Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 26 Take off the shackles

Wish to be a foreign agreement, and be wise

Everyone will say that Zhizhu is in hand, and the only way to win is to win.

But what is wisdom and how to describe that abstract thing clearly? It is hard to say.

If it is blamed on IQ, it may be desirable in some cases. But it's really ridiculous to be fooled on any occasion.

Abstract thinking is wisdom, rigorous logic is wisdom, perfect memory is wisdom, human insight or wisdom.

Some people once mapped wisdom into memory, such as wisdom. This is not enough.

Some people also regard the perfect way of thinking as wisdom, as if the perfect rational logic after removing emotional interference. Isn't this wise? Isn't it wise!

These are all wisdom, but not all of them.

Liu Yi was born with an unique memory, keen insight, calm mentality, and even occasionally see the spark of real wisdom in his eyes.

Liu Yi is very smart. As long as he is wrong, he is indeed very smart.

But it's not wisdom!

It is true that he can always grasp the status quo and protect himself, but he is not a qualified wise man.

A indifferent temperament, whether congenital or congenital, may be equivalent to having it for some creatures, which is equivalent to having considerable advantages. However, unless the absolute reason that completely erases emotions can be achieved, how much can this advantage bring?

On the contrary, is it possible that he really erases his feelings and only has reason to immediately replace the omnipotent god and ascend to the sky in one step?

It is difficult to prove that the gods have endless lives first. Because life is really long and boring, the vision is much higher than that of all sentient beings. Looking at everything such as dust, they have to give up unnecessary feelings.

Still, they really have absolute reason first and cut off the fetters of the dust. Then, on this basis, a perfect life form was established. In the end, he was able to transcend step by step, high above, in line with the Tao, and all in energy.

For mortals, this is unsolved.

Liu Yi does not know what kind of talent he has, nor how to use the real talent, let alone the difference between intelligence and wisdom. It is always difficult for people to recognize themselves.

He only uses his talent according to his instinct, just like 90% of ordinary people, without planning.

He always pays attention to changes in the external environment, but reduces this necessary vigilance when he is panicked.

He always pays attention to other people's words and deeds, every move, and observes the changes of others' expressions until he is fine. Even if you are around you and the people on the pillow, you should be vigilant and beware of turning into elbows.

So, when will he turn his eyes to himself?

Is the disaster of Xiao Wall man-made?

In fact, this is no longer about intelligence itself, whether the logic is rigorous or not, whether it is thoughtful or not.

More, it is a kind of experience and lack of knowledge.

As some science shows, no matter how perfect the perspective is, there is a blind spot in artificial holographic scanning.

It's not that you can't see it, but you see it, but you don't care about it.


At this time, there were only three or two people in the tea pavilion. The boss was dozed off, and the half-blind old man looked at Liu Yi unscrupulously.

The stout teenager next to the old man is like a dementia and a hungry Changpan, just stuffing steamed buns into his mouth.

Liu Yi is actually facing the old man, and his eyes have never been closed.

He lost his mind in an instant and responded to the system. The moment's consciousness vaguely connects the eye tattoo fragments with the memory of the previous moment, under his keen insight--

The old man lowered his head and drank tea.

His movements are like the age of wind candles and old age that make it difficult to serve a bowl of tea, but it seems to be a little different.

Liu Yi shook his head, put aside his ridiculous thoughts and picked up the steamed bread on the table.

In this small tea shop, steamed bread tastes bad, even a little gritty, but it's better than starving.

Liu Yi vaguely remembers that 70 or 80 miles along the road, there is a small town in front of him, and his name has been forgotten.

It's not far from 70 or 80 miles. If he wants to run at full speed, he can get there before evening.

But Changpan can't do it. His strength is better than ordinary people's little fat. The actual physical skills have not yet been successfully built. Such long-term exercise is bound to waste too much physical strength and become a burden in the next possible encounter.

When being chased, the most important thing is to avoid wasting energy and being in a hurry like a homeless dog. In that way, from body to spirit, it will produce fatigue and easy to make mistakes.

Liu Yi has never encountered a similar situation. If he is chased by a fierce beast, he is experienced and teaches by him.

