Star Trek

Chapter 447 It's time to attack 9

Liu Zheng knows that this is a very good opportunity for him. Yes, that's true. You know, before that, there was no general factory built in your own base. It can be said that you were very passive. Now, many of the military facilities in my base have been destroyed. If it goes on like this, it is very likely that your base will be completely destroyed by the enemy. At that time, everything will be over.

Therefore, it is indeed very important for Liu Zheng to occupy an enemy's main factory for his own use. Yes, that's true. Now, it should be said that Liu Zheng's plan is basically mature. This enemy base, under the repeated attacks of its own aircraft carrier, has been destroyed through fixed-point clearance attacks, some of the most important military facilities and some large combat units.

In addition, Liu Zheng also carried out mass attacks on some dense infantry combat units through submarine-launched nuclear missiles launched by the newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarines. As a result, under one blow, a large number of infantry combat units of the enemy were destroyed. In a word, under the current situation, it is certain that Liu Zheng already has the conditions for sending engineers to occupy a main factory in the enemy base. Liu Zheng knows that this is very important to him. Yes, that's true.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that although the enemy's base across the river seems to have become a ruin under the current situation. However, that said, on the one hand, it is difficult to keep some remaining enemy combat units distributed in the ruins. If their engineers move forward, they are likely to suffer unexpected and reckless attacks. If that's really the case, it can be said that for Liu Zheng, it is simply a blow. Because so far, there are not many engineers detained by Liu Zheng.

Although before that, Liu Zheng had produced more than a dozen engineers to deal with possible situations. For later use. However, only 56 of these trained engineers survived in the face of continuous enemy superweapon attacks. Moreover, so far, the recruit training camp in his base has also been destroyed by the enemy's super weapons. In this case, it is certain that Liu Zheng must also use these engineers very carefully. In the face of continuous enemy superweapon attacks, only 56 survived. Moreover, so far, the recruit training camp in his base has also been destroyed by the enemy's super weapons. In this case, it is certain that Liu Zheng must also use these engineers very carefully.

Yes, that's true. At the very least, if you want to send your combat unit to the other side of the waterway, you must use engineers to repair the wooden bridge. In addition, engineers are needed to occupy the main construction factory in the enemy base. In a word, for Liu Zheng, when he needs engineers, there are still many places where engineers are needed. However, in the current situation, because one of his new recruit training camp has been destroyed by the enemy. Therefore, the engineers I have mastered can only use one less than one. There is nothing we can do.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that he must be as careful as possible and give full play to the value of each engineer. Minimize unnecessary sacrifices. Therefore, in terms of security, Liu Zheng decided that now that he can send engineers to occupy the main construction factory in the ruins of the enemy's base. However, we must be fully prepared. On the one hand, it is necessary to ensure the safety of engineers. In order to do this, Liu Zheng considered that he could move the amount and knowledge of two Samsung elite-level anti-aircraft artillery vehicles and follow the engineer together. In this way, once you meet the general combat units of the enemy, especially the enemy's infantry combat units, then these two Samsung elite-level mobile anti-aircraft guns can completely destroy a small number of enemy combat units. Thus, the safety of engineers can be effectively guaranteed.


In addition, Liu Zheng also knew that he had to send a main battle tank to follow him. Because the enemy's main building factory is surrounded by a wall. And it is impossible for their own engineers to climb over that wall. Therefore, at this time, in this case, it is naturally very important to send a main battle tank to follow. It is also very necessary. Therefore, soon, Liu Zheng has decided to go to the enemy's base that has become a ruin, and all the military forces of the enemy's construction factory occupied. Liu Zheng has decided to go to the enemy's base that has become a ruin and the construction of an enemy army. All the military forces of the main factory.

includes two Samsung elite-level mobile anti-aircraft gun vehicles (the main reason for this is that, on the one hand, in order to prevent possible air strikes from the enemy, and also to prevent possible attacks from the enemy's ground combat forces); in addition, a main battle tank was dispatched (this one The main battle tank, naturally, is to destroy the wall surrounding the enemy's main factory. Only by opening the wall and opening a gap, so that one of his engineers can enter. Then occupy the enemy's main factory).

In addition, the third combat unit is that engineer. In fact, this action, the protagonist is just this engineer. The other two major combat units, whether it is a mobile anti-aircraft gun vehicle or the main battle tank, can be said to open the way for this engineer.

Now, looking at the fact that some of his combat units have entered the amphibious transport ship, Liu Zheng's letter, at this time, immediately became nervous in this situation. Yes, it can be said that success or failure is in one move. They have entered the amphibious transport ship, and Liu Zheng's letter, at this time, immediately became nervous under such circumstances. Yes, it can be said that success or failure is in one move.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the amphibious transport ship carrying Liu Zheng's hope returned from its own base, looking like floating objects, crossing the river very easily, and then towards the enemy base that had become ruins. Go ahead. Soon after, he came to the base of the enemy that had become ruins.

There, Liu Zheng clearly saw that in this enemy base, in addition to a main construction plant located in the central position, there were ruins everywhere, debris everywhere, large and small craters, and scattered. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that he should seize the opportunity to put his engineer into the main construction factory and occupy it in the shortest time. Then, of course, it can't stay here for a long time, transforming the occupied construction factory into a base vehicle, and then transporting it back to its own base. In this way, naturally, I have truly ended the history of not building a main factory. Or, this base of my own will be reborn.


