Star Trek

Chapter 10 Blood Trial

The first clearance battle is finally over. After going offline, Liu Zheng actually felt that his mind was swollen and his eyes were full of flowers, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness. Liu Zheng knew that this was actually caused by his being too nervous when he was fighting just now. At the same time, because the head of state assigned him the responsibility of a captain, Liu Zheng naturally felt that the burden was too heavy.

I slept for most of the day.

After waking up, Liu Zheng ate something casually, and then thought about it. There was nothing important to do at the moment, so he decided to play a few interstellar trials first to further improve his interstellar combat ability. Although I used to be an interstellar master, now, after all, it is the passage of time and I haven't practiced for several years. Moreover, the "Star" game has long been upgraded to the second generation, and most places have been completely different from the original. Eat the old book? Hey hey, it depends on what's going on, right?

The game version naturally formulates a computer simulation battle, that is, a machine battle, and it is all free to use, and does not require any account or password. That is to say, if you play the kind of man-machine battle between account and password, you have to record the battle results into your "achievement", which will directly affect your future upgrades. However, there is no such situation in this general simulated combat. Players practice casually and do not need to consider other messy things at all.

The game has finally begun. Liu Zheng's choice of game here is one-on-one, that is, he fights against a computer player alone. Because this pair of maps is fast, whether it is the construction of buildings or the production of combat power, it is almost completed in an instant, so this naturally saves Liu Zheng a lot of game time.

As for the order of construction, it generally follows this order: first, produce more SCV, and then carry out engineering stations, supply stations, barracks, ghost military schools, heavy factories, fusion chips, laboratories, etc. Then, Liu Zheng produced a large number of combat units, including 20 marines, 10 siege tanks, 10 Thor mechas, and ten battle patrol ships. Of course, in order to provide the recovery of health to the 20 marines, Liu Zheng did not forget to produce ten medical transport planes and deployed them over the 20 marines.

However, what makes Liu Zheng feel a little puzzled is that although he is ready to fight, the enemy is too late to come. According to Liu Zheng's experience when he hit the Red Alert, the enemy will always give him a three-board axe at the beginning of the game, all to give him a majesty, but there is no such thing here. Liu Zheng is also puzzled why.

"Mom, mother, if you don't come to hit me, I'm going to hit you!" Liu Zheng smiled and left only five siege tanks, all of which were set up in siege mode - under this mode, their shelling distance is long and their lethality will be improved. Well, there should be no problem to let these ten siege tanks take care of the house. Waiting for my large army to rush into the enemy's base and then kill it all and smash it, and naturally my base will be safer. As long as you play well in front, your backyard will be safer. Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

However, the development of things is different from what Liu Zheng thought. Just as Liu Zheng commanded his combat power and was about to arrive at the door of the enemy's base, suddenly, the familiar voice of the female voice of the system came into Liu Zheng's ears: your base is under attack, and your base is under attack!

What? Was Laozi's base attacked? Liu Zhengyi was in a hurry and couldn't help looking at his radar display screen, but he saw a sea of fire at his base: the fiery red indicator was repeatedly appearing at his base.

"It's not good. It seems that I have been tricked by the enemy to transfer the tiger away from the mountain! It seems that I have been tricked by the enemy to transfer the tiger away from the mountain!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help shouting "No", and then quickly switched the picture to his base. Sure enough, at this time, a large group of enemy's combat power - whatever it is. Anyway, Liu Zheng also knows that it is the type of combat power belonging to the Xingling unit.

"Oh~~~~" Liu Zheng deployed the five siege tanks around his base, and finally began to roar. As the golden light shone at its muzzle, heavy shells fell on those star units and exploded, making a deafening sound. And some of the ground attack forces of Xingling also followed the explosion of heavy shells, and with the golden light shining at its muzzle, heavy shells fell on those Xingling units and exploded, making a deafening noise. And part of the ground attack power of the star spirit, followed by the explosion of heavy shells, flew around with broken arms and legs...

However, soon, Liu Zheng regretted that he did not leave enough combat power to protect his base. First of all, the enemy's star spirit combat power is too much, and only five siege tanks are left for defense. In addition, they do not have any air defense combat power, so some air attack units of the enemy, such as Void Shining warships, etc., are looking forward to the sky. Sigh, there is nothing we can do.

The consequences are naturally quite tragic. After quickly eliminating the five siege tanks left by Liu Zheng in charge of defense in the base, the enemy's star spirit combat power quickly set the target of the attack on the buildings that destroyed Liu Zheng's base.


"Ji-jiu ~ ~ ~ squeaky ~ ~ ~"

A strange and harsh sound of attack was endless, and all kinds of flashes, accompanied by the strange sound of attack, formed a strong firepower and attacked the buildings in Liu Zheng's base.

"hong ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Under the cover of blood, fire, smoke and dust, after Liu Zheng transferred his ten battle patrol ships back to his base, at this time, the enemy's star combat power has destroyed more than 90% of the military facilities in Liu Zheng's base.