grave-keeping note

37. Underwater hanging coffin

37. Underwater hanging coffin

It can be seen that the mayor has never given up. But I don't agree with this method, at least with the consent of the gravekeeper, although it is easy to change the dynasty.

I don't know what will happen in the future, but I must find Ji Xiaoqing.

I opened the second master's box, and it turned out to be an empty box. Obviously, the contents were taken away, but I don't know what it was. The second master kept the box very tightly.

I think the second master cheated me. I have to go back immediately and put the box back.

When I went back, the second master was still sitting there. These two idiots were infatuated, and no one died.

When the second master came back, I sat in the yard and looked at his expression, as ugly as my own father. He didn't even look at me and went straight upstairs. After going upstairs, there was no movement.

I don't want to provoke him now. I guess he is in an extremely bad mood. At this time, it's better not to provoke him. Even if he is his own father, he dares to go up with a big ear. Even my son is also a fake son.

I fryed two dishes, poured wine, and began to drink. I don't think he should be in the mood to drink. I drank until midnight. I was a little confused. I walked to the door and hit the door. The pain made me scream, but the second master still didn't respond.

When I fell asleep, I felt someone standing beside me. I didn't know if it was a dream or real. I half opened my eyes and made sure that it was real. It was the second master who stood beside me and stared at me with his left eye. I sat up and leaned against the corner of the wall.

"What are you doing? In the middle of the night, do you want to scare people to death?"

"Why aren't you dead yet? If you kill the old lady, I just want to strangle you."

I was stunned. I just burned the old lady's house. The old lady won't be unable to open it for a house and jump into the river, right? I was thinking, and the second master stretched out his hand. I kicked the second master away, jumped to the ground, and stood in the corner of the wall.

"You can't beat me."

The second master stared at me and suffered. When he was like this, I felt like I was going to die. It was really unbearable.

The second master didn't listen to me at all. He rushed up. The old guy was really crazy. No matter where he came up, he would do it and pull him down.

I kicked him away. This kick was a little heavy. He lay on the ground, almost dead. In fact, I don't want to kick so hard. I'm really afraid of his madness.

It took him a long time to sit up.

"Little bastard, let me tell you, that old lady is the person I loved when I was young. I couldn't marry her because I became a gravekeeper. She hasn't married in her life. She hates me. I know that she died three years ago, I built a house for her, and you burned..."

When the second master said this, I jumped up as a tall man. I was simply crazy. Fuck, what the bastard is talking about? The old lady died three years ago. What is the old lady I saw? I'll go to his eighth uncle.

I'm hairy. I want to run or not to look at the second master. I can't figure out that the dead are still alive.

The second master stared at me.

"Get out." The second master's voice was as low as a wolf, and I knew he was really angry.

I ran away, and I had a lingering lingering heart. I ran to the tree hole by the lake. I thought I should leave the second master. I killed his beloved. I don't know whether it's alive or not. Anyway, I can't figure out how life and death come back. Now I'm confused.

I don't want to think about these things anymore. I think I should save Ji Xiao.

I sat in a daze in the tree hole. I really can't figure out what's going on.

I actually know a lot about this lake, but I don't know that there will be so many things in it.

When I was a child, my father always took me to this lake. In fact, this is not a lake. If it is a reservoir, if it is a large reservoir, the largest reservoir in China is the reservoir.

I like diving, and my father took me to dive when I was a child.

My favorite place to go is a reservoir in Xiaodao, which is a lake where so many things have happened now. The reservoir is endless. The elders said that this water has existed for at least a thousand years. How deep the water depth is, and the Municipal Reservoir Administration can't give an exact number. They also said that there are water monsters below. I haven't encountered it in so many years. But now I believe that there should really be a water monster in it. Although I haven't seen it, the things under the reservoir are more terrible than the water monster.

More than ten years ago, military management was implemented in the reservoir. Because in addition to the people in our city drinking this water, people in the provincial capital also drink this water, so I have to find an opportunity to go down and pee in it. That's really happy. Mayors and governors are going to drink my urine and go crazy with joy.

One night without being with the second master, I went to the reservoir, and I like to go at night. When I went down, I felt that this direction was wrong, not the place where I always went down. I dived, and there were groups of fish. I like this feeling.

The light looks so warm under the water. I like this feeling. When I dived 20 meters away, I saw something in front of me and hung it on the wall. I slowly swam over, getting closer and closer. I hung there, and my cold sweat came down. If I'm sure it's not wrong, it should be a coffin, and it's not one, but rows, which can't be counted. I thought I was dazzle. I had dived in this water for more than ten years, but I didn't find these coffins.

