Eastern Continent

Chapter 433, hard to break

Mu Wen's eyes flashed: "I would like to hear more about it."

Gong Ichiro saw that everyone's eyes were focused on him. Although he was indifferent, he couldn't help but feel a little complacent. During this period of time, this group of murderous pirates have indeed made a lot of money under their own plans, and they did not encounter any danger, so they did It's heavy.

With a faint smile, Gong Yilang pointed to the edge of the map and said, "Let's take a look. First of all, from the military power distribution map, this place should be under the jurisdiction of the direct army. Didn't you like the straight family for a long time? This time, it happened to let them also eat a bitter fruit; second, although this is a place with a straight surname. However, due to the isolation of the mountains, and because the direct army lost too much in the war with the bone spurs, the troops leading to them are much less than other surnames, so there are not many troops here, or even the troops are not even deployed; third, it will take a day for the nearest troops to reach the edge, that is to say, If there is a situation on the edge, it will take two days, at least one and a half. In addition to the assembly time necessary for the army to operate, they will have at least two days to arrive, so we have a lot of time to make a fortune. Fourth, this sideline is roughly looked down on, all due to its geographical location. In fact, it is an important window for trade between the mainland of Moon Island and the surrounding islands. Therefore, although it is not very famous, in fact, wealth is famous on Moon Island. At that time, we can make a good profit and then decide the next action.

Mu Wen clapped his hands and praised, "Brother Gong, this side collection is indeed the best goal." Then he frowned and said, "It's just that in such a good and obvious place, we thought that maybe the other party would also think that if they arrange troops there and set up an ambush there now, wouldn't we have no chance to go and throw ourselves into the trap?"

Miyaichiro smiled confidently and looked at the people in the whole tent. When he saw them looking at him with doubt, he said confidently, "Don't worry, even if they are arranged there, I am sure to transfer them out."

You Shi was refreshed and looked at Gong Yilang and said, "Brother Gong, what's plan? Just tell me. I'll take the lead first." Immediately, he said viciously, "As long as the people surnamed Zhi and Wu can't become the allied generals of the fishman clan and fall into the hands of Mr. Xiu, I can avenge my brother's arrow. If he dares to kill my brother successfully, I will definitely let him die miserably."

Gong Yilang said, "Thank you. My son said that only when we combine can we suppress the power of other surnames, and Mr. Xiu will win the leader of the united army. At that time, the prince will definitely fulfill his promise to you."

Muwen smiled and said, "Please tell Mr. Xiu to reassure him that everyone is in the same boat now. Of course, they can only talk about other things after pushing Mr. Xiu to the position of leader. I believe everyone is very clear about this."

You Shi nodded and said, "Brother Mu said that, Brother Gong can rest assured. If there are any arrangements, you can say it directly. I believe everyone will do their best."

After turning Miyaichiro's triangular eyes, he whispered his arrangement.


With a weed in his mouth, he looked at the mountain road below boredly and muttered, "Bitch, your grandfather's hand is itchy. Why don't you come quickly?"

Zhi Chenggong's expression on his face was a little stiff. Looking at the copper head who didn't care at all, he reluctantly smiled and said, "Brother Tong really can laugh."

Copper head looked at Zhi Chenggong's sweating head because of his nervousness, and frequently stretched out his hand to wipe it. He couldn't help laughing and said, "What are you afraid of? These people are just small insects that bully soft and hard. There is nothing to be afraid of. I can kill two people with one punch."

If it weren't for this tense moment, Zhi Chenggong really wanted to laugh out loud, and it would be very hard to laugh like this.

Jinggong said heartfeltly, "I don't know if the pirates will really come here. I don't know how Brother Ye and his brother are in the town?"

Tongtou said carelessly, "It's the same whether they come or not. Anyway, we are just guessing that we don't have direct contact with them. We don't know the personality of the enemy. It's not surprising that they are wrong. As for the wolf trap arranged by the two old foxes together, it's not a piece of cake."

Long Fei closed his eyes and turned a deaf ear to their words. It seemed that he had not slept for several days and nights.

Looking at Longfei and Tongtou, one is sleeping leisurely, as if he is not lying in a dense forest with many mosquitoes, waiting for the enemy to come to tear it up, but in a melting house in winter, holding a bed of thick brocade quilts and having a big dream of spring and autumn. That leisure is not It can be learned by ordinary people; the other is rubbing his hands, cutting his teeth, and his face is full of excitement. He can't wait for the enemy to come now and look at his appearance, as if war is exactly what he longs for.

Looking at himself again, I couldn't help but feel ashamed. I was not only worried that the enemy would not come, but also worried that the layout of the town would be seen flaws by the enemy, and I was even more worried that these people were not the enemy's opponents.

Compared with Long Fei's calmness and the excitement of the copper head, he is only nervous. Zhi Chenggong secretly admired and said enviously, "You two are about the same age as me, but you are so calm. You are not nervous about these murderous robbers at all."

Tongtou laughed and said, "What's the tension? Damn it, I can't wait for them to come quickly now. I just have been holding my breath these days."

In fact, whether it is some large beasts encountered by Tongtou when hunting in the mountains, or the war in Liusha City, it is also very dangerous and often loses its life. After experiencing these things, Tongtou is indeed not as nervous about the war as before.

Jion Chenggong laughed at himself and said, "But I just feel nervous."

The copper head patted Chenggong on the shoulder and said, "When you see those inhuman beasts, you will no longer feel nervous, but only feel angry and hateful."

Jian Chenggong nodded and said, "It should be like this!"

