Star Trek

Chapter 458 Ferocious Opponent 03

Anyway, even if the enemy's super weapons are powerful, their health and defense capabilities are quite strong. Generally speaking, it will not be knocked down so easily. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Therefore, under the current situation, Liu Zheng decided to continue to maintain his hard work and find a way to deal with the enemy.

Now, Liu Zheng knows that his only way in this situation is to attack the enemy's base again in the shortest time. Normal University, that's indeed the case. However, in this situation, Liu Zheng knows that if he uses his own aircraft carrier again, he may not be very suitable. Because, you know, this kind of aircraft carrier, in fact, with the growth of this period, their health will continue to decline.

Therefore, Liu Zheng knew that he had decided not to rely on them to attack his aircraft carriers from beginning to end. Because if it takes too long, their health will continue to decrease. In that case, it is very likely that they will not blow up before the enemy's attack. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng naturally took good care of the two aircraft carriers as a last resort. Knowing that one day, with the two aircraft carriers, their health has been restored to the best extent, then, in that case, they can consider sending aircraft carriers again to attack the target. Yes, that's true.

But under the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that no matter what method he takes, he should launch an effective attack on the enemy's base. Moreover, this time, we must avoid letting the enemy experience the opportunity of making a comeback again. Several branches know that the most important thing to achieve this goal is their own ground combat strength. Yes, it has always been left to rely on the two aircraft carriers that rely on themselves. To be precise, they rely on the carrier aircraft on the two aircraft carriers to carry out continuous attacks on the enemy's base. Now, Liu Zheng has understood that it is obviously impossible to destroy the enemy's base just by relying on his aircraft carrier. So, just like destroying the enemy's base, basically, the mountain relies on its own ground combat power.

So, at this time, in this case, it is certain that only by using your own ground combat power can you achieve the final victory of this battle. Seeing that Liu Zheng felt very helpless, the ground combat force in his hand did not have any other ground combat power except those main battle tanks. Moreover, although, now, Liu Zheng has finally mastered a main construction factory again. However, this type of construction factory is not very specialized in ground attack or ground defense.

Normal University, now that I think about it, Liu Zheng feels a little unable to sign. Originally, after standing up to build the chariot factory and combat laboratory of the main factory, then you can produce that kind of user forklift with great lethality. In the current situation, Liu Zheng is not allowed to carry out such production at all. Yes, that's true. You can produce that kind of very lethal user forklift by yourself. In the current situation, Liu Zheng is not allowed to carry out such production at all. Yes, that's true.

You can produce that kind of user forklift that is very lethal. In the current situation, Liu Zheng is not allowed to carry out such production at all. Yes, that's true.

Soon after, Liu Zheng finally saw that 20 main battle tanks had been produced under his command and in his base. Yes, it can be said that in this case, in addition to being able to produce the main battle tank, he can no longer produce other defensive combat forces. And in this process, Liu Zheng knew that first of all, it was good to make sure that guy was good.

It should be said that now, Liu Zheng really can't believe that his base has been attacked by the enemy again. Yes, that's true.

It seems that this attack by the enemy seems to have come very suddenly. However, Fa Liuzheng knew very well that in fact, this was a long-planned attack by the enemy. It can be said that this attack once again brought great trouble to Liu Zheng's base. Yes, that's true.

Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's three attacks, saying that the weapons of animals were still lightning storms. The fourth attack is still my own shipyard. However, you should know that its own shipyard has very good vitality and strong defense capabilities. Yes, that's true. Therefore, in this case, it is certain that even the enemy's super weapon is impossible to destroy its own shipyard at once. Therefore, the enemy's first attack basically did not pose much danger to Liu Zheng.

Liu Zheng was still very satisfied with this battle. Yes, that's true. At least, in this battle, his super weapon, Lightning Storm, played a very important role. Liu Zheng knew that before that, his base was basically attacked by lightning storms by the enemy, and it was still a series of lightning storm attacks. In that situation, it is certain that Liu Zheng has suffered a lot. Yes, that's true. Now, after a lot of hard work, Liu Zheng finally has his own headquarters in this base. It can be said that for Liu Zheng, this is simply bittersweet.

Yes, it can be assessed that the remaining dozen surface warships facing the enemy actually rushed towards his two aircraft carriers. To be honest, Liu Zheng was really surprised. It should be said that Liu Zhengzhen didn't expect this. Yes, that's true. Perhaps this is also a thing of Liu Zheng, which is unknown. Because before that, for Liu Zheng, there was a lightning storm. It should be said that it was a very correct decision to attack more than a dozen enemy surface warships around the enemy's shipyard. Knowledge, I didn't expect that after destroying seven to eight enemy surface warships, the remaining enemy surface warships, including two aircraft carriers, five missile destroyers, and three missile frigates, would attack their own aircraft carriers one after another.

In the face of this situation, it can be said that Liu Zheng was very surprised and nervous at the same time. Wow, damn it, now, it can be said that it's a hornet's nest. Yes, the face is indeed like this. In fact, it is difficult for Liu Zheng to think so. Originally, my aircraft carrier was relatively safe. Yes, that was the case at that time. However, in that situation at that time, it was actually correct to use the super weapon, Lightning Storm, to attack the enemy's more than a dozen surface warships. What I didn't expect was that the remaining surface warships of the enemy reacted so strongly. Damn it, it's really unexpected.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng still prepared for the worst. That is, in this case, it is better to try to do it first, because, it is certain that you will suffer later. Normal University, it's really a good start and then suffer. Because both sides have aircraft carriers, the attack distance should be about the same. In this case, if any aircraft carrier takes the lead in sending out carrier-based aircraft to attack, then it can be said that it will take the lead. In this case, the carrier-based aircraft dispatched by the first party to launch the attack will ruthlessly destroy the other party's aircraft carrier. In this way, naturally, the first party will have a clear advantage.

