Devil's Capital

Chapter 52 Holy War 11: Unveiling the Gods

"I will ignite the divine fire and recast the kingdom of God. As my first believer, you will sprinkle my glory on the earth. I give you the name: Ikalander, you will become my messenger on earth as a saint and spread my faith! When I ascend the throne, it will be the day you return to the kingdom of God!"

"Thank you for your kindness. My Lord's will is the will of Icaranda. I will try my best to sprinkle the glory of my Lord on every corner of the crimson!" The girl got her real name, Caparon. Icaranda. He slowly stood up from the ground, leaned slightly, and kissed the ring finger of Odys. Then he stretched out his hands, put on white clothes, and jumped gently to the pond in front of him. His toes stepped on the surface of the water and walked south step by step.

Oz was stunned and waited for the beauty in front of him to move away until he walked out of the temple and could no longer see him. Oz can't speculate about the strength of his master now. His voice trembled with a trace. Oz asked excitedly, "Your Excellency, what step have you taken?" No wonder Oz is so nervous and excited. The whole scarlet plane has not given birth to a god for more than 3,000 years since the fall of the main god of Kazate. At the beginning, in order to prevent the crimson secret from falling into the hands of the devil, the Lord God of Kazate attracted the crimson will hidden in the depths of the plane, causing the will of the crimson plane itself to be severely damaged and once collapsed. Today, the crimson plane has not revealed a trace of rules. These peak legends have stopped here and cannot be further. Step.

seemed to confirm Oz's speculation. Oddis did not directly answer his confidant, but continued to look at the pond in front of him. Reaching out with a move, twelve red carp jumped out of the water and prayed, "I am the god of hope. I will give you eternal life, wisdom and angelic form. You will guard the kingdom of God for me!"

Oz stayed quietly and watched. The divine language used by Odis this time was not an object. At the same time, the use of divine language for twelve creatures was extremely consumed. Even Odis, who had been standing at the peak of the legend for many years, was still a little unbearable. In the end, the power of the divine language gradually disappeared, but the twelve red carp in front of him did not succeed in turning into angels, and Odis was also sweating profusely at this time. Taking the scarf handkerchief handed over by Oz, Odys wiped the sweat on his forehead and shook the handkerchief back and forth. The twelve red carp were full of brilliance because of the impure power of the divine language. After struggling in the air for a few times, they burst one after another, and the fallen glory flew into the air and disappeared.

"I have understood the field of God, but crimson is a plane with incomplete rules, so at present I can only equate those demigods who ignite the divine fire but have not completed the rules." Oddis seems to have made many attempts before, and there is no loss in the failure of the transformation angel, but the previous success of Icaranda's transformation gave him other ideas.

"Lord, you shine like the sun hanging in the sky. Your body is so magnificent that your glory will last forever." Oz is really excited at this time. Odis has been re-elected for three terms. After the fall of Kazat, the temple has not established a pope. The highest head of the temple is collectively known as the lord of the temple. Odis has been in the position of the palace for 300 years, but Oz is the only cronin who served him. At the same time, Oz Ben He is also a fanatical admirer of Odis. Once Odis ascended the throne, he would definitely have his own place in the kingdom of God. Oz began to feel hot when he thought of this.

"It's not so easy for Crimson to be immortal. Forget it, just point it out that it refers to you. Let me tell you about the crimson in the eyes of our group of people standing above the top of the world." When Odis heard Oz's constant compliment for hundreds of years, he couldn't help laughing and thought that he still needed to rely on this cronin to run around for his mission. Odis said the secret of the scarlet plane: "In those years, the Lord God of Kazate united with the plane will to block the devil. That battle was the most difficult battle in the history of Crimson. In the First World War, because the power of the devil's domination of Jerusalem was too strong, not only did the Lord God of Kazate fall, but also the plane's will was severely damaged, and from then on, he fell into a long sleep.

"So that's why Crimson has been declining for thousands of years." Oz had a clear understanding in his heart, and then listened to Odes continue to say:

Not only that, the plane will almost collapsed, and the plane rules are all hidden in the depths of the plane until we can no longer feel even a complete rule. After losing the main god of Gaddat, our temple was abandoned by the alliance of the gods. Fortunately, the god of knowledge had several friends who held important positions in the alliance of the gods, so although the scarlet plane was separated from the alliance of gods, each temple owner can leave for the alliance of gods when he arrived to ignite the divine fire. Continue to promote."

What Odis is saying now is almost the current situation of the crimson plane temple in the past thousand years, but he did not expect that after those temple owners retired, they did not live in seclusion, but left for the Alliance of Gods, the wider world! Thinking of this, Oz suddenly had doubts in his heart. Why didn't Lord Odis go to the Alliance of the Gods? Compared with crimson, shouldn't it be easy to go to the outside world to promote the divine position?

