grave-keeping note

50. Keep the body

50. Keep the body

I knew that this was not over. Those black water people were not easy to mess with. In addition, this Taoist priest was enough for me to drink a big cup with my second master.

The mayor called and asked me to go there.

I went there, and the mayor was waiting for me. It seemed that the matter of Shuiling had been mentioned in front of everything. It was not my face, and the mayor was waiting for me.

I went in and sat down without saying anything.

"I came to you today to talk about Shuiling. You don't want to help me anymore. I can understand, is the gravekeeper? However, after all, this is a drag on the development of the city. Isn't it good to do this?

"You have to tell my second master about this."

"I can't afford to provoke your second master. If he works hard, I'm afraid my life will be lost. I know the evil nature of the gravekeeper. I can't provoke him. Li Fu told me not to pay attention to your second master. It's very troublesome, but I can't help developing this Shuiling. Not to mention the funds invested, so many people have died and not to develop it. Come out, I can't tell you."

"This has nothing to do with us. I can't help you."

"You can make a condition. No matter what the conditions are, we will meet them."

"We will not develop Shuiling."

The mayor banged the table and scared me.

"I don't have a bad temper."

I stood up and walked to the door.


"I'll wait, just go to prison and get shot."

I came out and heard something inside. The mayor dropped the cup.

I came out and went straight to the second master's place. I know, I pissed off the mayor. Is there any good fruit to eat?

The second master sat there smoking, and I told him about it.

"It seems that we have to run away and pack up immediately."

The second master packed up his things. I went back to pack up and gathered under the post office in the east of the city.

I arrived at the Chengdong Post Office and waited for 20 minutes before the second master came.

"We will leave this place immediately."

The second master stopped a taxi and told the driver to drive to Baihezi Village.

After we arrived at the second Baihezi Village, the second master told me.

"We live on this mountain and pay attention to the situation of Shuiling at any time. Walking from the mountain road, we will arrive at Shuiling in half a day."

I know very well that life in the mountains is hard.

"Second Master, do I think we can go on like this?"

The second master didn't say anything, and I knew he was not sure. We went into the mountain, and the huts built there turned out to be for the second master's hunting.

I cleaned it up, and this is where we will live in the future.

"We go to Shuiling once every half a month and then buy daily necessities. Remember, black water people will not give up, and Taoist priests will not give up."

On the seventh day, we went to Shuiling. Those black water people were there, and the Taoist priests were also there. They seemed to have finished drawing those symbols and were ready to enter the water mausoleum.

"Second Master, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, take a look."

Two black water people went in, and the others were waiting outside. The second master locked his eyebrows.

Ten minutes later, the second master opened the bag. When we came, he was carrying the big bag. I didn't know what he wanted to do without asking.

He took out a bone from the plastic bag in the bag and shocked me.

"It seems that we have to play yin. It's clear that we can't beat them. Let's teach them a lesson this time."

Those bones are in human form, and the dead man is 1.78 meters tall. After the second master put it away, he took out a bottle of blood and laughed, which made me tremble.

The blood was sprinkled on the bone, and the dead body stood up. The second master took out his clothes and put them on, and got a hat.

"This is what I learned from Li Fu. This wizard Li has too many tricks."

After the second master finished it, he muttered something for the bones, and the bones went down the mountain and went straight to Shuiling.

The people over there are in chaos, and the bones look like a person, although walking is a little mechanical. I think it will be lively this time.

Those people looked at the bones, walked on the water mausoleum, and went to the cut entrance. They were stunned for a moment, and the police rushed over and surrounded the bones.

No one leaned forward. With the bones, the gun sounded and hit the bones. The bones just vibrated and still walked forward.

"It's useless, the immortal skeleton. Li Fu is really a meteorite. He stole the tomb all his life and didn't die. It's because he often uses this blood corpse. He has raised this bone for nearly 20 years. Every year, he uses blood bubbles to steal it."

I looked sideways at the second master, and he was as excited as a child.

A policeman rushed up and fell, and the bones fell to the ground and scattered all over the ground.

The second master was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, the bones were quickly reassembled and stood up. This time, they were all bone shelves. Those clothes were on the ground, and there were hats. Suddenly, there was a panic and the police withdrew.

The old road rushed over.

"Old man, do you think I'm not on your guard?"

"What's going on?"

"The old way is to exorcise evil spirits. This bone has long been raised by Li Fu to be good and hateful. When the old way drives away the evil spirit on its body, it is kind and useless. However, the bones mainly live on evil spirits."

The old man was bruised by the bones and ran away.

The bones entered the entrance.

"It seems very successful. Those two black water people will run out in a moment."

Sure enough, within ten minutes, the black water man rushed out and ran very fast. The bones also came out and came to the mountain.

"Let's get out of here, and it will follow us back."

We went back to the shack, and the bones followed. When we arrived at the second master's side, they fell down and dispersed. The second master took it in his bag and told me.

