Eastern Continent

Chapter 432, analysis and judgment

Although everyone's eyes were staring at him, Long Fei still looked indifferent and did not have any uneasiness because of being suddenly attracted by everyone's attention. He lowered his head and meditated for a while before raising his head and looked at Zhi Chenggong and said, "There is any more prosperous place at the intersection of the Zhijun and Wu's army. Brother, help me introduce!"

"Good!" Zhi Chenggong said refreshingly that he had a feeling that among the people indoors, Long Fei mastered the rhythm and situation unconsciously.

In the process of the successful introduction, Long Fei has been listening quietly, and his eyes flowed on the map with his successful fingers.

Until the successful introduction, Long Fei did not stop talking, but looked at the map. After a while, he closed his eyes and began to think. During this process, everyone in the room whispered and expressed their opinions, but each of them's opinions were refuted by others and even themselves.

After discussing for a while, everyone's eyes gradually focused on Long Fei, who had been silent. After listening to Long Fei's previous analysis, they also wanted to listen to Long Fei's opinions at this time. Of course, they also hoped that Long Fei could give an eye-catching opinion.

"Brother, how about this side drooping?" Long Fei slowly opened his eyes and ignored everyone's eyes. Instead, he stared at the map for a long time before suddenly pressed his finger on a small point that could hardly be seen.

"Bend-hanging set?"

Everyone's eyes followed Long Fei's fingers and landed on this very small spot on the map. Although the Moon Island is not big, this side hanging set is still too small. If Long Fei hadn't pressed his finger on this small spot, people would not have found it for a while.

"I just heard my brother introduce the situation of this side hanging set!" Long Fei gently tapped his finger on the map, but his voice was surprisingly firm: "According to Brother Zhi, although this edge is small, its effect should not be underestimated!"

"Can't be underestimated!" Zhi Chenggong was stunned again, staring at this small dot on the map.

"First of all, this side gathering is just south of Yueyi City. It is not very far from the four attacked cities above, and it is only a day's journey, and Yueyi City is just a day's journey from the side gathering. Secondly, looking at the surrounding military layout, the nearest army needs a day's journey from here. Only then can we arrive. Finally, look at the surrounding islands of Yuedao, which is mostly here. According to Zhige, the border collection is the link between those small islands and Yuedao. That is to say, the people of the small island are connected with Yuedao through the border collection, and the materials are also bought and sold through the border collection, that is to say, the border collection is actually relatively rich. The most important thing is that the permanent population here is small, less than 1,000 people. What do you think of these reasons?

He nodded successfully and said, "I didn't expect that Long Fei could see so many things by listening to it once and combining it with the map. In fact, Long Fei may not know that this edge is actually a three-indifferent zone. This place is blocked by mountains and is the defense of the three legions of Wu, Meng and Zhi. Although nominally However, it is under the jurisdiction of the direct legion, but due to the insufficient number of the straight legion and the difficulty of transferring troops, the legion can't manage these places, while other Meng and Wu are embarrassed to reach out to manage, so this place that the three parties don't care about it. Such an environment has become a secret business. In the source, those merchants who wandered from south to north did not have any shady business, so this side gathering has become the trading place of this kind of business, and the people who gathered along the side by side have also made a lot of windfall and accumulated a lot of wealth. Therefore, the edge of the collection is indeed a place for pirates to covet.

I looked at the crowd and saw that everyone was listening attentively, and then continued to say, "In fact, there is another most attractive reason why pirates salivate, that is, there are not many permanent residents here, only a few hundred people, but the population is almost the permanent population. Several times, but they usually come back the same day, and rarely spend the night. If pirates suddenly attack this place late at night, there is indeed a chance to kill a chicken or dog.

Looking at the others successfully, everyone nodded and agreed, which obviously agreed. The vertical collection here is really a coveted bun.


Stand on the edge of the dense forest and look at a winding path under the mountain, which is the only road from outside the island to a small town on the edge of Moon Island.

Behind are more than a dozen soldiers of Song Chun and 2,000 fish-human soldiers brought by Zhisong, standing silently in the dense forest. There is no other sound in the forest except for the occasional wind blowing and the noise of some small beasts who see so many people flee in shock.

If they hadn't come to the front, no one would have known that there were thousands of armored soldiers hidden in this dense forest.

Since it was determined that this edge set was the next target of the pirates, he successfully came here quietly with the straight legion to arrange it.

On both sides of the only path leading to the edge, there are two relatively high hillsides. The mountains are densely forested. When you go up the hillside, you can see them all dense layers of forests. There are very few open spaces and less than ten feet of sight. It is really a good place to ambush.

Long Fei, Tongtou and Zhi Chenggong ambushed here with about 1,000 soldiers, while Ye Guoming and Zhi Chenggong took 1,000 soldiers to the side to lie in ambush.

