Star Trek

Chapter 354 The Last Counterattack 07

It should be said that during this period, Liu Zheng also really understood that other opponents, their combat capabilities, and the combat weapons they have are also quite good. Yes, Liu Zheng admitted that he really didn't expect this.

Before that, Liu Zheng always felt that only the weapons he used were the most advanced. Whether it is those conventional weapons or those super weapons, Liu Zheng really feels that the weapons of the opponent and the high-level weapons that have not been out of the warehouse can be compared with his own combat power. It can be said that I really have a unique advantage in this regard.

However, from the current situation, it seems that the ideas I once thought are not completely correct. Yes, it is true that their own combat power level and their own combat weapons should be said that the enemy cannot be compared with themselves in many aspects. However, the problem is that not all enemy weapons are not so sophisticated. It is said that not long ago, Liu Zheng found that there was a kind of enemy missile, which was actually like a scattered flower, which seemed to be very powerful. This missile seems to be able to disperse into several warheads when it is approaching the target. Naturally, the attack area it forms will also increase significantly. Yes, Liu Zheng had seen it not long ago that after dispersing into several warheads, it was definitely a carpet bombing.

Yes, it should be said that the situation at that time looked really terrible. If this missile is used, according to the cluster combat force that attacks the enemy, it can be said that with these few missiles, a large-scale combat force, that large-scale cluster combat unit, will be devastated. However, this combat ability is not available for Liu Zheng. Therefore, this is an important reason why I feel that I should rethink the enemy's combat attack force.

In addition, Liu Zhengres felt that he should indeed re-examine his opponent's combat strength, and should re-analyze and re-integrate his understanding of the enemy's combat ability. There is another important reason, that is, by chance, Liu Zheng saw that a new type of enemy missile actually had that kind of The attack effect of lightning storm. Although that kind of missile, judging from the situation at that time, only aircraft could compete, a new type of enemy missile actually had the attack effect of lightning storm. Although that kind of missile, judging from the situation at that time, could only have planes to compete and launch, it had the attack ability that conventional missiles did not have.

First of all, although the flight speed of this airborne attack missile is relatively slow, it cannot be intercepted by the enemy's fire prevention force at all. This characteristic of this missile and the construction missile of Liu Zheng's intercontinental nuclear submarine have the same ability. That is, being able to avoid the interception of enemy and protective firepower is undoubtedly very important for attacking missiles. Yes, that's true. Because the explosive power of a missile is strong, no matter how powerful the lethal power is, the attack ability is the strongest, and the attack range is wide. However, if it is easy to be intercepted by the enemy by the air defense system, then all its advantages of this missile are about to become nothingness.

Yes, the reason is very simple, that is, once intercepted, for this missile, its ability and its role can only become a zero. This principle is actually very simple. Therefore, even if it is a missile, his attack distance is not very far, his lethality is not very large, and the scope of his words is not very effective. However, these, sometimes, under certain circumstances, are not the biggest weaknesses. As long as it can break through the interception of enemy and anti-aircraft firepower, and as long as he can guarantee to hit the target 100%, then this feature is enough to make it one of the most successful attack weapons.

Yes, there are still a few points, that is, this airborne attack missile not only cannot be intercepted by the other party's air defense system, but also the most important aspect is that its attack characteristics are very similar to the superweapon lightning storm. You know, the impact weapon called Lightning Storm is quite lethal. From a certain point of view, it is even stronger than the attack ability of a nuclear bomb.

Therefore, it was through these two discoveries that Liu Zheng really realized that the enemy actually had quite good combat power in his hands. In this way, it is natural and accidental for Liu Zheng to take every attack and defense of the enemy seriously. Liu Zheng really realized that the enemy's hands actually have a quite good combat power. In this way, it is natural and accidental for Liu Zheng to take every attack and defense of the enemy seriously.

The current situation is also quite good for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. In terms of air defense system, it should be said that since I now have a considerable number of long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile launches, and around my own base, a considerable number of land-based long-range anti-aircraft anti-aircraft missiles have been deployed. Therefore, in this case, generally speaking, my own air defense The pressure is basically gone. Yes, not long ago, Liu Zheng once again saw how powerful his current air defense system is. This also makes it really reassuring for its own air defense system.