"Don't touch it."

The next day, I went down the mountain to buy food and bought some newspapers. The newspaper reported this matter, and there are photos, which are scary to watch.

However, there is an article that mentions the new people, which is not very detailed, but it is also said by people who know the new people.

"Second Master, they noticed that we were newly pulled."

"So what? They will never find Xinla City, even the black water man can't find it now.

I know that no one can enter Xinla City without Xinla people.

When we stayed in the shack until the twelfth day, when I read the newspaper badly, the Taoist priest appeared. This old man stood there and smiled at me and the second master, and the triangle looked at me ridiculously.

"Old man, I know you can find us, but what else can you do? It's a pity that the bones didn't kill you.

"You play insidious, which is not too good."

"I'm a gravekeeper. The tomb and mausoleum are like a person's home. It's wrong for you to invade, so I have to take care of it."

"If you are old and immortal, you are in a good way."

"What do you want to do today? Do you want to compete?"

The old man trembling.

"I don't want to run to compete with you. I beg you. After breaking the water mausoleum, I can have a place to build my Taoist temple."

"It's useless, don't beg me."

The old road seems to be popular.

"Old Zhang, have you survived?"

"Old Tao, let me tell you, no one will die first. You provoked the black water man. Do you think they will let you go so kindly?"

After the second master finished speaking, he jumped up and saw the old man do his hand.


When the second master said that he had run, he had already run more than ten meters. This two-hand man has always let me be behind. I ran with him, but the old man didn't chase him.

Running for 20 minutes, we stopped.

"What are you running for?"

"Don't you see what Lao Dao is holding in his hand? That's a black water thing. I don't think it's a good thing.

After we rested for half an hour.

"You can't stay in that place if you go back to get something."

"I'll go back?"


The second master stared at me like a hooligan, so I had to go back. I went back to the shack in fear. The old man really left, and I went back with my things.

"What other places can we go?"

"In this mountain, our home is everywhere."

The second master is very open-fashioned. I know that he has been hunting and guarding the tomb all his life, and he is quite familiar with this Changbai Mountain. However, I don't like to stay in the mountains. It's okay to come for the first few days. After a long time, I know it's hard.

After walking for an hour, we entered a cave. The small caves were all very clean.

"Stay here for three days, and we will change places in three days, otherwise the old man will have to catch up."

For the past three days, I'm worried that the old man will come every day. What I'm most worried about is that those black water people will come. I think the black water people are too weird.

The second master doesn't seem to worry. He turns around in the mountains every day and is much more energetic than before.

On the third day, the second master asked me to carry something and move it. After walking for two hours, I actually went to the top of Shuiling, the highest point at the top of the mountain, so that I could see Shuiling clearly.

Those people are still busy and don't know what they are doing.

"Second Master, do you think we can keep this mausoleum?"

"I don't know. If you stay for a day, you don't have to keep it if you die."

This two-year-old man, he said it lightly. He is in his sixties. I'm only in my twenties. You're dead. What should I do? I didn't say that if you spend your whole life like this like the second master, you might as well die now.

"Second master, something's wrong. Look at those people, they are making explosives, as if they want to blow up Shuiling."

It was too far for the second master to see clearly, but he trembling.

"It seems that they are in a hurry to bite people. Let them blow it up! An accident will happen once it explodes."

They are loading explosives, which will not be finished until the end of the day. I don't know when they will detonate.

Li Fu called me and told him about it. I told him that I saw it. The second master gave me a kick.

I know I shouldn't say that I don't know where Li Fu is hiding.

"This explosion, this water mausoleum will be destroyed."

"It's not that simple."

"That's explosive."

The second master ignored me and sat there smoking. After dark, the second master said.

"Go down and have a look."

"I'll go down? You didn't see that there were bright lights there. They were all there. If they caught me, they could blow me up together. Besides, I don't know when they would detonate. As soon as they exploded, I was doomed.

"Why do you think so much?"

After the second master finished speaking, he stood up and wanted to go down by himself.

"Forget it, your eyes, don't fall for Alzheimer's. I still have to serve you."


I went down the mountain and was really scared. I saw that they were loaded with a lot of explosives and were really going to explode. It couldn't be less powerful. It seems that the mayor is crazy.

After I went down, the second master called me.

"Remov the explosives if you have a chance."

Go to his eighth uncle, I won't do that. As soon as I got there and detonated, I became a piece of meat. I just squatted in the bushes to look.

Half of it arrived, and I heard a shout and evacuated. It was probably going to detonate.

I turned around and ran away. I don't want to play with my life. When I saw the skeleton man appear, I knew it was the second master who did it. When I ran to the mountain, Li Fu jumped out and scared me, "Damn!" One sound.

"Fight you, you scared me to death."

"Your second master is too damaged. That's the bone I raised for 20 years. Let him steal it, this old thing."

"It has nothing to do with me. He is on the top. You can settle accounts with him."