Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 84 Traceability

"What a domineering fire!"

Liu Yi shouted in a low voice and suddenly shook his arm. A few fine light flashed by, and half of his burnt sleeves flew away.

The clothes are in wisps, and the face is black and red, which makes me lose any demeanor.

However, Liu Yi had no time to look around and carefully avoided the open space just now!

He thought that the moon was dark and the wind was high, and this swamp forest must be dancing wildly. Unexpectedly, half a ghost was not seen, and a nameless fire ignited on his body for no reason!

The fire is so abrupt that he hasn't found a reason yet.

Generally speaking, it seems that some specific positions will be lit as soon as they are wiped!

Thanks to the practice of breaking the empty knife formula, the spiritual idea is condensed into a knife, unparalleled sharpness, killing and tearing as you like.

Except for a small loss at the beginning and a slight burn on the back, although it looks awkward now, it has not been greatly damaged.

The disadvantages of this body have been revealed again, and the response is too slow.

Often he steps somewhere and finds the "trap" in advance, and there is no time to avoid it. The fire has ignited him!

As for the source, the keen perception of accidental capture seems to be a fist-sized spherical invisible object!

Over time, he even guessed that there was more than one invisible fireball around here, and most of them were moving!

In other words, other laws he found earlier, such as some fixed positions, are more likely to be ignited, and so on.

Xiao was like this, and he had to deliberately go around the ten-foot round projectile land, almost exhausted his forced cards, and he was embarrassed!

Strong spirit and extreme destruction, even in the face of evil spirits, with spiritual knife intentions, he believes that he is not powerless!

But this kind of method of imprisoning him in a limited range and then using elemental damage to local strikes is the right weakness!

The weak body immediately becomes a burden, directly restricting its own advantages!


Obviously, the crisis was predicted in advance, and the mental energy was cut off and hit the target. As a result, half of the hair was still burned!


The cracking sound of fireball came from his ear, and Liu Yi stared and sneered!

"Hey~the eighth!"

He wants to try how many invisible fireballs there are in this limited land to let him smash!

At the same time, Mo Qian, who was surrounded by bear monsters and zombies, suddenly spit out blood, and more than a dozen uncertain fireballs around him burst one by one!

The third-order spiritual energy is in decline. If it hadn't been for the protection of life, I'm afraid it would have been seriously injured long ago!

Talent spells are powerful and can exist steadily for a long time, such as the talent she is proficient in - Huoyuan Dance!

This spell, which integrates attack and defense, is based on the principle of fireball. It is specially developed for individuals after the basic spell model is specialized to a certain extent. It must be supported by personal talent, blood and soul.

In short, talent magic not only has particularity and stability, but also has an inevitable deep connection with the soul.

No need for energy consumption, instant release, powerful power, this is an unparalleled advantage of talent magic. As for weaknesses--

Before today, Mo Qian never thought that there was a weakness in talent magic!

The connection between magic and the soul is fundamentally to enhance the control of spells. Even if the magic fails and is lifted, it should not cause damage to itself.

However, she clearly noticed that the bursting fireballs seemed to be smashed by some unparalleled force. And as the fireball burst, the force even traced back to the source along the weak spiritual connection and tried to tear her soul directly!

If she has her own huge mana as support, she still has countless means to use!

However, now, the ontology is far away from dominating the space and unlocking part of the spiritual seal. At best, she is only a spiritualist who knows how to use spiritual power to guide the casting spells, not a mage in the true traditional sense!

Talent, especially this special talent that imprints the soul, is Mo Qian's biggest card.

But now, it has become a constraint and has to be used, which is really helpless!

I don't know how many bear-man zombies were burned, and the ground was full of burnt black remains!

If Mo Qian still doesn't understand that he has been tricked, it's too stupid!

In just a moment, she destroyed at least hundreds of dead spirits. But in this village, all the bear people, big and small, have seen less than a hundred bodies before!

"Escape! Must escape!"

Mo Qian gritted her teeth and quickly ran to the depths of the marsh forest.

Pop, light body, instant shadow!

The magic superimposed, clearly looking at the entrance of the village in front of him, but after 20 breaths, the last fireball exploded around him!