Yes, that's true. At that time, Liu Zheng was producing his own base camp base. You should know that since Liu Zheng moved his base to another place (that's suggestion, the base belonging to another player, was destroyed by Liu Zheng, for strategic reasons, so Liu Zheng decided to build his second base there. In this way, it is better and easier for me to attack other players' bases), and many of my combat units, including some air defense forces, have also been relocated to another base. Build your own second base. In this way, it is better and easier for me to attack other players' bases), and many of my combat units, including some air defense forces, have also been relocated to another base. Yes, that is also very necessary for Liu Zheng's base.

Therefore, in this case, in order to ensure that his base camp base will not be attacked by the enemy's air fire, Liu Zhengshi decided to further build more land-based long-range defense around his base camp base. Air missile. In this way, it is better to improve the air defense system of your base camp. Around its own base base, further build more land-based long-range anti-aircraft missiles. In this way, it is better to improve the air defense system of your base camp.

Not long ago, Liu Zheng happened to see that when he was inspecting his base camp, an enemy's large transport plane rumbled and flew over his base camp. Obviously, the enemy's large transport aircraft is the enemy's airborne troops. Once the time is ripe, this enemy's airborne troops will airdrop on the edge of their own base. The paratroopers will be airdropped to the weakest part of their base, and then launch a sudden attack on their own base. Therefore, once attacked by the enemy's airborne troops, their base is likely to suffer unimaginable losses.

In this situation, it should be said that Liu Zheng has already known that he must be careful about the enemy's large transport aircraft, prepare for the rain, and shoot them down before the enemy's airborne troops begin to parachute. Otherwise, once the enemy's airborne troops land on the ground and attack, it is often too late. For the enemy's large transport aircraft, we must be careful and prepared for the rainy day. Before the enemy's airborne troops begin to parachute, they should be shot down. Otherwise, once the enemy's airborne troops land on the ground and attack, it is often too late.

It is also from this point of view that Liu Zheng further strengthened the air defense system around his base camp. Now, facing a large transport aircraft of the enemy and flying over his base camp, Liu Zheng thought that this happened to be a very good opportunity to test the air defense system of his base base.

Yes, in Liu Zheng's view, if his anti-aircraft firepower can't even shoot down an enemy's large transport aircraft, then in the face of the enemy's missile attack, the enemy's fighter attack, and the bomber's attack, naturally, will be more passive, and will not be won. Maybe. At that time, Liu Zheng saw that in his expected vision, he saw the long-range ground-to-air attack missiles in his base. Suddenly, one after another, ground-to-air anti-aircraft missiles, spraying orange tail flames, roaring away from his base and rushing to the sky. At the same time, flying In the process, the direction of the flight is constantly adjusted and the trajectory of the flight is adjusted. Naturally, Liu Zheng knows that this is an anti-aircraft missile, which is a high-precision guidance system.

Finally, in the eyes of Liu Zheng's chef, Liu Zheng clearly saw that three of his long-range ground-to-air anti-aircraft missiles had hit the enemy's large transport aircraft. Then, only heard, coaxing, and continuous explosions came. Then, the enemy's large transport plane and a joint airborne soldier did not come to escort it. Then, they all dragged the bundled of black spots, sobbed, and swooped from mid-air to the ground. Then, with a bang, it hit a rock on the ground and was blown into countless debris and fragments. It rose to the sky and fell, blowing up a large crater.

At the same time, on the ground, Liu Zheng saw that his base camp had once again withstood the test. Although, I finally shot down at least three large transport planes of the enemy through my land-based long-range surface-to-air missiles, thus well avoiding attacks on enemy airborne troops. However, despite this, after all, I am now fighting for four to five players above the enemy. In this way, as the saying goes, it is difficult for a good man to compete with four hands.

