhongjun laugh: "You focus on the key questions. Issued on August 18. When the book is published, let's go to bed first, shall we?

"All right." Gu Jin's way.

Zhu Zhongjun laughed again.

He held Gu Jinzhi in his arms heavily.

Smelling the fragrance of rose dew in Gu Jin's hair, Zhu Zhongjun sighed, "I'm finally going to marry you!"

"Are you happy?" Gu Jinzhi took the opportunity to ask him.

Zhu Zhongjun laughed loudly again.

He didn't answer.

Gu Jinzhi lowered his eyes slightly and quietly snuggled in his arms without asking any more questions.

The two hugged each other quietly for a moment, and Zhu Zhongjun let go of Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi straightened his clothes.

"If I insert a digression, will it be disappointing?" Zhu Zhongjun asked.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Say it."

"Qianlan is gone." Zhu Zhongjun said, "Ning Xi messed up. According to my people, he doesn't seem to be pretending. He lost Qianlan and was so anxious. Did the Tan family take her away? I'm really afraid that there will be more twists and turns in the wedding..."

"That party will look for it." Gu Jin's way.

Zhu Zhongjun glanced at her and said, "I should be ready to marry you with all my heart. Wouldn't it be unlucky to be distracted to take care of other things?

His emphasis on this marriage made Gu Jinzhi's heart ripple.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "It's okay. You sent someone to find Qianlan for the wedding. It's good to be safe. Go and find her. Don't let people take advantage of the loopholes.

Zhu Zhongjun kissed her on the cheek: "Yes."

Then, he went out.

His lips fell warmly on Gu Jinzhi's face, as if a trace had been imprinted.

She silently took out her paper and ink, wrote down the Arabic numerals, and wrote a date.

Today is the tenth day of the first lunar month.

In another eight days, the emperor will make a book, and she can get the marriage certificate.

Gu Jinzhi didn't feel that he was looking forward to it.

It's just that the wedding date is always uncertain, which makes her panic. If it can be settled now, it will naturally come true.

Zhu Zhongjun went out and didn't come back until the evening.

Gu Jinzhi took him to the main hospital for dinner.

After the meal, everyone talked in one place.

The palace only said that it would be accepted on August 15, but it didn't say when it would be published. Song Pan'er was also very concerned about it. She only entered the palace today, so she asked him if he knew.

"It's August 18." Zhu Zhongjun answered truthfully.

Song Paner smiled and sighed softly in her heart.

"Your Majesty, according to the law, the vassal should live in the palace before and after marriage." Song Paner said, "When are you going to the palace?"

According to the law of Taizu, the foreign vassal king got married, and the wedding room was set up in the palace.

According to the rules, the vassal returned to Beijing three months before the marriage, lived in the palace for three months after marriage, and then returned to the vassal land.

Zhu Zhongjun smiled and said, "I told my mother that it will take more than half a month from entering the palace to welcoming Xiaoqi. I will stay outside for a few more days to accompany Xiaoqi. I didn't accept the expedition until August 15th, and I entered the palace on the 14th.

Song Pan'er sneered.

Even if the King of Luyang is good, he is so rude. He openly publicizes his love for Gu Jinzhi and does not avoid suspicion at all.

I'm afraid ordinary people will feel embarrassed.

Song Pan'er is very happy.

The daughter finally got a good man. Although she was reluctant to give up, she was still gratified.

"The Empress Dowager didn't say anything?" Song Paner asked, and Zhu Zhongjun smiled, "The mother said that Xiaoqi and I should get along well. It's too late for her to be happy. She told me not to be busy and wait until August 14 to enter the palace."

Gu Jinzhi coughed lightly on the side.

Song Pan'er laughed.

"It's the best thing for you two to be good." Song Pan'er said.

Gu Yanzhen also smiled.

He appreciates Zhu Zhongjun's straightforwardness.

Probably because Zhu Zhongjun likes him, he feels that Zhu Zhongjun's straightforwardness is very straightforward, rather than shameless.

Brother Xuan is not happy.

He is eleven years old and knows a lot about the world.

Gu Jinzhi is about to get married, and Brother Xuan is about to lose his sister, which is difficult for him to accept.

He doesn't like Zhu Zhongjun.


After talking for half a day, everyone got up and said goodbye.

Gu Yanzhen hasn't removed his clothes yet. He rested in the study of the outer courtyard and laid the straw mat.

Brother Xuan is also going to the outer court, and the father and son are on the same road.

Gu Yanzhen asked if he wanted to ask Zhu Zhongjun.

Zhu Zhongjun said, "My fan was left in Xiaoqi's yard in the daytime, and I went to get it..."

He wants to send Gu Jinzhi and talk to Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Yanzhen and Song Pan'er didn't break it.

Everyone got up and dispersed.

On the way, Gu Jinzhi said to Zhu Zhongjun, "You are outside. Obviously, you are busy looking for Qianlan, but you have made me as a shield. You always use me like this."

Zhu Zhongjun's words to her are no longer furious.

Since Gu Jinzhi took off his clothes and was willing to sleep with him last time, he believed that Gu Jinzhi fell in love with him.

Exactly the same words, it no longer sounds harsh, but like Gu Jinzhi's coquettishness.

Zhu Zhongjun's heart was slightly crisp and said, "Then I won't look for it. I'm here to accompany you."