A circle of fire rings devoured all the physical objects within three feet, and the magnificent life energy was no longer hidden, consuming half of the life protection. The remaining natural power burst with the extinguishing of the fire ring, and the gloomy atmosphere suddenly became clear!


Mo Qian heard the wailing of some unknown creature around him and saw the strange scenery around him. It turned out that he had already run out of the village and was trapped in the dead woods!


She sneered and thought it was true.

Only then did you know that the surrounding high-level fantasy must be some kind of resentful trick. Only then did you use the power of talented magic to explode the power of natural life together. Sure enough, the most feared power of resentment is the holy light and life, which made her escape!

At this time, looking back, she could faintly see the outline of the bear village, and Liu Yi's figure flashed away in her heart.

Slightly hesitant, Mo Qian finally shook her head, sighed secretly, and walked alone to the depths of the dense forest!




Liu Yi could avoid an invisible fireball, and his spiritual thoughts were like a spur, but unfortunately, he failed to kill it!

However, the next moment, he suddenly felt a fierce force surging in, and then his whole body was lifted away and his eyebrows were burned clean!

If he hadn't turned his spirit into a compatriot to protect his body in advance, he would have been roasted to a mature duck at this moment.

Liu Yi knelt on the ground and vomited blood, and his internal organs were as painful as a knife!

"Twenty-eight knives, hit twelve!"

"Is there only twelve fireballs in total?"

Liu Yiqiang stood up and swaying in a certain direction. Sure enough, ten feet away, there was no barrier.

"Breaking?! No, not yet!"

The empty village made him understand that he had not left the dangerous place at all.

The confinement and invisible flame just now seemed to be just an appetizer.

He felt a little uneasy and always felt a little inappropriate.

Although the flame is not the most feared force of resentment, it has never heard that the dead can master such hot energy!

Especially resentful spirits, not to mention being afraid of flames, they are definitely not happy with open fire.

Liu Yi shook his head and walked to the entrance of the village.

However, soon, he had to change his mind!

The resentment spirit "Mo Qian" appeared in the field of vision again, which seemed a little embarrassed, but made the ferocious appearance more sad.

Near a hundred bear zombies came out of the muddy forest outside the village and gathered behind Mo Qian.

Originally, the big Loli was quite cute, but at this time, half of it was burned, half of it was blue and purple, with one of her eyes blind, and her two arms were hanging. On one arm, the wound is rotten and the bones can be seen deeply, and the other is more miserable, as if it was directly cut off by a sharp weapon, leaving only a trace of skin and flesh. The whole person is like a rag doll that is about to be torn and burned!

But she smiled and walked towards Liu Yi step by step.

"Doll, doll, doll, doll wants to eat mom, doll wants to eat dad, gurg~"

Liu Yi's eyes were calm and swept away the injury on Mo Qian's body with doubt!

Burning! Tear?!

He was surprised, looked down at his hands, and then looked at "Mo Qian" coldly. His spiritual thoughts turned into a knife and cut off his head!


The slightly bright knife light directly passed through "Mo Qian" and cut the zombies behind her in half, with a bang, and the wooden house at the entrance of the village was blown up!

"Immune attack?!"

Liu Yi was stunned. He clearly felt the smell of killing knife at the wound on Mo Qian's body!


He smiled coldly at Mo Qian. Although he still didn't know why it was injured, since he could cause harm to it, he was fearless!

Turning around and running towards the end of the village, Liu Yi decided to have fun with this "Mo Qian".

Looking at the burns on the ghost's body, thinking about the invisible fireballs I had encountered before!

Liu Yi could not be sure of his judgment, but when he walked out of the village, he no longer doubted!

Mo Qian climbed out of the mud awkwardly, turned pale, mobilized his spiritual energy, and angrily released a cold ice arrow, directly freezing a mud snake that rushed out of the mud into ice!

Damn mud snake! Damn mud!

Mo Qian's lips were purple. He thought he had escaped from the fantasy and was safe. He didn't want to get lost in the depths of the dry forest!

This damned dry forest is located in a swamp, and I don't know why the damn bear people like to settle down in such a damn environment.

Walking in the boundless wilderness, aimlessly, and occasionally seeing different scenes, of course, it will be comfortable. But this doesn't mean that if you fall into such a scene again, you can laugh!

