Devil's Capital

Chapter 26 Deal with the Devil!

In the north of Noland, winter is the most difficult season. At dusk, the sun got off work as usual, and the sunset city began to fall into silence. The demons have completely controlled the situation in the city. At this time, they are either human beings who are willing to surrender or some prisoners.

Singid has begun to rebuild the sunset city, preparing to confront the human army in this human station, so some preparations must be completed as soon as possible. The remaining human beings in the city have begun to despair, and those stubborn and rebellious human beings have gradually become numb. As long as these demons deprive them of their right to live, it will not be a big deal if they are slightly abused. Of course, those human beings who have fallen to the devil have begun to help the devil rebuild some defense measures at this time. I have to say that this is an era of survival for the fittest. As long as they can survive, they don't care who they are working for.

At sunset city, the torches began to be lit, and the remaining demons in the city began to work as temporary supervisors, urging those human beings to work hard. Menjie fu returned to the sunset city with Hadnona. One day, the whole sunset city had completely changed. Looking at the familiar city, after a day, standing outside the city and watching the human beings busy under the supervision of the devil, Menjie fu couldn't help but feel a sigh.

Yesterday, he was waiting for the good news of the hunt in the sunset city, and today he returned to the sunset city again. The owner here has changed one. Human beings no longer have the leadership of the city, and these remaining human beings have become vassals of demons. As if in a different world, seeing that the two guards at the gate had been replaced by demons, Menjieff and Hadnona had to take out the credentials of their merchants and confirm their identity as serious businessmen to the two demons guarding the gate.

Today, it was Louis and montkey's turn to guard the gate, thinking that they could not be unrestrained in the city with their comrades-in-arms. The two stood under the gate with bitter faces. Who said it was their turn to guard the gate on the first day of drawing lots? There is no choice but to do his duty and dress up to inspect the people who go in and out of the crowd. Some people who go out to carry building materials are often inspected several times. In the next day, they are unluckily able to be checked five or six times by the two demons in a row.

After several fights, they were almost mature. Seeing that there was really nothing to do, there was no light in the dark night sky. The two were discussing going to the bar to relax after the evening break. At this time, they saw Men Jeff and Hadnona and his party coming up, as if they had found a new big one. Lu, Louis and Monge suddenly cheered up and questioned the group of people:

"Hight! Who are you? What's the matter with going to the city?

"This guy, we are a local chamber of commerce, and now we want to talk to you adults about the transaction."

Hearing the devil's interrogation, Menjie fu came forward, holding a money bag in his hand, shaking it, and the money bag made a "jingle" sound.

"Oh, it turned out to be a businessman! Why did you come to the sunset city so late? Don't you know that the sunset city has been captured by our demons? It's okay to go in and find Lord Sinjid, but have you figured out what the price to pay?

Louis patted Monge on the shoulder quietly, came up from behind him and took Men Jeff's purse, weighed it in his hand, held it in his hand, and immediately knew the merchant's sincerity. So he snatched the merchant in front of Munch and hinted at their demonic rules, that is, these small fortunes could be sent away. If it was in the face of Lord Sinjid, it would be far from enough to see.

I didn't expect that this demon was also a shrewd master, and Men Jeff suddenly had a feeling of meeting an old friend in a foreign country. I know that the first level has passed, and the rest depends on whether the sincerity they bring can impress the demon lord. He took out a piece of jade from his arms and gave it to Louis. Men Jeff said with a smile, "I didn't expect that the little brother was also a cheerful person, so it would be easy to do. We came here specially when we heard that you occupied the sunset city. Businessmen are nothing more than asking for a profit. We can't control such things as war. As for whether the sincerity we bring can impress Lord Sinjid, it depends on luck!"

After taking over the jade pendant, the smile on Louis's face was more enthusiastic. He stretched out his big hand, patted the door Jeff's shoulder, put his head forward and whispered in Jeff's ear, "For the sake of your gift, I will provide you with an additional message: Lord Sinjid is a pragmatic demon. Don't use those Unrealistic things will fool him, otherwise I can't guarantee that you can see the sun rise as usual tomorrow. In addition, if you can solve some problems with materials, I guess Lord Sinjid will be happy to cooperate with you!"

