Devil's Capital

Chapter 24 Warm-up!

"Have you sorted out the magic materials?"

Looking at the demon soldiers moving in and out, Zafi came forward and asked a captain. The other party was responsible for receiving the collection found in the sunset city. Thinking about the magic raw materials he urgently needed at present, Zafi was a little anxious.

Under Green's guidance, Sinjid and his soldiers successfully occupied the magic circle hub in the sunset city. However, because it has not been enabled all year round, some magic array runes have become unstable, so that even if the magic defense shield is successfully turned on, its function will be greatly weakened.

After the situation became clear and the whole sunset city was completely controlled by demons, Zafi, as the captain of the spell wizard, had to participate in the repair of the magic array. This is a great victory. Demons rushed in all the way and died in no battle. Even when fighting with the warriors of the temple, only a few demon soldiers were injured.

These demons are immersed in the joy of victory and destroy what they see in front of them without the constraints of their officers. It was not until Calondo found that the whole sunset city was smoky by this group of soldiers on the way back to his life that he had to report to Sinjid to stop the crazy behavior of the soldiers below, so that the situation was suppressed.

It will always be those who do technical work. Zafi can't complain to his comrades-in-arms that it is because of your undoubtedly destruction that some magic runes can no longer be used and must be repaired in time!

sighed, and Zafi told the demons to bring the Warcraft crystal nucleus of the magic materials needed to his designated block before noon, and he would continue to study the magic array hub of the city.

Destroy is always faster than construction. At first, Sinjid did not think of completely occupying the sunset city, because their rear supplies could not completely keep up, and even if they captured the sunset city, they could not cope with the attack of the human reinforcements behind them. I wanted to directly cripple this human's advance base, so I acquiesced in the misdeeding of his subordinates at the beginning, but the reality played a big joke on him.

Who would have thought that thousands of years later, human beings had forgotten the threat of demons, and the defense began to loosen, directly giving demons a chance to occupy the sunset city! Looking at the postponed city, Sinjid couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. It was really a difficult question whether to evacuate or stay. However, with the magic array contributed by Green, it is not impossible to defend the sunset city and compete with the human army. At least in this way, you can understand the details of the human army and be more sure when fighting in the future.

Thinking so, Sinjid turned back to the study, took out a page of rice paper, and began to write a new military order:

From the selected day, the logistics department began to settle in the sunset city and establish a defense system together with the spell mage!


Fold the written warrant into a yellow bag and take it to his own soldiers and ask him to give the letter to the logistics of Swift City. The matter came to an end for the time being, and Sinjid, who was rarely free, sat in the study of the city's mansion and began to read books. The war gave the devil great confidence and encouragement, but it was far from that Sinjid even thought that he had not achieved the effect he expected.

Demons do not fight in the local area, even if they continue to expand their results in the early stage. It is completely impossible for them to stand here if they can't be supplemented by troops in a short period of time. It is an unwise choice to consume with these plane indigenous people. If a group of human beings die, they can be quickly replenished. If one of their demons dies, there is really one less.

"Let's take it as a warm-up!" Sinjid thought silently in his heart that they did not want to establish an absolute advantage in Crimson soon. As long as they stood firm, they would make money! He picked up a general history of the Norman continent from his desk and read it. When the inland human upper class learned the news, they sent troops to fight for a long time, which was enough for them to prepare.

"Is the war coming again?"

Lili squatted in the corner and trembled, carefully touching his companion leaning against the corner. What happened last night was so sudden that Lai hasn't recovered yet. For him, this is simply a disaster! You know, he was still studying inland a few days ago. As soon as he was on vacation, he was in a hurry to come back to reunite with his family. As a result, when the family had dinner last night, the tragedy happened 1

"This is not war, this is slaughter!"

Tey lowered his voice and said viciously.

Last night, his family all fell into the pool of blood. He hid in the corner behind the door, covered his mouth with a mission, watched his father, mother and brother fall into the pool of blood and scream. His teeth were bitten and his fingers did not dare to make a sound. After the demons collected the belongings at home and left one after another, Tei opened the door and ran to the body of his relatives. He held a cold body and cried bitterly. He silently vowed to revenge on the devil. As a result, he was caught by a group of patrolling demon soldiers today when he was about to escape from the city while the devil was relaxed.

