Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 25 Crisis

"Query information, special space - reincarnation."

"Ding! The inheritor's current permission (I), permission review..."

"Permission review has been approved, questions have been submitted, and data integration is in progress!"

"Data integration has been completed."

"Reincarnation Space: Overview - Level (VIII), Origin (Insufficient Permission, Unavailable), Purpose (Insufficient Permission), Controller (Dominance? Distorted creation? Insufficient data, waiting to be supplemented, the number of stable heterogeneous channels (insufficient data), the number of special reincarnation warriors (insufficient data), the possibility of system penetration (insufficient permissions), evaluation (extremely dangerous). Association - the place of trial of the selected person, hidden identity infiltration possibility, individual task completion evaluation, and reward system agent exchange. Function - Significantly improve the strength of the selected person in a very short period of time, and greatly increase the possibility of obtaining divine items and standard energy. The degree of danger - the selected person cannot accurately evaluate, and the mortality rate of ordinary reincarnation fighters is 99%! Others - slightly (insufficient authority, insufficient information)

Thinking of the large number of insufficient permissions, insufficient information, and a normal standard mortality rate of 99.9% in his mind, Liu Yi took a deep breath.

He did not understand the existence of reincarnation space, and even had no similar conjecture about the memory of his previous life and the era of information explosion.

He can only see huge benefit feedback from huge risks, and there is no way to predict the exact size or even category of benefits.

Improve strength? System agent exchange?

As for the divinity and standard energy, most of them are needed by the system, and he didn't care too much.

He believes that an individual pays much more attention to this than himself, and there is no need to waste his energy on it.

In his memory, the previous life was completely a harmonious era with highly developed science and technology, and the Federal General Administration, the highest authority, claimed to have a perfect social framework.

Even before his accident, the topic of concern of more than 90% of the world's citizens was the declaration of a United Group on "entering the era of the universe within ten years".

And his life at that time, like most ordinary people, worked, ate and slept.

The types of work have been subdivided. They have learned from each other since childhood, and adults have their own duties. People's values are completely between creation and rest.

As for entertainment, it is directly classified as extravagant and corrupt behavior, and the tense and fulfilling social atmosphere basically can't accommodate those.

Biography, audio and video, story?

Except for documentary and education, there are no miscellaneous fantasy routines, and there is no public opinion that will cause social negative **.

Many non-literal records are rigid to the extreme, which is more boring than the routine of the imperial examination in this life.

All online circulation is accessible, all of which are academic related.

Only a few informal forums and some "restless elements" who are dissatisfied with society occasionally use a large number of words that are completely impossible for "normal people" to complain.

Of course, in Liu Yi's memory, his favorite browsing in his previous life was those informal private websites, nothing else, just leisure.

Perhaps the official recognition is that the only non-academic leisure project that has been preserved is music - the classical music released uniformly after the official strict control screening.

That was also his favorite in his previous life.

There is no doubt that this is also one of the reasons why he has not belonged to the previous birth since his awakening memory.

That kind of life may be taken for granted.

Once he leaves and enters another atmosphere, for example, even if he has been sharpened since childhood, no matter how he is in adversity, he will instinctively hate such a life comparable to a nourishing life, and even normal emotions are suppressed by the regime to the freezing point of mechanical blindness.

Who can make it clear that he often shows extremely indifferent emotions. Is it really just that the teacher teaches well?

Many things, many known conclusions, and their unknown inducements are often unbelievable and jaw-dropping.


"Ding! The reincarnation space beacon has been locked, the simulated mode has been generated, and the local surface reincarnation channel (No. 5937) has been successfully invaded, which has not attracted the attention of the VIII special space terminal!"

"Does the selected person start the reincarnation trial immediately?"

A small tea shop on the roadside is located at the intersection of official roads. There are only two or three travelers scattered in the tea shop, and the crooked tea tables are arranged randomly, which looks empty.

The boss, shopkeeper and second child is an obscene man in his thirties. He is really suitable for making some small business, and he looks cunning.

At this time, the shopkeeper was squatting weakly behind the dilapidated counter. It is said to be a counter, but it is actually just a shabby four-legged long table.

Except for Liu Yi, who occupied the door curtain, there was only one old and one young person.

The old man seemed to be blind. There was a pot of herbal tea and two piles of steamed buns on the table, leaning against a handful of Huqin. His companion is not the shy girl who always appears in the storytelling, but a real young man.

Obviously, these hardships that make a living by selling art are not always the same as the blueprint.

Liu Yi swept around and sat diagonally at the entrance, almost at a glance, regardless of the internal and external scenes.