It seemed to see Oz's doubts, and Odis said to himself softly, "I'd rather be a chicken head than a phoenix's tail. In Crimson, I can look down on the whole land and have everything I want, but after I go out, I am nothing! The outside world is more wonderful, but my Odis can't stand this servile days. In the secret of the temple, I found a way to capture the will of the plane. As long as I ascend the throne of Crimson, I can become the crimson plane master and surpass the main god of the Kazate to gain powerful divine power in one fell swoop!"

I didn't hear what Odiz said about the mystery of the temple. Although Oz was puzzled, he was also very interested and did not continue to ask Odiz the reason. The reason why he was able to serve Odiz for more than 300 years with the strength of the Holy Land is not by wisdom, but by loyalty. Whenever a hundred years of people decline, Oddis will take out part of his divine grace to relieve the pressure of life for Oz, so that he can escape the claws of death. It is also that he clearly knows his own value. Oz has already learned to do things seriously and ask fewer questions. The reason why Odis has always kept him by his side is that he is sensible enough.

"Actually, there is another way to ascend the divine throne, which is to get enough soul fragments." Odis said slowly, "I have prepared for this matter for two hundred years. Now everything is ready. I only need an opportunity. When I collect enough soul fragments, I can directly understand the realm of the Lord God. At that time, not only can I ascend the divine throne in one fell swoop, but the whole scarlet plane will also become my bag!"

Knowing such secrets, Oz knew that there must be a place to use himself next, so he complimented in a more humble tone: "Lord Odis, I don't know where this soul should be obtained?"

What Odys appreciates most is his loyalty. It doesn't matter to him whether his men are smart or not. As long as he is sensible and obedient enough, such a servant is what he needs. With Oz's sincere eyes, Odiss said his soul completion plan: "The will of the whole crimson plane is favored by the human race, which is of course the grace left by Kazate, the god of knowledge, to mankind. As long as I can get enough human soul, I can complete the missing parts of my rules, further improve my rules, and further analyze the will of the crimson plane! And you, as the spokesperson in the world, will travel across the Norman continent and incite infighting between countries. Only war and the soul of death will serve as my best nourishment and further promote my path to becoming a god!"

This is a conspiracy of theocracy against the kingship. Oz never thought that the temple owner, who had always been very gentle in front of him, wanted to put the whole Nolandera into the water for his ambition at this moment. Sure enough, ambition dominated the action and lust eroded the soul.

"That is to say, Ordis ordered you to complete this soul completion plan in order to complete his soul completion plan." After listening to Oz's explanation, Stiding has gained more understanding of the controversial disputes on the mainland in recent years.

Thinking that Stiding was scared by what he said about the secret, Oz felt that he should make a fire now, so that he could completely add Stiding to their god-making plan: "MENDee, Odith has been using the incomplete priesthood to absorb the fragments of human souls free on the mainland over the years, especially It has achieved remarkable results in the past two years. As long as you agree to join the soul completion plan, I will report your credit to Lord Odis, and Lord Odis will remember what you have done for the cause of god-making!"

"Hehe, right. God-making plan! Just for this god-making plan, how many families on the mainland are displaced and how many villages and towns are disappearing in the war, in order to satisfy their selfish desires and ascend the throne, such gods are not needed by Noland!" After making up his mind, Stiding slowly whispered to the two generals who stood aside with a hard time, "Kill him and curse."

Tevis and Ritter put up with it very hard. Listening to Oz's story, they have been very depressed. They never thought that the temple, which had always been respected by all the people of Norland, was a concentration camp for a group of extremely selfish, greedy and ugly people. After listening to Oz's story, they were full of hatred for the scum in front of them, and even the hatred for the temple was added to Oz. After receiving Stiding's instructions, they decided to treat the priest well. Before he was cursed to die, he should be given a taste of the pain of time!

Seeing that Stiding did not show a very fanatical look, he took two steps back slightly, and at this time, Mendy's men came forward with two rough men. There was a faint feeling of bad in his heart, but Oz hadn't thought about the worst. He just questioned Stiding, who retreated backwards, loudly, "Mentdy, what are you doing!" Are you going to question the majesty of God? I, the Grand Master Oz, don't allow you to do this. Stop quickly, or I will let you know what regret is!"

