glazed tile

Chapter 23 Slit

When Lan Su was calculating in order to trap his unrelated son, Muto, a small country between Dayun and Beijin, was also worried.

"Princess, princess, hurry up, the queen has sent someone to urge you again." Yun Nuan is a native of Dayun. She left the Anguo Mansion four years ago and married Muto with Wei Han's daughter Wei Xi. Now she has also married the most powerful family general beside Wei Xi's husband and Muto's second prince Chen Lang, but she still stays with Wei Xi and obeys her orders.

Now she is full of women's costumes, but her feet are still as neat as when she was a little maid, and her voice is not less than half. She came to the room in a hurry, but saw Wei Xi slowly compared several different flowers on her head. She was not in a hurry at all. When she saw her come in, she smiled happily. "You came just right. Help me see. These tycoons were sent by my eldest cousin. Which one is better?"

Yun Nuan said, "When is it? Are you still doing these irrelevant things here? The queen sent someone to urge again. If she doesn't go there, she will shake her face again!"

Hearing this, Wei Xi was not anxious at all, but still looked in the mirror with a smile, "Did I pass quickly, won't she shake her face?"

She finally chose a gold-rimmed hexagonal plum blossom straight in the center of her forehead and looked at herself. Then she nodded with satisfaction and said to Yun Nuan from the mirror, "Don't even think about the lawsuit. Come and help me choose a dress. If it matches this girl, you can live up to your cousin's heart. "

Yun Nuan had no choice but to come up and serve the bodyguard to change her clothes, and said endlessly, "If the princess goes out, don't call her eldest cousin. The ninth princess is now the queen. It's heard, and it's happened again."

Wei Xi still smiled, but there was a trace of desolation in his eyes. "What else can happen? Haven't they been more than enough in the past few years?"

Yun Nuan looked at Wei Xi and was speechless. For so many years, her girl brought letters back to Dayun to report good news without news. Therefore, Shen Xuanji and others thought that she was doing well in Muto without worrying, but she knew the real situation.

Wei Xi's husband Chen Lang is the only son of the most favored jade concubine of the Lord of Muto. He has been smart since he was a child, quite favored by the lord of the country, and is also quite afraid of the queen of the country. It is said that when the crown prince was established, the lord of the country was originally with great intentions. Later, many courtiers advised that the prince was the foundation of the country, and naturally he should be the direct leader. Although the second prince was virtuous, his name was not correct. The lord listened to this, and the jade concubine naturally knew it. She was angry and had phlegm, and in less than a month, the jade died, and Chen Lang also fell to the root of the disease because of sadness.

The lord felt sorry for the Jade Concubine and this son and made up his mind to marry a good wife for him as compensation, so he sent people to Dayun to ask for marriage. On the one hand, it was to show kindness, and on the other hand, he felt that most of the noble women of Dayun were both beautiful and wise, with vision, insight, cultivation and knowledge. Far more than Muto's local girls, Shen Lang can have a wife, and he can rest assured a hundred years later.

Naturally, these envoys who asked for relatives did not tell Da Yun the emperor at that time. When Li Guifei interfered from it, Wei Xi married Muto on behalf of Shen Xuanji.

In recent years, the lord of the country has become more and more old, and the government is almost under the control of the prince and the queen of the country, and the days of sinking have become even more sad. And Wei Xi is often called to beat a few words by the queen of the country, and he is used to it.

"This maidservant looks good." Yun Nuan thought about it and felt sad. She didn't dare to cry in front of Wei Xi. She only forced a smile and chose a palace dress made of lotus-colored gold embroidered magnolia flowers, which was beautiful and low-key. It also matched the plum blossom golden cake on Wei Xi's forehead and served her to change it.

Wei Xi inherited the appearance of the beautiful aunt Chun. She was already good-looking. After marrying Muto, she became more and more mature and less. Even Yun Nuan has been looking at her for more than ten years, and still feels that her girl is really a real beauty. She is a little taller than when she left Qiongjiang. Her waist is slender and her bones are well-proportioned. She walks like a spring breeze brushing over the peony bushes, but her skirt has not moved, which shows good upbringing.

Her head is thick with green silk, bound into a complicated strand of deer bun, with a golden step shaking on her head. The hairpin is a pair of phoenixes, with coral beads hanging down at the bottom, hanging on the white ears, and shining marks between her eyebrows.