Looking at this fat man who had fallen into a crazy state, Riley felt that he never really understood this classmate and best friend. The two saw each other in the prisoner and stayed quietly together. Laili also heard about the situation in Tei's family. The two ruined teenagers met again at this moment, which was only sad!

Under the close care of the devil, I don't know if there will be a tomorrow. These human prisoners have begun to have a desperate psychology. The whole room is full of living people, but they have begun to be filled with a strong sense of death. There are two aspects of things, one is happy and the other is sad, but sometimes it is the devil, and sometimes it is the turn of human beings themselves!

The winter of 1001 is a sad day. All people in Noland should remember what happened on this day, and we have been wiped out by the peaceful days. Now the devil has begun a new round of aggression, and our compatriots have been killed by the devil without any resistance. This is a day of shame, which reminds us not to relax our vigilance, because the crisis has never been far away from us! - Declaration of Freedom

At this time, human beings have not received any news, and some upper-class nobles even communicated with each other in private dances to discuss how to share the benefits brought back by the Chamber of Commerce from the sunset city. The world is confused, so it needs redemption. I forgot which god said this after ascended the throne. However, this sentence is regarded as a declaration of war by the devil, and the ultimate object of war is Caesar, the god of light!

The battle of the scarlet plane has just begun, and it announces to the gods that the era of demons is coming!

"You should know that this is not a wise choice!" Yulin did not participate in last night's battle. For her, the top strength was not as strong as Sinjid, and her command was not as good as Carondo's, so she stayed in Swat. After learning that Sinjid intended to stay in the sunset city, he hurried over and tried to persuade Sinjid to change his mind.

Singid took his eyes away from the writing and looked at Yulin with an angry face in front of him with pity. At this time, he deeply realized the suffering of Carlis. Yulin is talented and hard-working, but her vision is too narrow and the tactics are too conservative. Such a person is only suitable for peacetime. In this turbulent era, Yulin is indeed not a qualified successor. That's why Carlsas has such great expectations for that Su Fei! With a slight sigh in his heart, Sinjid motioned Yulin to calm down, and then said slowly:

"If I give up this forward base, will you still be confident that you can break through it so easily next time?"

Hearing Sinjid's answer, Yulin hesitated, compared the difference between the combat power between demons and human beings, and roughly estimated the war consumption of the two sides. She shook her head. Unless the sea of tactics is used, it is basically a luxury to take the Japanese city when human beings are on guard!

"So, why do you think I should give up this city?"

Unable to refute Uncle Sinjid's words, she just subconsciously wanted to do everything possible to avoid a situation that was unfavorable to the demon army. In her opinion, the devil does not have stable logistical supplies, and opening the battlefield itself is a wrong choice, so that sunset and Swift can't look at each other, so the war will be very hard. Seeing that the commander had the intention to continue, Yulin closed her mouth knowingly and was ready to listen.

"This war will not end in a short time. Of course, it is impossible for Swat to give up, and the sunset city is not destined to be stationed by us for a long time. The so-called war first strikes the enemy's momentum. If we retreat at this time, human beings will not regard us as a great threat. On the contrary, the previous destruction of the city caused not fear, but anger! Then we will welcome 100,000 or millions of human troops.

"The first thing people think of about fear is whether they can ensure their own safety, so they will not act rashly; while an adult will choose to respond with his fist in the face of provocation. The truth of war is not only what is written in the book. You will experience a lot of actual combat in the future. You have to take into account all the factors on the battlefield. It is related to the survival of the whole team. It can't be a child's play, which is also the reason why Carlsus has delayed allowing you to participate in military affairs. Do you know?"

Ulin is also a top student who graduated from the West Point Military Academy, and has continuously defeated Nami of the Delhi Military Academy and Monrad of the Stanford Military Academy in tactical competitions, becoming the champion of the last tactical deduction. At this time, as a champion, she deeply felt her own shortcomings after listening to Uncle Sinjid's statement on the war, and completely understood Carlsas's original intention, and how naive and ridiculous her original dissatisfaction and rebuttal were at this time.

took a breath and calmed down. Yulin knew that the war had just begun and there was still a lot to learn. Thinking about this, Yulin's mood became inexplicably better. She must live up to Uncle Carlsas' expectations!