Star Trek

Chapter 448 10

Since then, Liu Zheng certainly knows that this is very terrible for his base construction and combat production. Now that the enemy's main construction factory has been occupied, Liu Zheng ordered to package and transform the construction factory that has just been occupied into a base car. Then, Liu Zheng led the base car and loaded it into the amphibious transport ship that had been parked there for a long time. Knowing that after looking at the Liaoxi transport ship and finally seeing the deformed base of the newly occupied construction factory, Liu Zheng18's own main battle tank and the two Samsung elite mobile anti-aircraft missile launchers were also loaded into the amphibious transport ship.

Then, at Liu Zheng's order, the amphibious transport ship left the enemy's base at the fastest speed and rushed to the waterway. At this time, just as soon as his amphibious transport ship turned its head and marched towards the waterway, Liu Zheng found that more than a dozen enemy's main battle tanks rushed towards this side from another enemy base. After seeing this, on the one hand, Liu Zheng felt very dangerous. Wow, it's almost! As he marched towards the waterway, Liu Zheng suddenly found that more than a dozen enemy's main battle tanks rushed this way from another enemy base. After seeing this, on the one hand, Liu Zheng felt very dangerous. Wow, it's almost!

It can be said that if it is later, then its own amphibious transport ship will no longer be able to go back safely. It seems to be God's arrangement. Yes, it's a pity. After all, it's a miracle that its own base can constantly withstand the bombing of enemy super weapons without building a general factory. It can't be said that it can persist until now.

So, in this case, it is also very good for God to pity and protect yourself.

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that his amphibious transport ship safely passed the waterway, and then finally came to his body. Later, more than a dozen enemy main battle tanks chased fiercely to the side of the watery. Looking at the amphibious transport ship, they went away. At this time, they had actually arrived at Liu Zheng's base. Finally, very helplessly, they turned their heads and returned in the direction of their own base. And go.

In this way, after the amphibious transport ship finally arrived safely in Liu Zheng's base, Liu Zheng's heart finally fell to the ground. Now, Liu Zheng knows that his main task is to seize the time to transform this deformed base car again and become a construction factory. Then, when the main factory was rebuilt, Liu Zheng's attachment was installed in order and strived to build some of the military facilities he needed most in the shortest time. This deformed base car will be deformed again and become a general construction factory. Then, when the main factory was rebuilt, Liu Zheng's attachment was installed in order and strived to build some of the military facilities he needed most in the shortest time.

Therefore, the recruit training camp, chariot factory, ore refinement factory, and a series of military facilities were built one by one. However, to Liu Zheng's disappointment, after the construction of the chariot factory, Liu Zheng found that he could not produce some powerful combat units. For example, the long-range heavy grenade sports car and all kinds of air-to-ground missiles cannot be produced. Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked.

Wow, damn it, what the hell, it can't produce some of the most useful combat units together. In this case, what's the use of me? However, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng can leave the unit, that is, it is better than nothing. Yes, it's better than nothing. At least, after owning this main factory, you can continue to build some of the military facilities you need. In this way, even in the face of various super weapons attacks by the enemy, they will not destroy their base so quickly. Yes, that's true.

It seems that, in fact, the situation is not as simple as Liu Zheng thought. Yes, that's true. Because soon after, another lightning storm of the enemy finally began to attack. Originally, Liu Zheng thought that the target of this enemy's lightning storm was still his own shipyard. If that's the case, it can be said that Liu Zheng is really not worried. Because my own shipyard is a long-tested one. Yes, that's true. At least, even in the face of two successive lightning storm attacks, the shipyard will not be destroyed at once.

In addition, in fact, what Liu Zheng is most worried about is his naval combat units around the shipyard. Whether it is an aircraft carrier, an intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, a missile frigate, a missile destroyer, a missile anti-submarine ship, etc., once it is attacked by the enemy, it can be said that it is simply a disaster. You know, that kind of lightning storm attack by the enemy is indeed very powerful. The attack area is large and the lethal power is strong. Once attacked, general combat units and military facilities cannot escape the fate of being destroyed. Yes, that's true.

So, at this time, in this situation, in the face of the upcoming lightning storm attack of the enemy, Liu Zheng was not very worried. Because, in the previous attacks, almost without exception, the enemy's lightning storm in the United States attacked their own shipyards. However, at present, there is no naval combat force around its own shipyard. In this case, then, naturally, Liu Zheng is relieved. Since the lightning storm can destroy the shipyard that has just been built by its main factory, what else is there to worry about?


So, since this lightning storm attack is coming, come if you want! It's always been a block! Therefore, in the following time, Liu Zheng began to look forward to another lightning storm from the enemy to attack his shipyard. However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect at all was that the target of the enemy's lightning storm attack was not a shipyard at all, but the chariot factory he had just built! Wow, damn it, what the hell is going on? What on earth did this happen?

Now, suddenly, Liu Zheng finally understood. It seems that the enemy army has always been worried about the occupation of his main factory. Therefore, in the face of the chariot factory just built by Liu Zheng, the enemy's missiles in Beijing are regarded as a thorn in their side. Remove it first and then quickly. Therefore, in this case, this newly built chariot factory was the first target of attack. The enemy army and their own occupation of his main construction factory have always been worried. Therefore, in the face of the chariot factory just built by Liu Zheng, the enemy's missiles in Beijing are regarded as a thorn in their side. Remove it first and then quickly. Therefore, in this case, this newly built chariot factory was the first target of attack. In addition, Liu Zheng also considered that anyway, since this chariot factory can produce a variety of combat units, and is also the most basic and most effective combat units, in this case, the enemy will work on the chariot they have just built as a priority attack. Goal, that's naturally a normal thing. Yes, that's true.