Therefore, although Liu Zhengzhen recorded the enemy's large transport aircraft, some enemy's single-parent combat troops successfully landed on the ground. Now,

Liu Zheng saw that at least seven to eight enemy airborne soldiers were rushing towards his base camp. Moreover, Liu Zheng had even heard that the more than a dozen enemy airborne troops shouted and kept opening fire in front of them. They looked aggressive and arrogant. He is rushing towards his base camp. Moreover, Liu Zheng had even heard that the more than a dozen enemy airborne troops shouted and kept opening fire in front of them. They looked aggressive and arrogant.

However, in the face of this situation, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling. Liu Zheng knew that he had already prepared the right attack force in his base camp. That's my kind of long-range heavy howitzer. Although my Samsung elite-level long-range heavy grenade equipment has been jumped into a second base in Lana, after all, it also needs to be protected. Even, to some extent, it is more necessary to have a combat force to escort. Therefore, there are only a few general-level long-duty howitzers here. After all, it also needs to be protected. Even, to some extent, it is more necessary to have a combat force to escort. Therefore, there are only a few general-level long-duty howitzers here.

"Fire!" In this way, under Liu Zheng's order, three of their own long-range heavy howitzer vehicles began to shell at several enemy airborne soldiers who were rushing to their base camp. Tongtong, Tongtong, saw the dark red firelight constantly shining at the mouth of the barrel of the three long-range heavy howitzer vehicles. At the same time, one after another, roared and shook an arc, and then went and hit the target accurately. In this way, several shells exploded on the heads of the enemy's airborne infantry. Because the heavy howitzer has a very strong lethality, the explosion of each shell will destroy at least three airborne combat units of the enemy.

In this way, the armament has not taken much time. The enemy attacked the troops of more than a dozen airborne troops and were neatly wiped out by Liu Zheng's three long-range heavy howitzers. On the ground, although it is not a river of blood, and it is also a criminal, large and small crater, but with the bodies of the airborne combat units of the enemy, it looks very complicated. Moreover, now, Liu Zheng has found that with the continuous increase of his combat experience, his reinforcements have also arrived soon. Yes, with a rumbling sound, Liu Zheng saw that a large transport plane of his own finally flew from the sky. Wow, damn it, I really don't know what kind of supporting combat force this large transport plane has brought to me. However, Liu Zhengxia, the enemy's experience, now, what he lacks the most is a force that can deal with the enemy's infantry combat force. I really don't know what kind of support force I brought to myself. However, Liu Zhengxia, the enemy's experience, now, what he lacks the most is a force that can deal with the enemy's infantry combat force.

Sure enough, in Liu Zheng's expectation, an airborne combat force finally landed on decent ground. However, it was not until he really landed on the ground that Liu Zheng was surprised to find that although the quantity was small, it was a boutique. Because these five unique airborne soldiers are actually the kind of special operations forces called heavy snipers. Liu Zheng knows that this kind of heavy sniper, which also has the characteristics of a good sniper and a fast gunner, is actually the kind of special operations force called heavy sniper. Liu Zheng knows that this kind of heavy sniper also has the characteristics of a good sniper and fast gunner, and can quickly sniper the enemy's infantry combat units in the distance with quite fast frequency.

Since then, naturally, if you encounter enemy airborne troops to attack, then even if there are only one or two such heavy snipers, then the enemy's ground attack combat units will no longer be able to approach their bases. This, that's certain. Yes, that's true.

Now, Liu Zheng knows that the opportunity to test several heavy snipers who have just landed on the ground has finally arrived. Another large enemy transport aircraft flew over, and this time, the enemy's large transport aircraft flew at a very strange angle and escaped the interception of long-range anti-aircraft missiles in Liu Zheng's base. In this way, 20 or 30 enemy airborne soldiers finally successfully jumped out of the cabin and landed on the ground. Face, slowly landed.

Although in this process, in the process of landing on the ground, five to six of Liu Zheng's anti-aircraft guns on the ground, in the end, at least seven to eight airborne soldiers successfully landed on the ground. Now, several enemy airborne soldiers who have successfully landed on the ground have gone forward bravely in order to shout, constantly firing and launching another attack on Liu Zheng's base base.