When he swallowed more than half of the steamed bread and secretly suspected that the pursuing spy was inefficient.


A melodious sound of horses' hoofs came faintly, becoming clearer and clearer, from far to near.

Chang Pan swallowed the food with difficulty, his ears shrugged, and soon he also heard his feet.

He suddenly choked, his face turned red, and then spit out a mouthful of rags and coughed violently.

Liu Yi remained calm and only let the awakened boss clean up for the two. He changed seats and next to the old man selling art.

He signaled Chang Pan not to panic. The two of them changed their clothes and looked like ordinary princes traveling with a book boy.

Liu Yi is convinced that even if there are pursuers, most of them are "mysterious uninvited guests" who chase and kill seven people in black!

He was sure that those who saw him take action the night before were all dead. Even if the group of people in black learned the news of "the adopted son of the husband" from the villagers in the neighboring village and then coincidentally contacted themselves, it was impossible to get an accurate description of their body and appearance, not to put them alone the same picture of seabo*!

Most importantly, he did not feel that the group of people were well prepared for investigation in advance, otherwise the Master would not have known it.

When the incident happened suddenly, these four words did not favor each other, whether to their own side or the enemy.

He was only worried and at the same time thought about the cause of the matter. The cold arrow against the sky in the night brought up the blood rain bursting in the group of flying pheasers, which once made him admire and envied him, but now he thinks it is so dazzling.

That man is the only loophole, but if he is really so ruthless, shouldn't he have died earlier?

Liu Yi would not pin his hopes on the enemy's pity, so he silently cares about the thickness of the wooden wall of the tea pavilion, covering his head and thinking about it, and ignored Changpan, who was slightly trembling on the opposite side.


The charm of autumn fragrance is full of oranges. Early chrysanthemums, hazy rain in half of the city.

At the foot of the mountain, the county government office like a slaughterhouse has been cleaned up by a large number of government officials.

The perpetrator did not care about the political influence and sat down in the lobby, as if there was a solemn meeting.

Those servants who come and go near the county office are as fast as ordinary arrests.

In fact, they walk steadily one by one, with flexible eyes all around, full of spirit.

It is not difficult to imagine what kind of elite this should be.

It is not surprising that this level of government officials are haunted in the capital. But similar to a border town, it is suspected of stealing bells.

The whole town is shrouded in heavy rain and fog. The moist smell is soaked into the lungs with dusty wind, which is not a good smell, but it is undoubtedly much better than the smell of last night and this morning.

The whole town is quiet, quiet and even a little flimping. Even the drizzle hits the gravel in the corners of the eaves. The almost insignificant sound can also be accompanied by the crystal splashing and drifts far away.

Recently, a relatively regular border troops have been stationed dozens of miles away, and the faint pressure is not enough to scatter the sky, but it is indeed called this dead town, which is more dull.

The only active yi yi yi, like a restless ghost, fell to the ground without a sound.

The ** was transplanted in the yard in the afternoon, and failed to dispel the haze and sprinkle Jinhui for the county government.

At this time, the county government was sitting in a big man, the left captain of Yulongsi. Undoubtedly, whether in the capital or the world, he is a real big shot.

But when the real masters in the world leave, some of them even lose the right to stay forever.

Silent lobby, silent deliberation, silent Cangming, can only silently wait for the belated flying eagle...

Cang Capricorn, is a coarse linen robe, with bare breasts.

He sat on the lower left of Cang Ming, next to the first seat, which shows Gao Long.

Only his strong bow through the clouds and the artifact to make achievements, but I don't know which one he was thrown to.

Cang Capricorn is smoking inferior dry smoke, as if there is no one around, and no one dares to ask.

The steaming smoke emitted the unpleasant smell and gradually spread out, covering him shallowly--

Cang Capricorn is also waiting in silence, silent and anxious.

In fact, there are still many scattered people in the world, and they are all heroic.

These people all greeted Cang Ming at the end of the lobby with a respectful smile.

Some of them participated in the hanging last night and had a lingering heart. Others didn't arrive before they received the invitation. At this time, they came and didn't want to leave, hoping to get some benefits. The court is broad enough and has always been generous.

As for those who leaned closer to the top seat during the discussion on the night before, no one asked about their where they went.