"Oh, oh. OK, OK! Thank you for reminding me. I will definitely thank you in the future!" Door Jeff repeatedly responded, but he didn't think so. If the Chamber of Commerce dares to blatantly provide supplies for the demon side, it is estimated that even if they successfully walk out of the sunset city, they will not return to the mainland alive. Once the human side learns the news, it will be gentle to kill them. However, this kind of thing is certainly not easy to mention to the demon in front of him. After a simple farewell to the two demons of Louis Monge, Menjie fu walked in the direction of the temple according to Louis's instructions before.

Demons can be seen everywhere along the way. They wandered on the street, and from time to time, patrolling demon armies drove back these demons who did not return to the team and wandered outside. The destroyed sunset has changed from the scene of prosperity in the past. There are broken walls and ruins everywhere, and some burned houses still exude a bad smell at this time. Menjie fu and his party walked quickly on the street, carefully identifying the direction of the temple through the dim light.

Along the way, I met many patrol demons. Seeing that there was no slave sign on Men Jeff and others, they simply interrogated and let them go. Only a few hundred meters from the gate to the temple, it took Men Jeff and others half more time to walk than usual, and the traces left by the war still looked so shocking at this time. The two, who were originally in an excited state, also began to calm down. From the beginning, they did not think about the consequences of trading with demons, but by this time they had come to the sunset city, and it was too late to regret it.

I hope this cross-generational change in business will not be the root cause of the complete fall of the crimson plane! At this time, Menjie fu can only pray silently in his heart. I hope that those demons have not fully recovered after thousands of years. Such a deadlock is the result they need most.

"Your Excellency, there is a team of human beings outside who want to see you. They claimed to be businessmen and said that they had something to talk to you about business. Do you need to summon them?

Carondo came in from the outside and reported to Sinjid.

Sinjid was still looking at the history of the Norman continent at this time and had a certain understanding of the changes that have taken place on the Norman continent in recent years. At this time, he was interrupted by Calando and immediately frowned and asked unhappily, "Do you think we demons need to do business with the weak? All their wealth is ours, even if not now, they will definitely be in the future! You are not the first day of contact with these truths, are you?"

The devil believes in the principle of power. In the past, an exotic indigenous poet once commented on the demon's aggression:

The red sky is not covered with red clouds

That's the devil cutting open the enemy's chest with both hands

Blood flowing from inside

The earth is desolate

It's not because of the harsh environment

but what the devil believes in

There is no grass where it passes

When the black wings begin to float above the sky

That's the devil blowing the horn of war

People who are enemies of demons

will always crawl on the ground

groaning and trembling

So those who dare to resist the devil

All are heroes!

At the beginning, many planes of the anti-Japanese army were inspired by the poet's words and fought desperately with the devil. Although it can't change the final outcome, it still has a great impact on the devil's photo, slowing down the pace of the devil's invasion.

"There is no need to trade!" Calondo thought about it and felt that their demons themselves were not suitable to talk about trading, but if their demons could not win over some allies in the crimson plane, then they still fought very hard in this war without enough support. Calon hesitated and felt that it was necessary to remind Xinji. Lord De, so he gently reminded:

"Your Excellency, since we have planned to fight for a long time, why don't we try to establish some exchanges with these indigenous people? Even if we can't form an alliance, we will properly express the goodwill of our demons and believe that some human forces who are not firm in resistance will stop and wait and see! In this way, our pressure will be much less!"

Listening to his confidant's answer, Sinjid nodded with satisfaction, but what he said was not about it. He asked lightly, "Your sister should be 120 years old this year, if she is still alive!"

"Yes, my lord!" When it comes to the topic of his relatives, Calondo suddenly became silent and his mood began to become depressed. His sister died in an accident when she was a child, and he himself fell into deep self-blame for not being able to get back in time.

"I know that you are still unforgettable about that incident. The original originator has been punished. You don't have to live in painful memories all the time." After a pause, Sinjid continued,

"You put that little girl! For your sake, I acquiesced in her departure. But in the future, you should remember that the interests of the demon world should be measured at all times, just as you just judged. Our demons have always been too strong, but domineering will never last long. It's time for us to find some collaborators. Well, go and call those human businessmen in. After waiting for so long, I guess our guests have been impatient.

PS: I came back from drinking at ten o'clock and was in a bad state. I'm dizzy. After finishing the code, I'll ask for a collection of red tickets and click on it. Today, I took CET-4 and found that the question type was not bad, but those words are all the same. They all know me. I don't know them, and it can only mean that I must review them for a period of time before the annual exam. It's getting late. Good night, everyone. Thank you, Xiaomu!