official god

Chapter 373 Xiaxiang's calm response

Xu Feng is clear. He chose to cooperate with Xia. How wise it is to choose "If you don't really get close to Fang Yuhui and others, even the way they act will make him feel ashamed. His dignified princely party, who has used his tricks to harm others since he was a child, is simply a scum in officialdom.

Compared with Qiu Xufeng's careful consideration, Mei Xiaolin's idea is much simpler. Since Fang Yuhui and Deng Junjie are good, they will point out to them at work in the future. Anyway, they will leave if they are not better.

Both of them were angry. As soon as they heard that Xia wanted to come back, they didn't come at the same time. They didn't think that one or two leaders would appear in the office of the executive deputy county magistrate at the same time, which would make outsiders think.

Xia wanted to know their worries when he saw the expressions of Qiu Xufeng and Mei Xiaolin. Anyway, Deng Junjie and Fang Yuhui have gone too far and have to pay it back. Otherwise, if they are allowed to fool around, how will the work in An County be carried out? After listening to Qiu Xufeng's words, he pondered slightly and said without hesitation, "I will be responsible for the mountain and waterway project to the end, from now on. I eat and live on the construction site, every step away. Until the problem of the missing workers is solved and the safe construction in the future is guaranteed

Qiu Xufeng nodded, and a trace of guilt flashed in his heart. He didn't expect to go to the construction site in person, even if he pretended to be. The county party secretary came to the front line in person and sat in the town for three days to see who dares not to pay attention to it? Who dares to make trouble? It's just that he is worried that if there is any safety accident as soon as he arrives at the construction site, the superiors will blame him, and it will all be his fault.

In the final analysis, Qiu Xufeng knew that he still had no responsibility and did not dare to take responsibility. Xia thought that when he came back, he would rush to the front line without hesitation. He is a real doer and a good county magistrate who really thinks about the people.

"County Minister Xia, thank you. You are a respectable friend!" Qiu Xufeng held Xiaxiang's hand tightly with both hands and said with a ashamed face.

Xia figured out Qiu Xufeng's mind and waved his hand and said, "Secretary Di must not say that. Since I am single-minded in promoting the mountains and waterways and build a road to the people of An County to the mountains, I will definitely be responsible to the end. This is our responsibility as officials and the conscience of human beings!"

Mei Xiaolin was also moved and said firmly, "Don't worry, County Magistrate Xia, Secretary Qiu and I will keep a good eye on the every move of Housing Yuhui and Deng Junjie, so that they will no longer make trouble secretly."

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "Since they are making trouble secretly, how can they let us find out? As soon as the new resort starts, they will be busy. Where do they have time to pay attention to the situation of mountains and waterways? What they want is a strong contrast between the shutdown of mountains and waterways and the start of new resorts, which is for the municipal party committee. If you don't believe it, when the new resort starts, you must ask the leaders of the municipal party committee to cut the ribbon.

Mei Xiaolin smiled knowingly: "The new resort is about to start construction. We also need to strongly support it. We should carefully check all safety measures to see if there is anything that can't be done properly? What is out of the norm? Any omission in any work should be carefully checked one by one, and a little problem should be rectified.

Qiu Xufeng also heard the meaning of the words, and couldn't help looking at Mei Xiaolin, thinking that Mei Xiaolin, who used to be rough, was also careful? I actually learned to use political wisdom to deal with my opponents. The so-called careful inspection comes from the perspective of safety, and the requirements for new resorts have risen to the most stringent state, which is also based on the protection of the interests of investors for the new resort. The result of multi-faceted comprehensive consideration to take care of the safety of the leaders of the municipal party committee.

If Deng Junjie and Fang Yuhui have to think that the county party committee and county government deliberately make things difficult for them and pick bones in the egg, there is nothing they can do. They can only say that the concept of safety is different. The county party committee and the county government also learned from the accidents in the mountains and waterways to prevent such accidents from happening again.

The three of them reached an agreement and then devoted themselves to their work.

Xia wanted to pack his luggage and went all the way west. When you come to the construction site, first contact Xiong Haiyang, the head of the project, and then learn more about the situation of the missing workers.

