Devil's Capital

Chapter 51 Holy War 10: Unveiling God

When Stiding was young, he was a very pursuing prince. At the beginning, Carljenon opposed the political marriage in the southern part of the empire, which lost the face of the southern people, and also had a great response in various countries: at that time, the girls were fascinated by the legendary emperor, and it was even more regretful for Queen Weier's encounter. Steding, these young people who have just entered the society, directly regard Carljenon as their idols and fantasize that one day they can promise her happiness in front of their favorite girls!

When he learned that Queen Weier and Cargenon the Great had passed away one after another, Stiding originally wanted to go to the Cass Empire to mourn the dead in person. For Kaljanon, Stiding is still admired, but the plan is far from keeping up with the changes. When Stiding was ready to leave for New Delhi, the royal city of the Cass Empire, the war broke out, and the war between the royal city against the south completely began. As an admirer, Stiding himself wants to leave for the Cass Empire to mourn the Cargenon the Great, but he is also the emperor of the Otter Empire, and it is obviously an irrational choice to go during the internal war of the Cass Empire.

Just as the domestic situation in the Cass Empire was turning around for a long time, Carljenon's life friend Aristoh gave Stiding a suitable reason to intervene in the internal war of the Cass Empire. So with the slogan of quelling the rebellion in the southern part of the Cass Empire, Stiding took his army into the territory of the Cass Empire. Of course, this was not good news for the successor young emperor. As a result, the rebellion subsided, but it was indeed a mess left by Stiding for Cappucci, which also left a psychological shadow in Cappucci's heart for ten years.

"That is to say, did you coincide with the invasion?" Cappucci was very reluctant to recall the dark history ten years ago. At this time, listening to Stiding's analysis as an outsider, Cappucci also realized that the tragedy was indeed not an accident, but a premeditated conspiracy against the Cass Empire.

"In those years, I had a good personal relationship with Aless and Carl Genon, but we didn't have time to help you deal with the aftermath. After that, there were so many misunderstandings due to different positions. Stiding said slowly that when he entered the country with a large army and met Cappucci, he was only a child under the age of 18. Due to the contradictions caused by the two sides, he did not clarify the matter in public, which led to misunderstanding for many years.

As Stiding continued his in-depth investigation, he soon found something strange: the wandering poet named Les left no trace in the small town of Sloh, and many residents in the town were not impressed by the wandering poet. Later, it was learned by the owner of a hotel that Les was just a poet who came to travel to the local area. The boss looked at him and treated people warmly. At that time, he also talked with Les for a long time. From Les, he had passed many different places in the mainland, and the town of Slo was just a stop on his trip in his life.

The clue was broken here, and Stiding found no information about the tragedy after that. A wandering poet who traveled to cede land in the continent of Nordland can't think of what role he played in this war. Until one day, when Stiding was traveling in a remote mountain village in the south with several generals, they met a believer who was spreading the faith of the temple.

In late autumn, Stiding stationed his troops in the south of the Cass Empire, and he led several generals to relax. Regarding the tragedy, no useful information was found. Stiding, who was depressed, rode a horse all the way without saying a word. What these generals understood was to throw their heads and blood on the battlefield. They were really not good at this meticulous work of feelings. The dead leaves withered and the cold wind hit. After quickly passing through a maple forest, a small mountain village appeared in front of him, thinking that the horses needed to rest, and the water bags they carried were not enough and needed supplies. Stiding led everyone to go to the mountain village in front to rest for a while.

"God said, if there is light, darkness is no longer eternal!

God said that the world is guilty. Only by firmly believing can we be freed after death!

God said that those who believe in me will have eternal life and can ascend to heaven after death!

In my words, Odis is the only true god in the Crimson Continent!

If I hear this, the soul of those who believe in Odis will never fall into hell!


He was a hypocrite again. Stiding was suddenly not interested in this messenger's hypocrite. The group quickly walked through the path in the village and prepared to find a family to exchange some supplies and replenish water bags by the way. Oz is a close relative of Odis. This kind of work of promoting his faith can only be given to the most trusted people around him. Once the hypocrites are exposed, the consequences are unimaginable. Oz didn't know that this was the first mountain village he passed by. He left the Crimson Capital two years ago and quietly went to remote corners of the mainland to promote a new faith - the faith belonging to Odis!

"Just now, that group of people are from the upper class. It seems that they have to leave quickly." Oz deliberately lowered his head when Stiding passed by and didn't pay attention to them. When their figures disappeared out of sight, Oz didn't want his missionary career to be exposed. He decided to leave the mountain village first and prepare to go to the next missionary site to temporarily avoid these people to avoid anything from happening. Conflict.

