Ming God

Chapter 35 Happy to see the evil young master

Walking in the aisle, the girl asked in a low voice, "Hey, what did Uncle Chen just say to you?"

Tang Lin escaped from listening and smiled, "Uncle Chen said that Xi Linger is not young, and it's time to find a mother-in-law."

The girl was stunned, and then saw Tang Lin's teasing smile and said angrily, "Okay, you little boy, how dare you make fun of me and see if I don't hit you."

Tang Lin flashed and dodged the girl's hand twisting to his waist. As he ran, he smiled and said, "You Chen Hu also said that looking at Mr. Tang's heroism and dragons and phoenix among people, it's better to give you Xi Linger."

The girly stamped his feet: "You still said it!" He twisted his slender waist and chased after him.

Tang Lin laughed loudly, laughed happily and relaxedly, and slowly spread in the air full of river moisture. Since his arrival, he has been bound by dangers and waves of assassinations. Now he has finally escaped from the cage and returned to the sea of freedom. How can he not be happy? He has just seen that Chen Benlei is not strong and does not pose a threat to him. As long as he is willing, he can kill all the people of the ship at any time.

Running into the hatch, Tang Lin saw three plates and a bowl of steaming soup on a box. There are two kinds of meat on the plate, and the other is vegetarian. It is already very rich to prepare such a banquet in such a short time. Although Xi Linger is a little naughty, she really refuses to do it at all.

"Wow, what a delicious meal, sister Xilinger, thank you very much." Tang Lin had been very hungry for a long time, so he rushed to eat and drink at the sea.

Xi Linger caught up with him from behind and saw that Tang Lin had started eating. Instead, she leaned against him at the door and looked at him ghostly.

For a moment, she finally couldn't help asking, "Hey, little devil, I heard from Uncle Chen that you must be the young master of the big family. Then why did you fall into trouble on the beach?

Tang Lin lowered his head and ate and drank, without raising his head and said, "Little girl, can't the young master of the big family be in trouble? Don't you know that the more powerful the family is, the more cruel it is? All right, tell me where we will park the boat at the next stop, and then I will get off the boat!"

Xi Linger's big watery eyes: "Are you going to get off the boat? You are still very weak. Why are you walking in such a hurry?

Tang Lin smiled and said, "Little girl, I was hunted down by a very powerful person. Aren't you afraid that I will bring you disaster?"

Xi Linger tilted her head and thought, "I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid, but since I saved you, I should save you to the end. You'd better recover before you leave!"

Tang Lin laughed and said, "Okay, okay, just for your words, I'll give you a great transformation."

Xi Linger said with a smile, "Kid, I'm not old and my tone is not small. What can you give me?

Tang Lin glanced at her, slowly sliding his fingers on the edge of the porcelain bowl, and said with a smile, "I see that your footsteps are light and full of blood. Obviously, you are also a person who has practiced internal breathing. However, the realm is so low that it has not even reached the realm of muscles and bones. It must be because the skill is too low. I can improve your strength to the muscle and bone, would you like to?"

Xi Linger was stunned and then said in disbelief, "Little guy, don't lie to me. I haven't practiced for five or six years. Can you improve my strength?"

Tang Lin smelled the fragrant fish soup on the table, squeaked his lips, felt the freshness and faint fishiness in the fish soup, and sighed, "This soup is really good. I haven't eaten such a delicious fish soup for a long time. I want to drink a bowl. Please make me another bowl!"

Xi Linger stared and was about to speak, but suddenly saw that in the fish soup bowl in front of Tang Lin, the oily soup rotated like a whirlpool, and the small whirlpool in the middle sank an inch, revealing the navy blue texture at the bottom of the bowl. The small whirlpool rotates automatically at a uniform and slow speed, as if a force is constantly stirring them.

However, Tang Lin's body has no place to touch the soup bowl. His hands, feet and body were dozens of centimeters away from the table and soup bowls and did not touch them at all. That is to say, the fish soup in the soup bowl is rotating by itself. Xi Linger's eyes widened and looked at the supernatural scene in front of her, her mouth wide open and speechless.

Woe! The scene is strangely quiet!

But after all, Xi Linger knew what this scene represented. Her shocked eyes moved away from the soup bowl and fell on the teenager who was still a little boy in her mind at this moment. At this moment, Tang Lin was no longer a rich young master who was nothing, but a deep An innate strongman who can't see the depth. Yes, Xilinger clearly knows that it is something that can lead to the changes of the animal body without touching objects at all. Undoubtedly, in this room with only two people, except for her, it is Tang Lin.

Xi Linger pointed to Tang Lin and stambed, "You, you, you are..."

Tang Lin smiled, put his index finger on his lips and whispered, "Shh, Xi Linger, this matter is a secret between us, okay?"

Tang Lin's confident smile infected Xi Linger. She blushed and said, "Yes, I'm sorry, my lord, I shouldn't have been disrespectful to you before." She knows too well the status of an innate master in this world, which is already the top human group, who is the power, ruler and controller in that force. Think about it, their captain, as the leader of hundreds of people, is just a warrior in a vigorous state.

