Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 43 A Dream

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"How can this spirit tree become a human, and why does it claim to be quiet?" Hearing the words, Qi Miao doubted.

"This object is originally a small piece of wood, and it is a little spiritual for a long time. In order to assimilate with it smoothly, the static flow should have transmitted most of its skills and memories of life and this thing, but it transformed into a human form and mistakenly thought that it was static flow..."

"Then he has his own soul?"

Ling Zongyun shook his head and said, "This is just a gathering of empty shells... Mr. Jingliu's Yuanling, I checked, is not here.

"Alas...so it is," Qi Miao sighed, "but I don't know where the real Mr. Jingliu's soul is now?"

"I don't know that. Maybe in the underworld, maybe it has been reincarnated, or maybe it has dissipated between heaven and earth..." Ling Zongyun frowned, and a trace of loneliness flashed on his face.

The two stood for a moment. The night was as cool as water, sinking and silent. The two looked at each other and flew away together. In the night, two lights flashed blue and white, like two meteors piercing the long sky. However, the meteors dragged out two rays of light, but still could not break through the thick night.

The two followed the direction and tried their best to fly away. However, the farther they flew, the darker the night became. The two gradually covered them with a layer of black fog. The black fog became thicker and thicker, wrapped layer by layers. The two seemed to fall into the nightmare-like abyss and gradually couldn't extricate themselves.

"It's strange here. There seems to be an array that prohibits being imposed on static drifting, so that if there is no guidance, you can't get in and out." Ling Zongyun felt that there was something different all over his body and couldn't help saying to Qi Miao.

"What can the Taoist priest do?" Qi Miao asked.

Ling Zongyun pondered for a moment, but said helplessly, "If you can find the key point of this method to prohibit it, Zongyun is confident that it can be solved smoothly. If my brother Zi-faced Xingjun is here, he can also calculate the array method with Ziweidou number, but now..."

He shook his head, even though he was a thorough ability, and he also felt very difficult.

Qi Miao looked up and saw that the bloody full moon in the sky was still hazy and bleak, hanging high on their heads. The position had never changed, and the road in front of her was long and seemed endless. She sighed and said to Ling Zongyun, "Then we'd better go down first and step on the cobblestone road. Maybe Then you can go out."

"It's okay!" Ling Zongyun had no other choice, so he flew to the ground with Qi Miao and the two.

I don't know how long it took. The two fell on the ground. Qi Miao remembered that this was the path where Yun Miao brought her and Xiao Tianxu. Just now, they didn't know how long they flew out of the sky. After falling, they were still living in this, which was also a strange thing.

This path is paved with pebbles, and the strange flowers planted by the road seem to be not afraid of the fog and drifting in the thick night, full of enchanting and gorgeous colors. The two are now facing the direction of Jin Laijing's residence. She thought for a moment:

"After the two of us, there should be the elegant garden and that pavilion. According to common sense, we can find the gate of quiet residence when we walk forward."

"Okay, what's going on? We'll find out." Ling Zongyun nodded.

So the two of them raised their true spirits and flew away with luck on the ground. They didn't know how many times they found along the path and left thousands of fragrant flowers behind.

Qi Miao was shocked. Originally, it was not so long from being coerced by Xiao Tianxu to walk from the gate to this side, but now after walking for a long time, he still can't see the end of the road.

The two were full of doubts, and the atmosphere around them was strange and solemn. At this time, a sound of water suddenly came from their ears. They were overjoyed and immediately accelerated their speed and ran away.

However, when the foreground was displayed in front of the two, they couldn't help but be stunned.

In front of me was a strange stone, next to an elegant pavilion surrounded by secluded water. There was still a banquet in the pavilion, but the four fields were silent and quietly disappeared.

The two looked at each other and were speechless. At this time, the water could only trickle and gently play with the quiet night...

Qi Miao felt a chill in her heart and went to heaven and earth, but she couldn't break through this quiet residence. Ling Zongyun beside her took a deep breath and said to her in a calm and thick voice:

"Don't worry, fairy, if Zongyun exerts a lot of power and runs the pure yang qi of his whole body, he should be able to cover the whole quiet flow in the sky and underground, so that he may find a way."

"The Taoist priest is not allowed." Qi Miao hurriedly dissuade him and said, "Then Xiao Tianxu may hide near here. If you do it with all your strength, he will definitely take the opportunity to sneak attack and let me figure it out."

"Okay..." Ling Zongyun said helplessly.

Qimiao closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down. She tried to search the depths of her mind and flashed through the things that had happened before and after this deep retreat.

At this time, fragments flashed in Qi Miao's mind, and the strangeness was like fragments. She gradually gathered the fragments and slowly gathered into a complete picture. Then, the picture became clearer and clearer. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and a light seemed to flash in her heart.

"Dao has noticed that after entering the quiet place, the shadows of you and me have disappeared..." She recalled that when Yunmiao came in, Yunmiao was full of ghosts, and the shadow on her body dragged obliquely and slender, but there was no shadow under her feet and Xiao Tianxu.

"Hmm?" Ling Zongyun was shocked when he heard the words. He stretched out his hand and summoned a spell. With a soft sound, the charm turned into a small lamp floating around the two people.

The small lamp hung in mid-air. With its dim yellow and faint light, Ling Zongyun looked at him and Qimiao's feet, but there was no shadow. He also shone at the pavilions and rockery beside him, and the locust trees beside him, and there was no shadow.

"What's the reason for this?" Ling Zongyun Qidao.

"If I guess correctly, this ban on quiet living is equivalent to a big maze." Qi Miao said, "If ordinary people are not guided, they will only find exhaustion in it, but they can't go out, but..."

"How about it?"

Qi Miao thought for a moment and said, "If you are a quiet person, there is naturally a way to identify the shape of the road in this maze, otherwise if they also get lost, it won't be a joke."

"When I was caught by Xiao Tianxu and followed Yunmiao into the quiet residence, I found a strange thing. Except for Jingliu and Yunmiao Yunqing's master and servant, there was no shadow on anything else..."

Thinking that Ling Zongyun is not a general person, he immediately realized that "it turns out that these people rely on the direction of the shadow to judge the front and back directions to advance and retreat with evidence!"

"Yes, if that's the case, we only need to find any one of these three people, and the direction of a certain head of their shadow must point to the quiet exit."

"If he wants to find them..." Ling Zongyun thought, and he suddenly thought of a place, but Qi Miao had already blurted out.


The two of them had got a clue, so they didn't say much. They mentioned Zhenyuan and went straight to the elegant garden.