In the distance, the branches stretched out, and several sparrows jumped weakly, just like a little stuffy in the teahouse. It seems that the hot sun may not be as dead darkness, but always brings a warm and surging breath of life.

Even if there is a sunshade on the top of his head, Liu Yi still feels that his bones are a little numb and tight.

Fortune, I met serious civilian farmers along the way, and unexpected pursuers came. Isn't it that he hasn't thought about walking on the mountain road? How can he stand the bones of Changpan?

It's not a matter of ten days and a half a month to drill into the mountains. If you get lost, especially in places you are not familiar with, you are likely to encounter poisonous insects and kill them. Supply is also a big problem.

The hunters who rely on the mountains and eat the mountains but only eat their own mountains. The hunters who are most familiar with the mountains dare not go deep into the strange old forest. In this world, there are too many unknown dangers, such as confusion, forbidden areas and stagnant water that even the master may not be clear, let alone Liu Yi.

As a half-teen, Liu Yi is actually very aware of the weight of himself and Changpan. There is no need to think about revenge in the short term, even with the assistance of a sudden mysterious system.

Following the official road and walking out of this mountainous world, even if you will encounter danger, at least it is much better than running around.

The danger on the official road is nothing more than the previous group of masked people in black. There is danger in the mountains, but it is hard to say. The foundation cultivation of the body does not sound weak. If you really meet a person, you can use it as a bird.

Moreover, Liu Yi is also calculating, and the other party may not dare to chase him so openly. And if they really go to the master, their goal will undoubtedly be much smaller. Which of those first-class and second-rate masters prefers his chicken ribs? It may not be in this mind to find out his existence. When the other party slaughtered the village, he did not think about what to investigate.

There may be nothing absolute, but for those masters who can threaten or even crush him, there will be no difference in him and where to run. If they think they are in the position of the decider, and the group of people are really determined to eradicate the grass, in the normal thinking mode, ordinary teenagers are more likely to panic and hide in the deep mountains, and it is really easy to arrange the mystery. In fact, the other party's master is likely to be assigned to a place that is difficult to search for control, rather than a grand road, which is called virtual reality.

As for the route Liu Yi is on now, a winding path to the pass, even if he really meets a pursuer, most of them will only be some. Their ability is limited and it is impossible to go deep into the mountains.

Liu Yi looked at Chang Pan eating and drinking while thinking about a slightly confused idea. Once again, it was confirmed that what he did was the most reasonable at present, and it was also the opposite. Liu Yi's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the system prompt in his mind!

"No! Don't start the reincarnation trial for the time being!"

Liu Yi held the tea bowl in one hand, his fingertips trembled slightly, and almost knocked over the tea.

I hurriedly concentrated on my thoughts and made it clear that I refused to carry out any damn reincarnation trials.

99% of the mortality rate, and it seems that half of the former inheritors died in the reincarnation battlefield. Although Liu Yi is in urgent need of strength, he is not hungry at the point of food.

Ten thousand steps back, he knows nothing about the special space and experience task. At least he has to wait for the "zero" to wake up and tell him the general precautions before he can see what the death battlefield is when he is well prepared.

Data can't prove everything, but when it shows despair almost perfectly in front of you, then the harvest becomes dispensable.

How can it be more dangerous than death? He has at least a half chance of escaping now, and those enemies have not paid attention to him at all.

Liu Yi did not see it. When he responded to the system in a panic, the old man at the table looked up in astonishment and his turbid eyes swept over.

Liu Yi forgot that many times the ridiculous stories in the words of storytellers come from reality. And he learned from the master and thought that he could accurately judge the strength of the target cultivation, how superficial he was in front of a real master.

What's more, too much combat training may have subconsciously ignored him. Not every kind of strength will be named power!

The strength of strength will more or less cause changes in temperament, and so will the magic. It is true that the aura can be keenly insighted, so what about other things?


Knowledge and experience is an invisible wealth, such as a large group of astrologers and feng shui masters supported by the Tang Dynasty. They do not have the legendary means similar to call for wind and rain, but their understanding of the essence of heaven and earth has reached its peak from the other hand.

They have even had a greater and imperceptible impact on the whole world and the historical process in the past.

They do not have the hidden habit of monks, nor do they have the awe of the creation of heaven. They have never directly controlled their behavior and thinking with the help of the magnificent and desperate power, which will be completely different from the so-called practitioners.

Since the death of the great astrologer and national master Xian Yunzi 13 years ago, Tang, known as the strongest empire in the Eastern Land Continent, the position of national teacher has been suspended for years. If it is a high position, of course, it has attracted many aliens to cove.