Tang Lin shook his head slightly: "Don't apologize. Besides, I accidentally saw your body. Let's be even."

Speaking of this, Tang Lin couldn't help but think of the scene he saw after opening the wooden door, the white flower pollen tender girl's body, the two plump twin peaks, and the cherry stained with holy dew. This is the body of a flowery girl waiting to bloom, which is the freshest and most attractive time for women. Tang Lin's nose was a little itchy when he didn't come.

He quietly looked up at the girl, but he was right with the girl's shy eyes. The girl found that the other party looked over at the same time and quickly dodged like lightning.

Xi Linger blushed like an apple in August. She stood for a few seconds and couldn't stand. She whispered, "I, I'll make soup for you." After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

Tang Lin looked at her slender and youthful back, with a smug smile on his face.

However, when the surroundings calmed down, Tang Lin's mood fell down again. Since he woke up, he had been calling Shenzhou 1, but there was no response, and he could not even feel its existence. He already had a hunch that something had happened to Shenzhou-1. Otherwise, there would be no response at such a moment for so long.

He sat there, drinking fish soup and thinking about his current environment: "This is thousands of miles away from Linhai City, and it is an uncertain Jianghu cruise ship. It should be impossible for them to find here. However, the secret book is too strange. Maybe the person who turns into the immortal sect will have a way to track it. It's better to go further. It's just that I'm still very weak now, and I'm not suitable to leave here at this time.

At this time, he heard a noise outside, and then felt that the ship paused slightly, as if it had hit something.

Tang Lin listened attentively, but was drowned out by a noisy voice.

The sound of the dock! It turned out that the ship landed. Tang Lin is very familiar with these noisy sounds.

Then Chen Benlei's unique loud voice roared to get people off the ship. Some people went to the shore to buy clean water and grain, and some people went to buy goods. Their ship went from south to north, and it was very cost-effective to load some goods on the bottom of the cabin for trading. And the girls in the troupe also needed to play on the shore. For a while, the boat became lively.

Xi Linger came back soon, and her face was still red, as if she was still ashamed.

She put the porcelain bowl in her hand on the table and lowered her head and said, "Drink quickly. Our ship has arrived in Tongzhou City. It is not far from Kyoto. It is the last replenishment of our ship. If you want, go shopping on the shore with me later."

Tang Lin sniffed the heat from the fish soup and warmed his heart.

Suddenly, a woman's voice came from outside: "Xi Linger, what are you still rubbing down there? Come up!"

Xi Linger shouted, "I'm coming!" He said he was about to go up.

Tang Lin shouted, "Wait a minute!" He took out a small box from the package beside him and handed it to Xi Linger and said, "You give this to Captain Chen, just say it's my thank you!"

Xi Linger looked at Tang Lin doubtfully and nodded, "Then you eat first. I'll wait for you on it."

Xi Linger walked for a while before Tang Lin finished drinking the fish soup. This was a live fish just caught from the river. The delicious taste almost made Tang Lin eat all his tongues. After eating this meal with satisfaction, Tang Lin went up to the deck. As soon as he left the hatch, Tang Lin saw two sailors guarding. On both sides of the door.

Seeing Tang Lin come out, the two said respectfully, "Sir, our master said that the prince's status is noble. Let me wait to follow him and wait for his dispatch!"

Tang Lin smiled and naturally knew that this was Chen Benlei's handtail. It seemed that Chen Benlei recognized the gift he gave.

"Tang, here!" Someone in the distance was calling him, and his voice was crisp and pleasant, like a wind chime echoing in the wind.

Tang Lin looked up and saw Xi Linger wapping to him in the bow. At this time, Xi Linger changed her clothes. The pink skirt wrapped her youthful figure in a perfect curve. The breeze raised her dress, which was a kind of beautiful. There were also several girls around her. Several girls stood there and looked at this side with a smile, chattering.

Tang Lin smiled and walked over happily.

At this moment, a sailor led three people to the ship from a simple bridge reached on a wooden board. When the first person was about 30 years old, the long deer-headed rat's eyes were thin and short, and his skin was very dark, but he was wearing white clothes, and he still holding a colorful folding fan in his hand. I feel very good from it. Behind him are two strong bodyguards. They all have a cross-faced face.

The sailor who led the way said politely, "Mr. Tan, please, our master is waiting for you on it!"

Tan Gongzi raised his chin and hummed arrogantly: "The front lead the way." A pair of eyes swept around the boat. But I happened to see Xi Linger on the other side of the deck of the ship.

His eyes showed a wolf-like look, and his eyes looked back and forth on Xi Linger's delicate face and curvy figure under the pink dress, as if he wanted to see through Xi Linger's clothes and get into it. He immediately stopped and pointed to Xi Linger in the distance and asked, "Who is that girl?"

The sailor who led the way said politely, "That's the singing role of our red jade team, called Xi Linger. That voice is as beautiful as a lark, which is the pillar cultivated by our new generation.

Mr. Tan grinned and said, "Okay, okay, today's birthday, this girl must go there."