Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 85 Fragments


Where did the ghost howling come from?

Mo Qian looked ahead in consternation. This roar was more tragic than when she had burst out the residual energy of life protection and effectively attacked the evil spirits.

The exhausted figure suddenly came to her mind, and she felt that this idea was unrealistic.

But she has to admit that regardless of his identity, that man always makes people feel at ease. It seems to be an aura rooted in the origin of the soul and the charm of the leader.

The leader who rides on the servant's head?

Mo Qian seemed to have a ridiculous and exaggerated look in front of her, and she couldn't help but raised the corners of her lips, revealing two shallow dimples.

The bear village, standing in the middle of the village, was being quenched by a group of zombie guards, the evil spirits of resentment, and their half-scorched and half-blue forehead suddenly cracked, and a line of oil-black mucus flowed down!

The magnificent resentment erupted, and countless zombies were thrown away and exploded into corpses in the air!

The evil spirit has no pain, but the taste of tearing the soul is also unbearable.

When it traced this taste back to the low-level undead unit, the bear zombies that had not yet been blown away by resentment fell one by one!

The crack in the forehead continues to spread, as if to split it in half!

The evil spirit howled in pain, suddenly grabbed the repaired hands, grabbed the skin and flesh on both sides of the top of his head, and absolutely tore them down!

In the terrible scene, the whole piece was like Moqian's skin, glued to black blood and meat, and was stripped from the body by the roaring resentful creature and thrown away.

The flesh-and-blood human figure makes people feel more creepy.

The resentment could not breathe, and two knives suddenly spewed out of his eyes, and his eyes immediately exploded!

Wo! Oh!

The two knives between the tangible and intangible, twisting around the neck, and then stopped and dissipated in the air.

The resentful spirit fell to his knees, his neck was crooked, his head rolled aside, and his headless rotten body rushed forward!

I don't know how long it took, and a large number of scattered resentment spontaneously converged towards the body. The skinning devil suddenly stood upright, raised his hand, and his head spontaneously flew back to the palm of his hand and held it up. The other hand suddenly inserted into the chest and pulled out a black rhythmic heart. Then he put his head in one hand and his heart in the other, and slowly walked towards the end of the village!

In Zelin, Liu Yi pointed like a knife, and his fingertips swallowed.

This time, it is not only the faint flashing of spiritual power, but also vaguely revealing a chill!

The weak body is greatly strengthened, and in terms of strength alone, it is hardly as fragile as raw iron!

The heart has already stopped beating. Except that the brain is still active, his body is being driven by another core energy!

"Cold seed"! The cold seed that broke the seal from the broken empty knife in advance!

I don't know whether it is the natural change of the broken knife formula or the evil idea of breaking the divine knife. The cold species that should have been united with the knife actually left the knife body and implanted this body as the core of the heart!

The cold seed is beginning to rise, and the strength cannot be accommodated by this body that has never practiced, so it can only be barely tolerated by implanting the heart and improving the body strength.

It's troublesome to strengthen the basic physical quality, but there are many ways to improve the physical strength unilaterally!

Frozen body!

Liu Yi thought of a magic term to explain the transformation of the cold species to the body!

Anyway, this change is better than bad for him at present.

The only drawback is the inevitable weakness of the "cold seed" afterwards and the consumption of cold attribute energy.

Looking up, he felt the resentment that went straight to the sky not far away. Liu Yi, with white eyebrows, showed a smile in his heart.

Unfortunately, his facial muscles are stiff at this moment, and he feels like a frozen zombie for thousands of years, and he can't make any expression changes at all.

Fortunately, there is no need to learn from zombies to jump. Some important joints of body bones, as well as local muscles and cold species have been specially treated.

Liu Yi paced, seemingly slow and fast.

He can't wait to surprise the resentful spirit. This special space seems to allow the resentment spirit to be partially materialized, which not only makes the evil spirit stronger, but also gives greater restraint!

For example, if the resentment spirit that pestered him before, if it is still at the same level at the beginning of the plot, no matter how mysterious it is, it must cause greater and more deadly damage to the creatures in this world, but it may also be captured and destroyed!

Liu Yi can't give a reason for such speculation. However, in the face of facts, the reason is no longer important.

In less than a moment, Liu Yi had seen the end of the village and also saw the evil spirit and skinner who became more disgusting!

