Devil's Capital

Chapter 25 Those lucky and unfortunate!

God's City is located in a small city 50 miles behind the sunset city. In the morning, Hadnona held a cup of tea, but she didn't send it to her mouth for a long time. The warm sunshine sprinkled on her delicate skin, but she could not wipe away the cold in winter.

She was undoubtedly lucky. Just as she took several of her attendants to Shenen City to deal with the resettlement of the follow-up caravan, the whole sunset city was slaughtered that night. And this news was told to himself by Menjie fu, who had just escaped from the sunset city. Now, they should consider not how much wealth they lost in the sunset city, but how to successfully escape from this war. For these businessmen, war also means wealth, but as two major businesses that do business honestly, dealing with demons is an extremely risky act.

At this time, Men Jeff was sitting on his side. He had just gone to the back and simply washed his face, and his face was still full of fatigue. Out of a woman's intuition, Hadnona resolutely chose to temporarily leave the place of sunset, so her caravan suffered little loss. But Menjie fu was different. Although he reacted at the first time when the demon attacked the city, Captain Danny's guess became a reality. Fortunately, he was decisive and threw away some large items he brought with him directly. He simply disposed of the precious goods and put them into the storage ring, so he hurried to the bar to find Danny and others.

Although the members of Danny's team are convinced that the devil will soon have the next move, they did not expect it to come so quickly. When the meteorite fell to the ground and the riot began, and the bar was far away from the incident area, when Men Jeff brought his cronies to the bar to find drunken Danny and others, briefly explained the current situation, and Danny and they woke up from drunkenness.

As a warrior, Danny should go out to fight against the attacking demons at this time. However, seeing that the city defenders had not come out to preside over the situation, the city was in chaos. Finally, at the request of Men Jeff's repeatedly, Danny's team took Men Jeff to escape from the sunset city in the name of escorting the caravan.

The loss this time is unpredictable. Unlike the Hwatilian Chamber of Commerce, where Hadnona is located, their Giant Deer Chamber of Commerce started by relying on the Warcraft skin business. So a large amount of goods were lost in the sunset city. Thinking about the loss of these belongings, even if he narrowly escaped from danger, Menjie fu could not be happy. But at this time, no matter how much you suffer, it is impossible to reason with the devil! At least Menjie fu didn't have the courage. Sitting in the living room, everyone was thinking about their own affairs, and the scene suddenly cooled down.

I felt that this matter was too much to do, at least it was not determined by my status. Hadnona took the lead in breaking the silence and asked Jeff:

"The devil took the lead in launching the war. What does your Giant Deer Chamber of Commerce think of this matter?"

Involving the position of the Chamber of Commerce behind it, Menjie fu also had to consider this issue carefully. Behind these large chambers of commerce are the support of some princes, so once their position is expressed, it means that this is the will of those big people. Like Hadnona, it is also impossible for Menjeff to represent the will of the Giant Deer Chamber of Commerce. At this time, Hadnona proposed to have a relationship with each other and see each other's views on this demon invasion.

"You should know that our Giant Deer Chamber of Commerce has not been interested in demons, so I guess we will be neutral this time."

Mon Jeff considered the words and simply explained the intention of the Giant Deer Chamber of Commerce to Hadnona. Behind these chambers of commerce stood some count, patriarchs, and cooperative relations with the imperial forces on the continent of Noland. Of course, they will not go to the post foolishly when the war comes.

These have long reached a consensus among their large chambers of commerce, and Hadnona is worried about the strange chamber of commerce. The Dodge Chamber of Commerce supported by the Kingdom of Catherine is the only chamber of commerce on the continent of Norland that has established mutual trade with demons. The news of the demon invasion is a good thing for them. Although local chambers will create rumors to restrict the Dodge Chamber of Commerce, even some negative rumors may cause Dodge to fall into the abyss of destruction.

"Do you know the Dodge Chamber of Commerce? How about we take the initiative to establish business with demons? Hadnona seriously asked Men Jeff that if a person does something that seems to deviate from tradition, he will be despised by other peers, but once a few people participate together, these businessmen will put down their ugly faces and seriously consider the profits that can be brought in this regard.