I remember that when I entered the forest before, I looked at it from afar. Although the forest was big, it was not boundless.

Mo Qian trampled a mud crab to death, and the mud splashed randomly, dyeing the dirty princess skirt into ink.

She didn't care about decentness. She stamped the mud crab with a few feet to vent her dissatisfaction.

The luster of the mana shield on her body gradually faded, and Mo Qianshi smiled bitterly and held up the shield again.

Flame Shield is used to attack and defend, and the ice shield is both offensive and defensive, but the mana shield is the pure defense magic in the traditional spell model.

At the beginning, Mo Qian was too lazy to be so troublesome. As a result, there is a big opening on the back, which is the end.

Fortunately, there are antidotes and therapeutic agents, and this physical foundation is also poor. In game terms, the upper limit of health is low, and the effect is particularly good after taking the potion.


Another mud snake rushed from nowhere and slapped her hard!

The mana shield directly bounces away the mud snake, and then an ice arrow kills it.

Poor Mo Qian's body is weak and can't withstand the huge impulse at all. He almost staggers and sits down again!

In order to save mental strength, she has reduced the effect of the mana shield, and has been exempted from non-damage.

That is to say, if these muddy water are sprinkled, the shield will not be blocked, and the impact attached to the raid must also bear itself!

Mo Qian held a dead tree and laughed angrily.

She beat the tree trunk angrily, and the old tree's dead skin fell off a large area!

"Daw! Damn it!"

scolded angrily, and Mo Qian gradually faded away.

The dead tree that was beaten by her suddenly opened its eyes and peeped at her coldly!

"What is it!"

Liu Yi turned around and threw out a paper symbol. A small fire flashed, and a dead tree was blown into several pieces!

Walking slowly to the front of the tree, Liu Yi kicked the hollow tree trunk that had been kicked down and noticed that there was nothing unusual.

But he clearly felt some kind of sight peep!

Shaking his head, the black card that had never been thrown was hidden in the cuff and waiting to take action.

He took out a few cheap fire charms, blew up a few dead trees around him, and found that there was nothing abnormal again before leaving!

Liu Yi estimated the overstretched props without any concern.

Compared with the props that he didn't prepare much but got a ticket from Mo Qian, he cares more about his mental state!

According to ordinary ideas, there is no need to save mental strength. After all, it is recoverable, and props should be cherished. After all, they can only be used once.

However, he has a feeling that someone's will to monitor him has been killing his energy!

This speculation is not aimless. In this marsh forest that is obviously maliciously imprisoned, his mental recovery is much slower than usual!

Lost? It's ridiculous to get lost. He's not a fool!

Looking back at the "Mo Qian" who had not been chased, Liu Yi suddenly stopped and turned around and walked in the direction of coming!

His purpose is not to avoid that thing, but to fight with it! Since it is not ready to pursue, he can only turn back!

Fortunately, half a bottle of recovery medicine has been cured! Even the burned eyebrows have grown back!

After all, his biggest restriction is only his body, the biggest weakness, loopholes, and the easiest to make up for.

This means that some of the wartime constraints prevent him from exerting 100% of his combat effectiveness. But as long as he doesn't die, he can do it again and again before the recovery medicine runs out!

"This body is not like the body, how to cherish it. If there is a chance, it is not impossible to practice the Sunflower Treasure Book.

Thinking maliciously, Liu Yi actually laughed.

He is not willing to face the constant resentment for the time being, which does not mean that it is a soft persimmon, and anyone can pinch it!

In theory, there is no fixed form, and it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish.

However, with the condensed spiritual power, Liu Yi can clearly distinguish that the current one is a "new friend"!

Old friends, relying on the opportunity, suddenly became rich and turned against others.

New friends, since they are willing to joke with themselves, they should say hello, shouldn't they?

In Liu Yi's memory, he dominates the indoctrination, and I don't know a place in which is also called H City. People there like to call resentful ghosts as good brothers and good friends!

Liu Yi found that this was actually very interesting, indeed, a little interesting!

"No! Must turn back!"

I don't know how long it took, and it was estimated that at least seven or eight hours, Mo Qian suddenly remembered what Liu Yi said about the chaotic reasoning about time and space!

