Star Trek

Chapter 465 Ferocious Opponent 10

This kind of super power plant, some base types are power plants, and some bases are large thermal power plants. In short, super power plants are also various. However, no matter what kind of super power plant, they can provide huge electrical energy to meet the needs of the whole base for electric beams. In modern times, Liu Zheng saw that in the enemy's base, both super power plants and general power plants were basically gathered in one bureau. In this way, it has been a good thing for Liu Zheng. Because it is more beneficial for the lightning storm to exert its huge attack power. That's true. You know, my lightning storm likes to attack that kind of intensive combat target. It is more conducive to her powerful fighting ability. Yes, that's true.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided that he might as well use his super weapon, Lightning Storm, and then carry out a concentrated attack on the power plant in the enemy's base, or the area where the power plant was located that day. Only in this way can the power supply in the enemy base be decapitated, thus further reversing the air defense system of the enemy base. Once he changes the air defense system of the enemy base, it can basically be said that the enemy's base is completely covered by the attack of his own medium-range ballistic missile. By that time, it can be said that I have won.

Now, for Liu Zheng, everything is ready and only owes the east wind. Yes, that's true. Moreover, it has been less than ten seconds before its own lightning storm attack. The countdown officially begins. At this time, Liu Zheng felt that it was so quiet that even the sound of a needle on the ground could be heard. Liu Zheng knew that this kind of case was abnormal, but he felt that it would be a general attack. Finally, the countdown ended very quickly. With Liu Zheng's order, his lightning storm attack finally began.

The weather controller, a super weapon in his own base, finally showed his horrible face at this time. On that weather controller, there were clouds of smoke. Liu Zheng knew that it was this black smoke that the angels gathered the power of nature in the sky. The lightning storm attack will start soon. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that the black smoke over the weather controller began to become stronger and stronger.

In this way, your own attack target, your own battle plan, and your own battle plan should also be pulled. So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his five medium-range ballistic missile launchers began to attack the main factory in the enemy base across a river. Although Liu Zheng also knows that these his medium-range ballistic missiles will definitely be intercepted by the enemy's air defense forces. However, in any case, if five of their own medium-range ballistic missile launchers attack at the same time, there will always be one or two to break through the enemy's air defense fire network and hit the target.

is certain that as long as one of its own medium-range ballistic missiles hits the target, then your combat plan can proceed smoothly. Because as long as it hits the target, it will seduce all the combat units in the enemy's base and gather towards the hit target. In this way, my lightning storm attack will have a very obvious harvest. Yes, that's true.

Now, Liu Zheng has basically decided to use his long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile first and launch an attack on the shipyard on the edge of the enemy's base. It should be said that the dozens of enemy's surface warships (including three missile destroyers, several missile frigates, and five missile cruisers) so far, it should be said that the air defense system formed by the dozens of enemy's surface warships is simply to intercept Liu Zheng's long-range attack missiles. 100% certainty. Therefore, Liu Zheng knew that if dozens of enemy surface warships were not destroyed, it would be too difficult for him to attack the enemy's base.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng and the only long-range intercontinental ground attack missile on the ground finally began to prepare. Liu Zheng knows that although this long-range intercontinental ground attack missile is not equipped with a nuclear warhead, the explosive equivalent is quite large. Second only to nuclear weapons. Therefore, in this case, even if this intercontinental attack missile does not hit the target directly, even if it explodes in mid-air, it will cause considerable damage to the enemy's dozens of surface warships. Second only to nuclear weapons. Therefore, in this case, even if this intercontinental attack missile does not hit the target directly, even if it explodes in mid-air, it will cause considerable damage to the enemy's dozens of surface warships.

After about ten seconds of preparation, Liu Zheng finally saw that his only long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack ballistic missile finally began to attack the enemy shipyard. They set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spray the fierce flames from the launcher, and at the same time, a rolling black smoke rose on the ground. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the middle of the sky, it skipped over its own base, flew through the jungle, and flew across a large area of the sea, and then continued to roar towards the power plant in the enemy base...

Liu Zheng clearly saw that his long-range intercontinental ground attack missile, towed the orange tail flame, rushed to the sky in mid-air and attacked the target at a high speed. However, just as an intercontinental attack missile flew over the target (that is, the enemy's shipyard noticed dozens of surface warships) and was attacking the target at an accelerated speed. Suddenly, it flew over the surface of the target (that is, the enemy's shipyard noticed Dozens of warships on the surface are attacking the target at an accelerated speed. Suddenly, above the surface

, the more than a dozen enemy warships with various air defense capabilities launched anti-aircraft missiles in mid-air. It was attacking the target at an accelerated speed. Suddenly, on the surface of the water, more than a dozen enemy battleships with air defense capabilities were full of fire and fired anti-aircraft missiles in mid-air.

Whether it is a missile destroyer, a missile frigate, or a missile cruiser, you should know that every warship has a professional-grade anti-aircraft weapon. Swish, swish, Liu Zheng saw that all kinds of anti-aircraft missiles shot out of the air, roaring and dragging the orange tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight. Under the guidance of his own guidance system, he intercepted the intercontinental attack missile that fell from the sky - Liu Zheng. . Under the guidance of his own guidance system, he intercepted the target, Liu Zheng, an intercontinental attack missile that fell from the sky.