The temporary office is built under the hillside, which has almost nothing but a bed and a table. The phone and a lot of information are piled up, and it is as messy as a mountain. Xia wanted to bring the bedding. Xiong Haiyang heard that the executive deputy county magistrate wanted to stay on the construction site. He was so nervous that he asked the workers to clean up the room quickly. Xia thought and waved: "Don't bother. I've been on the construction site before and know what the work on the construction site is. It's dirty and messy. It's nothing, as long as the work can be done well.

In a word, it suddenly narrowed the distance between it and the bear ocean.

Xiong Haiyang is a native of An County. He was originally a farmer. Later, he made some money from the contracted project, so he slowly accumulated some funds and set up a construction team to specialize in rural roads. Although he is not a technician, he has built roads for many years and has accumulated a lot of valuable experience. Xiaxiang graduated with a major in architecture. He also knows that in the construction industry, including municipal road and bridge paving, the knowledge of books often lags behind practical experience. A college graduate. If you go to the construction site for practical operation, it is not as good as a technician who has worked for two years.

The reason why the mountain waterway is handed over to Bear Ocean for repair. It's because he is really extraordinary in road construction, and he is a good person and good at uniting workers. The workers respect him and are cohesive. Xiaxiang believes in the construction of mountains and waterways. Bear Ocean can finally be reborn and become one of the first native merchants in Anxian County.

The mountain waterway has just been built for less than a kilometer. Now it is in a state of shutdown, and the workers are gathered in groups, talking about the missing workers.

The missing worker's name is Bian Jinrui. He is a clam that is different from Xiong Haiyang's book for more than three years. He went to Waichuan to stop the two of them. This year is the year of the crab. He is also brave and likes to drink a little wine, and he has no major problems, and he has not made any big mistakes.

I don't know what's going on. According to the worker who lives with him, Bian Jinrui went out to pee at night, and then heard him scream, and then there was a rumbling sound. Everyone ran out and saw that a small tree fell on the edge of the ravine, and there were footprints of people slipping. It should be Bian Jinrui who fell into the concession. Ditch.

The ravine is quite deep, and there are stones everywhere. If you fall, you have to fall. Everyone went down to the ravine with a flashlight and found nothing after searching all night. The next day, all of them went out to look for it, but they still didn't see anyone or dead.

Then there was a scene of family members making trouble,

Xia wanted to hear it, and felt that there were a lot of doubts. First of all, no one saw Bian Jinrui fall into the ravine, and secondly, he also checked the ravine. It's not particularly deep, and the environment in the ravine is not particularly complicated and can't hide people. In the end, there are no wolves and other large beasts in the mountains, and there is no possibility of being eaten by beasts.

Xia wanted to guess that Bian Jinrui might not be missing. Instead, he was instructed to hide, in order to deliberately smear the mountain waterway project. But the question is, where is Bian Jinrui? Are there any internal response among the workers? Is Bear Ocean completely reliable?

This matter can't be done too quickly. You need to take your time and get along with the workers before you can slowly get the inside story.

What Xia didn't expect was that the second day after he arrived at the construction site, Mr. Gao and several experts from the provincial design institute also came to the construction site. Gao Lao was addicted to design all his life. I am very interested in mountains and waterways passing through many mountains with complex terrain. Experts from the same design institute also wanted to take the opportunity to study the geological conditions of the Taihang Mountains, so they came to the construction site to join in the fun.

Xia wants to welcome the arrival of Gao Lao and others. Moreover, Mr. Gao deserves to be an old man. In a short time, the workers will get together, talking and laughing. It is much better than the experts of several other provincial design institutes.

In terms of affinity, Xia wants to compare with the elders. It's better to sigh.

When Xiaxiang slowly became familiar with the workers, the relationship between Qiu Xufeng and Fang Yuhui in Anxian County became more and more tense.

Qiu Xufeng visited the new resort and personally inspected various safety measures. Although Qiu Xufeng doesn't know much about the construction essentials, Shi Xiaoxia, the director of the Urban Construction Bureau around him, is a professional director. The various requirements and rules for the construction site are almost like treasures. She is Qiu Xufeng's cronie. Naturally, she understands Secretary Qiu's thoughts and picks her nose and nose at all the facilities of the new vacation. It was almost degraded to no use.

Deng Junjie was furious, claiming that Jicheng Real Estate is one of the largest companies in Yan City. All safety measures can withstand the strict inspection of the Security Inspection Bureau. Shi Xiaoxia, don't pretend not to understand, and the layman commands the insider.