Now everything is ready, just owed the east wind - just waiting for the pirates to come.

The copper head looked at Long Fei and asked, "Do you think pirates will not come to hang out?"

"I'm not sure!" Long Fei smiled and said, "This war is originally a three-point plan and seven-point plan of luck. Anyway, we have done what we should do, and the rest can only be God."

"That's too!" Tongtou nodded and said, "However, these pirates are so familiar with Moon Island. Do you think there will be traitors in the fishman clan?"

"That's for sure!" Long Fei nodded and said, "Just looking at the course of action of this group of pirates, it is almost the same as the army of the fish people playing hide-and-seek. If there is no one on Moon Island to lead the way, no one will believe it!"

"If I find out who did such a thing, it will definitely make him live worse than death!" Zhi Chenggong also stood aside. After hearing Long Fei's words, he said viciously that this is no longer a battle of interests, but a matter of the whole nation. If someone betrays the whole fish race for his own interests, he is the enemy of the whole fish race. If someone really acted as an insider for these pirates and led thousands of people to be endangered by pirates, then this person is the enemy of the whole fishman clan.

"I will know!" Long Fei said lightly, with a sad tone. What he hates most is also such a person.


Mount Mogan.

The largest mountain range of Moon Island is located in the west of Moon Island. This mountain is extremely long and almost crosses the whole Moon Island. It is like a sharp blade that cuts the Moon Island from the middle. This mountain is extremely high, and there is snow on the peaks all year round. The mountains are rocky and dense forests, and few people enter.

Under a main peak of Mogan Mountain, there are several simple tents in a relatively large valley, accounting for more than half of the wide valley. The valley is surrounded by dense forests, and tall forests cover the sky and surround the whole valley. You can't see outside the valley. I didn't see any way out of the valley anywhere.

Although it is a broad daylight, the whole valley is quiet. Except for the occasional sound of animals passing by branches and the sound of courtship birds, the valley full of tents does not make a group of noise when gathered together.

If you approach the tent, you can hear the faint snoring from the tent and the voice from a tent in the middle.

Looking through the open door of the tent, you can see several people sitting in the tent. The person sitting in the middle looks at it roughly, which is similar to the pirate leader You Lang, who was chased after Ye Guoming and others and finally died after stealing the boat.

There are three people sitting on both sides, and on the right is a fat man. A scar on his face from the corner of the left eye to the chin. At first glance, it looks like a caterpillar crawling on his face, which is frightening. The big man's head is a thin young man with a sharp face and monkey's cheeks, and a fierce cold light shining in his triangular eyes. It was Miyaichiro, the apprentice of Zhong Zhi, the second head of Liusha City, and the only apprentice.

The person on the left sits upright and has no expression on his face. If the copper head is here, he will definitely shout like a ghost. This person is actually a disciple of the great deacon of the Mu family defeated by the copper head - Mu Wen.

The man sitting in the middle said respectfully to Mu Wen, "Where is our next goal?"

Muwen stared at the map and looked at the places that were registered on the map. These places were the places where the pirates of Yuehuan and Yuelong had attacked. Needless to say, this group of people were the pirates who had caused trouble in the past month.

"What do you think of Brother Gong?" Muwen did not say his opinion, but turned to the pointed-faced Miyaichiro and said, "Brother Gong is a guest of the Xiu family. He has lived on Moon Island for a long time and should be more qualified than me to choose a place for the purpose."

In the eyes of Muwen and others, this person named Gong Yilang is a guest who has been invited by Xiu Xingshan from other places. Although he is young, he really dares not underestimate his martial arts tricks. Although Muwen thinks that he may not be as good as Gong Yilang, he does not dare to think that he is better than Gong Yilang.

Of course, it is inevitable to compare with Miyaichiro from time to time.

Although Gong Yilang was arrogant, he still had a little respect for the people who came out of the family for hundreds of years. When he heard the words, he stood up and saluted Mu Wen with a fist and said, "I dare not, I dare to be ugly in front of Brother Mu."

Before Muwen said anything, the fat Lv Qi said in a loud voice, "Brother Gong, don't be polite anymore. Here you are most familiar with Yuedao, which is also the reason why you sent the elders here. Didn't we all succeed in the first few times? That's still Brother Gong's plan."

Muwen smiled and said, "Yes, the elder is very important to you. You don't have any ideas here, and the one dares to come out. Boss You is also counting on you!"

Boss You-----You Lang's brother You Shi, who was killed by Ye Guoming and others, laughed and said, "That's because Brother Gong doesn't take action, we are all looking at helplessly!"

Gong Yilang was also very happy when he was praised by everyone. A proud smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, and his triangular eyes flashed with cold light. He repeatedly said, "Don't dare, dare, but since you all think highly of Gong so much, Gong won't be embarrassed."

After saying that, he pointed his finger to the map and said confidently, "What do you think of this hanging set?"