Devil's Capital

Chapter 22 Hanging Southeast Branch

Sunrise City is located on the outer plain of the Spartacus Mountains, and to the north is the human city of Noland. The ecology here is affected by the mountains behind, and the planting industry cannot be developed. People who come here come here for business. The crystal core and fur in Warcraft can be purchased at a very low price in the sunset city, and these hunting teams will not have the leisure to compare the price difference between the mainland and the sunset city.

Therefore, every year, a large number of caravans rush from the mainland to the sunset city, waiting for these hunters to sell in winter after autumn. Although the journey is a little far, and there are threats of thieves along the way, several times or even ten times the profits suddenly made these caravans abandon their personal view of life and death and are happy every year. Some rich nobles in the interior also like to go to the temple to buy objects from demons, such as heads and ears, and can be sold at a higher price. Of course, you can't imagine why those nobles are so enthusiastic about this nihilistic honor. However, for businessmen, interests are everything!

Danny was a little frustrated. They didn't feel anything about the temple's behavior of deducting their team's merits. After all, this time it was also their own fault. However, for the temple's non-recognition of their speculation, the leading priest severely criticized several people, saying that they should not spread rumors in peacetime, which is easy to confuse people's hearts.

In this harvest season, those caravans have gone to the sunset city one after another, and some of them have entered the city to make small-scale acquisitions. Of course, during this period, the priest does not want to order the whole city to be on guard for this unwarranted reason. At that time, the losses caused will be more than a little. How can the temple, which earns water by collecting red envelopes from caravans every year, agree with Danny's suggestion at this time? What's more, hunters have no place in Norland!

"Go! Go to the bar for a drink. We don't care about this. In a few days, I will leave the sunset city to stay in the mainland for a period of time and come back next winter!"

Danny shook his head and said to his teammates. Several of them were sure that the demon team that ambushed them in the mountains was obviously not originally found in Swift City. The fighting style was very different. After fighting with the demons in Swift City for so many years, Danny and others soon realized that the team must be from the demon world. I hope, as the priest said, this is just a routine change of posts in the demon world!


In the southeast of the city, there is a row of commercial streets. The people who designed and built this majestic city had a hobby, which was planting trees. Therefore, after building a house for myself, I circled a large area of land around the house and planted a lot of mulberry trees. Now that the owner is dead and the mulberry trees have been preserved, this commercial street has been built next to this mulberry forest.

"If you Hadnona can still buy things from the devil from the temple this year, I will hang it on this mulberry branch! Moreover, this year's profit will make you 20%!"

The quarrel began to rise, and Menjie fu was very unhappy. The woman in front of him and herself were one of the largest chambers of commerce in the mainland, and they still followed the first batch of convoys this year. After coming to the sunset city, after several inquires, I learned that the most popular business in previous years - the resale of the devil's limbs. This year, I didn't gain anything because of the devil's duty. He couldn't argue with Hadnona and knew that he couldn't say this woman. In anger, Men Jeff pointed to the thick mulberry tree behind his chamber of commerce and gambled with her!

Men Jeff, you also have funny times!" Watching Menjie fu eat, Hadnona covered her mouth and joked with a smile.

"Don't say that, do you dare to gamble? Whoever loses will hang up the southeast branch. For the sake of being a woman, you are allowed to wear more!" Menjie fu stopped Hadnona's words. He was really afraid of this one. Obviously, he did a good job in the Chamber of Commerce and seemed to grab money everywhere. Originally, I learned that the devil's business could not be done this year, which means that the largest share can't be obtained.

I'm in a bad mood, and I met Hadnona, a tough girl, who came to discuss how to allocate the share of this year's demon business. Do you think Men Jeff is angry?! Of course, the first element of being a businessman is calm! In this way, we can find the most suitable opportunity in a chaotic situation, make profits at one stroke, and take the Chamber of Commerce forward. After saying that, Menjie fu quickly calmed down and vaguely felt that Hadnona was trying to make herself angry. Is it possible that this strong woman has any other way?

Don't allow Men Jeff to continue to think about it. Hardona immediately answered Menjie fu's words: "Promise, why not agree! Men Jeff, you put forward this agreement. If you lose, I don't want you to hang up on the southeast branch. Just give me one more layer of your share!"

How do you think Hadnona's smile is like a weasel with cheese? Menjie fu wanted to regret but was blocked by Hadnona's words. At this time, he can only pray that the devil can always be safe this winter, and he will pray for the devil. Menjie fu is completely messy at this moment!