Now, Liu Zheng knows that in fact, after occupying the enemy's main factory, it is of great significance, that is, to stabilize himself. I am no longer afraid. Once the few military facilities in my base are destroyed by the enemy, I will completely lose the war. Now, with the main construction factory sitting there, naturally, Liu Zheng doesn't have to worry so much. I am no longer afraid. Once the few military facilities in my base are destroyed by the enemy, I will completely lose the war. Now, with the main construction factory sitting there, naturally, Liu Zheng doesn't have to worry so much.

However, the enemy's main construction factory did not make Liu Zheng feel happy in terms of combat strength. Normal University, that's indeed the case. In terms of combat units, Liu Zheng saw that with the final construction of the chariot factory, some ground combat forces that can produce are only some very general combat units, such as the multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle, which has certain air defense performance. However, under the current situation, the anti-aircraft firepower in Liu Zheng's base is not very bad in the future. Therefore, Liu Zheng really doesn't like this kind of multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle.

In addition, there are some fighters that look more powerful. However, Liu Zheng knows that it is a strong fighter, facing the enemy's very perfect air defense system. It can be said that it is very difficult to play an effective role. My own attack on the enemy's air firepower, especially the defense of the enemy's air fighters, is an example. In the face of such a dense enemy air strike, Liu Zheng saw that under his dense ground protective fire attack, he basically did not give the enemy air fighters any chance at all. Yes, that's true.

It seems that the plan is not, but Liu Zheng also knows that in fact, the construction factory of the occupied enemy is not useless. At the very least, another shipyard can be rebuilt. Then, after the construction of the combat laboratory, the aircraft carrier can be remanufactured. Therefore, in the face of his own abundant production and construction funds, Liu Zheng is really generous in spending money. It doesn't hurt at all.

So, soon after, a combat laboratory was finally built in its own base. Then, in the waters on the edge of his base, a shipyard was also built. After that, Liu Zheng set up a production plan for an aircraft carrier. Now, Liu Zheng only has one aircraft carrier in his hand, and a shipyard has been built accordingly. After that, Liu Zheng set up a production plan for an aircraft carrier. Now, Liu Zheng only has one aircraft carrier in his hand. Of course, just one aircraft carrier is far from enough. Yes, it's true.

Liu Zheng has long had a plan, that is, to use his own aircraft carrier, divide his troops into two ways, along the counterclockwise direction, reflect the actual direction of the water, along the waterway, and carry out the carrier's carrier attack on some of the enemy bases on land. Yes, with the ultra-long combat radius of the carrier aircraft and the fixed-point clearance attack method, the construction of the main factory and super weapons in the enemy base will be destroyed, which makes Liu Zheng's primary combat task next. Yes, that's true.

In fact, Liu Zheng knows very well that only the super weapons in the enemy base can be destroyed, whether it is a super attack nuclear missile or a lightning storm. Only in your own base will there be Ningwu. However, it is certainly not so easy to destroy the construction of the main factory or super weapons in the enemy base. Yes, that's true.

General combat units, whether ground combat forces or air fighters, are difficult to break through the enemy's defense line. There is no such aircraft carrier, because the carrier aircraft can be said to be almost inexhaustible. In addition, the ultra-long-range attack range of the carrier aircraft, as well as the huge bomb load, repeated attacks, the kind of fixed-point clearance attack method, used to deal with the enemy's construction of the main factory or super Weapons, that's simply perfect.

However, just as Liu Zheng planned to start this combat plan, suddenly, another lightning storm attack from the enemy finally arrived. Normal University, that's indeed the case. Moreover, what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that the target of this enemy's lightning storm attack was no longer his own main factory, but the chariot factory he had just built. On the one hand, the enemy was already upset that they had finally occupied one of their main factories, and at the same time, they were even more dissatisfied with the construction of a chariot factory in this situation.

In addition, there is another important point, that is, after all, this chariot factory, as the most important military facility for production combat units, is quite important. Yes, that's true. Basically, it can be said that the vast majority of combat units, especially those with the strongest lethal ability, are basically produced by that chariot factory. Therefore, in this case, naturally, its own chariot factory has naturally become the most important target of the enemy.

However, Liu Zheng naturally has no way to do this. In the sky, there were clouds, lightning and thunder, and there was a strong wind on the ground, flying sand and stones. Then, the heavy rain poured down, and a stream of lightning shot down from the black sky. It hit the ground hard. So, immediately, Liu Zheng saw that his chariot factory could no longer withstand such a fierce attack. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments. . In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments.

In this way, while Liu Zheng was staring at it, the chariot factory he had just built was destroyed by the enemy again. Moreover, the culprit is still the lightning storm of the enemy! Wow, damn, damn bastard, damn bastard, damn bastard!

However, despite this, in the current situation, Liu Zheng is not very worried. Yes, that's true. Because, anyway, now, I already have a main factory in my hand. And if you have a general factory, what does it mean? I believe that Liu Zheng's heart is the clearest. Yes, that's true.

A general factory can continue to build the military facilities it needs, as long as it has enough production and construction funds in its own hands. Now, Liu Zheng clearly sees that he has at least more than 100,000 production and construction funds in his hands! Naturally, such a large amount of production and construction funds is definitely not a small amount for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true.

With money, then things will naturally be easy to do! Wow, damn it, isn't it just a chariot factory? What's so great about that? If it is blown up, it will be blown up. At worst, I will build another one! After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, another chariot factory has been set up in Liu Zheng's production plan.