Aliens are not monks, and monks often claim to be immortals. Not to say whether they really have the means to be immortals. When they enter the world, they are indeed not very diligent. Maybe they do have their own desires, but most of them have nothing to do with secular regimes. Aliens are not. They are different, but they are still human. They can predict storms and even major events in the world. However, they adhere to the idea of entering the world and are more urgent than ordinary officials for the enthusiasm for regime change.

After the Jinluan Hall, there is a partial hall, which is exactly the place where successive emperors receive strangers.

Those Shinto things, even if everyone knows their existence, can eventually have an essential conflict with the imperial power. Therefore, don't look at the position of national teacher, and even enter the court without worship, and see the holy seat, the actual authority is not a little bit. In addition to the national teacher, the emperor gave away officials and real people, and even lacked the qualification to go to court with the minister.

No matter how many foreign scholars are treated by courtiers, even the emperor will be greatly respected in private. On the surface, it is still necessary to distinguish them from formal officials.

It is true that this cannot be said to be treated differently, let alone directly rebuke the evil country. Who dares to do that?

The first Tang Emperor, who announced this move, also gave a reason to be considerate of the high-level people, so that they would not be stained by worldly trivialities.

What's more, most of the aliens are not good at politics. Even if they are national teachers, they only listen when they go to the court. It's normal not to understand, and they are more happy to be speechless.

A foot has a long length, an inch has a short, one is a foreign minister, and the other is internal. When they get what they want, they don't care how much they lose.

The partial hall is magnificent, and the rare treasures inlaid on the four walls are enough to brighten the eyes of ordinary people.

A hundred feet wide, this palace is extremely luxuriously decorated. A candle burns and the room is clear. It is said that it is a partial hall. The scale is no worse than the main hall, and it is even extravagant, which shows that successive Tang emperors attach great importance to aliens.

In the center of the top is a pure gold dragon chair, and even the whole steps are carved with warm jade. I'm afraid it's not worthless.

At this time, sitting on it, a burly old man who seemed to be over 60 years old, with a bead curtain and a dragon robe added to his body. It was Liu Yu today!

It is true that this emperor's power is true, and he has no cultivation. He actually has an aura similar to a top master, which makes people breathless. But today, when you are over the age, how can you age to this point?

Only look at the banquets on both sides of the hall, straight to the end of the vine.

There are crisscrossing, and there are palace maids singing and dancing, which is a school of joy.

These royal alien offerings don't seem to feel all kinds of strange things in today's body, and they don't seem to be used to it.

And some indecent people during the banquet have even taken the opportunity to pull the attendants passing by along the way, and their hands are extremely unbearable.

Across a wall, the golden hall is solemn and empty, and there has never been such a situation that corrupts the royal deity.

Emperor Liu Yu is high, and he is even willing to watch the first people follow their nature and smile.

Common people often worship the palace as immortal officials and are not stained with the world. How can I understand the difference between these aliens and practitioners?

They are presumptuous, they are greedy, they are promiscuous, and they are barren.

This should not be the original image of a free and unrestrained alien. With other monks, the gap should not be so big.

But in fact, the alien worship of Tang is like this, but it is not passed down from the outside world.

At a high place, Liu Yu coughed twice, recruited the eunuchs under the stairs to his side, and whispered a few words.

After hearing this, the eunuch hurried down the steps and trotted to the first of the left seat and the only old man who could maintain his image.

He leaned over and whispered in the old man's ear, and the old man was surprised to pay attention to the God on the high platform.

Liu Yu raised his glass to him from afar, and then put on the bead curtain and drank it all.

The old man nodded to him. When everyone was addicted to wine and sex, he quietly left the table and followed the respectful eunuch to the small door in the dark.

Seeing this, Liu Yu on the high platform first apologized to the first middle-aged man on the right, and then left the table silently.

The departure of the emperor did not seem to attract much attention, which is completely different from the court.

In fact, it can still be seen that his departure has not really caused a little waves.

Many "high people" who had already buried the head of the female official's chest were impatient to tear off their clothes and rudely swept down the table for wine and food. I'm afraid that the tyrannical action would not discard the last layer of fig leaf.

At this time, he was not anxious. He stared coldly at the direction of Liu Yu's departure and rudely pushed away the dancer who was paralyzed and a little confused in his arms.

He scolded and got up, and several people on his side immediately stopped the carnival. After looking at each other coldly, he also followed.

Only others seem to be completely unaffected and enjoy themselves.


"Your Majesty, these scattered people are really outrageous, and they are getting more and more destructive!"

Gao Guan Laodao, who had just left the table, didn't know when he came to a secret room, and in front of him was a square table, but the opposite of the square table was so dark that he could not see the scene clearly.

