Devil's Capital

Chapter 53 Holy War 12

Night began to fall, and Stiding leaned against the window without saying anything and quietly looked at Capnochi. What happened back then had a great impact on Capnochi. Because Odis was so powerful in the temple that he told him the truth about what happened so late, Stiding knew that he needed to give him a little time to accept this fact.

Cabnochi stood still and forgot his original intention to chat with Stiding at the beginning. He was immersed in his own world. In the tragedy ten years ago, he just thought it was an accident. The death of the southern lord once made Cappucci feel that he had reported the hatred of killing his mother, and the root of his hatred was that he regarded Stiding as an imaginary enemy to persist for so many years. Now, Stiding actually told him that his biggest enemy was Odis, the demigod who stayed in the temple of the crimson capital!

"Why, why didn't you tell me the truth of the matter?" Capunucci tried to calm his tone. He tried his best to suppress himself for fear that his emotions would suddenly burst out of control.

Levinson stood silently behind Capunucci and listened to Stiding's statement of the accident ten years ago as a bystander. Levinson seemed to have returned to ten years ago and was pulled into a fantasy by the wandering poet, and then the queen fell into an imperable situation. Levinson cracked his blue veins and clenched his fists and hid them in the cuffs. The temple could not compete alone by any of their empires. The high-end battle power temple accounted for almost one-third of the Norman continent, and this third was concentrated.

"At the beginning, I was afraid that you would not be able to calm down when you were young, so after discussing with me, I decided to keep this secret first, and then began to slowly lay out and find a suitable opportunity to destroy Odis's ambition to ascend to the throne. Over the years, our Otter Empire has sent secret troops to target those Protestant missionaries, either assassinating or forcing new trends in the temple, so now we have mastered most of the situation of the temple and have a general understanding of the current situation of Odis. Stiding leaned against the window, turned his back to Cappucci, and slowly said his plan back then.

Cabnochi's chest fluctuated, and he was obviously not very satisfied with Stiding's answer. He continued to ask, "After collecting information for so many years, when should we wait to take action against the temple, or should we wait like this until we die and our next generation will board in Ordis. Live servilely after the throne of God?

Seeing that Capunucci's mood became unstable, Levinson couldn't help taking a step forward. He didn't want his master and best friend to get out of control and do something bad for everyone. At this time, Stiding replied with a little excitement, "Actually, we don't have to wait any longer!" The time is ripe, and the demon's raid is the best opportunity for us to fight back. The envoys of the League of the Gods are on their way to Noland. During this period, Odis must not dare to make small moves. During this period, we will play a good play with the devil and transfer the devil's hatred to the temple. At that time, we can not only retreat, but also take this opportunity to greatly weaken the influence of the temple and consolidate the position of the kingship.

Listening to Stiding's explanation, Cappucci is in a slightly better mood. However, thinking about the tragedy ten years ago, Capnochi felt blood dripping in his heart. His father and mother died in the accident, and the temple, as the mastermind, has been free for so long. Now that he knows the truth of the matter, Cappucci has transferred all his hatred to the temple, and he decided to fight against Odis for the rest of his life. Compared with the demon invasion war related to the survival of the race, the hatred of killing father and mother is the most urgent. If Ordis doesn't die for a day, he will not feel at ease for a day.

The demon army is still stationed in the sunset city. Because of the gap in strength, Sinjid basically did not stop charging the magic array when defending, in order to prevent human raids. The 1.8 million human army brought him heavy pressure, and a little carelessness will put the demon army into trouble. Once they are falling After Richeng lost and pushed into the Swift Pass, his purpose of consumption could not be achieved. Sinjid stood in the temple hall until the evening and did not wait for the news of the human army's attack. Although he wondered why the human army did not take the opportunity to launch a raid, he was happy with the rare buffer time. As long as the human army does not launch a strong offensive, the consumption will be at Sinjid's will.

In this way, the imperial army and the demon army reached a tacit understanding for different reasons and purposes, and no large-scale battle broke out in the following days. In terms of the human coalition, after Donald was beaten like a water dog by a devil with 200,000 troops, he did not make a voice of taking the initiative to attack. These emperors were all thinking carefully, or wanted to make a small profit in the war, with the idea that their dead teammates would not die. In short, no one wanted to be The first bird. Time, they can afford it. Anyway, it must be convenient to consume them, and the purpose of the war has been achieved when they send troops. Even if the war is not beautiful, it doesn't matter. They have given their own people an explanation. As for the final result, no one can say that they have not really started fighting.

