Book of the Devil

253, sinister and killing

In the jungle, it is exactly in the jungle full of white smoke. Weilan looked at everything around him with a little awkwardness, while Weilan slowly spread his spiritual power slightly. Like a stone falling into the water, it splashed with ripples. Vilan seemed to be capturing something with her own spiritual strength, while Rita looked at him with a doubtful face beside Vilan. Rita really heard this term for the first time, and she naturally became a little more interested.

And at this time, Viran's spiritual power seems to capture something. Weilan's voice suddenly sounded like thunder, "Burn!" At this time, the originally snow-white smoke turned into a fiery red at this time. The white fog turned into a red one, and the red smoke emitted a fierce temperature like magma. It was as if Weilan and others were not in the jungle, but standing in the crater. With the word "burning", all the white smoke erodes the human body like a virus.

Originally, there was only a sporadic red smoke, which frantically eroded all the white smoke around. Almost in the blink of an eye, the white smoke around it has turned into red smoke. If anyone sees this scene, it will be shocking to a certain extent. Perhaps after being shocked at the beginning, the people who saw it will definitely curse: "It's sinister, it's too sinister!" Yes, Rita also muttered to herself at this time: "What a sinister guy."

"Fire Mist" is just like its name, with the ability to burn like fire. But it's not that such power burst out all of a sudden. That's why Weilan's spiritual power emanated. Spiritual power is to feel the existence of the enemy, that is, once the tattooed rats break into the area covered by white smoke. When the enemy reaches a number, Weilan will slowly spit out a word, which is "burning!"

The flaming ability is just after the word "burning" is said. It completely bursts out its power, and it has to be said that this attack method is too sinister. Still everyone, whether human or Warcraft, will definitely think that it is ordinary when they see this white smoke * and will definitely not think about it. But when they broke in, the white smoke, which had not much threat, burst out his power in an instant. The white smoke turned into a sea of blood, and the red of the flame and the bright red of the blood of the rat were mixed with each other.

For a long time, the red smoke slowly dissipated. However, there were countless corpses of tattooed rats on the ground, which were attacked by the magic of "cage cutting". Most of them could not even leave a complete body, leaving only some pieces of meat. It looks extremely bloody. If there is an alchemist here, he will definitely jump up and curse: "Loser! What a loser!" It's not that the alchemist was too excited, but that he was unhappy to see that the tattooed mouse could not even leave a complete body.

What does each tattooed mouse represent? Even some slightly weak tattooed mice represent a tattoo weapon. What does the tattoo stand for? Nothing else, power and money. The most important thing in this world of the law of the jungle is these two words, and the same is true for alchemists. If you get a tattooed mouse, it doesn't have a strong name. As long as he makes a grain container through the pattern of the mouse, he will pack it. If you put it in the auction house for auction, you can definitely get a sky-high price.

After all, the tattoo device has a great reputation, although the skin of the tattoo mouse is very hard. The usual method is that it will never cause any damage to the lines on the fur of the rat, but the attack power of "cage cutting" is really a little strong. Even if the skin of this tattooed rat is so hard, it can only turn into a pile of residue. However, the attack power of this "fire fog bomb" is slightly lacking. The tattooed mice on the ground are complete corpses of the owners. The bodies of these tattooed mice were undoubtedly stupidly broken into by those tattooed mice in Weilanyin.

There is only one way to break in, that is, to turn into a cold corpse. However, Weilan's plan was completely ruined the next moment, and the scalp was covered with light silver-patterned rats. To be precise, the dead tattooed mouse's body moved slowly. Although Rita is a seven-star magician, she is very timid. Seeing this very strange scene, Rita couldn't help feeling creepy. After all, this scene was really too strange.

And Rita finally opened her mouth, "Isn't these tattooed mice dead?" Saying this, Rita also felt that her own teeth were still trembling. Although Weilan also felt a little dangerous in his heart, he still held on and said, "Calm down, calm down!" Before Weilan finished speaking, another extremely strange thing happened. I saw the group of dead and resurrected tattooed mice, and their fur fell down crazily.