It was still very cold outside. Wei Xi put on a purple fox cloak and put on a rabbit-haired hand barrel, so he slowly walked to the "Yunfei Hall" where he lived behind the country.

As soon as I stepped into the hall, it was a long donkey that jumped into sight... The face of the mother world. She should also be a beautiful woman when she was young, but when she was old, her facial features drooped, and she always curled her lips to make an unhappy look, which made her look even more like a donkey... Dignified and serious.

As soon as she saw Wei Xi wearing a purple fox cloak, she suddenly narrowed her eyes and looked up and down at her fiercely. Wei Xi had already been surprised by this kind of look, thinking that you didn't care about the girl's dowry, and he still saluted respectfully.

The queen was only wearing an ochre-inlaid fox leather neckline cuffs. The princess beside her was not as good as her. Seeing that the cloak on Wei Xi moved with her, she actually shimmered with oily light and couldn't help opening her eyes wide.

Wei Xi held back his pity and also saluted the crown princess.

The crown princess is the niece of the queen. She looks seven or eight degrees similar to her aunt. She is dozens of years younger. Now the facial features on her face are only drooping to the eyes, and the corners of her mouth are at least upturned. Although she is a little stiff, she still said to Wei Xi with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a long time. It must be the second brother. Can't you do it again? It's cold in winter, so pay more attention!"

Wei Xi even owes a reply to such a boring provocation. She just feels very difficult to understand the crown princess. At least her family is Muto's family. How come the raised girl doesn't speak at all? Thinking that this was the future queen, Wei Xi couldn't help but have deep sympathy for the Muto people.

Seeing that Wei Xi only answered "yes", a proud smile flashed in the prince's eyes. She seemed to look at the queen of the country inadvertently, but saw that her already ugly face became more ugly when she saw Wei Xi in color, so she sipped a cup of tea with a smile, quietly waiting for her aunt and mother-in-law to distress the sister-in-law in front of her.

Sure enough, the queen ignored the blessed Wei Xi and said coldly until she drank two teas, "Get up."

Wei Xi took a deep breath in his heart and kept mediting on the six-character truth in his heart to restrain himself from taking a seat. Let you be in fun and see how long you can be in fun!

"It's time to pay tribute again this year," the Queen did not look at her, but turned her face to the crown princess. "On that day, Your Majesty said that with the protection of Da Yun, Beijin would not dare to act rashly any more. Now it seems that Your Majesty has made things simple."

The princess sighed understandingly, "Alas, for a while, Dayun is still uneasy in China, so how can he take care of us?"

Wei Xi really wanted to tear up the similar faces of Luo Li's sister-in-law, but he put up with it. Who heard the news of Wei Ye's death? He was so scared that he hurriedly sent the tribute to Beijin to ask for peace. Now he still has the face to say such nonsense!

Although his uncle died in the country, his cousin Wei Jia guarded the border with a female figure, and Beijin did not dare to make any waves. Especially in recent days, I heard that the prince of Beijin personally fought against a major general of the "Wei army". Not only did he not take advantage of it, but he was beaten and fled. It's right that Wei Ye died, but the "Wei family army" is still famous. They were afraid and sent them to the door. Do they blame their mother's family for not taking care of them?

Nonsense, I am a minister of Dayun, and I don't care about your Muto's state affairs, right?

Originally, it was a mutually dependent relationship, and Da Yun would not watch Beijin annex Muto, but now Muto is so active to get close to Beijin, isn't he afraid of offending Da Yun?

If he really offended Dayun, would Beijin turn his head back to protect Muto? Wei Xi almost lay on the ground angrily and didn't know what these fools were going to do.

The queen and the crown princess said a word, and while talking, she stared at Wei Xi with lingering light to see how she reacted. Unexpectedly, although Wei Xi was angry, his face was very calm. She will be a girl in Qiongjiang. The first move is that no matter how unhappy she is, she must not show it on her face.

She looked coldly at the two seemingly noble and stupid aunts and nephews, thinking that you two were born in a small country like Muto. Although the country lord and the prince are mediocre, they are not particularly lustful and have many concubines. Otherwise, it is light to be killed 17 or 18 times by the city government of you two!