Eastern Continent

Chapter 414, this Meng Ting, Bi Meng Ting

"What? Do you want to come up for him? Xiu Bifu, like a bamboo pole, looked coldly and said, "I give you this opportunity. As long as you win me in the game, I will let him go, otherwise, you will give him to me to deal with!"

"This is my man!" Zhi Chenggong said faintly but resolutely, "I won't compare with you, and I won't give it to you!"

"Yes!" Xiu Bifu looked at Zhi Chenggong coldly. After saying something lightly, he suddenly waved his hand back and shouted, "Catch it!"

Following Xiu Bihe and the investigation, the brightly armored soldiers moved, raised their weapons and rushed to Ye Guoming in the school yard.

Unexpectedly, he was so arrogant that he completely ignored the success and was still the general of a legion.

Ye Guoming held the right hand of the big knife slightly, narrowed his eyes gently, and his eyes stared at Xiu Bifu.

"Wait!" Suddenly, the copper head rushed out from the side of Zhi Chenggong and suddenly rushed to the horse of Xiu Bifu. Looking at Xiu Bifu, he said, "We agree to your request to compete with you!"

Xiu Bifu's slender eyes looked coldly at the copper head, and then looked at Zhi Chenggong and said lightly, "Who is he?"

"You don't care who I am. What I said is General Zhi!" The bronze head shouted, "Ten days later, there will be a decisive battle in this school field!"

A pair of thin eyes on Xiu Bifu's face slowly opened, revealing a beam of fine light staring at the copper head's face. After a long time, he said lightly, "It's just that you don't shrink your head turtle. We will accompany you at any time!"

"Okay, both of you, see you in ten days!" The bronze head huddled and said, "You can go. If you want to observe our training here to prepare for the fight in ten days, we won't object!"

Xiu Bifu stared at the copper head for a long time before nodding and saying, "We will come back in ten days!" Pulling around the horse's head and walking towards the way, the brightly armored soldiers had to hold heavy weapons, wear heavy armor, and follow back.

"What's good about the wooden stick army!" Although he was trying to open his eyes wide, his eyes were too small. Even if he supported them with a stick, he only saw a line drawn with the thinnest brush on his face. He looked at the bronze head and said fiercely, "If you dare to avoid it, we will kill a city!"

A city is the location of the nest of the straight surname, and also the hometown of the straight surname. It is also the residence of the straight surnamed legion. However, although this sentence is bold, his eyes like a line have reduced his sentence a little less deterrent, but it is more funny.

Looking at Xiu's army walking away with a neat pace, he hurriedly looked at the copper head and said, "We can't beat them. Why did the copper head promise them to compete?"

"Can't beat them?" Tongtou said strangely, "It hasn't started yet. How did General Zhi know that we can't beat them?"

"We couldn't beat them before!" Zhi Chenggong, who stood behind him, said first. His face was a little pale, but more angry: "They are so well-equipped that we can't beat them!"

"If you can't beat it, just try your best!" Tongtou waved his hand carelessly and said, "He lives, I live until he is afraid!"

Zhi Chenggong nodded and said hatefully, "If they peel off the dog's skin and change the weapons in their hands, I will never be afraid of them.

The copper head looked at this young man who was younger than himself. Although he experienced the suffering of the fishman race, he still maintained a pure young man with a smile in his eyes and said, "Do you have any way to make them peel off their dog skin?"

Zhi Chenggong blushed and shook his head.

"I won't talk about this now!" Zhisuc: "What matters now is how to defeat them in ten days!"

"What can you do?" Ye Guoming looked at the copper head.

"What can I do for General Zhi?" Tongtou did not answer Ye Guoming's words, but turned his head and looked straight successfully and said, "This team is led by General Zhi. General Zhi should know the strength of this team best."

"Alas!" Zhi Chenggong sighed helplessly: It is precisely because I know their strength that I don't want to compete with Xiu Bifu and tell the truth. This kind of comparison has no effect except to hit morale!"

Tongtou and Ye Guoming looked at each other. They also knew that there was a gap between Zhijun and Xiujun, but what they didn't expect was that Zhicheng, as the deputy of the legion, was so unconfidence that he directly said what he thought.

"Why?" Tongtou was surprised and said, "I don't think Xiu Jun and Zhi Jun are actually much different except for some equipment. This kind of competition is not a life-and-death war. Xiu Jun should not use these equipment specially used to deal with the enemy, right?"

"That's not necessarily!" Zhi Chenggong said angrily, "This cultivation must be arrogant and domineering, and there is no one in his eyes. According to the strength of the current Xiu Legion and the alliance with the Cha surname Legion, it is even more rampant. Last time, a small surnamed legion also competed with them. As a result, it was seriously injured. Although it was not disabled, it also stayed in bed for half a month to get up."

"So arrogant!" Ye Guoming and Tongtou looked at each other and were surprised. In the same race, they were seriously injured like enemies. How crazy it would be to be like this.

"Don't they care about your father?" Ye Guoming wondered, "How does your father's status in the clan compare with his father?"