Cabnochi has been staying in the Chinese army tent since he chatted with Stiding that night. In addition to eating, he even hid in the military tent and refused to communicate with any emperor. The direction of the war also began to become blurred. Fortunately, the order given by the temple was also to delay the time with the devil. As long as there was no real fight, the purpose of dragging the gods to their temple was achieved. Originally, they were only targeting Su Fei, and the definition of this war was a word: drag! Dragging the devil to fight head-on, no matter if they win, the devil will choose not to shrink. If the negative impact on the Norland mainland is too great, they don't want to see this.

The imperial coalition, the temple and the demon army have formed a situation of mutual war. Stiding is also afraid that if the imperial army lose too much in this war, it will cause the greed of the temple. In addition, he has formed a firm anti-sh Temple position with Capunucci. Since the temple does not require an active attack, he is happy to be leisurely. As long as he does not fight head-on and drag the war process, he will come to their empire. It's not a good thing to say. The divine envoy is already on the way here and believes that it will reach the continent of Noland in a long time. At that time, once the little demon Su Fei dies, the demon can transfer the hate target and target the temple everywhere. Then these royal forces can withdraw from this war and just wait for the results of both sides. !

"Should we properly show our sincerity to the devil?" Stiding stayed in the backyard of the city lord's mansion, looked at the snow-white ground in front of him, and thought deeply: the two sides of the war did not know what they were thinking. If they fell into a stalemate like this, would the angry demon vent their hatred on the imperial allied forces when the truth came out? You know, although delaying the time is a compromise made by themselves with the devil, it is actually in line with the battle policy of the temple. At that time, the demons will definitely not forget them if they liquidate.

"My lord, as long as we don't do anything, isn't it a good time for us to get out of this war when the devil fights head-on with the temple?" Tevez didn't care about Stiding's worries. He was originally a determined main war faction, but the new oracle suddenly issued by the temple disrupted their original plan. As long as there was no disaster, he felt that there was no need to deal with it. If they don't do well, it will cause hatred between the temple and the devil, and they are not human on both sides.

Stadin still trusts his confidant, but during this ** period, their every move directly affects the future war pattern, and the devil himself is not an open-minded person. For demons, except for friends, they are enemies. Thinking of this, Stiding suddenly remembered the information from the dark before, thought about it, and said to Tevez, "Didn't you get an information from your dark some time ago, which said that the Giant Deer Chamber of Commerce and the Tilian Chamber of Commerce were with the devil. At the beginning, I planned to settle well with them after the war was over. But now it seems that their practice has provided me an inspiration.

"Oh, what do you say?" At this time, Li Te, who was standing aside to sort out the documents, stopped his hand and looked curiously at Stiding. The two were still extremely impressed by their majesty's strategy. At this time, Tevez also showed a curious look, waiting for Stiding to give his opinion.

"Think about it, what is the most lacking for the demon army to invade Norland?" Stiding did not answer directly and asked rhetorically.

Thinking that the devil's invasion only brought less than 100,000 troops and did not take the initiative to attack and plunder, Tevez and Ritter thought of the answer almost at the same time: "Time!"

"Yes, time! Time is the most urgent for demons at present. Since they can't take down our Norland, although the devil is unwilling to consume war, this is indeed the only choice for demons in the face of our 1.8 million human coalition. Stiding paused and continued to analyze: "As long as the devil successfully stands in Norland, their intended goal can be achieved. At that time, we have no good way to deal with the 1.8 million troops."

"Why don't we just fight more fiercely, directly fear the demons, let them huddle in the Swift, or even fight back to the demon world, which can also stop the conspiracy of the temple." Hearing Stiding's words, Tevez felt confused for a while. Is it necessary for them to continue to consume like this? On the contrary, the consumption of food is a big problem for us human coalition forces. At that time, it will be their coalition forces that will fall into passivity.

What Tevez must have to be included is also within the scope of Swift's consideration. It is precisely because of this that he wondered whether he should consider handing over the devil first and isolating the common enemy of the temple. Even if the two sides can't cooperate, at least it will make the temple unhappy, which is enough. With this thought in his mind, Stiding was not entangled. He turned to Li Te, who lowered his head and continued to sort out the documents, said his decision: " Li Te, you will go to the sunset city for me to see the commander-in-chief of the devil. Bring our hearts over and say that the temple has found Su Fei's identity. At this time, the messengers sent by the Alliance of the Gods are already on their way. Just tell them to be careful!"

