Star Trek

Chapter 459 Fierce Opponent 04

To modern, Liu Zheng knows that the most urgent thing is to further strengthen his air defense combat capabilities. Yes, that's true. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so five light anti-aircraft guns were soon included in the production plan.

Then, Liu Zheng decided to strengthen the construction of flood control firepower. On the other hand, we must also strengthen our ground combat capabilities. Liu Zheng knows that in the current situation, in fact, his ground combat ability is very priority. Because in the current situation, Liu Zheng saw that even in his base, the so-called ground combat force is also a fund, which is given by the system. These include five main battle tanks and more than a dozen infantry combat units.

Liu Zheng knows that such a little ground combat force can't cope with possible enemy ground attacks at all. Yes, that's true. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that now, his base, which provides the enemy's base infrastructure, is actually completely related to the ground border. In this way, it is certain that the enemy's attack on themselves will not be limited to air strikes. Yes, it is because of the border on land that the enemy spends time attacking their own attacks through ground combat forces. This possibility is actually very big. Yes, that's true.

So, in any case, you must find a way to strengthen your ground combat strength. Liu Zheng knows that, in fact, his ground combat unit, whether in terms of attack or defense, is his long-range heavy grenade sports car. Yes, that's true. It's my own long-range heavy grenade sports car. It is certain that as long as you produce several long-range heavy grenade sports cars and have a certain air defense capability under mature conditions (that is to say, they have certain air defense combat capabilities), then it is certain that there is how strong combat power is in the base of the enemy mines. However, in the face of the fighter group of the long-range heavy grenade sports car that launched its own attack, then it is almost invincible.

The reason is very simple, that is, this kind of long-range heavy grenade sports car is a very strong attack force. ~ ~ Its main feature is low, and the attack distance is very long. Yes, that's true. You know, although the shells they fire will never be less than the distance provided by that kind of missile. In any case, the missile attack is far away because it has a power system and constantly consumes a lot of energy during the flight. Therefore, he can attack farther targets.

However, that is, even so, Liu Zheng also knows that the attack missile launched by the missile launch vehicle, although the attack distance is far, has a very fatal weakness. That is, because the target of the missile is too large, there is no way for ballistic missiles or cruise missiles to face the enemy's protection system. Yes, that's true.

and Hong, however, in spite of this, Liu Zheng's long-range heavy grenade sports car, which is fired from the shells, has a long attack distance, which has gained thousands of people. Even if it is not as good as that ballistic missile and learn a lot of attack distance, according to the key point, the timely issuance of this long-range heavy grenade sports car can hit the target 100%. Moreover, the key is that they will not be intercepted by the enemy's air defense system at all. This seems to be very important to me. Yes, that's true. The timely cannonballs can hit the target 100%. Moreover, the key is that they will not be intercepted by the enemy's air defense system at all. This seems to be very important to me. Yes, that's true.

So, so far, Liu Zheng has basically confirmed it. That is, somehow, I have found a way to produce at least five long-range heavy grenade sports cars. To be sure, in the current situation, due to its own protective firepower, it has been initially strengthened. Therefore, under the current situation, it is certain that the enemy's general air strike force will not pose a threat to its base again. Now, if you own the five long-range heavy grenade sports cars, it is certain that the enemy's ground offensive has basically been resolved.

However, despite this, it is certain that on the one hand, Liu Zheng is strengthening his ground combat strength. Especially for the production and construction of this long-range heavy grenade sports car. It is very necessary. However, Liu Zheng is more aware that on the one hand, he really needs to produce a large amount of production and construction funds to produce some combat forces. However, on the other hand, under the current situation, its own production and construction funds are very tight.

In this way, this requires Liu Zheng, on the one hand, not to take his own base construction and combat production lightly, because they are the foundation of his own base construction. However, on the other hand, without money, there is nothing. Without production and construction funds, there is no matter of base expansion and decisive production of combat units. Because, on the one hand, research and development require a large amount of production and construction funds. On the other hand, in terms of materials, raw materials and technology transfer, it costs money. Therefore, without money, there is nothing.

It is precisely because Liu Zheng has seen this very clearly. Therefore, in the face of the current situation, Liu Zheng decided to continue to strengthen the construction of flood control firepower and continue to strengthen the strength of his ground combat force. On the other hand, Liu Zheng realized more clearly that he indeed has a very good combat force in his hand in order to guarantee it. Therefore, in any case, we should find ways to further enrich the production and construction funds in our hands. However, what should be done is a very obvious question for Liu.

Now, five long-range heavy grenade sports cars are in production. For Liu Zheng, these five long-range heavy grenade sports cars are really valuable. Yes, that's true. Basically, it can be said that as long as you produce these five long-range heavy grenade sports cars, then it is certain that your ground defense will basically be solved. Normal University, that's indeed the case. Because this long-range heavy howitzer has a long attack distance and is lethal. It should be said that the enemy's ground combat unit has been destroyed by the shell fired by this long-range heavy howitzer in this process.

However, Liu Zheng also knew that the enemy's attack was actually all-round. It will never be limited to ground or air strikes. It is a comprehensive strike process. Therefore, your defense should also be considered from all aspects. It should not only attack from air defense operations or ground-to-ground operations.

