Online game No. 5

Chapter 112 Fighting Bats 2

Sure enough, before I came near the black air mass, the black air mass exploded directly like a broken balloon, and flew around like black image bullets.

I quickly stepped back a few steps and saw that in the black gas, a new Batman image was formed, which was bigger than the original big batman, and my body was even as small as his eyes.

"It's over..." Xiaohu suddenly softened and sat directly on the ground, staring at the newly formed huge bat man.

The ferocious pupils of the giant batman stared at me, and a pair of eyes seemed to force sparks.

"Roar!" With a huge roar, the huge batman slapped me directly. I couldn't react, and I was directly slapped out with the dragon.

The qi and blood instantly dropped to half.

Damn it, what a strong attack power! I couldn't help sighing for a while. After the ghost threw a boomerang at him, it also showed the grade of the giant Batman, grade 9!

Good boy, this guy is simply more BOSS than BOSS. The 9BOSS-level monster is much stronger than the ordinary dragon monster of Grade 10.

Benevolence quickly gave the madman a slow healing and healing technique. At the same time, the madman also retreated as soon as possible. Fortunately, the mount will share part of the damage, otherwise I'm afraid that even if he rides the dragon, he will lose his life.

"How can this fight..." Mo Xi couldn't help sweating coldly.

I also secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva. It's good that there are those disruptive bats nearby, but in the face of such a powerful boss, to be honest, I don't have any confidence now.

"Fight! Kill the little monster before there are those disruptive bats now. I shouted loudly. In order to kill the little monster as soon as possible and prevent the madman from continuing to suffer extra harm, I directly rewarded the gentleman with good and evil.

"Wow!" With a muffled sound, a gentleman's undead array appeared under many batmen. The black gas came out, and at the same time, the gentleman did not neglect and directly released a ten thousand ghosts patting the door.

"Papa...!" After several continuous noises, the gentleman's ten thousand ghosts clapped the door and directly dropped many batmen.

"The canopy~!" At the same time, the giant bat man has slapped the madman.

"Bang!" I patted directly like a fly. Xiaolong couldn't resist the attack of the giant batman at all. He rotated in the air for several weeks and hit the ground with me abruptly. He only heard "Boom!" With a sound, there was a burst of smoke.

"Cough." I coughed a few times and quickly swallowed a mouthful of high-grade red medicine, so that my qi and blood could barely hold on.

However, the huge batman did not mean to let me go easily. He sneered and spit out a black breath from his mouth. Then his wings spread instantly like a typhoon, and the huge wind directly blew all my characters away.

"The canopy!" Hearing a huge wind, the huge batman flew directly to the madman not far away. Unexpectedly, he was so big that he could have such a fast speed.

I sweated coldly, and at this moment, the roaring effect of the madman has also disappeared.

"Pay!" At the moment when the roaring effect disappeared, the huge batman braked directly in mid-air and rolled up a large number of backwinds, making me not even stand up for a moment.

The giant batman did not attack the madman, but turned around and went straight towards the gentleman.

Good guy! He also knows that the gentleman is now my main injury output and is dealing with his "little brother".

"Bang!" The huge batman slapped the gentleman rudely and directly slapped the gentleman out.

I rolled on the ground several times in a row and was surprised to find that the gentleman was not dead. As usual, if he can beat a madman to this extent, he should be able to kill the gentleman with one blow.

I was secretly afraid. Fortunately, I have the habit of often opening magic shields, and the gentleman is still in a state of good reward, and even his defense has increased by 10 times.

"Pay!" Seeing that the gentleman was not dead, the huge batman did not give up and flew to the gentleman quickly.

With the release of the crazy healing technique and group healing technique, the gentleman's qi and blood are finally full, but I can't let the gentleman be** by the huge batman**. If the effective reward time is so wasted, it would be too worthless.

It was too late for the madman to arrive. I directly let benevolence stand in front of the gentleman and was slapped by the huge batman.

The huge bat man's slap made Ren Ai and the gentleman fly out at the same time, but the two also flattened the damage, and a group healing technique could barely withstand it.

"God, this is still under the premise of highly toxic fans. If the effectiveness of highly toxic powder passes, I'm afraid I really can't return to the sky." I gasped and watched the giant batman still move towards the gentleman, and I was afraid.

"Roar!" With a dragon roar, the huge bat man, who had been attacking the gentleman, now turned directly in a direction and attacked the madman.

"Xiaolong, are you afraid!" I gasped and asked.

"No, don't be afraid." Xiaolong reluctantly replied that I knew that the slaps just now had seriously injured Xiaolong, and benevolence did not have much time to treat Xiaolong. Therefore, Xiaolong can only borrow the light of group therapy to recover a little.

Watching the huge batman fly towards the madman, I slowly rode the dragon and shouted to the huge batman, "Damn it, I'll fight with you!" After saying that, Xiaolong roared and drove me directly to the huge batman.

I can feel that Xiaolong is very excited at this moment. His flying speed is faster than ever. The fierce wind cuts my cheek. The murderous breath makes my blood boil. The spiral gun in his hand has begun to condense, and the coiled dragon gun is also tremble.

"Thorn!" My dragon gun rotated infinity and slapped the huge bat man. I only felt that my body was shaking, as if there was a bolt from the blue, my arms were paralyzed in an instant, and my qi and blood fell quickly. And the Qi and blood of this huge bat man also decreased slightly.

"Wow!" After receiving the attack of the huge batman, Xiaolong snorted, resisted the impact, resolutely stopped his figure and did not let himself fly out.

With the help of benevolence, the madman was full of blood again, and at the same time, a spiral gun stabbed the chest of the huge bat man. The mountain-like chest was directly drilled out of a spiral wound by me. The system prompts: "If you hit the key, the damage will be doubled."

The huge batman snorted and waved a slap at me.

Xiaolong hummed disdainly, and his body twisted slightly, directly carrying me to fly in the other direction, and a big MISS emerged from my head.

"Roar!" The little dragon's green dragon roar was released directly, and a huge blue beam of light bombarded behind the huge batman.

Three Days Chapter 14