glazed tile

Chapter 22

The atmosphere in the hall was extremely ambiguous for a moment. Lan Su's body was almost hanging on Yuan Su's shoulder. Yuan Li's injury had not healed, and he was almost shouted out in pain, but he dared not say anything, and he still looked at Lan Su with a gentle smile.

Lan Shu closed her eyes slightly and whispered in his ear, "You haven't been here for a while. You don't know how worried I am."

She exhaled like an orchid, and her warm breath wandered around Yuan Li's ears, but Yuan Li's heart was cold. If she was really worried, would she still stay still when she knew that he was seriously injured and his life was on the line, and she didn't even send people out to look for him to hide alone? He has been taking a break for a few days. Obviously, it was the end of summer when he left Liyi Medical Center. He stumbled all the way back to Beijin. It can be imagined how many hardships she had experienced all the way. She actually said that she was very worried?

Yuan thought about what was on his mind. By the time he felt it, Lan Shu's hand had reached into his skirt and touched the new scar on his chest. She laughed, "It seems that your martial arts skills are really ordinary. The 'Wei Jun' boy is just a teenager, and you can't even beat him."

Her sharp nails pierced Yuan's wound fiercely, "It turns out that you usually just boast."

Yuan's heart stung. Although he did not dare to refute, his heart was burned with anger. He still gritted his teeth and said, "My son is incompetent. Please forgive me."

Lan Shu pulled out his finger and was satisfied to see that his fingertips were stained with fresh blood. She put her finger in her mouth and licked it gently. This extremely flirtatous action was only full of nausea in Yuan's eyes.

He tried his best to resist the desire to vomit and was racking his brains to make a suitable response. He only heard the outer palace man say flatly, "The royal doctor is here."

Lan Soo suddenly lost interest and turned around listlessly, "Since the royal doctor is here, you can go and heal your wounds. In a few days, Muto will send someone to deliver tributes, and you still need to come forward."

Yuan was like hearing the sound of heaven, and was careful not to show joy. As if nothing had happened, he humbly saluted Lan Su, "I know that my mother should also take good care of her body. I will leave first and come back to say hi to my mother tomorrow."

Lan Soo waved to him with lack of interest, and then he withdrew from the "Mo Shang Hall" and went to the imperial court without mentioning the medical injury.

Lan Shu looked at Yuan's figure gradually disappearing into the vast snow before putting down the smile on his face. She has been with him for so many years, almost the most familiar and well-knowing person in the world. How could he escape her eyes when he was absent-minded? She clenched her fist and said, "Don't betray me, Yuan Li, those who betray me will die!"

She pushed away the palace man who came to help her and slowly walked back to the soft couch. Her shoulders hung down as if she couldn't afford it, dragged her tired legs, and suddenly became like an old man, moving to the bed step by step.

"Mother, did you send a few more dancers outside, or let them go directly to the lord?" A palace man hurried in from the outside, stopped in the hall, and asked with his hands hanging down.

"How old is it? How does it look?" Lan Shu's thoughts were suddenly interrupted. Naturally, he was unhappy and asked with a frown.

"Two fifteen, one sixteen, and another one only thirteen." Naturally, the palace man could hear her unhappy tone and replied tremblingly, "The appearance is one in a hundred. The maidservant looks at it, which is better than the three sent a few days ago."

Lan Soo eased his expression, "In this case, send it away. If you think about it, the Lord will be happy."

The palace man took the order, and she lay back on the bed, and then laughed happily. Those young girls who are as bright as flowers are the most suitable for the heart of the prince of the country. As the queen of the country, it is most important to please the lord. They are all the same as her. Their skin is so tender that they can pinch out water, their eyes are still ignorant, their waists are as soft as willow branches, and they rotate as light as birds. It's just that they are different from her. Her destination is this "Mo Shang Hall", and theirs is a mass grave outside the imperial city.

She has seen those beautiful women who died at a very young age, with deep and shallow scars on their bodies. Some closed their eyes, some did not close their eyes, and their faces were exactly the same pale. Their bodies were hard, but they could no longer dance. It's a pity.

I don't know when the palace man burned the lily fragrance. Lan Shu lay on the couch and his eyelids fell slightly. She closed her eyes and seemed to be asleep, but she came to a dream.

There, she still lives on Yunzhou, where the water and grass are rich, four seasons like spring, and there is no such heavy snow in winter. She was only twelve years old at that time and ran barefoot on the grass every day. At that time, her favorite, in addition to her lamb, was Yunxiu's brother next door.

She is the most beautiful golden bird in Yunzhou. She is not only beautiful, but also attracts the clouds in the sky to stop and watch. She still remembers that her father once praised her happily, "My Lansu will definitely marry the most handsome and affectionate prince in the world in the future!"

She shook her head unhappily, "I don't want to marry the prince, I just want to marry Yunxiu."

The people present laughed loudly. She didn't feel shy. Instead, she went over and took his hand. "Would you like to marry me?"

Until now, she still remembers the 16-year-old boy with bright eyes like stars and said to her earnestly in people's laughter, "Yes, Lan Su, I will definitely marry you."

Unfortunately, he lost his promise.

He sold Yunzhou and gave her to the lord of Beijin in exchange for a small official position. It was the first time that Lan Su had been betrayed. She remembered the pain and never wanted to experience it again.

The lord was much older than her, and she was almost 40 years old at that time. The night she was offered, she was sent to his**. The bed is very wide, almost as big as her tent, covered with several colorful satin sheets, and the tentacles feel cold. She was peeled like a lamb to be slaughtered, white and tender, with big eyes in panic waiting for the unknown fate to come.

Her first time was endless pain and torture. The lord of the country was as strong and savage as a beast. He didn't know what pity and jade was, but just galloped on her soft body.

She clutched the sheets under her body and looked at the top of the golden tent with her eyes wide open. Her crying was held in her throat. Only by listening carefully can she hear the endless sad wail, which means that she said goodbye to the girl who was as pure as snow but as flowers. Time.

She stayed in Beijin's harem, which was like a big garden, all kinds of beauties, elegant, charming, gentle, enthusiastic, petite, tall, plump, weak... The purple and red land is so lively.

However, they hurt each other and spared no effort. The fierce light flashed in their charming eyes, and their soft hands were not soft with knives. She watched and learned and became the best among them.

When Yuan Li was born, she had just become a new country. She had no prominent background, no extraordinary beauty, only deep ingenuity and unique customs. But with these two things, she defeated the most noble woman in Beijin and sat in the position of ten thousand people under this one person.

She still remembers that when she first met Yuanxuan, he was only four years old and lived with his biological mother in the place where the slaves lived. His clothes were rotty, his hair was messy, and even his face was not very clean. Only a pair of eyes were dark, shining with beautiful starlight, and he looked at her sincerely and gently.

She stopped and seemed to remember that there was a teenager who looked at her like this and promised to marry her.

Since then, she brought Yuan Li to her side to raise, but she didn't know whether she loved or hated such a pair of eyes.

Yun Xiu was ordered by her to kill him. After he died, she took out his eyes and put them in the most precious crystal bottles given to her by the Lord. She stared at the eyes that had lost their vitality for a long time, recalled the dazzling eyes like stars, and smiled.

"So, Yuan, please don't betray me."