Where to subvert the white snake

Chapter 39

Because a stinky Taoist priest was in a bad mood, he left all the big things that reproduce his offspring behind. It was really angry, hateful and worthless.

Almost at the moment of seeing Yuan stingy, all the thoughts of that night flooded into Susu's mind. Susu only felt that her heart was "banging" and pounding. At this time, the atmosphere was quite warm, and he was still holding her. If it were a fox, it would be overwhelming. Of course, she is not as good as the coquettish fox, and she is still a very subtle and graceful girl.

Susu then decided to strike while the iron was hot, raised her pointed head and looked directly at Yuan stingy. "Yuan sting, do you remember what I told you that night? You see, I'm really a good girl, beautiful, virtuous and delicious, aren't you? ...So," she looked into his eyes very seriously and said sincerely, "Let's have sex."

"Susu..." The teenager was stunned at first, took half a step back, his face was slightly pale, and then he regained his composure. Susu, do you know what you're talking about? This tone is a little imperceptible bitterness and some... insecurable emotions.

This question is really strange. How could she not know what she was talking about? Obviously, it is very concise and concise, and the words are very clear. It can't be that he is wrong, can it?" Naturally, I know." Susu reiterated, "I like you and want to have sex with you. Let's have a nest of snakes together." If the face is changed on a normal scale, even if the girl in the general category says the first words, she will be implicit at the end, shy and timidly ask, "Would you like to agree?" However, Susu has been with the fox for a long time and is completely out of the category of a normal girl. Instead, she pestered him tighter and said coquettishly, "Ayuan, let's mate and mate~ Don't do meaningless resistance and follow me!"

A moment of silence.

Yuan lowered his eyelids and rarely looked at her seriously, "Susu, do you know... In the world, what you say can only be done by a loving couple..." So, in your heart... but there is one or two points that like me? Or... just a simple friend?

He didn't ask the last sentence. Because I know that even if I ask, it is fruitless. He probably can't get the answer he wants... He is also afraid of hearing the answer he doesn't want to hear.

Even if there is a powerful demon, after all, the mind is undecided and spiritual knowledge is not open. This is also an indisputable fact. Su Su... doesn't know what love is. So what she is saying now... naturally has nothing to do with love.

"Coup and wife?" Su Suton said, "Only husband and wife can do it?"

Should she tell him that this kind of thing is not limited to husband and wife in the world? She often saw such a thing in the courtyard of Zuihonglou Goulan. What's more, his brother... and that girl were not husband and wife at the beginning, didn't they also do it happily?

Su Su muttered and felt in her private that this was really a very troublesome thing... But it took no time to match, but she encountered so many roadblocks. What is this?

The ten-year friendship of their snake clan is not so troublesome~ Well, well, human beings are a sultry creature. As the fox said, they should always worry about their shy and vulnerable self-esteem. If this breaks, it will cause countless troubles. Moreover, it is estimated that if she really succeeds in hooking up, it is very likely to damage the vitality of the abyss. According to her observation for many years, those who have had sex with monsters look half-dead, and their appearance is really shabby. She is not sure whether the abystingy will be the same. However, even so, at most, she took some jade ointment from Jize to give Yan, and no matter how much vitality she lost, she could make up for it.

Su Su thought for a long time, but still decided to accommodate him and said decisively, "Then I'll be a husband and wife before mating. Yuan, do you think it's good?"

Yuan was silent for a long time before he said softly, "Susu, you don't understand after all."

Her always smart head quickly realized that this was a refusal.

That is to say, such a good female as her was rejected again... Moreover, she was rejected by the stingy that she thought she should agree.

Although she is so thick-skinned, she is still a girl after all!

Susu hurt her face and was sad. She suddenly became depressed and loosened his waist and turned into a human figure and lay on the round table on one side. I don't understand. You can teach me. I'm not stupid or stupid. I'm quite smart, and I'm not slow to learn... Why didn't you teach me?"

"Susu...I..." Yuan hesitated silently.

"I thought you would agree, but I'm still very happy." She continued to be depressed. ...Even you refuse me. It's not my fault that it's not good-looking. Isn't it born? It's not so discriminating against you!"

"You..." Yuan's stingy hand was tightly grasped, and the two faint words came out of the corners of his lips. Who else...

He didn't ask, but Susu's ear power was good and he heard it. Naturally, he replied, "Well, there is also a fox. I wanted to disgust it. But... he was actually attacked by the fox. It's really a shame..." There was some regret at the end of the words.

"Is there anything else?"

"Others?" Susu held her chin and recalled, "... As you know, such a shy girl as me is still very subtle. It's impossible to catch a person and tell him such a thing. Well, there are only three or four times in total... But, you know, there are really fewer and fewer people in the world who cherish the fragrance and cherish jade.

