Beast Soul Continent

Chapter 14 Thousands of Miles Icefield

At a glance, the whole world is covered with white frost. The snowflakes in the sky are like pieces of goose feathers, and the bitter cold around it seems to be more than tens of millions of silver needles, forcing your skin.

"This temperature is at least 40 degrees below zero!" Fan Tian had to run the source force in his body again to form a hot field, which was green and red and non-sticky within an inch of his body. Although this can protect his body from the temperature of the outside world, this is not a good way, because the source power in his body is also constantly losing, and once the source power is exhausted, he will face not only the cold, but also some potential threats of fierce beasts.

"Hey! If I had known, I would have spared cotton-padded clothes!" Looking at his half-arm shoulder, Fan Tian smiled bitterly in his heart. Listening to the creaking sound under his feet, his face was even more helpless. The cyclone in the gas hole is gradually decreasing with the passage of time. This cyclone is the storage place of the source force in the body. If the cyclone disappears, it also proves that the source force in the body disappears.

And what lies above the cyclone is the beast soul we often talk about. It is always moistened by the cyclone below. Under the moisture of the source moment, the beast soul will gradually become stronger and transform. The more powerful the source force, the faster the growth of the beast soul. Therefore, the beast soul represents a person's talent, quality and force. The source power represents a person's energy source. If the energy is gone, no matter how powerful the force is, it cannot be stimulated.

Feeling the decreasing source power in his body minute by minute, and then staring at the still boundless snow-white world in the distance, Fan Tian seemed to have some understanding in his heart.

"It seems that the real test of yourself is after the disappearance of the source power, if your source power is still there, then this glacier land will be endless." Fan Tian gradually understood all this, because the environment here was changed by the soul weapons of the beast mountain, so all his movements were also controlled by the other party. Although Fan Tian could not understand the true meaning of each assessment, he understood that the end of this glacier would definitely appear after his power was exhausted.

"Well, since you want me to go bare, I will completely disperse the source power!" Fan Tian was cruel and suddenly ran the source power in his body. Under the action of the power of the surrounding ice and snow, it instantly turned into a white steam, and at the same time, the source cyclone in his body disappeared.

Seeing this series of changes, the two people at the other end of the beast mountain soul weapon showed a surprised expression at the same time.

"This son's wisdom is really amazing, and he actually figure out our purpose!" As a king-level soul weapon, he couldn't help admiring Fan Tian's wisdom. Hearing the praise of the instrument, Tianqing, the head beast beside him, narrowed his eyes and showed a trace of pride.

However, it is not good for Fan Tian to completely disperse the source power at this moment.

"Cold!" At this moment, the scene has completely subverted Fan Tian's understanding of this word. The piercing, pain, stiff and dull thinking all came to his body at this moment, almost naked. After losing the protection of his power, his body lost 30% of consciousness in an instant.

But while he lost 30% of his consciousness, a door glowed colorfully and fell from the sky. At the same time, intentionally or unintentionally, the two big characters of the mountain gate are hung on the colorful light.

"Mountain Gate! Sure enough, it's the same as what he thought." After seeing the word Shanmen, Fan Tian affirmed his thoughts in his heart and also ignited hope, because he knew that after losing his power, no matter how strong his perseverance was, his body could not allow him to continue to walk out of a hundred miles. And the landing of the mountain gate gave him a hope, a visible hope.

This is actually a very simple question. I know where my goal is and know that as long as I work hard, I can get this result. However, it takes a lot of perseverance to not give up and persevere in the process of hard work.

Many people have reached the top of martial arts, and many people with weak beast souls have also achieved it. Whether you can achieve it or not depends on your perseverance!

"Wow!" Fan Tian dares not breathe deeply at this moment, because every time he breathes, his body will be stiff, so now he can only grit his teeth, look at the mountain gate in the distance, and step forward step by step.

One kilometer, his arm has lost consciousness. Two kilometers, the soles of his thighs and feet have also lost consciousness, and the only thing that still supports moving forward is the persistent will in his mind. Three kilometers, ice slag has been hung on his chest and back, and only the slightly beating heart proves that he is alive.

"That's enough!" Looking at Fan Tian in the picture, the leader tried his best to suppress his anger, but his expression and behavior undoubtedly did not prove that he was on the verge of an outbreak. However, the beast mountain soul weapon doesn't seem to appreciate it.

"Don't be angry, leader. The test of this thousand-mile ice field is actually five kilometers after the exhaustion of the source power. Now he has walked three-five kilometers, and he is almost the last 1.5 kilometers to pass the test!" The Beast Mountain Soul weapon is not human at all, and insists on letting Fan Tian complete the test. However, this finally annoyed the leader on the verge of anger.

"I'm the head here. I'll make the final say. You can bring him here now. I'm going to take him as an apprentice!" While talking, the word king loomed on the forehead of the beast Tianqing, which was a sign that he was about to take action. Seeing that the leader really wants to do it, although Wan Beast Mountain is a king-level soul weapon, its strength is still weak.

"Slow down, it's not that I don't want to let him go, but the will of my ancestors. I'm just obeying the orders of my ancestors." Hearing the ancestors, the beast frowned slightly. Although the ancestors had been sitting for many years, he could not do anything against his ancestors. Seeing that the beast Tianqing seemed to be moved, the words of the beast mountain soul weapon turned around.

"There's something you don't know yet, because no one has passed it before, so I haven't told you about it!" Wanshou Mountain paused and continued in the confused eyes of the leader, "180 mountain roads represent 180 difficulties, and these difficulties are either because of the other party's strong strength or because of luck, but in general, even the simplest mountain road, those who can pass are one in a hundred, and the most difficult mountain road It's one out of ten thousand, one out of ten thousand.