Liu Yi did not want to discriminate against it, and did not expect that a casual blow would produce such a good effect.

It's really the evil spirit. At this moment, it looks full of carrion and dripping black turbid liquid, which is also disgusting.

There was no nonsense. Liu Yi raised his hand and shot out a foot-long white knife, which directly stabbed the evil spirit.

My heart frowned, but the attack effect was so bad. Looking intently, Liu Yi suddenly appeared!

Even the thrust is not produced by the knife light itself, but by the cold wave that occurs when the knife light enters the village from outside the village!

The evil spirit stood at the end of the village again, holding his head with a strange smile in one hand.

It suddenly threw the beating heart of the other hand at Liu Yi, which was still in mid-air and had been twisted by the invisible knife!

Liu Yi was not surprised when he looked at the falling debris in front of him.

The resentment fell and sat down, and the resentment was nearly one-third weak, and the head was pressed under the buttocks, but it was still smiling!

In the strange scene, Liu Yi clearly felt the provocation of resentment.

He has long guessed that now he is more sure that this resentment can only exert the strongest lethal power in one mu of land!


Liu Yi strode forward!

The resentful spirit stood up in panic, and didn't know whether he was afraid of Liu Yi or scared him away, but he spontaneously retreated ten feet away.

Dozens of steps away, when Liu Yi stepped on the bear village again, with the bitter crying and laughing echoing in his ears, the surrounding scenery changed again and again!

The village is still the same village. The bodies of bears are lying on the ground, burning bonfires, and ashes surging in the wind.


Mo Qian was still in the woods. His intuition was dark, the scene changed, and he suddenly returned to the bear village.

What surprised her more was that Liu Yi came from the other side with no expression, his eyebrows were white, and his whole body seemed to be wrapped in an invisible wind and frost, like a frozen corpse buried under the glacier for thousands of years!

Death Knight? Ice toughness!

Mo Qian was surprised and raised her hand to shoot a fireball in front of Liu Yi!


The charred ground was blown into a shallow pit, and the earth and stone splashed!

"Go away, don't come here!"

If you don't think about a little old feelings and contract restrictions, this fireball is not a warning, but a death!

In such an environment, such a strange phenomenon, God knows whether this Liu Yi is true or false!

Mo Qian was surprised, but the monster-like "Liu Yi" really stopped.

And the next moment, his behavior made her die!

"Mo Qian?!"

Liu Yi flicked his finger, and an ice blade stabbed the girl's forehead with strength!


The three shields that bounced up on Mo Qian's body were broken by the knife light in the blink of an eye.

The girl was horrified. She didn't expect that there would be such a domineering knife light in the world.

With this knife alone, isn't the person opposite invincible at this stage?!

Directly prepare to take out the thunderbolt at the bottom of the box in the space foot ring, and die with "Liu Yi"!

When you don't want to be in danger, the peak turns around again, and the knife light turns up and rises to the sky!


Another burst of soberation, leaving an air column, and the knife light disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The girl's lips were purple, half frozen and half afraid, and a few bangs on her forehead fell down.


Mo Qian, who was angry, was about to launch an offensive and smashed the thunder, but she felt a little inappropriate, and she was also afraid of the power of the previous knife!

In the dark, there seemed to be a will to warn her of this move!

"Mo Qian, don't forget the contract!"

Liu Yi's stiff voice came with a raging cold wind.

His vocal cords seem to be stiff, and there seems to be a glacier hidden in his chest!

Mo Qian still doesn't understand, and she is shocked and annoyed.

Although the contract is the biggest bond between the two, it is also an unknown secret belonging to the plot characters and creatures.

More importantly, the man was obviously testing whether the master would give a limited warning or touch the natural sense of crisis of the strong when he tried to make a fatal attack on her. Just as she tried to smash the thunder and make him ashes and smoke, it will also create a sense of deadly threat!

The punishment of violating the contract was actually used by this young man!

"Hmm! Where have you died?"

Although I understand that what young people do is not too much, reasonable and full of wisdom.

However, anyone who is scared like this will not be comfortable.

What's more, as a senior lone walker, who has no temper!

Liu Yi did not say anything, and Shi Ran walked to Mo Qian's side.

The girl staggered one step and didn't know whether she was ashamed or still didn't believe it.