Yes, that was indeed the case at that time. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided to destroy the two aircraft carriers of the enemy first. According to the city, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, seven to eight carrier planes roared from the deck of one of their aircraft carriers, flew across the sea and flew straight to the two enemy aircraft carriers.

At this time, Liu Zheng finally found that in fact, in this case, he only took a step compared with the enemy. Otherwise, it is certain that the two aircraft carriers of the enemy have attacked one generation before themselves, as if, you know, at least, the fund has two aircraft carriers, but on its own side, it only has one aircraft carrier. Since then, the gap between the two sides has widened.

So, in this case, for Liu Zheng, the decision just now is very correct. It is also very timely. Otherwise, once the two aircraft carriers of the enemy really start to take the lead, then, at that time, they will not be able to eat and leave.

At this time, under this situation, their carrier aircraft flew over the sea, roaring, and had flown above the two aircraft carriers of the enemy. At this time, the two enemy aircraft carriers seemed to be preparing for the take-off of the carrier aircraft. However, after seeing this, Liu Zheng already knew that it was too late.

Attack! In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, seven to eight aircraft began to carry out air-to-ground missile attacks on the two enemy aircraft carriers above the sea. It was crisp and loose, whistling. One after another air-to-ground missiles roared and shot out. At the rear tail, there was an orange tail flame. At the same time, it kept changing the direction of flight. The two third-quarter aircraft carriers on the surface of the roared like long eyes and attacked quickly.

coaxed, coaxed, coaxed, and quickly, with those air-to-ground missiles accurately hit the target, Liu Zheng saw that the two enemy aircraft carriers were suddenly killed more than 60% of their health. This is really good for Liu Zheng. Wow, damn it, it's really happy, it's really happy. An aircraft carrier of Laozi was able to destroy the enemy's two aircraft carriers at once because it was timely. This is simply a feat for me. Yes, that's true

However, Liu Zheng found that his base had once again been attacked by the enemy's lightning storm. Shit, damn it, to be honest, in this situation, he was attacked by the enemy's lightning storm again, which made Liu Zheng really feel unending. Yes, that's true. In the past, it should be said, but what about me, because my base was facing the attack of seven to eight enemy bases at the same time, and they all had super weapons in their hands.

At this time, in this situation, one of his bases has been continuously attacked by the enemy's super weapons, so that his five bases, which can be said, are basically on the verge of being destroyed. It is no exaggeration to say that one of my bases has really been disabled during that period of time. Yes, that's true.

However, despite this, that situation is acceptable to Liu Zheng. Because, no matter what, Liu Zheng must admit it. Because that's seven to eight bases of the enemy and attack their own bases at the same time. In that case, it is already very good to be able to carry it by yourself. However, not long ago, he had sent two aircraft carriers to attack the super weapons in the enemy base along the rural waterway. Moreover, very good results have been achieved. According to incomplete statistics, not long ago, Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers had destroyed at least three enemy super weapons.

However, the current situation is naturally different. Yes, that's true. Originally, he had destroyed most of the super weapons in the enemy's base, but why, in this case, his base is still guarding such a fierce superweapon attack. This is really a problem. Liu Zheng can't figure it out at all.

Now, Liu Zheng knows that the only explanation is that not long ago, when his two aircraft carriers attacked the target, it was very likely that they had sounded a superweapon with two enemy weapons all the way. Otherwise, I can't explain why this happened. Fortunately, the first enemy attack was still its own shipyard. However, the health value of my own shipyard is quite high, and its defense ability is quite strong. Therefore, even under another lightning storm attack by the enemy, the shipyard still stands there. I can't explain why this happened. Fortunately, the first enemy attack was still its own shipyard. However, the health value of my own shipyard is quite high, and its defense ability is quite strong. Therefore, even under another lightning storm attack by the enemy, the shipyard still stands there.

However, what surprised Liu Zheng was that the second enemy's lightning storm attack actually moved the focus of the attack to Liu Zheng's base. In particular, the garbage you have just built is an important military facility. Including a chariot factory and a combat laboratory. Nature, that barracks.

Liu Zheng now thinks about it and feels that it may be his original carelessness that he built all three important military facilities together. In this way, it has naturally given the enemy the convenience of this kind of attack. Anyway, in the current situation, the enemy's lightning storm attack destroyed the newly built main factory in Liu Zheng's base at one time. There is also a barracks. There is also a combat laboratory.

You should know that the three important military facilities of the car are quite important for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. However, even so, how can we do something? Who let himself, in the big counterattack not long ago, fundamentally destroy the enemy's superweapons? For Liu Zheng, that is quite important. Yes, that's true. However, even so, how can we do something? Who let himself, in the big counterattack not long ago, fundamentally destroy the enemy's superweapons?

However, the good thing is that Liu Zheng has a large amount of production and construction funds in his hands. More importantly, no matter what, you should know that you have re-owned a main factory. This main factory is very important for me. Yes, that's true. Because it can be said that it is precisely because of the existence of this main factory that its own base will not be destroyed by the enemy. Those days of fear, because I don't have a general factory, I am always afraid that some of the military facilities in my base will be destroyed by the enemy at any time.

Yes, now, that situation basically won't happen again.