Finally, at this time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the amphibious transport ship he had said finally arrived on the ruins in the enemy base. It is almost within walking distance from the enemy's main construction factory. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, an engineer, two mobile anti-aircraft guns and a main battle tank were released from the amphibious transport ship. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the main battle tank began to shell the wall surrounding the enemy's headquarters.

Yes, according to Liu Zheng's plan, there is only a gap in this circle of walls. In this case, his own engineers can sneak into the enemy's main construction factory from this gap. Then occupy it. Yes, that's it. Hit a gap. In this case, his own engineers can sneak into the enemy's main construction factory from this gap. Then occupy it. Yes, that's it.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his main battle tank had begun to shell the wall at ordinary times. At the running bone, the dark red firelight kept shining, and one shell after another roared out, drawing an arc and accurately hitting the circle of the wall. Coaxed, coaxed, with the shells one after another, accurately hit the wall, and the sound of continuous explosions came one after another.

However, after all, it is only a wall, so a small gap has been opened under the naval gun. Of course, in fact, because it is his own engineer who wants to enter the base of the enemy's main construction factory. In fact, in this case, Liu Zheng should know how big the gap is. As long as you can pass an engineer. However, the problem is that although a gap has been blown up now. However, the enemy's main construction factory can keep repairing the gap that has been blown out. Since then, naturally, the gap that has just been blown up has been repaired. It looks like nothing has happened. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that it seemed that he had to strengthen his firepower and blow up that gap bigger.

Now, Liu Zheng finally saw that his amphibious transport ship had been waiting quietly for five minutes on the edge of the enemy's base. In these five minutes, on the one hand, Liu Zheng sent his main battle tank to fiercely attack the wall around the enemy building the main factory.

Yes, the shells roared, crossed a line of fire, and accurately hit the wall. Soon after, several wide openings were finally bombed out.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. Yes, that's true. Because this also means that you can now enter one of your own engineers into the enemy's main factory. Occupy it. Then, the enemy's main construction factory is deformed and called the base car. In that case, there is only one step left from the final success.

At this time, what Liu Zheng did not expect at all was that more than a dozen infantry combat units rushed from another enemy base. These enemy infantry, timely and not very aggressive. Fortunately, Liu Zheng has taken precautions. Before that, in order to prevent the attack of such ground combat forces encountered by the enemy, Liu Zheng specially sent two stealth-to-air anti-aircraft missile launch vehicles. In this way, in this situation, in the face of some of the enemy's ground combat troops, Liu Zheng knew that he continued to try his best to save the construction factory. However, Liu Zheng has hit the two surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile launchers towards the enemy's more than a dozen infantry combat forces. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that these two ground-to-air anti-aircraft missile launchers have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. At this time, in this case, it should be a piece of cake to deal with the infantry fighting forces of more than a dozen enemy troops.

Sure enough, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his two Samsung elite-level surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile launchers had rushed to the front of more than a dozen infantry combat units of the enemy. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the attack finally began. Suddenly, there was a loud and violent gunfire. These were some infantry combat units of the enemy, and the city attacked Liu Zheng's light anti-aircraft missile launcher. However, you should know that these two missile launchers are the nemesis against enemy infantry combat units. Suddenly, countless missiles shot out one after another and broke through the air. Once they hit the target, they coaxed, coaxed, and made a continuous sound of explosion.

Liu Zheng saw that the missile launched by his Samsung elite-level anti-aircraft missile launcher actually had such a strong lethality. As soon as I touched the target, a group of dark red explosions rose to the sky. And in the explosion and fire of the regiment after regiment, the dozens of infantry fighting forces of the enemy were eliminated one after another. Wow, it's really tough! To be honest, Liu Zhengzhen didn't expect that he had just touched the target and caught a dark red explosion and soared into the sky. And in the explosion and fire of the regiment after regiment, the dozens of infantry fighting forces of the enemy were eliminated one after another. Wow, it's really tough! To be honest, Liu Zhengzhen did not expect that although these two missile anti-aircraft launch vehicles in his own situation had been upgraded to the elite level of Samsung, they had such a strong attack ability, which was indeed beyond Liu Zheng's expectations.

Now, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng knows that it is the best time to occupy an enemy's main factory. Therefore, after thinking of this, on the one hand, Liu Zheng accumulated strength of the two Samsung elite-level anti-aircraft missile launchers to guard around that enemy base. On the one hand, with an order, he saw that one of his engineers, holding a toolbox, a carp stood up from the grass next to him and shouted, and then, three steps and two steps, almost using his fastest speed towards the wide gap that had just been beaten out. Go everywhere. Liu Zheng knew that as long as he rushed into the gap, it meant that the enemy's base, specifically the enemy's main factory, would be occupied by himself.


Now, Liu Zheng saw it, but she finally occupied the enemy's main construction factory. Then, what randomly appeared in front of Liu Zheng was a scene that made Liu Zheng feel very gratified. The enemy's main construction factory, just at the moment when that engineer got in, immediately changed his course and became Liu Zheng's own general construction factory. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. Report, from now on, there will be a gun to build a general factory in my base! That is to say, the days when there was no construction of the main factory will never return. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. Report, from now on, there will be a gun to build a general factory in my base! That is to say, the days when there was no construction of the main factory will never return.

Normal University, that's indeed the case. You know, in the days when there was no construction of the main factory, it can be said that it brought great trouble to Liu Zheng. It even directly affects Liu Zheng's combat confidence. Isn't it? Anyway, in the absence of the construction of a general factory, it is certain that some military facilities and combat units that are not many in their own bases will be destroyed. Because, so to speak, I have lost the ability to regenerate.