"Is the previous fireball, twelve or 28, your masterpiece?"

Liu Yi's attitude is cold, the cold seed replaces the heart, and even his feelings become indifferent. This hand is similar to the frozen toughness of the Death Knight.

Mo Qian was at first at a loss, and then remembered the indestructible knife and was furious!

"So it's you!"

The energy of the fire element all over her body is full of energy, and the angry girl is about to explode. It can be associated with the contract and the youth's unparalleled sharp knife, and finally have to compromise.

The attitude cooled down, and the impression of young people became worse.

Although he understands that this is a trick to divide grievances from each other, he also knows how to guess his spell, which also makes him suffer a lot.

But people are always selfish, especially after almost feeling the crisis of soul collapse, all kinds of generousness and understanding are nonsense.

Liu Yi confirmed some speculation, but he didn't care much about Mo Qian's attitude.

With a contract and in the plot, as long as this woman is not an extreme madman, she should know how to choose. With the short period of contact, Liu Yi has probably been able to understand the girl's character.

"Now, it's not the time to think about kindness and resentment. If you don't want to take my knife move again, you'd better work together to kill this resentment!"

Liu Yi can always say the most critical words at the most critical moment, which makes people unable to care about his behavior in advance.

Of course, if he didn't think he could be reasonable with Mo Qian, I'm afraid that he would have made this man an idiot, wait until the evil knife comes out, cut off the contract, and kill him. However, if Mo Qian was really unreasonable and completely ignored the overall situation, he would not have signed a contract with her earlier, and it would not be so troublesome to deal with it.

Liu Yi is occasionally arrogant, domineering and selfish, but he thinks he is still more concerned about the overall situation. For example, he grabbed those props, not to monopolize, but to hold sovereignty in his hands. If the collaborators need it, he will not be stingy if possible.

Therefore, his requirements for collaborators are also not high, as long as he reaches this level. It's enough not to be a saint or a villain. Don't do to others what you don't want, and don't add to yourself what you don't want.

Of course, this kind of thought is not easy to say. At this moment, it seems that the cooperation has been pleasant so far.

"Hmm! It's easy to say, how to kill!"

Mo Qian muttered, slightly complaining and seemed to be difficult.

Liu Yi smiled. Although his face was indifferent, he was laughing at the bottom of his heart.

Feeling the yin atmosphere gathered under Mo Qian's feet, he said coldly:

"At the end of the crossbow, just kill it like this!"

"The last thing you should do is to throw that heart so that I can capture the taste of your origin!"

This is chilly, facing Mo Qian's words!

The girl's face changed dramatically, and she was shocked and angry. Before she could speak, the young man had raised his stiff arm, like a knife piercing her abdomen!

"Don't move!"

The young man whispered in the girl's ear, and the girl could only feel that her whole body was shrouded in a chill, and the sharp pain at that moment also became numb!

And behind her invisible, the young man's blood-stained right hand was holding a grimace ball!

"You should thank me!"

After Liu Yi finished speaking, the five fingers of an iron bar were closed, and the knife was urged to point directly to the source, and the whole meat ball was squeezed into pieces!


The surrounding space shook violently, and the magnificent resentment sprayed from the earth. Mo Qian only felt that this person was about to fly up, but was forcibly held by Liu Yi!

For a long time, it was like a few flicks of fingers. When the space stopped shaking, the two were clearly still standing in the bear village!

At this moment, the wooden houses in the village collapsed, and a body was swarted. The scarlet blood moon sprinkled on the moonlight, and the faint moonlight energy fluctuated, which finally made Liu Yi breathe a sigh of relief!

"You owe me a life!"

Liu Yi said this and pulled out his arm from the girl's body.

If he still doesn't feel the power of the blood moon, then the next moment, no, is when the girl loses her mobility!

Although the girl didn't see everything, the spiritual detection of the mage's natural expertise has made her understand.

She arched her body aggrievedly. Fortunately, at this time, Liu Yi threw half a bottle of therapeutic medicine and hurriedly grabbed the spray. The heavy injury recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hmm, I will give it back to you!"

Mo Qian said coldly, and her little face wrinkled into a ball. I don't know if it means medicine or life.


"Hey, I've always been curious. How do you know that thing has been hidden in my stomach from the beginning."

In the moonlight, in the wilderness, Kimos became two feet taller than the Tauren.