Long Fei asked strangely, "Didn't the fishman fight fiercely with the bone spurs for many years? You should have fought a lot before. Looking at Chenggong, it seems that it is the first time to go to the battlefield?

Jian Chenggong said ashamedly, "That was more than ten years ago. I was not born at that time. Although there were occasional wars with pirates or incoming bone spur clans over the years, because I was too young and my father didn't let me go to the battlefield, I haven't really go to the battlefield."

Long Fei smiled and said, "This is when parents love their children, and straight brother doesn't have to blame the straight elder. Maybe it's because your father thinks that you may not be able to protect yourself at that time, so he won't let you go to the battlefield."

Zhi Chenggong smiled bitterly and said, "Long Fei doesn't have to comfort me. Many of my fish people who are younger than me have been born and died on the battlefield. They have come back with all their contributions, but only I have never contacted the enemy. For this, I'm almost ashamed."

Tongtou laughed and said, "As long as you kill more enemies and make more achievements from now on, you can also make up for the previous missing."

Long Fei nodded and said, "Yes! Many half of the soldiers in history have still established immortality.

Jion Chenggong was said by the two to re-establish confidence, and unconsciously did not feel as nervous as before.


Just while several people were talking, the voice of the messenger suddenly came from outside the forest. Although it was not big, it cheered all the people who stayed in the forest. The sneaker finally came and waited for a few days and was finally waited by them.

"Speaking" Zhi Chenggong said seriously, "Where has the thief arrived?"

The messenger ran from outside the forest to the front of Zhichenggong at almost the same speed. He didn't even have time to wipe the sweat on his head. He opened his mouth and said, "The thief did not come here. Yesterday, he attacked Xinyue Village in Yueyi City and killed all 600 people in the village. There was no living, and all the goods were looted."

"Ah!" Zhi Chenggong shouted and immediately looked up at Long Fei with a questioning look in his eyes: Didn't he say that the sneaker would come here? Now it has arrived at Xinyue Village.

Long Fei stood up from the ground and said to Zhi Chenggong, "Bir the map."

Zhi Chenggong and copper head quickly pulled the map away. Long Fei looked at the map with the light from the treetops and stroked his fingers on the map. From the northernmost part of Moon Island, he rowed all the way down the place where he was attacked several times. First, Yuelong City, then Moon Rabbit City, and then several other small cities or villages. , to the last Xinyue Village.

The attacker actually bypassed the side hanging, but the Xinyue village near the south side of the side was brutally attacked.

Long Fei needed a sneer at the corners of his mouth and said coldly, "If you want to play, I will play with you to the end." He turned his head and said to Zhi Chenggong, "Please make your brother and Brother Ye come here to discuss it?"

Jian Chenggong's lips trembled and stopped talking. He remembered that he had successfully ordered himself to listen to Long Fei's order, so he didn't ask much, but passed on the order.

How's it going? Why do you want us to come here?" Ye Guoming asked as soon as he saw Long Fei. After these days of getting along with each other, and Long Fei's analysis of pirate movements, everyone was deeply convinced, so Zhi Chenggong and others also asked Long Fei's opinions.

Long Fei smiled apologetically and said, "Just now, a spy came to Yueyi City and was attacked by pirates, and 600 people were not alive." Longfei felt heavy and felt a little sorry for Zhicheng. If he hadn't insisted that the next goal of the pirates would be this sideline and let Zhicheng transfer the army here, maybe Zhicheng could quickly transfer the army to Yueyi City and eliminate the pirates.

His body vibrated, his face turned pale, and he became iron blue in an instant. After pondering for a while, he raised his head and said to Long Fei, "Can Brother Long guess why they went to Xinyue Village instead of hanging together?"

Long Fei's look at the straight success just calmed down immediately after being shocked. He couldn't help admiring it secretly. He thought that this straight success might be more stable and had no characteristics. Unexpectedly, he was the first to sink down at a critical moment. It can be seen that after a long war, he was flexible and calculating. Conspiracy is the characteristic of some naturally smart people, but the first to calm down when things happen are these people who grew up in war.

Pointing to the map, Long Fei said to Zhi Chenggong, "I think they attacked Yueyi City for the purpose of hanging together."

Zhi Chenggong wondered, "Or is it a hanging collection?"

Long Fei said heavily: "Maybe we all forgot that these pirates have an internal response, that is to say, their old nest may be either on land or at sea. At this very moment, not only our detectives are all over the whole coastal area of Moon Island, but they must also be scouts to explore the whole territory. It has to be clear."

It's not stupid to succeed. Hearing this, he was shocked and said, "You mean that our army was dispatched and they knew about it."

Long Fei nodded and said, "It should be like this, otherwise how can they explain that they bypassed the hanging group to attack the dilapided Xinyue Village."

He said successfully, "Why did the dragon brothers say that their purpose is still to hang out."

Long Fei said, "I'm sure that they attacked Xinyue Village just to transfer our troops so that they can attack without danger."

Straight successfully put his hands behind him, walked back and forth a few steps, and then nodded slowly and said, "Long Fei's speculation is a little reasonable. Compared with his town, the hanging collection is like a bright pearl. If I want to avoid being noticed, I will definitely not let go of the hanging collection. If the pirates don't * That proves that they really understand the situation on the island, and from the previous attacks, it is obvious that they have a deep understanding of the situation on Moon Island.

"So we need to make a deployment against this operation of pirates." Long Fei said lightly, "Otherwise, they won't be fooled!"

Straight successfully looked straight at Long Fei and said, "What do you think the Dragon Brothers should do next?"