Cang Ming looked down at the crowd and swept the open door. The elegant courtyard view outside the house fully showed his huge power.

Human, material and financial resources.

As long as he is willing to enjoy and be an emperor at any time, why is he not satisfied?

Cang Ming swept the magnificent figure covered by smoke not far from his side, and couldn't help regretting his greed.

When the royal summons the birds to go and never return, when he sent a spy to chase the fish that had left the net and was ruthlessly killed by the sudden army, Cang Ming seemed to realize something and began to worry.

He just wants to take advantage of this credit to arrest and hang the imperial prisoners who have been running for more than ten years--

He knows very well what Liu Suifeng has committed, and some of them even make him unhappy today, which are recorded in secret files!

But he was involved in another storm, which made him completely confused and overwhelmed!

The letter eagle in the court flies extremely fast, traveling millions of miles a day. Even if there are no strange people who are whimsicious, they try to create the so-called "communication array" that appeared in ancient times. The military aircraft will not be delayed for too long.

The news spread fast enough, and the response came too slowly.

Why is it too late to see the reward that should have arrived early?

Why shouldn't the border troops come? At this moment, they will pay attention to the abandoned place and rush to defend!

Not long ago, on the mountain, the starry sky appeared. The scene was similar to the rumors that had been blocked.

Cang Capricorn is smoking dry smoke, and behind the smoke ring, the slightly red eyes look confused.

He remembered that the husband seemed to have promised to treat his daughter. Over the years, he also relied on that person's prescription and hanged his daughter's life.

Although the husband promised, why did he promise?

That's not a disease, the Master knows, how can he not know?

"That's not sick..."

Cang Capricorn mutters, low and inaudible.

The disease can always be cured, but it can only be continued with life-


The red clothes are sad and enchanting, like blood.

The people under the clothes are delicate and timid and indifferent.

Nameless mountains, stacked peaks. On the top of the mountain is a strange pine tree, which pokes out the branches lazily and faintly knots a few pine nuts.

The wind at the top of the mountain always blows fiercely.

The hunting is ringing, flying like a banner, which is the bright red clothes.

The red is too dazzling, more enchanting than the morning light of the bloody halo.

It was rendered by the bloody waterfall, with thousands of green silk scattered in disorder, faded its brilliance and disappeared from its shape--

Who's miss is so strong that even the mountains and tsunamis can't be extinguished.

The wind has stopped, and no matter how strong the wind is, there will always be a time to stop.

Even on the top of the mountain that should not have been flat, who can destroy such delicate and timid women?


The wind is reluctant, and the rain calls for parting under his feet.

She stepped on her shoes, swaying gently, looking into the distant sky, and unintentionally overlooking the sky and crying.

The soft little hand of white porcelain supports the trunk of the green and withered skin.

Will her palms sting faintly?

Swinging, swaying, swaying a red Luoyi, or a person wrapped in the blood curtain, a delicate body.

The wind stopped, but the blood wave did not stop.

It's just an ordinary red coat, an ordinary and windless red coat. Why does it remind me of a cruel blood flame?

Why, under the support of that scene, her back was messy under the red ribbon all over the sky, especially timid.

The light body stands with a crane, if it will fly without flying. The peppers are lush and fragrant, thin and fragrant.

There is Luo Shen in the world, and the words are sung.

He is the immortal Chanjuan, who climbs to the top and wants to step on the sky. How can a talented man in the world have a glimpse of the immortals?

The mud and lotus are not to be played with. The desperate situation is excellent, and there is no chance to see it from afar.

Those who love the country and the city are amazing at first sight, and goodbye is still comparable to the people of heaven.

How can the people on the top of the dangerous peak be comparable to that of heaven and man?

Her face loomed behind the ribbon of the spinning dance.

Bright teeth, bright eyes, cloud bun eyebrows, red lips are bright, magnificent and elegant.

It is as bright and touching, as beautiful as water, pure**. Why is there an indifferent expression, as if there is no one in the world?

That look is enough to break the heart of any man.

What cruelty can make a thin body and thin shoulders carry the weight of the sea of blood!

She is like a single dress and sinking in a bloody curtain, gathering all kinds of qualities, but her heart does not move.

