
Chapter 111 Burning Heart

When Miller rushed back to the "Crystal Palace", he saw the xiao sitting on the floor like a lost soul. ( Let's call this air chariot Crystal Palace for the time being, because its interior does look like Crystal Palace.)

"Why are you alone? What about your eldest brother?" Miller asked puzzledly, because he blocked the exit when he went out and couldn't open it without his fingerprints.

"You... What have you said to my eldest brother?" The xiao suddenly jumped up and grabbed Miller's collar. No, it's not all collars, but a collar similar to the tail of some animal. It coiled around Miller's neck and hung all the way to his chest, setting off the exposed half of his snow-white neck, making Miller look noble and elegant. At this time, Xiao's hand just grabbed the tail.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to fight?" Miller raised his eyebrows and raised a beautiful arc at the corners of his mouth, which was a cold smile.

"I ask you, what have you to do with my eldest brother?" Xiao glared at Miller and almost spewed fire in his eyes. "What do you mean by treating us deliciously?"

"I don't like people talking to me like that." Miller sank his face and suddenly slapped Xiao's chest.

With a bang, Xiaofei fell out and fell heavily on the floor. A piercing chill came and filled the whole body in an instant.

"How could I do this?" Xiao's eyes widened with horror. He felt that his body was frozen and couldn't move at all, but his tongue was not frozen and he could still speak, so he cursed. This time, he didn't even let go of his ancestors for 18 generations.

Miller ignored the cym, as if he didn't hear it. He looked around and finally fixed his eyes on the wall. The wall was originally a crystal screen, which had been closed for a long time due to lack of energy, but now it has turned on. On the screen is a pattern composed of nebulus, which is a star route map stored in the main control center with his hometown.

Miller looked at the screen fixedly, and he seemed to see the crystal girl again. The girl was holding a purple scarf, rushed into his arms, blinked her big black eyes, and said creamily, "Brother! Here, take it with you. You can look at it when you think of me. Remember, be sure to go early and come back early!"

"I'm not your brother. I don't deserve to be your brother." Miller muttered. Two rows of red blood and tears slipped down from the corners of their eyes and slid across the perfect and handsome face.

For a long time, Miller wiped away his tears and took out a dark green thing from his arms, which was the "fruit core" he took from Locke's hand. I understand that it is the function of this stone. Miller brushed his hand and broke the layer of material covering the outside of the stone into pieces, revealing a hexagonal glass-like material. It was a magnet, but it was too small to start the whole air chariot.

"I didn't do anything to your eldest brother. You should also know that you have been with your eldest brother, have you?" Miller glanced at the horde, who had already trembled with cold, and with a "brush", he withdrew the spell.

Soon, the cold feeling disappeared, and Xiao's mind calmed down.

"Yes, my eldest brother and I were in this room, but the wall of your house fell down and my eldest brother disappeared. Shit, what's the quality? It's still crystal." Xiao stared at Miller with dissatisfaction.

"It's space transfer."

"What... What transfer?" He looks like an idiot.

"Simply put, a person suddenly moves from one place to another. These two places may be very close or far away."

"Can you speak more clearly?" Xiao still didn't understand.

"For example, your brother, he was still here one second ago, and the next second he appeared in the East Earth Continent, which is called space transfer. Do you understand?" Miller cursed fiercely in her heart: Stupid, stupid! I don't even understand this little common sense.

"Will there be such a thing?" The skeptical.

The Flying Dragon chariot has been replenished with energy. Let's go and follow me to the East China. Miller doesn't want to talk to the xiao anymore, because he is in a hurry.

"Why should I go to the Eastland? No, I won't go! I want to wait here for my eldest brother."

"Are you really stupid, or are you pretending to be stupid? No one can enter this place without me. I said that I would take you to the East Earth Continent, and your eldest brother will naturally go to the East Earth Continent to find you. You can wait here, even if you die. Miller stared fiercely and thought to himself: I have never seen such a desperate person.

In fact, there is another reason why Miller wants to take the owl back to the dark night castle. He has been with the red-haired teenager, and he knows that the red-haired teenager is very good at it. At the same time, Miller also thought that since the red-haired teenager could snatch himself out of Yanzhu's hand, it showed that he had the ability to restrain Yanzhu's "burning karma". With his brother in hand, he was not afraid that he would not come. Once the candle turns over and joins with human beings to invade the night empire, with these two teenagers, his chances of winning will be much greater.

Xiao thought for a moment and said, "Okay, let's go to the Eastern Earth Continent."

So, Miller took the xiao into the flying dragon chariot. He drove the flying dragon chariot and rushed to the eastern earth continent non-stop. Now Miller is like holding fifteen rabbits. He is worried that he doesn't know how Michael's injury is, and he doesn't know if he can be saved.