However, Liu Zheng has been doing this, although he has carried out comprehensive construction and made great achievements in combat production. So far, five long-range heavy howitzers and 13 light anti-aircraft guns have been built. In this way, at the very least, it can cope with the general-level attacks of the enemy. However, Liu Zheng also knew that despite this, for Liu Zheng, the danger has not been relieved. Because, on its own side, first of all, that kind of technology drilling oil well has not been built by itself. You know, that kind of technology drilling oil wells is the top priority for yourself. Because, it is certain that as long as the scientific and technological drilling oil wells are built, one or two of the 80 bases will be built. Then, for myself, it basically solves the problem of the supply of production and construction funds in my base. Yes, that's true.

Anyway, now, after some preparation, Liu Zheng's base basically has some basic requirements for defense. However, Liu Zheng also knew that there was still a distance from the real solid defense line. Especially

So far, I have not built a super weapon. However, Liu Zheng knows that this super weapon is quite important for a base in the United States. Yes, that's true. Because the super weapon's super strong attack ability is certainly not comparable to that of ordinary conventional weapons. It has great lethality, excessive attack range and strong destructive ability. In many cases, in many cases, a superweapon attack can cause more than a dozen conventional chariots to be destroyed in an instant.

So, in this case, for the construction and production of super weapons, it is certain that it has become something that every player must face. To a certain extent, in terms of super weapons, you can be ahead of your opponents, so you can fundamentally open the gap with your opponents. Yes, that's true. This also means that you must find ways to race against time, create every opportunity, and build your own super weapon with all your strength. Otherwise, once you are taken the lead by the enemy, it will be very unfavorable to you. Normal University, that's indeed the case. To

However, Liu Zheng also knew that in order to build super weapons, he must first build his own technology laboratory. Because some important data and technical means need to be guaranteed by this science and technology laboratory. Therefore, in this situation, if Liu Zheng wants to make progress in super weapons, he must first build his own technology display. However, a science and technology laboratory needs at least 5,000 production and construction funds. It can be said that in addition to its own main factory, this science and technology laboratory is the most expensive among its own bases.

However, what makes Liu Zheng feel a little relieved is that so far, he has finally built a scientific and technological drilling well. After seeing this, Liu Zheng can't help but be particularly happy. Because Liu Zheng knows that this kind of technology drilling oil wells can continuously provide continuous supply and support for his base and production and construction funds. This also means that as long as you have this technology to drill oil well, then your base can be said to have basically no worries about money.

Looking at my newly built technology drilling oil well, it is running normally, and with each movement and every operation, a large amount of production and construction funds have intervened into its own base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very gratified. Then, Liu Zhengtian began to build his own combat laboratory. Although this combat laboratory will cost at least 5,000 production and construction funds, which can be said to be huge. However, considering that only after the construction of this combat laboratory can I build and produce super weapons. Therefore, no matter how much production and construction funds are spent, they don't care about themselves. Yes, that's true. How can you get something if you invest from time to time? Now, my own combat laboratory is under construction. For Liu Zheng, this combat laboratory is of great value. It can be said that as long as the construction is successful, then, basically, you have taken the strategic initiative. Of course, in order to build this combat research laboratory, you can say that you can concentrate on financial resources, concentrate on manpower and material resources to do this matter. It is certain that in other aspects, it will fall into a relatively weak link.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that at this time, in this situation, what he is most worried about is to suffer a large-scale attack by the enemy. Because relatively speaking, in the current situation, it can be said that he is facing such a huge test. For himself, because he has devoted all his human, material and financial resources to the construction of the combat laboratory, in this case, it is certain that he will definitely have some restraint in defense operations.

Despite this, Liu Zheng still did his best. On the one hand, he carried out the construction and production of the combat laboratory, and on the other hand, he urgently strengthened his air defense and defense operations. It should be said that with the comprehensive combat ability that Liu Zheng has now, there is still no problem in dealing with the general attack of the enemy. Yes, that's true. This is, and then again, Liu Zheng himself can't say what effect it will have and what the result will be if the enemy's super weapon attacks on himself. Anyway, it will be very horrible until he knows it. Yes, that's true.

However, in fact, the more you are afraid of something, the more you are. Just as Liu Zheng was carefully carrying out the construction of his own combat laboratory, although in terms of defense, he had done a few points, and even repeatedly deliberated on a certain detail. In order to achieve the best results. However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that although he devoted himself to super weapons, the enemy was still in front of him. Because not long ago, Liu Zheng had been warned that the lightning storm attack was showing off in the enemy's wooden base.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. He knew that once the enemy's lightning storm attack could really be carried out, it would be a disaster for him. Not long ago, two enemy long-range heavy strategic bombers had almost disabled their bases. However, you know, this kind of enemy's lightning storm attack is almost hundreds of times stronger than that of long-range strategic bombers.

Damn it, although I try my best to strengthen my defense and combat ability, and even strive to build my own super weapons. However, it was still mentioned in the front by the enemy. There is no way. At this time, in this case, Liu Zheng knew that his only way was to transfer some of his better combat units to a relatively safe place, and several vehicles were attacked by the lightning storm of the enemy. However

, just as Liu Zheng was carrying out this transfer, and when his science and technology research laboratory was coming to an end, an enemy's lightning storm attack finally arrived. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's eyes were almost closed. Wow, damn it, it seems that I still can't escape and attacked this lightning storm. In the sky, there were clouds, lightning and thunder, and there was a strong wind on the ground, flying sand and stones. Then, the heavy rain poured down, and a stream of lightning shot down from the black sky. It hit the ground hard.

So, Liu Zheng saw that some military facilities were very fast and could no longer withstand such a fierce attack. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments. . In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments.