Star Trek

Chapter 359 Peak Circuit 2

Now, it can be said that everything is ready but the east wind. Although there is still a lack of several short-range anti-aircraft missile launchers, Liu Zheng knows that even when he attacks, once he encounters the enemy's air strike force, with that kind of short-range anti-aircraft missile, it should be said that the travel speed will not be delayed.

In this case, what are you waiting for? Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, five long-range heavy howitzer vehicles, three energy supply vehicles, and two dragon tooth rocket artillery vehicles were required. They set out from their own base and attacked an enemy's base.

Yes, in the current situation, it should be said that Liu Zheng is ready for a big counterattack. Yes, that's true. At least in the current situation, I have prepared five long-range heavy howitzers. Liu Zheng believes that with the powerful attack ability of this long-range heavy grenade sports car, it is not very difficult to destroy all the military facilities and some combat units in the enemy's base. With the powerful attack capability of this long-range heavy grenade sports car, it is not very difficult to destroy all the military facilities in the enemy's bases and some combat units.

Now, what Liu Zheng lacks the most is air defense combat force. Yes, Liu Zheng thought that although his long-range heavy howitzer vehicle has a very strong ability to attack ground, then again, if it encounters the enemy's air attack force, it does not have protective firepower in this regard, so even if it has its own long-range heavy howitzer The car's attack power is strong. In the face of the enemy's attack, there will be nothing you can do.

Yes, that's true. The reason is very simple, that is, my long-range heavy howitzer vehicle does not have the ability to attack against the air. Therefore, now, Liu Zheng's combat thinking is to let his attack team attack the early stage first, and then his own short-range anti-aircraft missile launcher that is being produced, and then arrive. However, just as the attacker Liu Zheng had just organized flew away and attacked the enemy's base, suddenly, an enemy's large transport aircraft,

Flying through the sky in a series of roars. Then, Liu Zheng saw that 17 enemy airborne soldiers were slowly landing at the site from the large transport plane. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that the enemy in the hospital room was stopping him from attacking only one team. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering and thought to himself, "Wow, damn it, this is really like a car. In the current situation, it is ridiculous to use this seemingly naive way to block your attack effect and premise.

Yes, Liu Zheng's news, with his long-range heavy howitzer vehicle and strong attack ability, it is certainly a piece of cake to eliminate several enemy airborne soldiers. Therefore, facing the enemy's large transport plane, Liu Zhengyu just sneered at the ground. Soon after, airborne soldiers from one area after another landed on the ground one after another. Then, they shook off their umbrella clothes one after another, and then rushed to Liu Zheng's attack team.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng just smiled, and then, under an order, he saw his five long-range heavy howitzers began to sit slowly and begin to shell at the enemy airborne soldiers who were rushing over.

It was all connected, so Liu Zheng clearly saw that one shell after another shot out, roaring, passing through an arc, and accurately hitting the top of the enemy's rushing airborne soldiers. Then, coaxed and roared. With the sudden sound of the explosion, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's airborne soldiers were blown up, and a scream came one after another. Soon after, he picked up the land on the ground and turned into one or the enemy again. However, he could no longer see an enemy. The airborne troops.

At this time, Liu Zhengmi's machete, two newly produced short-range and missile launch vehicles, finally rushed here from his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was very happy. Yes, now, in the current situation, once these two surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile launchers join their own attack team, then, then, one attacker flies away, it should be said that there will be no more regrets.

Yes, that's true. Now, one of its own attackers flies away, with 5 long-range heavy howitzer vehicles. At the same time, there are 3 energy supply vehicles, also known as field maintenance vehicles. In addition, there are 3 Longya rocket launchers. Sixth, it should be said that such a lineup should be quite good. However, before that, the only thing missing was the anti-aircraft missile launch vehicle. Yes, not long ago, Liu Zheng also thought that once he encountered the enemy's air strike force, then naturally, his attack team would be very passive. Now, since the two short-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles that have just been produced have joined their own attack force, then, it should be said that there should be no more shortcomings in this attack force. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, this complete attack team was vast and attacked the base of the enemy that had been almost beaten by himself.

On the mainland, when Liu Zheng's attack team danced well and attacked the target, suddenly, a criminal bullet was shot out again in a hut. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Liu Zheng knew that it must be the enemy's infantry fighting force and stationed in that hut. Perhaps, the enemy expected that their attacking troops would pass through here, so they sent infantry combat troops to ambush here. It must be the enemy's infantry fighting force stationed in that hut. Perhaps, the enemy expected that their attacking troops would pass through here, so they sent infantry combat troops to ambush here.

The big battle has arrived. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that dense bullets were fired one after another from that hut, and the target of the attack was actually locked on the ground-to-air anti-air missile launcher that had just rushed over. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very cyclical, because his own surface-to-air anti-air missile launcher, so far, there are only two of his attack troops. Once one is destroyed, then, with just an anti-aircraft missile launcher, once it encounters the enemy's air strike force, it can be said that this ground-to-air missile launcher is far from enough. Yes, that's true.

However, in the following time, Liu Qingshan's five long-range heavy howitzer vehicles, arguably, hit the fashion of the enemy's infantry combat units in the cabin mercilessly. Therefore, the hut, under the attack of a series of shells, soon exploded. Although the infantry fighting forces of the enemy on the ground soon came out of the ruins, the ensuing shells mercilessly blew them into the air.


