Devil's Capital

Chapter 23 Night Attack!

"First team, pay attention to concealment! Team 2, pay attention to your right side!"

Kent shouted in a low voice. Just now, they had successfully ambushed outside the sunset city at night, waiting for Lord Sinjid to take advantage of the gate as soon as he arrived with the demon army!

Under the inspection of the scouts, the sunset city has not strengthened its guards today, and it is still as usual. After getting this information, Sinjid really asked the vanguard to take the lead and quickly find a hidden place in the corner of the city. And he took the Chinese army to slowly approach the sunset city at night.

When night fell, the residents of the sunset city returned to their homes. Some vendors and soldiers who changed shifts went to the bar and began their night life. In this way, the demon quietly ambushed outside the city without the knowledge of the human beings in the city. Taking advantage of the dark night, he opened his ferocious fangs and lurked carefully. He wanted to jump up and choose someone to eat!

"The first team is already in place!"

"The second team is in place!"

"The magic mage is in place!"


Listening to the report of his subordinates, Sinjid faced the night, and there was no light in the night sky. What a good night! Thinking that the demon invasion of human beings was also reduced to a sneak attack, Sinjid's face showed a wry smile. For the glory of the demon world, these bars are not so cared! After all, history is written by the winner, and this time, the demon world does not allow failure!


While Sinjid issued the offensive order, the spell mages standing next to the vanguard army have completed the prepared large-scale magic:

"The meteorite falls from the sky!"

Big stones with flames emerged from the night sky and hit the sunset city vigorously. The fiery red light spreading in the sky and the earth-shaking impact instantly broke the tranquility of the night!

"Kill! For the glory of the devil!"

Kent took the lead with the vanguard and ran to the gate that smashed a big hole.

Tonight is destined to be a bleeding night!

"Ah! What is that in the sky? Is it magic? There is a sound of fighting at the city gate. What happened? Oh, the Virgin is up!"

"Mom, I'm scared!"

"Good boy, little daughter, don't be afraid. Mom will take you to a safe place!"


The chaos began. After some scattered meteorites crashed into the city with high temperature and destroyed some residential houses, the flames generated by the high temperature began to spread, and the situation in the city was completely out of control. Human beings were attacked before they realized what was going on!

"Zhongjun, attack with me!"

Looking at the figure of the vanguard army disappearing in the inner city, he knew that the time was almost time, and the temple and the troops stationed in the city should have gathered. Sinjid ran in front of him on a one-horn demon, thinking about rushing through the city!

Green is the great priest of the temple and is responsible for the magic defense of the whole sunset city. It is also because of his negligence that a demon will not come after winter. In order to greedy for the crystal core in the ink defense array, he has not been able to recharge this defensive magic array for a long time.

When he was attacked by war magic, Green was still drinking coffee leisurely at home and reading classical books. Suddenly, the ground shook, and the coffee in his hand sprinkled on the book. His heart was full of fire. He was about to go out to see what had happened. As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw the gorgeous fire cloud in the black night sky, in which there were more than a dozen meteor showers. As the meteor shower fell, the ground continued to shake. The coffee cup in Green's hand fell to the ground, and the cracking sound of porcelain reflected his mood at this moment and broke to the ground. He knows, he's done!

"Wow, wow! Nibunu is so scared, don't kill Nibun! Niunyu wants her mother..."

A demon shook away a woman's hand and lifted her body, when a little girl appeared. Seeing that the devil found herself, Niuniu hugged her mother's body that had gradually lost its temperature and cried. Watching the devil come forward, Niuniu's trembling body sobbed and dragged her mother's body back step by step. Carelessly, she stepped on a broken arm on her foot and fell to the ground, sobbing louder.

Wood felt a little irritable and was killing himself. First, the little girl's mother grabbed her feet when she died, and then the little girl's crying angered him even more. Prepare to come forward and end this young life and make the world completely quiet. Just as Wood waved the bloody sickle in his hand and was about to reach the top of the little girl's forehead, a figure flashed beside him and reached out to hold the sickle to stop Wood, who was waiting for the next move.

After Wood saw the person in front of him clearly, he had to step aside and said, "Big, my lord! It's not in line with the rules."

"Msergeant Wood, there is nothing abnormal in the East District, okay? Now you need to rush to the North District and gather with the large troops to destroy the garrison and the troops of the temple!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Sending Wood casually, the magnificent figure bent down and helped the little girl who fell to the ground.