Uh! Shocked by Hadnona's suggestion, Menjie fu didn't think it was a good suggestion to trade with demons. Not to mention whether these native human beings can accept it, and the human countries that form a rebellious alliance will not allow their decisions of these chambers of commerce. Neutrality will not accuse them. Once you stand on the other side, a little carelessness will bring a crisis of destruction. Menjie fu trembled:

"You don't know the danger here, do you? Can interests really make you forget life and death and ignore the safety of your chamber of commerce? I can't agree with such a thing, and I won't report it to my superiors!"

"I'm in a hurry to refute first. How long will this war last?" Seeing that Menjie fu was lost in thought, Hadnona continued,

"Think about it, the devil, as an alien aggressor, represents a whole plane trade channel. If the Dodge Chamber of Commerce seizes the throne and establishes a business with the devil, how many resources do you think we will have to give us at that time?"

Thinking of the unknown medium-sized chamber of commerce Dodge, although it has not been well received because of its communication with demons, its chamber of commerce still has its background. If what Hadnona said really happened, then even if Dodge is still carrying a bad reputation, after the heterogeneous trade, Dodge is one of the largest chambers of commerce! As for the fate of the Chamber of Commerce, Men Jeff had to take it seriously. This kind of matter is too important. Even a senior executive like him has no authority to make a temporary decision on behalf of the Julu Chamber of Commerce.

Looking at the moving but difficult to choose Menjie fu, Hadnona knew that the blueprint in front of her was deeply attracted by the blueprint she drew. Similarly, as a senior director, it is impossible for him to make a decision for the Tillian Chamber of Commerce, but with a strong hunting team, the situation is very different! Looking at Danny and others who had been sitting aside, Hadnona couldn't help but have a cunning smile on the corners of her mouth.

was entangled. Door Jeff accidentally saw Hadnona pouted at himself, and the target was Danny's team. The most painful thing about their large chambers is that they have not been armed, and some more important items must also rely on the strength of mercenaries. If Danny's team is willing to join this plan, then Hadnona's plan is really possible.

I fantasize that the business road can be established with the heterogeneous plane in the future, which has never happened in the continent of Noland or even in the history of crimson, even if it is a demon. As long as any kind of intelligent creature has social activities, there is a need for business. Since Dodge can communicate with demons, they can also do business!

"Captain Danny, I don't know what you plan to do next?"

In private, Men Jeff and Danny are still very good. The two have had several pleasant cooperations in the sunset city, so they have made a good impression on each other. It is for this reason that Hadnona took the effort to say Jeff first. After all, the cake is too big and you can't attract enough partners. It is impossible for the Tillian Chamber of Commerce to take the devil's order alone.

Seeing that the two did not mean to continue the conversation, Danny was about to say goodbye to Men Jeff, and the sunset city could not stay any longer. Danny originally wanted to stay in the mainland for a while, but this kind of thing happened at this time, and it was even more impossible for them to stay. The lives of their hunting teams are precarious. Danny thought for a moment and replied:

"We want to stay in the mainland for a while and consider the specific where to go when the storm subsides."

Hearing Danny's answer, Menjie fu was a little happy and pressed the excitement in the center. Menjie fu sincerely wanted Danny to say his plan:

"I discussed with this representative of the Timian Chamber of Commerce. Our two chambers of commerce are interested in hiring you as mercenaries of our Chamber of Commerce. If the situation is clear in the future, we can discuss it again if you have new plans?"

Join the Chamber of Commerce, although in the form of employment. This kind of thing is not very attractive to martial artists who advocate force, but in order to survive and stay in a stable place for a while, Danny thought this suggestion was also good. After all, the comments of the Julu Chamber of Commerce, where Men Jeff works, have always been very good, and Danny will not worry about being treated unfairly in the Julu Chamber of Commerce. However, he still needed the opinions of his teammates on this matter, so Danny began to communicate with his teammates.

"What are you going to do next?"

"In addition to resting, what else can you do to settle down and wait for news?" George rolled his eyes at Danny and didn't have much objection to joining the Chamber of Commerce.

"What about you?" Danny passed George and asked the next three people,

"Listen to the captain!"

Seeing that his teammates did not object, Danny was much relieved and replied to Men Jeff:

"We are willing to accept the employment of your chamber of commerce, but we will discuss with you in advance if we leave in the future."

Originally, I planned to tie Danny's team to the team of my Chamber of Commerce, but now it can't be so explicit. Good development depends on future cooperation. Menjie fu happily decided the matter, and Hadnona beside him was also relieved. Things had a good start, and the next thing to consider was how to deal with the devil.

I don't know, is this the luck of their Chamber of Commerce?