She felt that it was very unfounded. If the resentment could master the power of time and space, as a reincarnation of the enemy, there was no chance to resist.

The more powerful

itself is, the more you can experience the great power of time and space!

Mo Qian is a senior lone walker with her own circle. In her circle, most people are as strong as her, and they are naturally not qualified to contact the original rules.

But this does not prevent them from thinking about a good life after mastering various rules in their spare time.

There is no doubt that the rules of time are recognized as impossible to be in charge and the most powerful. And the rules of space are recognized as the most worthy of pursuit and the most popular.

It was also a preconceived concept that made her conclude that Liu Yi's speculation was pure nonsense.

But when I was in the small woods for seven or eight hours, I had to face the reality!

She has never left the first game!

"Fantasy, this must be a fantasy! But no matter what, we must go back and only go back to the original place can we break the game!"

Mo Qian thought like this and did not hesitate to give up the wasteland not far from her sight.

As early as five or six hours ago, she had seen the edge of the forest.

But until now, she can only look at Mei to quench her thirst!

A piece of paper symbol popped up, and a mud snake was frozen and cracked before it jumped up!

As a senior lone walker, Mo Qian may not be good at planning, and his combat strength is solid and strong, especially his combat instinct is like a beast!

If she still can't see through the camouflage, she is not qualified to wander around the world.

The only regret she regrets now is that she wakes up too late and has no mental strength!

"The mud snake immune to fire attacks?"

That thing is obviously draining her energy!

Spiritual power is not only an energy and strength, but also the most basic meaning of the strong. If the mental power is too low, even the speed of thinking and casting will slow down. And when you encounter a bigger crisis and have to burst into a strong fighting force with spiritual strength, I'm afraid that the whole person will be drowsy!

"Fantasy? Boil the eagle?"

Mo Qian poured the mana potion fiercely, wiped the corners of her mouth, and smiled.

"Fantasy? No!"

"This can't be a fantasy, at least it's not just a fantasy!"

Liu Yi said to himself and subconsciously threw out a few runes to blow up several dead trees around him that felt suspicious but were not suspicious.

"If it's just to consume the mental strength of the entrants and boil frogs in warm water, this method is a little old-fashioned."

"ordinary people will be confused by illusions, situations and pressures. In such situations, they will become more and more irritable and consume energy in vain, revealing fatal flaws until they die. I won't."

"So, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Or maybe I think you're too smart. You are just a resentment, and you don't have enough wisdom to support logical thinking, and the occasional conspiracy is just a remnant of superficial instinctive memory.

"Rules! I have found the first rule!"

"But if I have to find any rules to deal with a guy like you, what else can I do to fight with it!"

"A guy said that the reincarnation is in the world of reincarnation, and the biggest card is familiarity with the plot. What kind of luck and strength are all bullshit.

"I also thought that if someone is really lucky, no matter how big the crisis is, it is just an adjustment that can be solved by sneezing. If someone is strong enough to blow up the reincarnation with one punch, they still have to see the damn strategic layout!"

"Intelligence, strength, luck, one-sided prominance are all reckless. As long as you go to the extreme, you will return the same way!"

"Compared with the extreme of intelligence that makes people think crazy, the extreme of luck that can't be grasped or has no meaning at all, what I have been pursuing has always been the peak of strength!"

"Yes, the peak of power!"

"Break the evil, you are ready!"

Liu Yi laughed and suddenly pointed to a dead tree and scolded.

"Do you know that I have calculated so much, after all, it's just so that I don't have to waste my energy!"

"It turns out that the squander of brain power is only for the ultimate brainless wild, unreasonable and arbitrary qualification!"

"Compared with being better than you on the chess table, I always hope that when you think you are about to succeed, you will turn over the table fiercely, copy the chessboard and smash your ugly face!"

"Do you understand? Yes, you don't understand!"

He cursed at the dead tree crazily, and Liu Yi left happily.

The dead tree suddenly opened its eyes and looked at him silently. It was seven points malicious and inexplicable!


A knife fell smoothly and directly split the dead tree in half.

Liu Yi shook his body leisurely, and I don't know if he had found that the black turbid liquid leached and sprinkled all over the ground in the two tree trunk sections!