The little girl fell to the ground and dared not open her eyes. She felt someone approaching. After being caught, she shouted, "Don't kill me, don't kill me!" Please!"

"Okay, now you're safe! Now follow this street to the east gate, where there are no demons at present! Remember, don't say that someone saved you after you escape, okay?"

I felt that there was a different person, and the vague dialogue before made Niunyu have a very bad guess in her heart. Thinking that the devil had saved herself, Niuniu opened her eyes and appeared in front of a handsome young man. If it hadn't been for those purple eyes, Niuniu would have thought that she was a handsome big brother full of sunshine.

"Big brother, although I don't know why you saved me, thank you!"

Niu listened to the words of the demon in front of her and was ready to escape in the direction of Dongcheng. When she left, she suddenly remembered something and turned around and asked, " By the way, what's your name, big brother? Can I meet you again in the future?"

"Don't remember my name. I will see you again when there is a fate!" Looking at the little girl in front of him gradually running into the distance, Carondo touched his nose and thought that it would be better not to see each other again. Because at that time, either the devil completely occupied Noland or was driven out of the plane passage by the plane natives. Next time, I will be on the battlefield. Little girl, live well and live strong!

"Kill! For the ashes of tomorrow!"

"God will pray for us in heaven!" A temple warrior firmly guarded the temple and prayed silently with his mouth.

"Fight you! I don't know how many years it has been since Kazat died. Is the God you believe in still there? The demon who attacked in front of him immediately laughed when he heard it.

"Has your demon master been dead for thousands of years? What are you shouting about?"

"I'll do it! Damn, I want to die, right? I'll fulfill you!"

The two scolded each other while doing it. Later, they scolded real fire and began to fight directly. This situation can be seen everywhere around the temple. The demon army outside has separated the temple's troops from the city defenders, and at the same time began a war of attrition against both sides.

However, the quality of demon soldiers is far higher than that of human soldiers. At first, they can fight with demons with courage. Gradually, their physical strength began to be unbearable, so the whole human army began to be completely defeated. What is greeted is the unilateral slaughter of demons!

At night, the sunset city is bleeding like a river, and the demon army enters the block in pairs, taking away a large amount of property from the shops, and killing scattered human beings without saying a word. The whole sunset city was filled with a bloody breath. Even the rotten birds that specialize in rotten meat did not dare to approach. They hung high in the sky from afar, looked down at the coveted food below and dared not go down, and wandered back and forth, "Ah, ah!" He flew away from the sunset city.

Singid was sitting above the hall of the temple, staring coldly at Green kneeling on the ground. After catching the clergyman, the demon below looked at the brocade on his body and knew that he was a big man, so he was sent to Sinjid. Slowly stood up from his position and walked to Green. The sound of kicking and kicking was on Green's heartstrings, making him afraid to move.

"You said that you are in charge of the magic defense array of the sunset city?" Sinjid looked at the great priest who was willing to surrender with great interest. If what he said was true, then he still had the value to survive.

Hearing the demon lord's question, Green quickly concealed the loneliness in his heart and said, "Yes, my lord! Every great priest controls the key to the magic defense array, and it is also done by us to charge the crystal nucleus!"

"Well, then take us to see this magic defense array. Remember to hand over the key in your hand and tell us how to open the magic array!"

Listening to Sinjid's words, Green couldn't help twitching on his face. If he lost the key, he would not be slaughtered by others, but thinking about the strength of the devil, he had to begged weakly, "Your Excellency, do you see, can you forgive me first so that I can serve you by surrendering to the devil!" I also know the treasure house of the lord's mansion and the secret collection of the temple, which are dedicated to you, the great demon lord!"

Ha ha, looking at the servile priest in front of him, Sinjid couldn't help feeling a little funny. This is the top of the human world. If there were more such scum in the indigenous people, their task would be easier. He nodded slightly, reached out and interrupted Green's next words, turned to Calondo, who was standing aside, and said, "You go out first to clean up the mess for me, gather the human bodies and burn them down. If you meet the survivors, don't kill them and bring us to us."

"Yes, my lord!" Calendo replied respectfully and set out to rectify the security in the city.

Next, we will continue to discuss the secrets of this city. Dear Green, you must be also interested in this, right?

"Of course, I'd love to!"