Shi Xiaoxia was refuted by the handsome man face to his face. Of course, he couldn't hang on his face and said dissatisfiedly, "County Chief Deng said that I was a layman to direct the insider, and I don't know why I, a national first-class registered architect, am a layman?" Is the county magistrate Deng also a top student and a senior engineer who graduated from the Department of Architecture?

Senior Engineer is the abbreviation of senior engineer.

Deng Junjie didn't expect Shi Xiaoxia, who looked pleasant. It's also mean to say, and he is angry to go away on the grounds of something.

Qiu Xufeng was not angry for the first time, but was faintly happy in his heart. Finally, he raised his eyebrows and ran away from others, but he was not angry at all. Well, it was a really mature performance.

Then Mei Xiaolin came to the new resort again. He made an important speech, asking to learn valuable experience from mountain and waterway accidents, and required that every safety inspection must be done, and there should be no negligence, otherwise as long as there is a safety problem. Whoever it is, we will find out to the end. Those who should be removed from office will be removed from office on the spot.

Mei Xiaolin's speech was harshly worded. She and Qiu Xufeng stared at the new resort one after the other, endlessly asking for the inspection of various security facilities, and also requiring everyone to make a military order. If there is a problem with the link, it will be better to ask who is. Everyone is worried about the big stick falling on them.

The progress of the new resort has come to a standstill.

Fang Yuhui was furious and quarreled with Deng Junjie in the office.

"Junjie, it's not me talking about you. How did you come up with such a dirty way? You let Bian Jinrui hide. If you can hide for a while, can you hide for a lifetime? Yes, you have caused the mountain and waterway project to fall into a state of shutdown. Now that it's good, other people's revenge is also for the grounds of safety, which makes us tired of dealing with it. Isn't it lifting a stone and hitting our own feet?

The most angry thing about Fang Yuhui is that the Bian Jinrui incident was planned by Di Junjie alone. He made a decision without discussing with him at all, which led to being so passive now. No matter how strong the superior leaders intervene, Anxian County is also a first-level party and government organ. If the secretary and the county magistrate join hands, even the municipal party secretary can't overturn their decision in one sentence.

Interference in the affairs of the first-level party and government is a taboo in officialdom!

Moreover, Fang Yuhui also feels that since the matter of the Standing Committee has become a fore conclusion, don't reach out behind your back and mess up the rules. Otherwise, everyone is messing around behind their backs and only thinking about revenge every day. What are you doing? It is best to focus on conspiracy in officialdom. If you can use less conspiracy, you can use it as little as possible. Everything depends on strength to speak and leave a line. It's good to see you later.

Deng Junjie actually came up with a clumsy trick to blame others, which made Xia want to be furious. Now it's all right. Secretary Qiu and Mayor Mei, who were originally suspicious, are now working together to deal with their own side. Even if their own side is in the majority in the Standing Committee, under the combination of the secretary and the

In the past, Fang Yuhui dared to use the majority to suppress the minority in the Standing Committee, that is, to bet that Qiu Xufeng and Mei Xiao, Lin were at peace. Who in An County didn't know that there was a quarrel between the secretary and the county magistrate? Now it's all right. As soon as Di Junjie's stupid idea came out, the two of them let go of their previous grudges. Instead, they joined hands. How can they not make him angry and anxious?

Although Xia wanted to go to the scene of the mountain waterway worker on the surface. But who doesn't know his influence on Qiu Xufeng and Mei Xiaolin now? Before he came back, Secretary Qiu and County Magistrate Mei seemed helpless. As soon as he came back, the two of them were in a good mood. The counterattack was sharp and fatal, and they hit the weakness of the new resort at once.

Who can it be if it's not Xia's idea?

One or two hands are out of one nostrils, who dares to speak loudly? What's more, he also has an executive deputy county magistrate and a full-time deputy secretary, which can be said to be the most powerful four-person combination! I'm afraid that in a few rounds, their alliance is in danger of disintegrate.

The secretary and deputy secretary firmly hold the personnel power in their hands. The county magistrate and the executive deputy county magistrate control the overall situation of the government team. How can they pry on their own side? Deng Junjie is really brainless. In the current situation, he is most suitable for burying his head in development. First, he has political achievements, and then breaks through the future affairs. He makes full use of the discord between Qiu Xufeng and Mei Xiaolin, and creates contradictions to amplify contradictions, so that he will slowly take the initiative. Deng Junjie was really smart, but he came up with a bad idea. On the contrary, the alliance between several people has become closer.