"Our fish people do not have the same system as your continent." Hearing Ye Guoming and Tongtou ask his father, he couldn't help straightening his waist: "The biggest of the fish people is the patriarch Wu Shangqiang, and then there are several elders. Meng Ting elders ranks first, and his father ranks second among the elders. Xiu must pay his father Xiu Xingshan as the third elder."

"Meng Ting!"

Hearing the name, Ye Guoming and Copper Head looked at each other quickly, both surprised and happy.

This is really a place to break the iron shoes, and it doesn't take any effort! Unexpectedly, when he thought that he could not find Meng Ting, Meng Ting was chased by pirates and fled to Meng Ting's home.

Now I'm afraid that this is not the same!

Yes or no, you have to ask carefully before you know.

"It seems that your father's position in the clan is higher than Xiuxing Mountain!" Tongtou suppressed the surprise in his heart and pretended to be puzzled: "The status is high and the power is great. Isn't Xiu Xingshan worried about your father's anger? Not only did he want to sue him in front of the patriarch?"

"He won't do it if he's afraid!" He shook his head successfully and said, "Last time I fought against the Bone spur clan, the patriarch's army with the surnamed Wu, the elder's surnamed army and our direct surnamed Legion all suffered heavy losses. Only Xiuxingshan's Xiu surnamed legion did not lose anything because it was in the rear. Now, in addition to the Wu surnamed legion still maintained the advantage of numbers, other Meng Ting and straight surnames The legion is much less than the Legion surnamed Xiu. Later, Xiu Xingshan allied with Cha Yunnan, and the surnamed Legion was united with the surnamed Cha. Now even the patriarch also cares about him.

The two looked at each other again. It seemed that the situation was more serious than they thought, and the gap between the two sides did not seem to be a little bit.

However, what makes them happy is that the purpose of their trip is to find Long Fei. Now that they know the whereabouts of Long Fei, they have a result of this trip. Now the most important thing is to find Long Fei first. As for the infighting of the fish people, it is just a piece of cake compared with finding Long Fei.

After discussing for a while, although the three have not yet discussed a result, driven by the tone of Tongtou and Ye Guoming's careless tone, the Zhicheng brothers also gradually regained some confidence and no longer felt afraid of the previous Legion.

In the past two days, Ye Guoming and Tongtou also found out a lot of news about the fish people from the Zhichenggong brothers, and learned that Meng Ting was in Jiuzhou City at this time, which is the capital of the fish people.

Thinking that Meng Ting was in the same place as himself, Ye Guoming and Tongtou were surprised again and were close at hand, which made him a little more confident in rescuing Long Fei.

But at the same time, they also don't understand that most of the fish people trade with the mainland and have dealings with the mainland. They should be very friendly to the mainland people. Otherwise, how can the fish people trade with the mainland, but they seem to have a deep feud with Zhu Ran for several generations, and they don't hesitate to assassinate Zhu Ran.

Although they didn't say this straight success, they also guessed some. It seems that it was still caused by the pirates of the bone spur clan, but it made the fish people and Song Chun suffer bitter results and led to the hard struggle in these two places.

This is equivalent to the bone spurs inadvertently sow the discord between the fishman and Song Chun and collect their own profits.

After knowing Long Fei's whereabouts, the two were also relieved. Ye Guoming knew that it would reassure him if he didn't take out a little practical thing, so he let more than 20 Song Chun soldiers who followed him and the bronze head into a team, and the direct army selected more than 20 people as one. The team then practiced on the school field and told Zhi Chenggong the gap between them and Xiu Jun through actual combat.

In fact, after the addition of Ye Guoming and others, whether it is a one-on-one battle with the Xiu army or a group battle, the straight army will not be weak. The team of more than 20 people led by Ye Guoming, Tongtou, Zhang Heng and Li Zhi was originally a well-trained team, and it was fighting with pirates and the struggle against the storm. After the training of life and death, to be honest, not only the straight army, but also the Xiu army may not be able to pick a team with such strong fighting power.

Therefore, no matter who was selected to form a team to practice with Song Chun, it was defeated in an instant. There was no time to resist, and the straight army was scared.

At this time, they realized that the most terrible team was not Xiu Jun, but the team that they accidentally rescued with only more than 20 people, which seemed to be scattered and invisible. For them, Xiu Jun was just a rabbit armed to the teeth, and they were wolves, tigers and lions, such as If they are enough, it is even possible to sweep the whole Moon Island.

After the training, the Zhijun, including the straight brothers, was beaten by these 20 people without anger, but he was not so afraid of the competition with Xiu Jun more than ten days later.

After the battle, everyone discussed the gains in the practice and ended today's training.

As soon as everyone got up, they saw two riders rushing straight to the campus from a distance. From afar, they heard the girl with long hair and clothes flying on horseback shouting: "Brother Chenggong, Brother Chenggong..."

Ye Guoming and Tongtou both opened their eyes in surprise at the same time and stared at the two riders who came closely...