I went a little further. Sure enough, it was a coffin. There was absolutely nothing wrong. I was a little flustered. I sank a few meters and rushed up desperately to the surface. I took a look at the position. It was indeed the first time I came down. I remembered this position and the shore was small.

When I got home, my heart was still uncertain. This time it really scared me. When I got into the quilt, the coffin swayed around. I got up and went online to check the information of this city. A thousand years ago, there was indeed a war here.

In the Battle of Rock City, it turned out that there was a rock city, which was built on the mountain. It took a hundred years and was all man-made. It was a magnificent city, but it is recorded in historical materials.

The next day, I went to the library to find the curator, who took me into a room with a musty smell.

"The books here have been released for decades and are ready to be removed from the shelves next year."

The curator is very familiar with this place. He walked to the third row and pulled out a book and said, "This book, if it's not here, I'm afraid you don't have it."

When I turned over the book, it fell. The curator gave me the book. I returned home and looked at it slowly. Sure enough, there was a record. The city of rocks, following the trend of mountains, recruited thousands of chisel craftsmen. After a hundred years, the location was in the location of the reservoir. When it disappeared, there was no record. But there was a war, the battle between the Yi people and the Zhen people, and how the Yi people attacked the city in the end, and how to destroy it was completely nonsense. Fortunately, the author also made it clear later that he had been trying to find this rocky city, and people said that it did not exist.

After I finished reading it, I accidentally fell to the ground and the book was all broken. I couldn't spell it.

I remembered the author's name and called the Federation of Literary and Art Circles. The man in the Federation of Literary and Art Circles was stunned for a long time and said, "Twenty years ago, I died and I dived into the library."

I trembled. This guy must be stunned. I don't think so! I'm a little worried that those coffins always swing around in front of my eyes, which is a little evil.

I went back and told my father.

My father only said one sentence: "Fate."

I heard it was a little scary. When I asked again, he said something else. I don't know what happened to this old man today. I'm going to go to the reservoir again.

This time I chose a day with a sun, so that the light in the water is stronger, so I changed a bright flashlight.

I quietly went down from the bushes. After going down, I didn't find those coffins for half an hour. How could they disappear?

This makes me a little scared. Coffins have always been an unlucky thing, especially the old coffins for thousands of years. That day, three hours later, I dived and judged the direction. There was nothing wrong with that direction.

That night, my nightmares continued. I think it was those coffins that brought me evil spirits. I finally went there at night. I went down to the place where I first went down and dived 20 meters away. I saw those coffins. Moreover, I also found a phenomenon that scared me. It turned out to be a waterway, like a alley. Only when I came in from here could I see the coffin, and my cold sweat came out. I didn't expect this. Maybe many people have looked for this rock city, but they didn't find it, but I came across it. In this large reservoir, in the endless reservoir, there is such a water lane, and only one person can come in, and it is transparent. It is really difficult to find.

Those coffins are hung on the cliff, which are all chiseled and very neat. There are four iron chains hanging on each coffin. I slowly approached, and I thought that there should be the bones of soldiers. Only war can kill so many people.

I approached and swam to a coffin. The water there is much cooler than the water here. I don't know why. I don't want to explain it as the cause of yin qi.

I went over and swam to the coffin. I wanted to open the coffin and have a look. The coffin had no cover. I couldn't help trembling. This is an absolutely strange phenomenon. No one will make so many coffins as decoration. When I looked at the bottom of the coffin, I almost fainted and struggled in the water for a few times. The coffin had no bottom, and there was no bones without the bottom. Obviously, the coffin was empty. I saw that more than a dozen of them were like that.

I don't know what this empty coffin means. I felt scared, so I dived and went home. When I told my father about this, my father was stunned and said for a long time, "The hanging coffin has appeared in one of our counties, but there is only one case. Finally, it was determined that because the hanging coffin has been blowing and rain all year round, and the bones are heavy, and the bottom of the coffin fell first, and it becomes an empty coffin. After a long time, the fallen bones are gone. , so there are a lot of mysteries left, and I should be the same."

I shook my head and said, "It's impossible, because there are hundreds of coffins there, and every bottom can't fall off. There is nothing so neat."

My father was stunned for a moment and didn't say anything more. Obviously, my father couldn't explain what I said. I don't have anything to do with my father underwater. I think he is very old and can't go down with me.

I went there again and confirmed that all the coffins had no bottom, not fallen, which can be seen from the craftsmanship. This must be what the real clan did. Why did they make these hanging coffins is really an indescryable thing.