Her eyes looked directly into the distant sky, where there was endless blue. Her eyes are deep, like a blue aria. She looked at the supreme on the back of the sky!

Her heart is so far away from the world. The heaviness of the sea of blood can't stop her a little.

So high and lonely. So beautiful, so sad.

Who is that feeling called missing?

"If one day, the knife breaks nine days, I will take you away."

"If there is such a day, when I ascend to the supreme position, I will definitely abandon my intention of killing and live up to your love!"

"Believe me, just like the past, just like you and I left the abyss hand in hand."

"Believe me, believe in a miracle, it will always be born, and its birth is right in front of you."


"Whose miracle... In front of whom..."

You left, and I always waited, carrying the heavy responsibility of reincarnation again and again, even if I carry a sea of blood, and live up to the oath of the past.

The green mountains are still the same, and the ancient pines are evergreen. The beautiful woman traveled far away, leaving a faint orchid breath.

Who would know that the lazy pine, hanging on its branches, is a famous "pine lotus" that moves the world. One son for thousands of years, one thousand years, one son falls, and prolongs its fate.

There are always many forbidden places in the world, which are unknown and do not know their source.

Legend has it that in some forbidden places, even if the real masters dare not easily step into it, if they are not careful, their souls will fly away.

Legend has it that such strange things can only grow in the most dangerous forbidden areas.

They are ripe for tens of millions of years, and they fall into the ground without a trace.

They can be used to continue longevity.

Even continue some dust that should have been broken long ago!


"Hehe, little fat~"

The sun outside the house begins to tilt, indicating that the middle sky will no longer hang high.

Liu Yi whispered softly, which was just so loud that Chang Pan could hear it.

Chang Pan raised his pale face doubtfully, perhaps choked or scared.

"Ha ha!"

Liu Yi suddenly laughed nervously.

He doesn't even know what the trembling tone represents.

Are you nervous? Excited? Or even at a loss.

Like him in the past ten years, he has always been sad.

Training, training, training.

In recent years, when the husband's control was a little wider, the consciousness of his previous life began to be in his mind.

Have he really been happy these years?

Liu Yi was stunned to find that his life was blank.

He is like a puppet, a thoughtful puppet who always wants to make some changes, but eventually achieves nothing.

He doesn't like that kind of peaceful life, or is he actually tired of boredom and is afraid of the piercing crisis hidden under calm?

Liu Yi himself can't figure it out, just like he can't tell whether he is more worried or excited at this moment.

He felt that the heart was oppressing and pressing hard, and the expansion of the blood vessels bulged in the meridians, stimulating power and rage!

Killing or killing beasts are completely different concepts.

Many people say that killing will lead to guilt, hesitation, or hesitation.

Liu Yi didn't know, but felt as if he had accidentally opened a shackle, which was already extremely unstable.

Listening to the horse's hoof getting closer and closer in his ear, he suddenly recalled the dull sound of stabbing the firewood knife into the human body, blooming sad and beautiful blood flowers.

He held the edge of the platform in one hand and the tea bowl in the other, with a trace of strange brilliance flowing in his deep eyes.

He unconsciously raised the corners of his lips and eyes, and buried his handsome face, sketching a strange smile!

"Is this the intention of killing..."

Liu Yi suddenly looked up and his face was calm.

He looked at Changpan faintly and didn't notice that the inconspicuous old man around him stared at him again.

"Little fat, I really want to kill now."

Chang Pan was stunned and stared at the familiar and strange face, but the picture of his parents falling into the pool of blood came to his mind.

He doesn't know the origin of the group of people in black and whether it really has something to do with the husband.

He didn't even understand why he wanted to run away. He didn't wake up until not long ago, guessing that there might be a pursuers.

His brain has not been working well. After practicing the general outline of Thunder, he seemed to be enlightened. Last night's change made him autistic and stupid.

He has never thought so much like Liu Yi, and until now, he doesn't know what to do tomorrow.

But somehow, when he touched Liu Yi's bright eyes, he suddenly hid the flames in the indifferent and calm depths.

The hatred and fierce resentment in my heart broke out!

"I... I also want to kill..."