On its two shoulders, there is one sitting on one side, and there is a big Lori, swinging her legs, which is so comfortable.

Poor Kimos was previously trapped by resentment, and then those resentments inexplicably penetrated into its body.

Because the force is sealed, only the second-order portion can be ingested at most. Nearly half of the resentment overflowed, and as a result, he stretched his body hugely and became the saddest humanoid mount.

Kimos is painful and happy, and Liu Yi is adjusting the transformation of the cold seed to the body.

Fortunately, the cold species is the source of power, not the refrigerator, which releases the cold attribute power to transform the body, which can also be recovered!

With his efforts, he has been able to make his body less stiff, at least his facial expressions are much richer.

"How do I know?"

Liu Yi smiled and said no words.

With unreluctant questioning, he sighed:

"First of all, the first time I saw that evil spirit appeared in your image. Let's not talk about conspiracy for the time being. It must have a special 'good impression' for you.

This reason is slightly far-fetched and barely makes sense.

Mo Qian didn't say anything and listened quietly.

Liu Yi saw that he did not convince the girl, so he had to continue:

"Most obviously, when I returned to the Bear Village, you were directly teleported."

"The power of resentment, which extends outside the bear village, has become extremely weak. How can it transmit irrelevant people back? At least I know very well that when I leave Xiongren Village, the resentful spirit can no longer interfere in my actions.

"The resentful spirit seems to have some kind of rule, distorted rules, but due to the energy level limit, the limitations of this rule are destined to be equally huge."

"It can be at our mercy in the bear village with itself as a medium."

"If there is no boundary of scope, do you think it is possible?"


Mo Qian listened with relish, combined with what she had seen and heard, and felt that it was really reasonable.

The situation she and Liu Yi encountered at that time was different. When the two communicated, they naturally had some experience, so that they could not completely understand these inferences.

"What else?"

Mo Qian asked, in fact, she was not without suspicion.

The boundary of the power of resentment is only obvious in Liu Yi.

And for Mo Qian, she even felt that she had always been played with and applauded by resentment spirits.

Maybe, from this point, you can also find that you are different from Liu Yi. The resentment control over her is obviously stronger.

But at that time, it was impossible to know this from Liu Yi's own perspective.

Sure enough, Liu Yi smiled and scratched his hair.

"In addition, in the end, I guessed!"

Mo Qian was stunned, but he was not angry and only stared at him sadly.

This man really depends on guessing.

Liu Yi's eyes flashed. Of course, he would not tell her clearly that he could clearly detect the origin of individual strength. He had remembered the smell of resentment long ago.

Feel an extra "seed" in the cold seed, saying that it is a seed, but in fact, it is a little too much, just a fragment that is difficult to describe and use!

Even distorted rules can't be counted, rule fragments!

He doesn't know how to analyze this little fragment, and he doesn't know whether it is all about the mysterious ability of the resentful spirit.

When he eliminated the source of resentment, except for the huge resentment, most of it was absorbed by Chimos.

This fragment was also implanted with him!

This world is really wonderful, invisible resentment, there are traces to follow, and even the rules can solidify into fragments similar to the divine pattern and stabilize!

He must be glad that the cold species is broken in time, otherwise with his current conditions, it is impossible to absorb the fragments representing the origin rules of the plane!

Intangible rules, even if there is a temporary form due to a special environment, it is not a random container that can accommodate.

Taking cold seeds as a container is not so much Liu Yi's whimsistic, not to see it as a fragment of rules to choose independently and choose the owner.

Hiddening the biggest gain, Liu Yi did not feel guilty or uneasy at all, and still played with Mo Qian.

Apart from saying that this is what he should have, even if it is a robbery, so what!

This is the rule! No matter how small and incomplete the rules are, they are enough to make the strong above the sixth level crazy, or even the more incomplete they are, which means that the shallower they are, the easier it is to understand and understand!

"Yes, when will we turn back?"

Mo Qian suddenly asked that although the two had found some edible fruits and vegetables in Xiongren Village for supply, they did not want to stay in such an environment for a long time.

Liu Yi glanced at her, felt the treasure house that could not be opened in a short time, and shook his head.

"It's not urgent, it's still early."

Mo Qian waved her hand dissatisfiedly, signaled casually, and began to practice by herself.