"Isn't it okay to say this?" Ritter does not want to establish any ambiguous relationship with demons. After all, as a party of human power, it is difficult to explain their unclear relationship with demons at that time.

Stiding smiled inexplicably. Since he discovered the secret of Odis ten years ago, he deeply understood that none of their greatest enemy of mankind was the temple! If the devil's invasion also established the whole scarlet into a demon colony like a thousand years ago, then of course he will rush to the front line of the battle, fight against the devil, and defend the peace and tranquility of Noland and even the real scarlet plane. But the demon of this attack changed its previous strategy. Moreover, according to the information collected by the detectives, it should be the sickle demon who receives the crimson plane. For this group, Stiding still knows something about it. Compared with other demon races, the sickle demon's approach to its subordinate plane is relatively gentle. At least if they are willing to compromise, they will not continue to adopt Use high-pressure policies.

The current war situation tends to ease, and the big frontal conflict has not escalated under the deliberate control of the leaders of both sides, so Stiding chose to point the gun at the temple where Odis is. Of course, these words can't calmly tell their subordinates that these high-ranking people have their own thoughts, but if they are all told to their subordinates, it will affect their mood and give rise to some bad thoughts. Stiding brewed the words and said slowly to Lit, "Now our biggest enemy is not the devil, but the Ordis of the temple. Even if the devil occupies Norland, it will not destroy the foundation of our human survival. As long as we human beings still have the hope of reversal. But Odys is different. Once he ascends to the throne, it is the real disaster of Noland. The people rooted in faith have no hope and can only slowly sink in the divine kingdom of Odys!

So, I need you to express the goodwill of our empire for me. Even if we can't really destroy the plan of the temple, it is enough to achieve the purpose of transferring hatred, so that our imperial coalition can really stay out of the matter. If possible, you might as well express a little goodwill from our empire and tell them the role we play in this war. As long as their demons do not take the initiative to attack, our empire's allied forces can guarantee not to launch a frontal war!"

"Okay, Your Majesty, everything is for the empire!" Although Liter was a little reluctant, he thought that after Odis ascended the throne, the land of Noland fell into the dark scene, so he agreed Stiding's words and prepared to go to the sunset city.

"Everything is for the empire!"

"Levinson, you experienced the incident yourself. Don't tell me that you didn't find anything wrong at that time! Why didn't you tell my father as soon as you came back? Cappucci locked himself in a tent for three days and came out to find Levinson's first sentence was to question the incident that year. If he had told his doubts to himself and his father at that time, his father Carlgenon might not have died. They would have accumulated strength together and waited for the opportunity to revenge on the temple!

Levinson stood quietly and let Capunucci slap his shoulder with his hands. When Capunucci's mood stabilized, Levinson gently stepped forward and held Capunucci's shoulder hard. The two looked at each other, as if they had seen deep confusion and despair in Capunucci's eyes. Vincent couldn't bear it. He hugged the man he had been guarding since he was a child and said with chokingly, "At the beginning, I told your majesty the doubts in my heart, but he let me go out without telling you for three days. After coming back, he seemed to have become a person. In the past, the ambitious and ambitious emperor became A cowardly man. Every night after coaxing you to sleep, I watched Your Majesty hold the queen's coffin and cry in a low voice, and then soon committed suicide.

"That is to say, what did the father know at the beginning to become like that?" Seeing Levinson's painful expression, Cappucci got the answer he wanted, and suddenly felt more sad and said hoarsely, "My father knew that the originator was the temple. In order not to harm me, he chose to die in front of his mother. But why are you all insiders and I don't know anything? Is it fair for me to live in your deception?

"It's not unfair, just to protect your safety." Levinson said in his heart that they just hope that Cappucci can live well and live a happy life without the hatred of the previous generation!

"Arrange a time for me. I'm going out alone to the sunset city to find the leader of the demon army. Remember, there are only two of us in this operation. Don't let others know about it. Cappucci said weakly but firmly.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Although he had doubts, Levinson wisely did not ask why at this time. He knew that what Cappucci needed was quiet at this time.

"Since we can't beat Ordis, why don't we rely on the devil! Odis, you do everything for the divine throne. Now it's your turn to taste revenge!" Capnochi gritted his teeth and said, and then fell to the ground because he was too weak and fell into a coma.

PS: Get on the train and get home tomorrow. It's quite refreshing to go home for the Spring Festival