Listening to Oz's threat, after learning the secret of the temple, Tevez and Lit don't have to disguise themselves all the time. Thanks to the hard work of suppressing De before. The two looked at each other and walked towards the place where Oz was sitting. Tevez smiled ferociously, and now he had no worries about tearing his face. Tevez came to Oz, lowered his body and whispered, "It's not Lord Mendy who just stood in front of you. He is His Majesty Stiding of our Otter Empire. Thank you for the information you brought us. In order to thank you for being the scum and the best of the scum, our two brothers have just discussed it, and we will not let you die comfortably!"

Hearing the words "Otter Empire" and "His Majesty Stantin", Oz's mind suddenly blanked. What did he just do? He actually wanted to lure an emperor to believe in the temple, and he once thought he was going to succeed! As a result, he got the core secret of the temple, and he also fell into an eternal situation.

"It's impossible. You lied to me! I don't want the 5,000 gold coins. As long as you let me go, I will treat it as if nothing has happened. I have never been to this village, nor have I met His Majesty Constantine. Please let me go and don't kill me!" Finally, under the intimidation of the two battlefield-staking generals, Oz could no longer remain calm, and then put down and begged bitterly.

As Stiding's close general, he also admires Carljenon and other soldiers. However, what a heavy news for them is that the little role of the temple in front of them killed Queen Weier and let His Majesty Carljenon die. Therefore, Oz can't escape any of the disaster today. Only by killing the scum and scum in front of him can we wash away the shame of the kingship and use this to warn the temple that this plane is not the era in front of them!

"Bah! Son of a bitch!" Lit spit on Oz, who was kneeling on the ground and trembling, and scolded fiercely: "You demons in human skin occupy the best resources on the mainland and do not benefit your believers well. Instead, they continue to reach out to the poor people who support you. You are such a good person like Queen Weir, how dare to rape and kill. , and said so sanctimoniously, I won't kill you today, so I'm sorry for myself!"

Tevez beside him is also deeply touched. These imperial nobles offer some resources to the temple every year. Although the temple's suppression of the kingship has never been interrupted, this is only a battle of position. And what Odis and Oz have done has completely exceeded the boundaries they can tolerate. This selfish behavior has caused the whole continent to suffer, which they absolutely do not allow. Thinking so in his heart, Tevez took out the Fu urn and slowly put it aside. Tong Lite mentioned Oz left and right and came to a hill.

"When you brutally killed those human women, did you ever think that you would have today?" Tevez casually took out a dagger from his belt, put a sharp blade against Oz's ear, lowered his voice, and said slowly.

"Please let me go. I'm a poor worm, just a dog beside the god Odis. I don't do any harm to you. Feeling the coldness in his ears, Oz was so scared that he couldn't resist at all by the two strong men. At this time, he could only continue to plead, hoping to arouse the other party's sympathy and let him live. Oz's heart was full of regret at this time. He only blamed that his life was too comfortable and had no sense of crisis. He easily leaked such important news in front of wealth. If he could return to the temple alive, he must let Lord Otis eradicate this Stiding, even if he was in danger of leaking his secrets and dared to deceive God. All the people in the temple will die! However, at this time, he had to pass the difficulties in front of him. Thinking of this, Oz's expression was full of sadness. He only hoped that they could show mercy and let themselves live.

Ritter and Tevez ignored Oz's pleading and crying. They began to cut the organs on Oz's body with a dagger: first, the ears, nose, chin, tongue; then dug out their eyes and began to cut other parts of the body... With the passage of time, Oz's pleading gradually turned into a permeate shout, and finally the hiss gradually became hoarse. Oz's mouth was left with only his upper lip, and half of the stone remained trembling in the air. The squirming from the throat can carefully feel how tragic his situation is at this moment, but in the face of such a bloody man in front of him, Tevez and Ritter were not moved at all and were about to continue to cut with a knife. At this time, Stiding's voice came:

"Okay, give him a good time! The hateful person is also pitiful. This Oz has been punished as he deserves. His mind has been lost, and there is no need to torture him any more!"

Hearing Stiding's words, the two stopped their movements. Tevez took out the prepared charm and read it to Oz's body: "The soul is back, hidden between heaven and earth; the weak water is three thousand, and no one is bound to fall!"

Seeing that Tevez had done the aftercare work, Li Tet took out a handkerchief and wiped the red blood on his hand. He came to Stiding and asked attentively, "Your Majesty, Oz's affair is over for the time being, and we have revenged Queen Weir. Odys's ambition is obviously not only the continent of Noland, but also the whole crimson. What should we do next?

Today's Ordis has the strength of demigods, which is not something they can compete with, so this matter can only be discussed in the long-term. Stiding thought of a character mentioned by Oz before, moved his heart and said in a low voice, "Since Odis can't move first, let's go to Icaranda to chat!"