Beast Soul Continent

Chapter 10 City of the Sky

After returning to the Beast Soul Hall, Fan Tian was not in a good mood. Although he knew that a girl in blue had taken away his sister, he did not know this person, nor did he know whether this person was good or evil, so he was more worried.

Seeing the two people who returned, Elder Jin frowned slightly, because he found that Jin Li's breath was a little weak.

"Jin Li, have you used the light of baptism?" The elder looked at him unhappily. You should know that Jin Li's cultivation was not enough. Now it will take many days to recover the damage caused by the light of baptism, which greatly affected his cultivation process.

When Fan Tian saw the unhappy elder Jin Xing, he came over first.

"I'm sorry, Elder, I'm more impulsive. Jin Li had to use the light of baptism in order to understand and save me." Fan Tian felt a little guilty. After all, he caused the trouble. Fan Tian took the initiative to tell Elder Jin the whole story. After listening to his explanation, a trace of displeasure in the eyes of the elder disappeared, but was replaced by a trace of relief.

"Jin Li, you did the right thing this time. I just blamed you! Go back and rest first." Although the elder tried his best to cover it up, Fan Tian still caught a trace of pride and affirmation for Jin Li from his eyes. Through this incident, Jin Li's position in the eyes of the elder was not reduced, but also favored by the elder.

After Jin Li left, the elder looked at Fan Tian, as if he was thinking about something, and Fan Tian did not dare to disturb him. After a while, the elder finally spoke.

"I know the origin of the woman in blue you mentioned." The words of the elder sounded like a blockbuster in Fan Tian's heart.

"What? Do you know the elder? Fan Tian couldn't believe his ears, like a person who heard the bad news, and suddenly another person told him that it was fake. Although Fan Tian was surprised, the elder nodded affirmatively.

"Yes, I really know the origin of that person, but even if you know her origin, you may not be able to find your sister." The elder shook his head slightly, as if the other party's back was not simple. However, Fan Tian can't wait to know the result.

"E Elder, tell me who the other party is. Anyway, I will find my sister!" Fan Tian could hardly suppress his inner excitement. The more the elder saw Fan Tian's excited appearance, the more he didn't want to tell him the truth, but in the face of Fan Tian at this moment, he had to tell the truth and finally sighed helplessly.

"Your sister is very safe, but if you want to find it, I'm afraid it's difficult to go to the sky." The elder paused in Fan Tian's eager eyes, "That girl is from the city of the sky in the Western Jin Dynasty."

"City of the Sky of the Western Jin Dynasty?" Fan Tian was at a loss, because he had never heard of the word and did not know what it was, but these were taken for granted in the eyes of the elders.

"Sit down, child. Today I will talk to you about the sky city of the Western Jin Dynasty, in the distant historical river city..." The elder seems to recall a very long time ago.

"In the distant Western Jin sky, there is an ancient city of the sky, floating in time and transcending the world. There is a pure land, where there is a resort for practice. All the monks there are the capital of heaven and the paradise of the magic soul. It is said that the lord of the sky there has condensed the body of the demon phoenix. Raise your hands to destroy the sky and the earth, and when you lift your feet, the landslide and the earth will crack.

"I remember that when I was young, I was endowed with a high-level sacred eagle magic soul. I thought I could join the City of the Sky, but I didn't expect to be rejected in the end. The lowest-level doormen there were strong men with intermediate beast souls, and once I joined the City of the Sky, there was no Lord of the Sky. It's impossible to leave there."

"And the girl you see comes here every year to find a teenager who is qualified to join the Sky City, but I have noticed her for ten years. Even those boys and girls who have carried it for two days still failed to enter her eyes. In ten years, she has not taken a single person away, and your sister is the first. "

The elder looked at Fan Tian's eyes and didn't know whether it was envy or something. After all, it was a holy place that many Dharma souls yearn for. However, Fan Tian is not an elder and can't feel the feelings in his heart. He only knows that he has lost a sister, and the person who captured this sister is the Sky City of the Western Jin Dynasty.

"I'm going there to find my sister." Fan Tian's eyes were firm and there was no hesitation. The elder looked at Fan Tian and shook his head helplessly. He knew that it was the result, and no matter how he persuaded him, it was still the result.

"Your sister is safe there, and the city of the sky is peaceful under the rule of the Lord of the sky, like a paradise, so you can rest assured. But I know that you will look for your sister anyway, but what I want to tell you is that if you really want to find your sister, then improve your strength to the advanced martial soul first." The elder knows that no matter how you persuade her, it will be fruitless and can't change Fan Tian's heart.

Finally, he took a deep look at Fan Tian and turned around and walked slowly to the gate.

Fan Tian knows the elder's thoughts and his sister's safety, but if he doesn't really look at his sister, he won't be relieved anyway. In the next few days, Fan Tian still stayed in the Beast Soul Hall, but he was calculating how to reach the Sky City of the Western Jin Dynasty.

"I am now on the edge of the endless East China Sea. It will take at least three years to get to the Western Jin Dynasty from here and ride a horned horse, and it only takes three days for a senior beast soul master to pass through the transmission array!" Looking at the data in his hand, Fan Tian couldn't help sweating coldly. It only took three days for the senior beast soul master to complete the journey of ordinary warriors for three years.