The bad feeling in his heart is getting stronger, and Menjie fu is ready not to quarrel with Hadnona here. Put aside the devil's business. These large caravans came to such a far border to buy Warcraft materials, not to take a fancy to this amount of money, but to balance the price of inland magic cores and other materials. Only by controlling the price difference, the winners will always be their biggest chambers of commerce. This is already a tacit matter between the leadership of several chambers of commerce, and they are often doing such cooperation.

Thinking about it, Men Jeff saw Danny and others passing by the commercial street. Menjie fu was still very impressed by Danny, an excellent hunter and the team he led. He immediately came forward to greet him warmly and said:

"Hi, Danny! Long time no see. How's your harvest this year?

"Oh, it's Lord Men Jeff! The adult is so elegant that he is not busy receiving the goods and chatting here?

When he heard someone calling himself, Danny reacted for a while. Seeing that it was Men Jeff, the director of the Giant Deer Chamber of Commerce, he immediately squeezed out a smile and replied. At a glance, I found that the person I was talking to was Hadnona, the director of the Hetilian Chamber of Commerce. No matter how dull I was, I knew that the two would not have nothing to do before staying at their door to chat. However, what does this have to do with them? Since the temple doesn't even care about demons, what's the point of caring about these?

I noticed that Danny was a little depressed, but this just confirmed his previous guess. Holding a trace of luck, Men Jeff greeted him with a smile and said, "Dear Danny, I haven't seen you for a year. How have you been recently?" I heard that the devil suddenly fell silent this winter. I don't know if you met the devil when you were on a mission?"

Hadnona also showed a trace of curiosity. The reason why she dared to say such words was because of a new young priest who came to the temple a few days ago. The newly promoted young man was sent to this remote place by the interior. In his heart, he accidentally learned from the senior priest that the temple has the habit of storing demon materials every year. Of course, these materials that have not been publicly sold are not seen. There are a group of special clergy in the temple who are studying these demons. The bodies, whenever the magic in these materials is exhausted, these bodies will be cremated as garbage.

After intoxicating the innocent little virgin and sending it to her maid, Hadnona hurriedly came to Jeff to discuss it the next day. Unexpectedly, this person did not buy it, so there was a dispute above. At this time, when she saw Captain Danny, Hadnona also wanted to hear about the experienced hunter's experience and stood quietly, waiting for Danny's answer.

"I think Lord Men Jeff, you should have heard the answers from other hunters in the industry! At this time, should I say that our team's peaceful life this winter will help you confirm your disappointment again? Despite Jeff's embarrassed face, Danny continued,

"However, I guess it will disappoint you two this time. We just met a demon team yesterday and narrowly escaped from their hands and stayed in the temple all night. Now we have just come out!"

"What? What you just said was that you met a demon team, and you failed! Did I hear it wrong?" After hearing the news, Menjie fu felt that his life was like a roller coaster. You never know when ** will come! However, the merchant's intuition made him catch the point of Danny's words - a demon team different from previous years! Before he could think about his tragic end, Menjie fu hurriedly asked. He wanted to confirm the authenticity of Danny's words, which was related to the safety of their caravan. Recalling the records thousands of years ago, he had a deep fear of the regular demon army.

When it comes to their own safety and has no interests, Men Jeff and Hadnona wake up instantly. When you find that something can no longer bring you wealth, but will cause danger to you, you won't have the previous enthusiasm for this thing!

"Yes, that team hasn't met in ten years. I reacted to the temple. However, the temple does not think this is a sign of the devil's action. Since the upper class said so, we have to think so! All right, I won't talk to you. Let's go to the bar for a drink!" After saying that, Danny was not interested in continuing the conversation. He simply said goodbye to the two and took the group towards the bar.

"Actually, even if the devil really calms down this year, you will still hang on the southeast branch!" Looking at Menjie fu who had just recovered and fell into doubt, Hadnona slowly told Menjie fu the information she had received from the temple.

Doen Jeff, who learned the truth, blushed, and he was depressed when he lost the bet and scolded in the direction of the temple: "Dastard! What if I hang myself in the southeast branch? It's all money! You prodigal sons of the temple, curse you to hang all the southeast branches after death!"

PS: It's over the street. I have to hang it on the southeast branch. Ask for a collection of red tickets~Thank you very much