treasure hunter

Chapter 19: Super Snow Leopard

Several of us found that a cave that was not big appeared on the halfway up the mountain not far away.

The cave is on the cliff, which looks straight up and down. It is very dangerous, and the blood stains are also dripping down the cliff on the mountain, and no blood stains have been found anywhere else. It seems that if these blood stains are Sandy's, then Sandy must be in this cave now.

Although our party found a place, we were not happy at all.

If Sandy is really in that cave, I'm afraid he has been eaten by an unknown monster now. Even if he doesn't eat it, I'm afraid it's a lot of luck at this time.

Looking at Professor Taylor, who was trembling with coldness at this time, he shook his head because he was too sad and seemed to be confused, but I still walked to her and said, "Professor Taylor, I'm afraid Sandy is already bad and lucky now, but we have to find him anyway. Don't worry about this."

Professor Taylor's tears trembled in his eyes at this time, but he never said a word. Then I greeted several people together and said, "Now I have arrived at the destination. Since I know that there may be something terrible in the cave, everyone must be careful. Let's talk about the things inside first. Let's stand on the hillside. Answer, but remember, don't be careless. After all, this animal cannibals people. In this case, don't keep your hands. As long as the monster comes out, you must put it to death, understand?"

Several people nodded, and then I let the magic stick guard the upper wind, and the doctor guard the lower wind. The monkey and I held a gun, one guarded the hole, and the other tried to find a way to lure this guy out.

Then asked Professor Taylor to avoid contact with the monster as much as possible to prevent the monster from being provoked and hurting people, so I suggested that Michiko take Professor Taylor to take them farther away. After all, we still don't know what's inside.

After arranging everything, the monkey volunteered to seduce the monster. After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Well, but be careful and shoot it when necessary."

The monkey nodded and smiled and said, "Don't worry, Brother Long, who will you give me if you don't give this kind of mountain climbing to me? Besides, with this guy in hand, I won't be afraid even if the Heavenly King comes. After saying that, he took the pistol that had been pinned to his waist in his hand.

I nodded, and then the monkey took out a handful of bullets from his trousers pocket, pressed all the bullets into the magazine, pulled the safety open, then bolted the bullet on the top, smiled at me, then pinned the gun in his trouser pocket, greeted several other people, and came to the cave.

At this time, this cave is only about three meters away from me and the monkey. Of course, it is easy to jump down from above, but if you want to go up, it will take some effort, because the cave is half smooth like a knife. If you don't have a good climbing ability to climb, you can't go up.

I'm worried that the monkey will be attacked by monsters as soon as they arrive at the mouth of the cave, and then come about three meters away from the mouth of the cave.

Because it is a very gentle slope outside this cave, it is easy for me to observe the situation of the hole at this time, and then quickly load the bullet and point the muzzle at the hole of the cave. As long as there is any abnormality, I will shoot to cover the safety of the monkey as soon as possible.

Similarly, the monkey also climbed the hole quickly, and then I observed it carefully. Now the monkey can get into the hole as soon as he raises his foot.

But the monkey looked at me, meaning whether he can go in now, is there any abnormality in it?

I observed carefully and then shook my head at him. I couldn't see any changes in my angle. On the contrary, I always felt something wrong. The monkey smiled at me at this time and was about to jump into the cave, but I suddenly saw a huge head flashing from it.

"Monkey, be careful, don't jump!" As soon as my words fell, I saw that the monkey had completely let go of his hand at this time. It seemed that it would soon reach the mouth of the cave. At this time, the huge head also appeared. It was a round and hairy head, which looked at least half a meter in diameter, and the black spotted pattern on its head was a fierce beast at a glance.

At this time, the monkey's body is in mid-air. As long as the big guy opens his mouth, I'm afraid the monkey will fall directly into the guy's mouth.

I was in a hurry, pulled the trigger and fired a shot at the rock at the entrance of the cave. Pa!"

A crisp gunshot, and then the fierce beast that originally wanted to poke its head out to bite the monkey was frightened by the sound of gunfire and suddenly shrank its neck, but at the same time rushed out.

The body of the fierce beast collided with the falling body of the monkey. The monkey had nowhere to borrow power in the air, but now it was filled by this guy, and his body suddenly fell from a height of three meters.

