Wolf Empire

0285 Long live, don't sleep

In the early morning, Dynasty, Wolf Castle.

ge zhong sha zhang, General Lengbeicheng of Pingbei University finally took a look at the unconscious "patient" and left the room silently.

"Alas, long live, you can't sleep, Higashino is so young--" Although the elders sighed, the girl beside him has understood the meaning; Princess Regent An Moran said firmly:

"Uncle Beicheng, Moran believes that it won't take long for my father to wake up. We firmly believe this."

"Well, if the 'wolf' has anything that needs the help of the 'Pingbei Army', it is incumbent on Beicheng to ask his niece to send an envoy to inform him." Cold North City is on the road.

"Thank you very much, Uncle Beicheng." The young girl An Moran saw the tall figure of the elder and his guards disappear in the cable car, and officials from the relevant departments of the "Ministry of Ceremonies" of the dynasty will bid a thoughtful farewell at the foot of the mountain.

-The reason why General Leng Beicheng left in such a hurry is that he received an urgent message from General Lei Hei just now, and Lord Bai Hu, the special envoy of the Holy See, has arrived in the Pingbei army.

An Moran breathed a long sigh of relief. She sat down tiredly on the bench on the road next to the flowers and heard a slight cat-like footsteps in her ear.

A silver-haired girl with jumping black fireworks appeared silently in front of An Moran, with long white hair tied into a bunch, sad and resentful.

"Xuezi, scare me." An Moran stroked his chest.

Xuezi, a "famous flower stream" silver-haired mute girl who gave people a cold feeling, played a few sign languages with a blank face. Because of the appearance of Xuezi, the rose female officers surrounded at the same time stopped, maintained a certain alert distance, and did not continue to move forward.

"Thank you, I'm fine." An Moran, who could understand Xuezi's mute, comforted the other party. She knew that her boyfriend Long Zhijie was transferred by her father to the south of the dynasty to help the second prince's Canglang girl. The seemingly indifferent greeting contained rare kindness.

The girl An Moran did not expect how difficult it would be to rule and manage the dynasty, but she didn't know how easy it was to make some suggestions or approve documents by her father's side until she actually sat in this position.

The generals of the wolves and the military are fine, mainly the middle-level civil servants in the government, and their distrust and suspicion are so obvious. They can't be blamed. It is not a very pleasant thing for a maid rescued by the king from the "Wusa City" slave market to ascend to the sky.

--However, the authority of General Wang Dongye is absolute!!!

"How about the Empress? I've been too busy these days to say good to Yaya's mother. The girl An Moran apologized.

"Queen Xia is fine, but she is stuck in the room and always wants to sneak out to play with the 20th princess Anlin and other little princesses and little Gege." There was an obvious smile on the corners of her mouth, and Xuezi said with her hands and said, "The mother in the palace has determined that Xia Hou's mother is pregnant with a little brother, and there are signs of premature birth. It is estimated that these days will be the birth-"

"I'm afraid something bad is going to happen in these heavenly cities. You can invite the three moms of Jieyi, Meixun and Chiyo, and take more care of the naughty Yaya mommy. At this juxta, don't let them have any accidents, otherwise the whole world will bleed." The girl also told Xuezi in sign language, and the latter nodded and took the order to leave.

"Her Royal Highness the Regent." The respectful name comes from Wen Haowen, the minister of the interior of the dynasty and the director of the "National Security Bureau".

Everyone who meets this man probably won't have a good impression. In fact, after understanding his profession, people will not plan to get close. This short, fat and oily man is a famous character in the whole dynasty, because under his command, there is the most rigorous and efficient wolf-tooth secret police force in the dynasty.

With its own special combat forces and unlimited judicial power, this group of secret police leaders who self-reveted as hounds will do whatever they can to achieve their goals in order to consolidate the king's power.

Wen Si stood respectfully. Although he was a little less humble than in front of the noble General Wang, he was impeccable in the etiquette between the top and bottom.

The princess herself also met with the "police emperor" alone for the first time. She knew that the reputation of the fourth master Wen was very bad among the ministers of other dynasties. It is said that in addition to her father, even several big brothers who hold military power also stay away from him.

"Your Highness, I have important confidential information, please make a ruling." The report submitted by Wen Si is not much, but its weight is extremely heavy and even more appalling.

Cuming the folder, the girl An Moran said in a rare harsh tone, "Lord Wen, you should know that this kind of thing must not be a joke!"

"Her Royal Highness, the evidence is multifaceted and conclusive. If you are not fully sure, your servants will never have the courage to deceive Your Highness with false information." There was no trace of selfishness on Wen Si's slippery face.

Moran stared at the four in front of him and observed that the female soldiers guarding around had gathered around when the young master shouted fiercely. As long as the superiors had a look, no matter how high the officials were, they would immediately kill them on the spot!

"Lord Wen, please take a break for a while. I will call you as soon as I make a decision." Her Royal Highness Princess An Moran ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness." Wen Si honestly followed the two female guards officers and left the garden road, while the girl who stayed in place ordered to summon the second princess An Zitong, the chief of the armed police of the dynasty and the general.

The summoned party came quickly. The police officer and general An Zitong was the earliest old department to follow the Wolf King. After the establishment of the dynasty, she was in the critical position of the police director. The royal princess also had her place and also served as the commander-in-chief of the seven divisions of the armed police force of the imperial dynasty.

Zitong thought that her father woke up from a coma, so she hurried to the "Wolf Castle"; but before boarding the cable car, an armed police officer guarding the station quietly told the immediate officer: "Secret police leader Wen Fatty went to the castle first."

"Hmm! That sinister fat pig." Looking at his confidant beside him, the second princess An Zitong touched the skeleton and the gun on her body. It was a great honor to be able to carry weapons in the "Wolf Fort". Among the wolves of the dynasty, only five superiors, including the four brothers, general-level commanders and Youdong first-level generals have this privilege and qualification.