When Miller rushed to the dark castle, his hanging heart was half relieved. Miller saw the torture master. Master Kuman sat in the living room and was chatting with Lisa. When Khaman and Lisa saw Miller coming in, they both stood up and saluted him.

"You're welcome, everyone sit down." Miller waved his hand.

Everyone sat down, and only the xiao was still standing there.

"You can sit down too." After signaling Xiao to sit down, Miller continued, "Let me introduce: this is a friend I just met. His name is Xiao. They are my teacher, the Tuman national teacher, and my subordinates, Lisa.

Everyone saluted each other and got to know each other.

"Teacher, you are finally back. Where have you been in the past 3,000 years?" Miller almost shed tears and thought to himself: My brother is finally saved. Because the Roman Master is a powerful wizard.

"I've been practicing in isolation. What, what happened? Your mood fluctuates a lot, which is not like what you used to be. Master Torture looked into Miller's eyes.

Miller is the only disciple of Khaman - the descendant of the Ice Snow Clan. As Miller's teacher, no one knows Miller better than him.

"Miga was injured. He was injured by the fire control of the Fire clan. Please save him quickly!" Miller asked the national teacher.

"What? His Royal Highness was injured!" Lisa exclaimed. She thought of the blonde teenager who had been taking good care of herself. It was because of him that she gave up sucking human blood and sucked the fishy animal blood instead. No wonder he hasn't seen His Highness for three days since he returned to the castle. It turned out that he was injured. Alas! Brother Will must be in trouble again. Lisa sighed in her heart. Although she fell in love with Her Royal Highness, who looks like ice on the outside, Her Royal Highness has always been very kind to her. If Her Royal Highness is injured, she will naturally be very worried.

"Oh? Is there such a thing? Is that what bothers you?" Tortured asked.

"Yes, please help Micah!" Miller said eagerly.

"Okay, don't be late, then take me to have a look!"

Miller took Khaman to Micah's bedroom. Before going out, he told Lisa, "Take care of this guest and don't neglect him."

"Yes, my subordinates are obeying!" Lisa answered. She wanted to follow to see Micah's injury, but she didn't dare without Miller's order.

Now, there are only two people left in the living room, Xiao and Lisa.

"You sit down first, and I'll make a pot of tea." Lisa is out.

Xiao heard their speech, but he didn't dare to make a sound, because he knew it was Micah who was injured by Locke. If Miller knew that it was the eldest brother who hurt Micah, would I still die? Xiao began to think in his heart that he wanted to find a chance to leave the night castle.

Xiao heard Lisa's sweet and beautiful voice, and he looked at Lisa's back for a while. In fact, from the moment he entered the door, his eyes fell on Lisa. He was attracted by Lisa's noble temperament, charming curly hair and exquisite face. He thought of the human girl Linda. He compared Linda with Lisa and found that the two could not be compared at all. Compared with Lisa, Linda was simply an ugly duckling. Big brother is right. There are indeed many good girls in the world.

But why does Lisa have a strange smell? And that smell makes me feel very uncomfortable. Xiao was puzzled. He remembered that Linda had a good girl's fragrance, and Lisa also had a fragrance, but that smell made him very disgusted. In fact, this is because Xiao still doesn't know that Lisa is Qiu Bai, and Qiu Bai and Uvo are sworn enemies. They are not only familiar with each other's taste, but also repel each other's taste. However, 10,000 years have passed, and the original smell of Qiu Bai is disappearing, and their current smell is closer to that of human beings. This is due to the continuous changes in the process of evolution, which make it easier for them to hide in the crowd without being found.

Just like Locke, when he tracked Qiu Bai in that town, he smelled a very familiar smell and a smell close to human beings. At that time, he thought that the familiar smell was Qiu Bai. In fact, the familiar smell was his own brother Michael, and the smell close to human beings was Wei Er. From beginning to end, Locke didn't know that the person he accidentally injured was his own brother. It was he who personally put his brother into a disaster. Just like he was in Bimon's womb, Michael was suffering the pain he had suffered. On the surface, Micah is in a coma, but in fact, his soul is burning in the fire. And Locke knows nothing about all this. If Locke had said one more word and asked his brother's name when talking about his brother with Lisa, maybe the tragedy would not have happened.

However, there is no if in this world, there is only reality, cruel reality.

Soon, Lisa came in with a teapot. While making tea for Xiao, she talked to Xiao, talking about the relationship between Miller and the Micah brothers. From Lisa's mouth, Xiao knew that the two prince brothers had a very good relationship, just like a person. Xiao understood: No wonder Miller would kneel down to the candle in order to save Micah. Listening, he missed Locke more and more.