The teenager's hand became a fist. Susu, you can't say such words casually to people.

"It's not people, but those snake demons in Yushan... It's quite normal for everyone to do this at the reunion." Susu suddenly realized that human beings seemed to pay attention to some broken rules of threecong and four virtues. The tone of the stingy question was completely different from usual, which sounded quite unnatural. Are you looking down on me?" She stared, bulged her cheeks, rose up to defend her dignity, and solemnly stated, "Although I am a monster, I don't understand the rules of your mortals... However, this does not prevent the fact that I am a kind and good monster!" In fact, the two have nothing to do with each other... She has the ability to pull them together.

"Susu..." Yuan came forward and whispered, "It's not what you think."

Susu suddenly straightened up and stared at him with burning eyes. What is that?" There is such an aggressive momentum in this sentence.

"su su, people and demons are different."

"Ah," Susu suddenly realized, "It turns out that you also discriminate against demons... I forgot that you are a disciple of the cow's nose, and you are also biased against our demons... We monsters are not necessarily bad monsters. We can't speculate so indisting about monsters. Aren't there some bad people among mortals? Monsters are naturally good and bad. Look at me, look at theman... Forget the fox. We are all good monsters and never eat people. Of course, she won't tell you that she doesn't eat human meat because people are a pot of vegetables for them, a pot of dishes that don't suit them. The taste is too smelly, the meat is too woody, too thin, too fat... There is no connotation from beginning to end, and it is not as delicious as Yangyang... Although she has never eaten it.

Monsters... also have the right to be picky about food!

Of course, except for stingy. She has never regarded him as a dish from beginning to end. After all, that's such a beautiful person. Even if she doesn't know much about human aesthetics, she can still distinguish between the most basic beauty and ugliness.

Probably like her, she is not beautiful... Like those snakes and snakes and men in Yushan, they are beautiful.

What a tragedy...

"No." Yuan explained stingy, "I don't have that idea."

"No?" Naturally, she believes what he said. If Yuan is stingy to say no, it is completely nothing. A person like him is actually quite simple. What should be said, he will say it himself. If he doesn't want to say it, he will be silent and won't say some nice lies to fool people. From a human point of view, people with this personality are actually the simplest and cleanest. Naturally, it is also possible to be neglected by my father for this reason.

After all, everyone loves to hear good words!

"Then why did you refuse me? Don't you like me?" Susu's eyes widened, "I like you very much. Why don't you like me?" Inadvertently, the domineering side leaked... Moreover, this is not a reciprocal relationship at all.

"Susu..." Yuan squeezed his lips and sat next to her. He was about to open his mouth when the jade ring on his finger was burning. He sat up straight and said coldly, "Susu, go quickly."

Su Su suddenly turned around in frustration and looked depressed and aggrieved. Really? Are you angry when I flirt with you? Are you ashamed and angry? Are you going to kick me out? Isn't it so stingy?

"No, Susu." He suddenly got up and took her hand. "Susu, my master is back. Leave quickly."

Isn't it just a mortal... As for being so nervous? The fox said that when a person wants to see you, he can always find thousands of excuses. Yuan is so stingy... Is that what the fox said?

Susu became even more sad. You are afraid that your master will know that you are with a monster. You care about other people's opinions. Did you dislike me?

"Susual, what do other people's opinions have to do with me? The master has always been kind to the demons. I'm afraid you will be bullied.

It turned out to be like this.

Susu was in a good mood. She bent the corners of her eyes and looked at him carefully. Yuan was really not that kind of layman.

She smiled very brightly and her eyebrows were bent. OK, I'll listen to you."

As soon as she left Heze Temple, she remembered that she forgot to ask Yuan stingy when to see her again? There is no letter of approval. If his master doesn't go back for a day, she can't keep not seeing him, can she? Seeing that the apricot blossoms in the atrium are about to fade, her mating season is about to pass. If you miss this season, I don't know how many years it will take?

After thinking about it, I think it's better not to make him angry. At worst, go back and wait for a few days. If it's too long, it's reasonable to come and see again.

Xuanjizi, a stingy master... Well, she is really curious. Susu held her chin and sent a person who was not so powerful to go to the mountain and sea demon world alone to pick those monsters. At least it would not be a good thing ~ at least it was cold-blooded enough.

Since it's out, let's go to Chang'an to eat something delicious. After eating sheep for so long, it's always a little greasy.

Make up her mind, Su Su picked up a formula and went down to Chang'an.

After Susu left... The middle-aged man in gray gauze slowly walked out from behind the wall and stared at the direction she was far away. The chest was full of qi and blood, and it hurt fiercely. The man pressed his chest, withdrew his eyes, turned around and walked into Heze Temple.