"The most difficult conditions triggered by the mountain road itself are very harsh, either the beast soul against the sky, or prohibited by the sect. And this Fan Tian has the dark atmosphere forbidden by the sect, and it is very strong enough to trigger the most difficult road. The ancestor is benevolent to the world. Although she doesn't like the beast soul with a dark breath, if she can pass her test and become a disciple of the mountain gate, she will also give him a gift that no one else can think of because of his ability and great perseverance. The Heavenly Beast Cave will be enlightened in three days.

When he heard the three-day enlightenment of the Heavenly Beast Cave, there were some angry beast Tianqing, and suddenly seemed to hear an incredible thing, and his face was shocked.

"What are you talking about? Three heavenly beast caves?" Beast Tianqing's eyes widened and couldn't believe his ears.

"That's right, you didn't hear it wrong, just three enlightenments in the Heavenly Beast Cave!" The beast mountain soul weapon knows why the beast Tianqing is so surprised. Because the Heavenly Beast Cave is the forbidden land of all beasts, and even the head of this forbidden land is allowed to enter twice in his life, and ordinary elders have only one chance. If it is another reward, Beast Tianqing may be able to give it to Fan Tian, but he has no ability in this matter.

The matter of Tian Beast Cave made Beast Tianqing understand that he can't stop the soul weapon of Wan Beast Mountain today. Not because he dares, but because he is unwilling to deprive a teenager of the opportunity to enter the Heavenly Beast Cave. You know, this opportunity is only twice in his life.

With a wave of the sleeves of the green robe, the beast Tianqing left the central hall. No one knew what the leader was thinking at this moment. Maybe he couldn't bear to see Fan Tian in the cold wind, or maybe there were some other reasons. Wan Beast Mountain did not stop the leader from leaving, and his attention was once again focused on the teenager in the picture.

Thousands of miles of ice, a lonely teenager.

At this moment, Fan Tian has accumulated a thick layer of frost armor, and his vision has become blurred, because even his black eyes are covered with a layer of ice crystals.

"I can't die, because I have to see my sister and tell her that I haven't broken my promise. I can't die, because I have to defeat two men in black to save my mother. I can't die, because I have to look for my disappeared father to see him for the last time. Fan Tian's thoughts have gradually been frozen, and his whole body has been stiff under the destruction of cold wind and ice and snow.

If it hadn't been for the faint golden light in his body dropping his last breath, he would have been exposed to death under the ice and snow. 500 meters, 100 meters, 10 meters...

The last ten-meter journey took a normal person only two seconds to reach, and it took him a whole hour. Because at this moment, he can't step out, but moves his body slightly with his last belief.

Time passed minute by minute, and even the mountain soul weapon of thousands of beasts without a trace of emotion felt a little unseeable. But he had to look at it again, because the whole mountain of beasts was transformed by his body, and every plant and tree here was under his long control.

"Wow!" Fan Tian finally stepped into the mountain gate, but he did not stop because of this, and his frosty body was still moving slowly. Because now he has lost his five knowledge, the reason why he is still moving is because of the belief he insists in his mind.

For thousands of years, he felt a little sour. Since his ancestor left, he moved his feelings for the first time. Who said that the weapon was ruthless, but he had not met anyone who needed his affection.

"Son, you have successfully stepped into the mountain gate. You can stop!" The sound of the beast mountain soul weapon directly transmitted to his sea of knowledge through Fan Tian's body.

"Really?" There was a weak fluctuation in Fan Tian's sea of knowledge, which seemed to show a triumphant smile, but his face could no longer express it, because he was unable to do anything else except this weak consciousness.

After losing his last persistence, Fan Tian's body hit the ground heavily, and Wanshou Mountain did not dare to let him lie down like this. Then his stiff body will definitely fall into a crack.

At the first time, he and the leader injected the pure source power in his body into Fan Tian's body to drive away the cold air for him.

"Light of Baptism!" Feeling the faint golden light in Fan Tian's body, the head of the beast Tianqing showed a relieved expression. I said how he could still leave a glimmer of life in such an environment. It turned out that he had experienced the light of baptism and was used by a senior priest!" The head of Beast Sky is as excited as picking a treasure while crossing the source power. However, at this moment, Wan Beast Mountain changed its previous careless attitude and became serious.

"Don't distract ourselves. We will try our best to get rid of the cold air in his body, and then send it to the ancient mountain springs to soak him, so that his body can be revived and leave no sequelae!" Seeing that the Wanshou soul weapon suddenly became so serious, Beast Tianqing had not reacted for a while, because he had not seen the Wanshou soul weapon take anyone seriously since he became the leader.

But this is not the time to think about it. After all, a precious apprentice is the foundation of the sect. Under the full healing of the two people, the cold air in Fan's celestial body was gradually expelled, but his body surface still did not have any blood color.

"Well, the cold in his body has been expelled. I will take him to the ancient mountain spring to soak now. Nine days later, his body will not only recover, but also be better than before!" Before the words of the beast mountain soul weapon fell, Fan Tian's body had been taken out. In the surprised eyes of the head of Beast Tianqing, the two figures disappeared without a trace.

Back in the mountain, the ancient mountain spring, a long-haired man in green armor stared motionlessly at Fan Tian in the mountain spring, as if recalling something.

"Hua Rong, the most difficult test you set has finally passed. You can pass your manor, open your last relics, and help me find your where you are." This long-haired green armored man is none other than the spirit of the beast mountain soul weapon. When it evokes memories, a faint missing flows from his eyes.

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