Gu Jinzhi smiled and moved aside. After a little away from him, he laughed in a low voice and said, "Someone is following behind. It's nonsense. It's not serious."

Gu Jinzhi's maid followed behind him..

Wei Wei is a little girl. When she saw Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun's intimate behavior, she blushed.

Zhu Zhongjun restrained a lot and walked well.

He sent Gu Jinzhi to the yard and sat down slightly.

Gu Zhai was about to drop the key everywhere, and Zhu Zhongjun got up and said goodbye.

Thinking of Gu Jinzhi's voice, he clearly brought out a little coquettishness, and Zhu Zhongjun's heart was hot.

The corners of his eyes were full of laughter.

Gu Jinzhi returned to her yard, and the maids served her to change her clothes.

Zhilei helped her sort out the scattered green silk.

Gu Jinzhi sat in front of the dressing table and thought about the upcoming wedding. He was a little happy and smiled.

Nishang was coming in to serve. When he saw it, he couldn't help laughing.

Gu Jinzhi recovered and asked her, "What are you laughing at?"

"I watched the girl having fun alone..." Nishang laughed louder. "I'm afraid the girl is so happy that she can't sleep tonight."

Zhilei was also tired and laughed.

Gu Jinzhi couldn't help laughing and didn't refute.

She is in a good mood.

The dust settled, and there was less worry in my heart, so I was naturally happy.

"It's been almost four years since we got married." Gu Jin said, "It's natural to be happy to set a wedding date."

"Lying." Nishang smiled and said, "The girl is so happy because she wants to marry the prince. If it's someone else, do you have the same pleasure?"

Gu Jinzhi was stunned.

It took a moment for her to show a faint smile.

She doesn't like this kind of rhetoric very much.

But everyone around her thinks so.

"Whatever it is." Gu Jin's way.

After saying that, she got up and went to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Gu Jinzhi lay down and went to bed.

The sleep was a little shallow, and the voice of Rongnan sounded in Gu Jinzhi's ear.

I don't know if it's in my memory or in my dream.

Rongnan's voice is a little immature.

He lay behind the sofa, fell on Gu Jinzhi's shoulder, and said aggrievedly, "Mom, why doesn't Dad always come back for the Spring Festival? Does he have an aunt outside and doesn't want his mother and me?

At that time, Gu Jinzhi was really shocked.

How old is Rongnan, a six- or seven-year-old child.

Gu Jinzhi opened his mouth to explain.

She looked back and saw Rongnan when she grew up.

The tall and straight young man was put in plaster on his arms, his face and eyebrows were broken, and he stood there in embarrassment. He looked at Gu Jinzhi with tears in his eyes: "Mom, why do you have to marry him? If you marry a farmer, I don't blame you. Why do you have to marry him? I hate him so much. I'd rather I'm a wild.

Gu Jinzhi is like drowning and can't breathe.

She had difficulty breathing and reached out to hold Rongnan. Rongnan's figure was getting farther and farther away, as ethereal as a white shadow.

Gu Jinzhi wanted to call Rongnan's name, but something was blocked in his throat.

She tried her best to break free from this nightmare, but her eyelids seemed to weigh a lot.

The figure of his son's departure made Gu Jin's heart like a knife...

She stretched out her hand and wanted to pull the Rongnan who turned into a white shadow.

I can't lift my hand.

Okay, how can you fall into such a sad nightmare?

Gu Jin tried his best to pop up the word "Rongnan" in his mouth, which was low.

This struggle made her sweat all over.

She can't wake up.

Then, Rongnan, her adopted daughter Huai Nan, and her ex-boyfriend Qian Zhan were all in her dream, but no one was happy.

They are all questioning Gu Jinzhi: Why did they choose Zhu Zhongjun and give up on them...

Gu Jin can't answer one of his sentences.

She wanted to shout hard.

Finally, she struggled and finally woke up.

It feels very wrong.

She wanted to sit up, but found that she had no strength all over her body.

The brain is very clear.

Her eyes were covered by something, and her body was a little bumpy.

Gu Jin's heart suddenly cooled down: this is a kidnapping.

She was in the kidnapped carriage.

His eyes were blindfolded, his mouth was strangled by a rope, his hands and feet were tied tightly, and he could not move at all.

The carriage was so bumpy that it went out quickly.

Then, it suddenly stopped.

Someone is talking.

"Who is it?" Someone asked.

The driver jumped out of the carriage.

There were still people in the carriage. They quickly covered Gu Jinzhi's mouth and nose for fear that she would suddenly wake up and shout.

They did it carefully.

"Oh, is it Lord Zhang's carriage?" The outside humanity is "rely released."

What, Lord Zhang!

One of Gu Jin is motionless.

Before, she didn't sleep in her own room. Why did she go out of the city on the way to kidnapping the next moment?

In desperation, her body was soft, she didn't have any strength, and her hands and feet were tied to strong.

She was so excited that she couldn't figure out anything about it.

She knows her situation very well: she was drugged.

The drug ercstasy not only makes her weak, but also makes her brain run slower.

She couldn't help going to sleep again.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't restrain the effect of the medicine, and Gu Jinzhi fell asleep again.

Before losing consciousness, she thought, was this another terrible nightmare, or was she kidnapped in her own room?

If it's the latter, it's really terrible.

Who can break into her house and take her out in the middle of the night?

It's not even safe at home. What else is safe?

The second update, ask for the pink ticket. ( To be continued