Soon all the resurrected tattooed mice were left with bones, just like after a person's death, some time later. The human body will no longer exist and will become a skeleton-like existence. Nowadays, tattooed rats are like skeletons. No, they should be said to be skeleton rats. And the moment the fur of the group of rats fell to the ground, it turned into ashes. There was no trace of fur left, and when Vilan stared at these skeleton-patterned mice again, his chin was about to fall to the ground.

The bodies of these tattooed mice actually have different lines from before, and the previous lines are light silver. Now the lines of the tattooed mice are pale gray, and they are all depicted on their bones. Weilan couldn't help swallowing the saliva in his throat and seemed to think of something. Seeing their milky pupils, Weilan said directly in his mouth, "The gray spirit pattern mouse, the hateful type of tattoo mouse also exists. Is there any mistake!"

The gray-striped rat is a small number of tattooed mice recorded in the book, but the introduction in the book reminds Vilan. There is no doubt that these tattooed rats in front of us are definitely gray-patterned rats. The gray-striped rat has light silver lines all over its body before death, but once it dies, the fur of the gray-striped rat will fall off. Their bodies, to be precise, their bones will be covered with a special pattern. That is the current light gray pattern, and the color of the pupil will also turn into milky white.

And the only body left by the gray rat is their milky eyes. It can be said that the gray-striped rat is the place where they are really strong only after their first death and resurrection. The gray-striped rat has a second life and can be resurrected if it dies for the first time. But there is only one day of resurrection, although only one day of resurrection. However, the resurrected gray-striped rat has an unmatched power. The less than ten gray-striped rat in front of him is the gray-striped rat after the second resurrection.

And there is also a chance that the gray-striped rat will be resurrected. It can be seen that the gray-striped rat that has not been resurrected will turn into ashes. "Spontaneous combustion" Once the gray-striped rat is not resurrected, the whole body will ignite a flame from the inside, and then burn the whole body directly into ashes. There were about hundreds of gray-patterned mice that had broken into the red smoke. However, there are less than ten gray-striped rats that have been successfully resurrected, which can be said to be extremely low.

But there is no doubt about the combat effectiveness of the gray-striped rat, and at this time, the first resurrected gray-striped rat looked at Weilan angrily. My whole body trembled, just like shaking my body after taking a shower. Throw out the drops of water from the body, although there are no drops of water on the body of the gray-striped rat at this time. A strong gray light flashed slightly, and the first gray-striped rat directly turned into a gray light and rushed to Weilan.

And less than one meter away from Vilan, the gray spirit rat stopped. After a moment, he slightly opened his big mouth with only teeth. A cloud of gray fog came out directly from his mouth, and Weilan saw this gray fog as if he had met a natural enemy and retreated crazily. At that moment, Weilan remembered the introduction recorded in the book. This gray fog was one of the biggest killing moves of the gray spirit rat.

"Dead Mist" made people tremble just by listening to the name, and Weilan's whole body suddenly retreated. In an instant, Weilan has retreated dozens of steps in a row. But the dead fog slowly sprayed on a towering tree, and at this time, the towering tree changed strangely to the extreme. The whole towering tree turned into a skeleton, a big tree with bones. This is what everyone sees. Yes, this "dead fog" can turn all living creatures into dead creatures.

And it was the kind of anthropomorphic undead creature, and the big bone tree slowly stood up. Just like a giant, the next move is even more surprising. The bone tree had human-like hands and feet, and then he abruptly pulled out his own branches. However, this branch is a bone branch, and it seems that this big bone tree will fight with this bone branch. But Weilan breathed a sigh of relief. Weilan knew that the necromancer fog would not transform himself into an undead creature.

This undead mouse can only transform compared with his weak creatures, but the creature stronger than him can't underestimate the necromancer fog. Even if this Weilan is touched by this undead fog, he will encounter great trouble, although he will not transform the whole person into an undead creature. But if his right hand touches the undead fog, his right hand will turn into flesh and disappear. His right hand will be like the right hand of a skull, so Vilan saw the dead fog retreat directly and did not dare to compete with it at all.

PS: This chapter is coded in the morning, and the second chapter is to continue to write after school. In fact, I got up early today, and then I got up to code this chapter.