"Odis, isn't he the current temple owner? That guy just had a ghost. Let's go back!" Stiding recalled the words of the previous missionary in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. Until he remembered the name of the Lord of the current temple, he immediately shouted, turned his horse's head, and took the crowd back to go back.

The wind blew by, and the cold wind hurt people's faces. When they came to the place where they had just met, the missionaries had disappeared, and the names of the villages gathered together to listen to the religion also dispersed. Chasing, we have horses, and he can't walk far alone. Tevez, you chase down in the direction of a team; Lit, you chase down with a team to the north; the rest follow me to the east, catch people, light a bonfire to signal, and meet in the maple forest in front of you at night. I must catch up with the missionary this time. I have a hunch that this matter will soon be clear.

After giving the order, Stiding took a team of people to chase east. Tevez and Lit looked at each other, saw the solemnity in each other's eyes, and led a team of people to chase in different directions.


"That means that missionaries like you are acquiesced by the Red Capital?" After spending the whole afternoon, Oz was finally blocked out of a small town by Tevez and brought it back to Stiding.

Seeing that he was caught, Oz also seemed to be relatively calm. He had dealt with most of the famous upper-class people in the south of the Cass Empire, and the man in front of him was obviously not. After having a clear heart, Oz told Stiding half-truth about Odis's Protestantism. Originally, he thought that Rusting would join Protestantism, and even Oz promised Stiding a cardinal title, which is equivalent to the current great priest. However, he didn't expect that Stiding was not moved by his conditions and continued to question more in-depth things.

Thinking that this is probably a local nobleman, he was not afraid of being impoted by holding the sign of the Crimson Capital, so he began to brainwash Stiding with the remarks of the new school of the Temple of the Crimson City: "Most of the priests in the Temple of the Crimson City now support Lord Odis. And soon, the status of believers in the Lord Odis will be promoted everywhere. Once Lord Odis ascends to the throne, it will be the time for you to ascend to heaven!"

"Isn't it just a burial for Protestantism? That's so nice!" Stiding sneered and thought about the question he wanted to know most, so he pretended to be very pious and approached Oz and asked in a low voice, "Lord Oz, don't you know what are the specific conditions for joining the Protestant Church?" After saying that, Stiding took off the money bag on his waist and shook it, and the sound of gold coins hitting inside sounded very pleasant.

"How embarrassing this is! To join Protestantism, as long as you are pious, aristocrats like you can be upgraded to a cardinal as long as you pay 10,000 gold coins! Of course, we are so familiar with each other. As long as you give me 5,000 gold coins, I can guarantee that you can get the title of cardinal. In the past two years, Oz has been running around to preach. Although he received bad worship along the way, he still spent more time in the mountain village. Sometimes he saw that the local villagers really couldn't live and had to spend a lot of money to help them improve their living conditions. Of course, this is the smooth and unimped missionary work. At this time, when he heard about Stiding's offering, Oz didn't care about the identity of the guy who claimed to be Mendy in front of him. Now he was really short of money. A few days ago, he went to a village to preach, and the villagers inside saw that there were no substantial benefits, which embarrassed Oz for a long time!

"Lord Oz, it's not that I can't give you gold coins, but I have a question to ask you. What are the benefits of a war on the mainland today for Lord Odis? Human civil war is not conducive to the large-scale spread of faith, and it is also easy to cause confusion of faith!" While quietly stuffing the wallet in his hand to Oz, he was curious about this question for a long time. Of course, he had something to ask when he caught the opportunity.

Oz was a little wary when he heard Mendy's words. He didn't want to reveal the secret of His Royal Highness Odis so casually, and the sincerity of the person in front of him still needs to be tested.

Seeing that Oz was a little embarrassed, Stiding knew that he was right, so he slowed down and continued, "Lord Oz, I'm just curious. The October bloody incident that happened last month has not subsided yet. I don't know if adults have any news about this?

Seeing that Stiding did not continue to ask, Oz was also relieved. The October bloodshed was planned by him and a great elder in the Temple of the Crimson Capital. At the beginning, he led Shagamar to meet the great priest Luian, and the three quickly reached an agreement. At this time, the news of Queen Weier's trip came from Wangcheng. The three suddenly felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so they found a heartfelt Protestant to ** Queen Weier, and they accompanied them with Qingxin fans and slowly confused the mind of Queen Weier all the way, so that in the town of Sloh, Les hugged the beauty as soon as he took action. Of course, these things can't be told to Stiding. Oz looked at Stiding with a surprised face and said, "Isn't the October tragedy a tragedy directed and acted by Shagama himself? If you don't have the strength to think about it, the death of such a person is more or less irrelevant to the overall situation!"