Fang Yuhui has a kind of crazy anger.

But he also wanted to use Deng Junjie's impulse and recklessness to deal with Xiaxiang to anger Qiu Xufeng and Mei Xiaolin and make them mess up, so he couldn't say too badly.

"If there is, I don't understand. Why are you so dissatisfied with Xia?" Fang Yuhui's tone softened a little.

Yes, even Fang Yuhui is puzzled. Why did Di Junjie, who used to be a low-key person, was imposing as soon as he entered the Standing Committee, especially for Xiaxiang everywhere. It seems that he has a deep hatred with him. Remember that Qi Junjie didn't seem to have any holidays with Xia in the past? Is it just the dazzling light of his jealousy of Xia?

A trace of anger flashed on Deng Junjie's face. After a few deep breaths, he finally calmed down and said, "Xia wants to kill Li Chaosheng. I'm at no point with him."

Na Junjie and Li Chaosheng have a good relationship. Li Chaosheng is kind to him and has subsidized him with more than 100,000 yuan. Let him use it to treat his sick mother. Deng Junjie was extremely grateful to Li Chaosheng, but because of Xiaxiang, Li Chaosheng was investigated and punished. When he had no say before, he had to swallow his anger. Now that he has entered the Standing Committee and is qualified to challenge Xia, he can't wait to jump out and fight against Xia.

Fang Yuhui sighed slightly and shook his head. In the officialdom, although it is inevitable to carry personal likes and dislikes in the work, it is a major problem. We must adhere to the principle, otherwise it is easy to be defeated by the wise.

The handsome man made the subjective mistake of not distinguishing between public and private.

After thinking about it, he still reminded him and said, "If you are dissatisfied with Xia, you can think about it from a long time. You can't use the mountain waterway as a pump. If you don't do it well, you will even fall into it

Di Junjie still didn't listen to Fang Yuhui's advice. He smiled and said, "My plan is very detailed. Didn't Xia think that she went to the construction site in person? OK, I'd like to see. If there is a major safety accident when he is at the scene, and he is the executive deputy county magistrate and the main person in charge of the project, will he resign?

Fang Yuhui was shocked and was about to persuade Deng Junjie not to do anything again, otherwise it would be a big deal, and in the end, it would not be worth the loss. Suddenly, I thought about it again. Xia thought that something big was really going to happen. In the end, it was Deng Junjie who planned alone behind his back. What does it have to do with himself? If Junjie takes Xia down, even if he is also involved, he wants to step down with Xia, it is also a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

It's good for Junjie to step down. Anyway, he doesn't have any losses. Fang Yuhui made up his mind, smiled and said, "Junjie, listen to my advice. Everything should be safe, and don't make trouble again. If something goes wrong, neither of us can bear it together.

That Junjie looked at Fang Yuhui with complicated eyes and gently "hummed": "I did it alone. I do it alone, and I won't involve your secretary

Fang Yuhui hurriedly complained about Deng Junjie's words. But I thought to myself, in case something happens, you can take care of yourself.

Xia wants to stay on the construction site for a week.

He eats and lives on the construction site, has no airs about the deputy county magistrate at all, and talks and laughs with the workers. He even made some harmless jokes. It soon won the respect of all the workers.

Prevention: In the last few days, I begged my brothers for their support not to relax, in case of a loss. Lao He really wants to cry without tears. After all, the hot butterfly, Lao He did work hard and did his best. He dared to pat his chest and say that my efforts and efforts are 100% sincere. Hmm. In the next outbreak, the specific date will not be disclosed for the time being. Let's make a wish first. "If today's monthly ticket can be distilled, I won't sleep tonight, and tomorrow will be updated for 15,000 yuan. Of course, it doesn't matter if I can't reach it. Lao He has always been supportive and motivated, so today's my least humble wish is to achieve the distillation. Guys, can my wish come true? Please believe that Lao He's promise is before the end of the month. At least once, once is guaranteed, if there are more monthly tickets. Three times is also possible. The power comes from every brother's golden finger! If you want to know what will happen, please log in to your heart. More chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!