Where to subvert the white snake

Chapter 40

In the five days since Susu returned to Yeshuiya from Heze Temple, she couldn't help but plan to find out and see whether the Lao Shizi had left or not. What I didn't expect was that Wutongju had new guests. The man in white approached the sycamore tree and slowly took off the bucket hat on his head. The thin red cinnabar mole on his forehead first entered Susu's eyes.

The stingy......

Why is he here?

This doubt only lasted for a moment, and there was nothing more satisfying than the people who wanted to see took the initiative to come to the door. Susu "Ziliu" turned into her original shape and wagged her tail out of the sycamore house.

"The abyss..."

"The abyss..."

"Abyss sting~"

A silver belt suddenly leaned down from the sycamore tree. His pointed head was facing the man's face, with a red tip of his tongue in his grin. Are you scared? Scared? Scared? Her proud teeth swayed in the air, which was so comfortable.

"Susu," the man took a step back helplessly to avoid being hit by it. Don't make trouble."

Wow, well... It really doesn't seem to be a good joke, and it has little effect!" Yan Yan, the bigger you are, the less cute you are. Susu hung upside down on the sycamore tree and shook her head left and right, "It doesn't cooperate at all!" When I first saw it, it was obviously very cooperative!

"Susu..." Yuan was stingy and supported his forehead, and his tone was spoiled and helpless.

"Yuan sting, I jumped down, you have to catch it!" She shouted happily, loosened the tail wrapped around the trunk, and her whole body fell straight into the stingy arms of the abys. For a moment, the silver light was great, and when the light dissipated, she had turned into a beautiful girl in a red dress.

"Yuan..." Susu was about to praise his cooperation, and the Guixi in her body was buzzing and restless. Susu raised her head and bumped into the other pair of eyes.

She was stunned, shook her head, and when she opened her eyes and looked again, the man had disappeared.

"What's wrong?" Yuan put down her and asked.

"Nothing..." Susu smiled carelessly, "I just felt that there seemed to be someone looking at us... Probably an illusion..."

It should be an illusion... How could she see herself... Such a pair of compassionate and confused eyes... How could it be hers?

"Why did you come looking for me? Has your master left yet? The two sat under the sycamore tree, and Susu held her knees and looked at him sideways.

"Asu, there is news from Beijing that His Royal Highness has recovered."

Susu nod her head, "Hmm..." This is good news, which means that the multiple identities of the abyss can finally be a little simpler. At least there is no need to hang up the identity of a monk. In this world, the species that is both a monk, a Taoist priest and the son of a prime minister are really rare and very rare. It's really fate that she can meet!

Yuan lowered his eyelids and said, "Father repaired a letter from home and let me clean up and return to Chang'an."


After the toss of the three toad spirits, Pei Tianci was completely useless. Now it is humane, the Pei family's incense is unsustainable, and Pei Xiu can't let his blood be broken on his son. This move is also a normal category.

Susu means very calm.

"Then when will you go back?" Su Su asked.

"Two months later." Yuan said stingly, "There is a lot of noise in Beijing. It will be difficult to return to peace this time."

Susu's heart moved, "Then you..."

"It is also a fulfillment of my mother's wish to be able to retire for my father. I think I can rest in peace under my mother's nine springs. There is a faint sadness in the stingy tone.

Susu spit out the words on her lips and swallowed them back.

After being stingy, Susu twisted her wrists under the sycamore tree.

"Gun..." He came over quite wildly, and Su Su grabbed it and held it in her arms.

"I don't have parents, and it's really difficult to understand Yuan's feelings towards his father... It's better not to have such a father." Susu has all kinds of emotions.

Looking up at her, " quack..."

"Can you understand him? ...Well, that's because I'm very kind. If I only prefer foxes like Pei Xiu and ignore you, will you still want to be nice to me?"

Flap your little wings, "Cun..."

"...all right." Susu was helpless. Everyone is different. You are kind and emotional, but not everyone is so weak. If it were a fox, he would definitely not do such a loss. If it is good, there may not be a good reward for it, let alone bad for it. I will definitely try my best to retaliate. Isn't there a saying in the world called revenge? There are also white-eyed wolves and so on, not just foxes. I think that sentence needs to be changed. It must be called a white-eyed fox.

"It turned out that in Susu's heart, he thought of me so much~" The fox twisted his big buttocks and acted coquettishly, "You misunderstand others like this, they are really sad~"

Susu's negative test said, "Am I wrong?"

"Gaga..." quite agreeing.