Listening to Oz's chatter, Stiding was almost impatient. Suddenly, he remembered something, with a strange smile on his face, and suddenly asked softly, "How does Queen Weier feel?"

"It's so cool! The big*, the plump buttocks, the sexy lips, and the deep garden. It's just a pity that such a wonderful person died like this. I didn't expect that the emperor's wife was still so well maintained after giving birth to a child for so many years, and the woman's body was so tight. I'm sure she hasn't had sex with anyone for more than a year. Do you think Carljenon can't do this? Hahaha! Haha!" Oz has been depressed for too long and has been living in the mountain village for a long time. Although she can always find one or two beautiful mountain village girls to comfort his lonely and empty soul as long as she wants to be a missionary, but this is far from satisfying him.

This time's plan was to let Les kill Queen Weier, but when Oz saw Queen Weier, he had a blasphemy idea. At dusk that day, he was going to replace Les to go to Queen Weier, and thought that Les was in the way, and directly a big purification technique made Les evaporate from the world. At this time, he and the unconscious Queen Weier were left in the maple forest. Thinking of Queen Weier's wonderful body, Oz became hot all over. He tore off Queen Weier's coat two or three times and gently put the sleeping beauty at the foot of a maple tree. Oz began to kiss Queen Weier's sexy lips.

Then, from his neck to his chest, he stroked the pair of strong * with his hands, and Oz's nose began to be cloudy. Such a tender and smooth body and such a proud figure were unmatched by women he had worked with in two years. Queen Weier, who was in a coma, was immersed in a wonderful dream. She returned to her 18 years old. It was not Kargenon who came to her home, but the eldest brother next door. She had been secretly in love with him for a long time. However, the two rarely communicate with each other, so at this time, they were pressed on by the eldest brother next door. Wei Er felt that her face was red and did not dare to open her eyes and look directly at the other party. She just followed her body's instinct to find pleasure and tried to swing her posture to cater to the people above.

"It's really cool! That was probably the best time I did it, and it was still a young woman! In fact, I wanted to hide her as my concubine at that time, but the woman was unwilling to wake up and dared to bite me, so I was angry and..."

"Kill her!" Stiding took Oz's words and said for him.

"God! Why did I tell him this? It seems that I can't get the 5,000 gold coins! I hope the cardinal has enough ** power for him, otherwise I will have to pay out of my own pocket this time!" Oz had some regret in his heart. Sure enough, there was a lot of disaster. This Queen Weier caused the martyrdom of Emperor Carljenon, which made him help but tell the truth of the rape and murder of her that night. Seeing that things came to this point, Oz simply admitted that he believed that the little nobleman in front of him would not do anything to himself: "I killed her. You don't know that the queen feels different, and she is also a tender queen. How long has it been since she was moistened? That dusk was really a wonderful memory.

"I want to know more about the reason why Odis has plunged these countries into civil strife." Stiding tried to calm his tone. He was afraid that he would accidentally slap the scum in front of him to death! Scum!

"Since you already know my secret, as long as you promise to keep it a secret for me and give me the 5,000 gold coins you promised before, I will tell you! You know, this is the most important secret of Lord Ordis, which can't be told to outsiders. Oz will think that since Mendy in front of him has known his secret, it's nothing to tell him the secret of Lord Odis for the 5,000 gold coins agreed before. At worst, a big purification technique will make him evaporate from the world after he takes the money!

"Do as you wish, Lord Oz!" Stiding didn't expect that this man was dying without knowing it, and now he was still thinking about the previous gold coins. The servant handed him a gold ticket with a denomination of 5,000 gold coins and handed it to Oz, waiting for him to tell the secret he wanted to know most.

"Yo, I didn't expect you to be so rich. If I had known, I would have 10,000 gold coins." Oz muttered, carefully taking the golden ticket in his arms, and then said Odys's conspiracy: one morning two years ago, the birds shouted very hard, the flowers in the back garden of the temple were particularly bright, and even the maid who usually looked ordinary became much more beautiful. That day, Odis took me to the garden of the temple and stood on the edge of the pond. Odiss pointed to the fish in the pond and said, "I give you life!"

So the fishman jumped out of the water, fell to the ground and looked again. Hao Ran was a graceful woman, just with a hoarse mouth, ** knelt on the ground and crawled over and kept kissing Odys' shoes.

Odith then said, "I give you wisdom!"

A more amazing scene appeared:

The girl began to cry with excitement. While kissing Odys' shoes, she said devoutly, "Thank you for your kindness, thank you, my Lord! I will dedicate everything I have to my Lord!"

Hearing this, Stiding's heart trembled: This is the means of the creator, and this is the realm of the Lord God!