This scene, which seems to be less than a long distance, has completely isolated the yin and yang, forming an absolute boundary between light and darkness.

The dim yellow and obscure light belt stops in the center of the stone square table.

The light and shadow sprinkled in the oblique are like a cruel knife, and like an invisible barrier, drawing life and death.

"Ha ha, sir, why do you care about these red tape? Even the emperor doesn't care. You don't have to be angry. A master always has a high temperament, which is free and easy. Don't mention the maid of honor, that is, it is saved by the emperor. Well, as long as they have the ability, I will provide for them and support them. It's a little decent, not tight, not tight.

There is an intermittent sound in the darkness, which seems to be close and extremely far away.

The old man curled his lips, but there was no rebuttal this time. Obviously, those who looked like rogue bandits are really not strawbags. Moreover, he just felt that those scattered people were harmful to the face and physique. As the best among the astrologers, he himself did not object to pleasure, if he could distinguish the occasion.

The old man no longer slandered those colleagues and showed concern.

"Your Majesty, you are getting deeper and deeper with that power now, which is not a good omen."

The Taoist's prophecy stopped. He dressed up as Taoism, which is not really a monk, and he has no compassion for the world. He was worried about Liu Yu, and he was more worried about his future.

yi ren cannot directly control the government, let alone command the generals, which does not mean that they have no power at hand.

Who can't form a party for personal gain?

And for power, the old man even sees it more clearly than others and goes further than his colleagues.

The picture is a little strange, as if he was talking to himself.

At the same time, this secret room under the side hall is inherently * gloomy.

Even the bright light behind it shines out an orange red, even illuminating objects, but there is no projection, dim and quiet, just like a underworld.

Half dark and half full of ink. After staying in such a place for a long time, the dry air will also become gloomy and chilling.

"Cough, it's okay. If it hadn't been for you, I would have died in those years. No matter what happens in the future, I will not hate you. I have promised.

The quiet voice stopped, and the old man did not answer, waiting for the following.

There are some chewing movements and a faint rotten smell in the dark.

Lao Dao frowned, turned his eyes aside, and stared at the smooth wall with some dullness.

"Ha ha, sir, do you think I can be cured if I really find that evil animal? The little beast has recently exposed his whereabouts. Unfortunately, my army can't arrive for a while. Can you still sense his position?"

When the old man heard the words, he finally recovered and raised his eyebrows, which seemed to be a little unhappy.

"Is it that Your Majesty can't believe me? If I can cure it, I will definitely cure it. As long as I find the introduction, there is no evil miasma in the world that I can't cure! Yi Tian changed his life, just like that! As for the child, it was his fault that he was deeply loved by the stars, and I practiced the astrology in the mountains. How could such obvious signs allow him to escape from the palm of his hand? As long as there is no one to make his own decision, I will guide him from afar, and the army will cover the situation and let him hide to the ends of the earth. There is no place to live!"

The Taoist's tone is determined, as if an outsider looks at the turtle in the urn and reveals his confidence everywhere.

May he was infected by his conceit, or hoped that he could get it at his fingertips, which excited Liu Yu.

The voice in the dark became particularly soft and cold.

"Hey, sir, don't worry, I believe that there will be no one to disturb the situation this time! If it hadn't been for that man's contributions over the years, he would have been killed this time, and he would have dared to ask for credit and ask for Mr. Shenzhi for alchemy, it would be a delusion! If you do your best this time, Mr. Lai will contribute more. I will definitely be rewarded.


In the palace, the light in the afternoon is full of the unique sadness and beauty of the sunset glow.

In the royal garden, the ten-year-old green leaves of the lotus pond are covered with dewdrops, scattering colorful rainbows.

Seror female officials are leaning on the nine-qu pavilion to enjoy the sunset.

Suddenly, there is a heavy smell of mountain rain in the air, and the heavy pressure is not like an illusion.

The female officials couldn't help but panic and hurriedly bowed to the east.

Even the guards and eunuchs in a hurry far away also stopped at the same time and knelt down on the ground in panic.

"Biography! Zhao Yu, the head of the inner court, went to Xuande Hall to meet him!"

A thunderstorm in the nine days, the roaring and magnificent sound was directly suppressed, and the fierce smell of destruction and Lahi almost crushed the people in the forbidden palace to the ground!

At this moment, whether it is a lady's internal minister or a concubine, as long as she is within the scope of the forbidden palace, she will shudder and worship.

And until the sound disappeared for a long time, there seemed to be a domineering aftertaste in the air. They also dared not get up for a long time and kissed the earth for a long time...