The fox covered his face: "Even if that's the truth, should you say it in a more euphemistic way? Is it so blunt that it hurts people's face~"

Su Su meditated. Why don't I know when you had face?"

man: "Gaga..."

The fox burst into tears.

Su Su's mood has been gloomy for many days. If she can't figure it out, she can't figure it out. Even if she wants to break her head, she still can't figure it out. She is still depressed at this end, and there is another mistake at that end.

When Susu hit one large and two small elk and returned to the sycamore residence, she only saw the fox lying among the ears of sycamore flowers sleeping happily with a plush tail. It's strange... In the past, as soon as she came back, she was always the first to rush out and jump into her arms, but now it's strange that she doesn't. Susu picked up the little elk and hit the sleeping fox.



The fox and the elk both fell from the tree and fell into the grass.

"What's wrong?" The fox exclaimed and turned around in the same place, "Is the sky collapsed and the earth cracked?"

"You big-headed ghost." Susu continued to smash another elk rudely and directly knocked down the fox. What about it? Why don't you see it?"

The fox struggled to get a small head from under the heavy body of the elk and pouted and acted coquettishly, "Damn it, you are really partial to that duck, who treats others so cruelly~ They will be chilled~

Su Su swept over with her white eyes. It's not a day or two that I'm biased, and it's not a year or two that I treat you cruelly. It's not that you're cold once or twice. I'm used to it, and it's time for you to recognize the reality. Now tell me right away, where the hell has Manman gone?"

The fox pulled out two front paws. The duck has its own legs and wings. It can run and occasionally flutter twice. How can such a weak fox take a breath after walking two steps?

Su Su said concisely, "Look for it."

As soon as her voice fell, the boundary under the wild water was floating. Susu felt this keenly. There is someone at the boundary!" Jump into the wild water.

I thought it would be the Taoist thief who recovered from his injury and came to the door again. But I didn't expect that the man would be quite rude. He was stained with blood and fell to the bottom of the cliff. Susu only felt that her whole body was stiff and unable to move, and her knees were a little weak, and she could hardly support herself. At a loss, a shock rose up.

Who on earth did it?! Who dares to hurt it?!

The fox walked with an elegant little fox step to the unconscious barbarians, elegantly stretched out its claws to pick up its small head, and sighed. Poor, it's really hurt~ Half of my life has been killed~ Although my mouth is a little poisonous, I don't see any bad things that people and gods are angry with each other. Is it possible to be revenge?

Susu woke up from her anger, didn't even look at the fox, and picked up her brute body. "If you have the leisure to say this sarcastic thing, it's better to find clues for me." He left the fox and flew back to the sycamore residence.

The fox held its tail and sighed, "Such a weak person doesn't have the same experience as this duck~ If it's hurt, it's not good~"

The injury is really serious. The whole body is full of fine wounds, and the fluff on the body is also bald.

At least the child she raised was injured like this, and Susu almost didn't burst into tears. Fortunately, although the external injury is serious, it does not hurt the inner part. Susu spit out Neidan to adjust its interest and ran it for three weeks, finally saved its life.

She swallowed Neidan back into her stomach and sat cross-legged for nearly a long time, and then felt a little relieved.

It is really the most time-consuming to heal wounds with Neidan.

She came down from **, repaired the wound on her body with magic, placed it, and took a gentle breath. To this extent, she would probably recover after two or three days of rest. After leaving the sycamore residence, I saw the roast elk and the fox roasting happily at a glance.

"Fox, it's time to give full play to your residual value." Susu kicked it away and grabbed the four-ripe elk. Hurry up and go to Jize to get me some jade ointment."

The fox got up from the grass and said weakly, "People like this weak..."

Susu threw it over with a white eye. Are you going or not?"

"Go..." The fox ran away with tears. Bad people... You are all bad people... They will bully the kind fox~ Oh~" Echoes are endless.

Su Su turned over the elk with one hand and pulled out her ears with the other hand, only feeling more weak. The fox still won't come back...

She sat down and fell into meditation. When I just helped to treat the wound, it was not that there was a row of sharp tooth marks on the side of its neck and bite marks on its wings. I thought it was the Taoist priest, but now I don't think it's him. Even if it is him, it will not be his own hand... How many beasts with sharp teeth are there in this mountain and sea demon world? But who can become refined, except flowers and plants, which one does not have a pair of sharp minions? Even some flowers and plants have grown man-eating minions.

Is it true, as the fox said, is it revenge?

It seems that all this still has to wait until you wake up.

No matter what, she dares to hurt her son, she will definitely return it regardless of the past.