Now, it should be said that under the current situation, its own attack team has multiple combat capabilities at the same time. Yes, that's true. It has the ability to attack from a long distance to the ground, which is mainly done by its own five long-range heavy grenade vehicles. In addition, there is also a kind of dragon tooth rocket launcher to deal with the kind of melee units that may be attacked by the enemy. Therefore, the current situation is indeed true. For Liu Zheng, it can be said that he has everything and only owes the east wind.

"Forward!" So, with Liu Zheng's order, the attack team finally passed through the jungle, crossed the narrow valley, and then rushed at full speed in the direction of the enemy's base. Yes, as long as you destroy the enemy base again, it can be said that you have basically grasped the initiative on the battlefield. And this is of great significance to Liu Zheng's combat significance. Go at full speed. Yes, as long as you destroy the enemy base again, it can be said that you have basically grasped the initiative on the battlefield. And this is of great significance to Liu Zheng's combat significance.

In this way, Liu Zheng said that he was leading one of his attacking troops. At this time, he had reached a base of the enemy, not far away. There, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's base could be said to be scarred. Yes, not long ago, Liu Zheng knew that he had sent an intercontinental attack nuclear submarine to launch intercontinental attack missiles to ruthlessly attack some of the most important military facilities in the enemy base. Therefore, now it seems that the enemy's base is really Shanghai, full of debris, craters and smoke.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that in the enemy's base, although after the attack of an intercontinental nuclear submarine he had just attacked, the losses were indeed serious, but there were still many important combat forces that had not been destroyed. Although Liu Zheng also knows that this combat force in his hand has a very good combat force, it does not have an advantage in terms of quantity. In addition, there is another important aspect, that is, there is a huge cannon in the center of the enemy's base.

Liu Zheng is naturally very clear about the one in the enemy's base. Yes, that's true. You know, that one has a considerable attack distance, so if you don't take the one in the enemy base. If it is destroyed, it is basically impossible for your own attack team to get close to the enemy's base. After all, you should know that the huge cannon in the enemy base has a long attack distance, and it is quite lethal. Liu Zheng dares to say that at least two of his combat units will be destroyed.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng knew that in any case, he should first send out the enemy cannon to destroy it. However, before that, because he did not master the satellite map, Liu Zheng was not very clear about the specific situation in the enemy base. Otherwise, in any case, you should now destroy the cannon in the enemy base before considering launching an attack. However, in the current situation, since I have sent an attack team to the edge of the enemy base, it is obvious that this design will not be a thing.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng also knew that it was not easy for him to destroy the cannon in the enemy base. At the very least, it is even more unrealistic to rely on your own attack team to destroy a cannon. Because under the current situation, Liu Zheng already knew that the huge cannon had a very large attack range. Therefore, in this situation, naturally, if your own attack team forcibly rushes over, then the result is that the drinking of the enemy's cannon will fire one shell after another, and then, before its own combat unit rushes over, there is still Yes, it has been destroyed.

Therefore, that kind of combat plan is certainly not what Liu Zheng wants to see. After all, your own goal, your own combat goal, first of all, destroy the combat unit or military facilities, on this basis, and then preserve your combat strength. However, if you order your own company to forcibly launch and help, it is likely that the goal has not been achieved, but it has been destroyed by the enemy. After all, that huge cannon is really powerful.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng thought that he could only solve this enemy cannon through long-range attack force. Then, as long as this cannon is solved, the next thing can be said to be completely completed by your newly formed attack force. Liu Zheng is also very confident about this. Yes, in this case, Liu Zheng can only decide to send his intercontinental nuclear submarine to complete this glorious and important task.

Yes, anyway, Liu Zheng knows that the long-range attack capability of his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is still very powerful. Moreover, the most important point is that the submarine-launched nuclear missiles launched by their intercontinental attack nuclear submarines will not be intercepted by the enemy's protective firepower during the flight. And this is also the most important. In addition, the target is also very obvious and has been detected by itself. Therefore, in this case, it can be said that this is the last choice to use its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine to destroy the enemy's cannon.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng deliberately approached his intercontinental nuclear attack nuclear submarine from near his base to the front line. Yes, only in this way can Liu Zheng know that the efficiency of his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine will be further improved. Yes, that's true. Otherwise, it is very likely that due to the submarine-launched intercontinental attack nuclear missile launched by the intercontinental attack submarine, the flight speed is not very fast. If the distance is too far, it will take too much time from launching to hitting the target.

"Intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, stand by! Prepare and launch!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, after half a long voyage, set out from its own base along the coastline and finally arrived at the designated area. After that, with Liu Zheng's order, his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine finally began to attack the target.

Looking at the huge cannon in the enemy base, at this time, it looks majestic and majestic. In that buzzing sound, the gun barrel kept adjusting its direction, and Liu knew that it was looking for the target of the attack. However, in the current situation, Liu Zheng knew that the attack force he said had formed was not close to the enemy's base. At least, it did not enter the attack range of the giant cannon.

Therefore, in this case, although the huge cannon in the enemy base is constantly rotating and adjusting its position, the decibel does not lock any target. Because within the scope of his attack, Liu Zheng did not order any military units to forcibly enter. Yes, in Liu Zheng's opinion, he must have ordered another intercontinental attack nuclear submarine to destroy the enemy's cannon. Only in this way can I have the opportunity to achieve better development.