So, soon, Liu Zheng saw that 17 interceptor missiles of the enemy hit Liu Zheng's intercontinental missile. So, about 20 to 30 kilometers above the enemy's shipyard, there was a deafening explosion, followed by a golden explosive light that kept shining in mid-air. Then, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental attack missile was blown into countless wreckage and fragments, falling from mid-air. It fell like rain, like a flower, but the scene was simply spectacular. Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental attack missile was blown into countless debris and fragments and fell from mid-air. It fell like rain, like a flower, but the scene was simply spectacular.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very excited. Yes, although its own long-range intercontinental attack missile cannot directly hit the target, with the huge explosion wave in mid-air, the great lethality is enough to gradually destroy more than a dozen enemy warships. Yes, just now, Liu Zheng clearly saw that on the surface of the water, with a deafening explosion in mid-air, a dark red explosion firelight in close combat continued to shine, and the waves on the water were surging, splashing, surging waves and seas. It looks like the earth is shaking, as if it had triggered a tsunami.

However, at this time, just as Liu Zheng planned to use his long-range intercontinental ground attack missile again and continue to attack the target, suddenly, through the satellite map, Liu Zheng found that more than a dozen enemy phantom tanks rushed out of the base and towards himself. The direction of this attacking force hit. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but fight. Yes, it is obvious that this attack force of the enemy, and all these attack forces composed of phantom tanks, say that the target of the attack seems to be mainly a frontal attack force fought by Liu Zheng.

Liu Zheng knows very well about this phantom tank, which is a very strong place. Yes, that's true. In particular, this kind of phantom tank is simply his specialty to deal with rack-type combat units. Moreover, because it has a very good phantom stealth ability, its own combat unit will attack it independently. Since then, the attack ability of this phantom combat force has been gradually enhanced. It's like the other party is in the dark and you are in the bright place. The other party can attack themselves at will, but if they want to attack the other party, they will always seem to be powerless.

At this time, Liu Zheng found that through some long-range strike forces, he wanted to destroy more than a dozen surface warships around the enemy's shipyard. Unexpectedly, this plan could not be realized at all. Yes, Liu Zheng did not expect that the enemy's more than a dozen series of warships had such a strong anti-aircraft combat capability. This plan is impossible to destroy more than a dozen surface warships around the enemy's shipyard. Yes, Liu Zheng did not expect that the enemy's more than a dozen series of warships had such a strong anti-aircraft combat capability.

Yes, that's true. It seems that both the enemy's missile frigates, missile destroyers and missile cruisers have quite strong anti-aircraft capabilities. Therefore, in this case, neither Liu Zheng's long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground ballistic attack missile nor the end-to-ground attack missile has substantially damage the enemy's more than a dozen surface warships. Not to mention the enemy shipyard.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart naturally couldn't help feeling very nervous. At the same time, Liu Zheng's heart is also turning quickly. Yes, she is thinking about what method she should adopt to achieve her strategic goals in this situation. Suddenly, Liu Zheng suddenly found that five other long-range heavy howitzers had been produced in his base at this time. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very happy. At the same time, a new combat plan also emerged. Yes, that's true.

This new combat plan is mainly ~, because five long-range heavy howitzers have been produced, so now, in this case, it can be said that Liu Zheng has eight such long-range heavy howitzers in his hands. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng knew that in fact, he could rely on eight long-range heavy howitzers to attack the enemy's shipyard and more than a dozen surface warships around the shipyard. Liu Zheng felt that with the very strong attack ability of this long-range heavy howitzer, especially the long attack distance and great lethality, at least, it is not a problem for his own long-range heavy howitzer to fight against three.

Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knew that even his long-range heavy howitzers were attacked by various combat units of the enemy (this possibility is actually very high), but even so, what can he do? Anyway, it is self-evident what effect a large number of long-range heavy howitzers will have when they attack the enemy's shipyard at the same time.

Even in this case, Liu Zheng has considered that in fact, it is worth destroying his long-range heavy howitzers by the enemy. Because, anyway, in the face of such a tight defense of the enemy, especially such a tight air defense system, to be honest, there is really no better way. Therefore, in this situation, you might as well make a desperate move and use eight long-range heavy howitzers to rush and fight. Maybe I can make a world come out.


So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, eight long-range heavy howitzers (three of them have been upgraded to a group of veterans, and most of the others are original-level long-duty howitzers) are vast, divided into three left, middle and right. On the road, the city battle formation rushed in the direction of the enemy's shipyard. Most of the other long-range heavy howitzers that have just been produced are vast, divided into three routes, left, middle and right, and the city battle formation, rushing towards the direction of the enemy's shipyard.

In fact, Liu Zheng's position is not far from the enemy's base - of course, it is really considered in terms of realization. Because although the straight distance between Liu Zheng's near ground and the enemy's base is not very far, it is separated by a river. However, this is the case, because the enemy's shipyard was built on that river, and at the same time, the dozens of enemy surface warships were also there.

In this case, it seems to be much easier for Liu Zheng. He could fly the eight long-range heavy howitzers on both sides of the river, and then make a fierce attack on the enemy shipyard in the river and more than a dozen surface warships. Liu Zheng knew that with the super strong attack ability of the long-range heavy howitzer, it should be said that the center of destroying more than a dozen enemy surface warships is a piece of cake. Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that the biggest problem is the ground combat forces that may appear in the enemy base. Therefore, in this battle, Liu Zheng knew that his combat policy was to fight quickly. After destroying the enemy's shipyard and the surface warships around the shipyard, the final plan is to come back first. Then, make further plans according to the situation at that time.