I quickly rushed over with an arrow, and then stretched out my hands against the monkey's falling body and ploped. The monkey fell on my hands.

The huge falling force almost broke my arm, but Fortunately, with me, the monkey did not hurt.

All this only happened in an instant, less than five seconds. When the monkey stood safely on the hillside, both of them breathed.

The monkey was furious and said, "What was it just now? Damn, so fast, I don't even have time to react." I shook my head and said anxiously, "I didn't see it very clearly, but I think it should be a snow leopard. After all, Zheng Yu's large animals living in the mountains should have almost no other large animals except the snow leopard.

"Damn it! I should have thought of it earlier. It scared me to death!" The thin man said in shock. Then I quickly said, "Don't say anything else. Look for it first. The snow leopard has escaped. I just saw that the direction should have gone to the magic stick. Hurry up and chase it. There is no gun in the god stick!" Then the monkey and I quickly ran in the direction of the magic stick.

When he came not far from the magic stick, he saw the magic stick waving a military thorn more than a foot in his hand, and two meters in front of him, there was a huge snow leopard confronting him. The snow leopard was more than two meters long, and with its tail was about four meters. The stripes on the snow leopard's body were even thicker and looked thicker limbs. It should be a snow leopard in its prime.

The snow leopard's sensitive ears also sensed our arrival, turned to look at me and the monkey, and roared in a low voice. I looked at the huge snow leopard and was also surprised. I don't know what this big guy usually eats and why he is so big.

Monkey and I are familiar with snow leopards, because some rare smuggled animals were often seized when I was a soldier in Yunnan, and snow leopard is one of them. However, among the snow leopards we have seized, we have never seen such a large one, one meter tall and two meters long. It is estimated that such a large animal can only be compared with super-large beasts.

I looked at the large snow leopard and then said to the monkey, "Why, are we going to kill it now?"

The monkey shook his head and said helplessly, "I don't know if it should be killed. This big guy is a national protected animal, and such a big snow leopard is really difficult to find. It's a pity to kill it."

I nodded and said, "But this big guy is the suspect who killed Sandy. If I don't kill him now, I'm afraid Professor Taylor will be sad." The monkey shook his head and said, "It depends. If this guy hurts anyone again, we will shoot."

I nodded, and now it seems that it can only be like this. Then I shouted to the god stick, "God stick, give it a way to let it go. If it hurts people, don't worry. It's all about me and the monkey." The stick nodded, and then turned aside. The snow leopard seemed to know that the stick had made way for it, and then quickly ran down the mountain.

I watched the big guy run away, and then said to the monkey, "Okay, the snow leopard has left. Let's go back to the cave now to see if it's Sandy." The monkey nodded, and then we returned to the cave.

At this time, because of continuous running and physical labor, my legs began to hurt faintly, but I still insisted on climbing the cave, leaving a magic stick and a doctor to guard the mouth of the cave.

The monkey and I got into the cave one after another. As soon as we entered the cave, a stench came to our nose. It seems that the life of this snow leopard is not exquisite. The ground is full of white bones, most of which are the bones of some animals, and some of them can't tell what animal it is.

The monkey and I kept walking inside, but we didn't find Sandy's body. The monkey and I felt a little strange. Was Sandy's body not here, or was it not eaten by the snow leopard at all?

When we walked deeper and deeper into the cave, the more we felt that the cave was a little unusual, because we walked for nearly ten minutes without finding anything, and the more the cave went in, the more incredible it became. Gradually, the monkey and I began to suspect that this cave did not seem natural. It was formed and made artificially, but who is going to dig out such a huge cave in such a barren mountain? Is there anyone living here in ancient times or in the past?

After walking about ten meters, the monkey suddenly said loudly to me, "Brother Long, look, there are murals here!" When I looked up, I saw that some pictures of natural mineral color return were used on the rock wall that was not very smooth. Although these paintings looked a little simple, it was obvious that they should have been painted by some ancestors here. Then I looked at the paintings carefully, but they were obviously a little abstract, and some parts could not be understood at all, but one thing I could see clearly was the scene of killing.

Need to collect, collect!