Fan Tian did not naively think that with the strength of his junior martial arts soul master, he passed through the transmission array, but the facts tell us that the soul masters below the level can enter from this side of the transmission array, but the data is zero for those who can successfully come out of the other side. Fan Tian didn't want to ask a senior soul master to escort him, but the senior soul master didn't like money at all. What did he take to invite others and take his life? People don't like it any more.

So after thinking about it, Fan Tian almost scratched his hair and still didn't come up with a good idea. Just when he was bored, Jin Li, who had not been seen for a few days, appeared in front of him again, and looked better than before. It must have been the elder who used some secret means for him.

"Fen Tian, what are you thinking about? Make yourself so sloppy?" Looking at Fan Tian's crazy hairstyle, Jin Li couldn't control his smiling face.

"I'm thinking about how to get to the City of the Sky." Although Fan Tian was still a little worried in his heart, after knowing his sister's safety and safety, he was still relieved and recovered a few layers of his former self. Seeing a little kind, a little decadent and helpless Fan Tian, Jin Li was still a little uncomfortable. Because since he came into contact with Fan Tian, he has always been the murderous appearance, but he has never seen the kind side.

"Ha ha, you still have a kind side. I thought you had always been blood-red and murderous!" Jin Li always looks like a smiling face and looks like a kind priest. Fan Tian was a little embarrassed to listen to Jin Li's words.

"I'm really sorry that day. I have lost my mind in order to find my sister, so that you used the light of baptism with great negative effects to help me!" Fan Tian is still full of gratitude for Jin Li, because if the other party hadn't saved him, it would have been another matter whether he would have survived that day. Jin Li can be said to be Fan Tian's lifesaver.

Seeing that Fan Tian was so sincere, Jin Li's smiling face also became serious.

"To be honest, I really wouldn't have saved him that day. Do you know why?" Jin Li paused and seemed to recall the scene of that day. "It was your eyes that shocked me. The never-ending look in front of the enemy made me feel that you should not be folded here. You still have a longer way to go, so I decided to let you owe me a favor here!" Speaking of this, Jin Li's face actually showed a bad smile, which greatly violated the sincerity of the priest.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that you were not so simple." Fan Tian grinned at the corners of his mouth and punched the other party's body, which he had deeply remembered in his heart. The two men who knew each other did not continue to entangle on this issue. Jin Li took the lead in discovering the books in Fan Tian's hand.

"Mainland Records, why do you want to leave?" Jin Li frowned slightly.

"I'm looking for a fast way to the Western Jin, but..." Fan Tian told Jin Li about its result. After Jin Li heard it, his eyes suddenly stared at Fan Tian motionless for a long time, and Fan Tian was a little hairy by him.

"What? Is there anything on my face?" Fan Tian didn't know what Jin Li meant, but Jin Li said Fan Tian like a fool.

"You are really two!" Fan Tian was said inexplicably, but Jin Li's next words made him feel inferior.

"Why is the City of the Sky called the City of Sky?" Jin Li is very serious

"Because it's in the sky!" Fan Tian answered naturally, but it was also at this moment that he understood the root cause of the two.

"You mean it is in the sky and there is no road up from land?" Fan Tian's eyes widened and couldn't believe it.

"Of course, why did the master ask you to practice until the senior soul master? It's because it's in the sky. If you can't take off, you can't even see the door!" Jin Li's words were sonorous, and Fan Tian was speechless. At this moment, he found that the problems he had been racking his brains to think about these days were all questions that did not need to be considered at all.

Because you can't board the Sky City without reaching the senior soul master, and after reaching the senior soul master, you can teleport to the Sky City of the Western Jin Dynasty within three days. Therefore, the problem Fan Tian is currently facing is not how to reach the Western Jin Dynasty, but how to cultivate the senior soul master.

Fan Tian finally woke up, but he didn't know what to do, because it took him at least six or seven years to get promoted from the primary martial soul to the advanced martial soul. If he is an ordinary person, it will be difficult to reach the realm of an intermediate soul master in his life, let alone Senior soul master. In other words: Fan Tian is a genius and can see his sister at the age of 20 at the earliest. If he is an ordinary martial artist, he will never want to see his sister in his life.

"So, your current goal is how to cultivate the advanced martial soul in the shortest time!" This is the bystander Qing. Jin Li knows better than Fan Tian at this moment what he needs.

"Originally, my master, Elder Jin Xing, wanted to take you as an apprentice, but because our beast soul hall practiced all magic souls, and yours are martial souls. If you practice in our beast soul hall, it will greatly limit your development, so my purpose today is also to convey a thought of the master." Jin Li's eyes gradually became serious when he looked at Fan Tian.

"If you want to improve your strength in a short time, you need to find a school that suits you best, which will teach you more knowledge and let you grow faster." Jin Li's eyes made Fan Tian understand the top priority, and he was still too weak. Thinking about the experience of being defeated by the Wu housekeeper in Zhoushan not long ago, Fan Tian deeply understands that strength in the source continent is the foundation of everything. If he has no strength, even if he is taken to the city of the sky, he will be swept away by someone.

It was not until now that he fully realized that whether it was looking for his sister, looking for his mother, or digging into the secret of his father's disappearance, it was inseparable from a powerful force. At this moment, he saw that the road ahead was still far away, and the road ahead was full of thorns.