Star Trek

Chapter 117 Wind and Clouds 7

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that on the front site of the enemy's base closest to him, around the city center built, there were also a large number of enemy combat forces. The infantry forces were dense, and all kinds of chariots had also clearly told Liu. Zheng: The enemy has now been upgraded to a modern level! That is to say, the enemy's combat power and technology level has stood on the same starting line as themselves!

"Well, no matter what, I have to attack it with Atomic Anne first! Yes, just use Atomic Anne's tactical nuclear missile! Hey hey, hey, if you can't do it well, even the enemy infantry fighting power around the center of the enemy's city, the fighting power of some fighting vehicles, even the enemy infantry fighting power around the center of the enemy city, and some of the fighting vehicles will be killed at once! Haha, haha, that's a big deal, that's really a big deal!" Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing when he imagined the large-scale lethal scene formed when the tactical nuclear missile exploded.

In order to ensure that his atomic Annie can launch a tactical nuclear missile successfully, Liu Zheng specially sent three Mark tanks to block the front to prevent the attack of the enemy's combat power, which will cause his tactical nuclear missile to be abandoned halfway.

"launch!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, the nuclear missile launcher behind the atomic Annie chariot had been opened, and then, two seconds later, the tactical nuclear missile began to ignite. After a loud sound, a missile that looked like a large warhead sprayed the orange tail flame and slowly rose from the launch frame. It was getting faster and faster. After flying to a certain altitude, it immediately turned a corner and then went straight to the target. The long tail flame is spraying, and the tactical nuclear missile is also flying towards the target with the faster and faster acceleration. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, within a few miles, the dust burst and burst. For a moment, the whole world was full of yellow dust and the strong wind roared. Then, a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose from the ground and went straight to the sky...

So, almost at that moment, all the enemy's combat power around the enemy's city center, including some chariots, some infantry combat power, and some cavalry combat power, all turned into nothingness under the attack of that tactical nuclear missile... Even those scattered on the ground The countless wreckage of chariots on both sides were also hit by the extremely powerful shock wave and mixed with the yellow dust...

However, what puzzled Liu Zheng was that under the destruction of such a huge explosive force, the center of the enemy at the bombing point was still the same and had not been blown up! It's just that a large part of the health value has been lost. After seeing this, Liu Zheng bit his teeth and said fiercely, "You, you let you still be there, and I let you still be there!" With that, with another order, five howitzers advanced towards the center of the enemy's city.

"Attack!" Seeing that the target was already within the attack range of his five howitzers, Liu Zheng ordered the attack and began again! Because Liu Zheng knows that his kind of "howitzer", whether it is the range or the explosive lethality, is not comparable to some of the enemy's ordinary combat power, but it happens to be responsible for defeating the city center that has been partially destroyed by his atomic Anne.

So, why didn't Liu Zheng attack the target again without his own atomic Annie? The reason is that although this kind of atomic Annie is very powerful and has quite good attack power, as a tactical nuclear missile, on the one hand, each launch consumes 1,500 wealth, and secondly, there is a half-minute cooling time between the two launches. Although it is very powerful and has a good attack power, as a tactical nuclear missile, on the one hand, each launch will consume 1,500 wealth, and on the other hand, there is a half-minute cooling time between the two launches.

Therefore, all this is doomed. This kind of atomic Annie cannot be used continuously, otherwise, the enemy will have no reason to resist - imagine, what resistance is there in the continuous nuclear explosions?

In this way, under the situation that Atomic Anne could not fire continuously, the attack of Liu Zheng's five howitzers began. At this time, with the advance of the period just now, Liu Zheng's one or five howitzers have entered the scope of attack. Then, the thick and short barrels of the five howitzers had been slowly pulled up, and then, as the gun body suddenly shook, the firelight flashed at the muzzle, and the dazzling spray firelight looked very dazzling. Then, a huge cannonball roared at a speed visible to the naked eye, drew an arc and broke through the air. Flying, and then hit an enemy's double crossbow gun vehicle fiercely, so "hong~~" was just such a blow. As a result, the target, the enemy's double crossbow gun vehicle, just like this, under such a blow, the target was blown up and exploded suddenly, and the originally intact gun carriage also followed. And immediately split, and the wreckage and fragments of the chariots soared to the sky one after another, and then fell to the ground.


At this time, with the development of the war, Liu Zheng also felt more and more that the battle could become more and more fierce. However, with the progress of time, Liu Zheng knew that with these chariot combat power alone, he could not guarantee that he could always have an advantage. Therefore, you should also produce some infantry combat power.

After thinking of this, Liu Zhengyi produced two batches of riflemen, each with more than 30 people. Liu Zheng knows through his understanding that this kind of rifleman has a considerable range and also has a quite good lethality. Therefore, it is very appropriate to use them as strikers. It can serve as a good barrier.

"Well, if I only built more than a dozen howitzers later, then, with the powerful explosive power of that howitzer and the extremely huge range, it is almost impossible to believe in some of the enemy's combat power and want to attack in! And I made full use of the precious time during this period to build more city centers, occupy more sites, and lay a good foundation for the development of my base~~" Liu Zheng silently calculated.


And Liu Zheng has also found that if he wants to get another piece of land and build his own city center, then there are two feasible directions. One is that there is an open space in the south of his base, which is on the front line between the two central centers of his own. However, I don't know if it has been occupied by the enemy. Another option is to go to the east side of your base and outside the entrance and exit of your base. In the land, there was originally an enemy's center. However, not long ago, it was killed by Liu Zheng's atomic Annie's tactical nuclear missile.

And Liu Zheng weighed these two places over and over again. One, I don't know if the city center can be built again. One is a "powder barrel" that will be in danger of being detonated at any time. Because the enemy's attack, basically, rushed from there. It can be said that at that time, it was a "fireline" area where he fought with the enemy. It will be in danger of being detonated at any time. Because the enemy's attack, basically, rushed from there. It can be said that at that time, it was a "fireline" area where he fought with the enemy. Therefore, if there is not enough combat support to build a city center there, it will definitely not work.

Yes, it should be said that Liu Zheng's estimation is still very correct.

From the perspective of the whole map, the area occupied by Liu Zheng, that is, only limited to a small area on the left (that is, the west), is two areas that have been connected into one piece. And the territory of the East, basically, has been occupied by the enemy. And the area that Liu Zheng decided on is indeed located between the two, in the middle of the occupied areas between Liu Zheng and the enemy. Therefore, it is also a focus area for the competition between the two sides.

"Well, in this case, it is almost impossible not to deploy heavy troops there to gain a foothold there!" Liu Zheng thought silently. In order to mark it, Liu Zheng marked the site with the name of a foreign "C" area. Yes, it is the "C" area.

However, suddenly, Liu Zheng felt that there was another task that must be completed before the construction of the city center in the "C" area. That is, in any case, we have to destroy the enemy's city center on the west side of the boundary river.

Yes, from the whole map, all the territory is separated by a north-south river. On the west side of the river, except for the "C" area, which is not controlled by either side of the two sides, are all separated by a north-south river. On the west side of the river, except for the "C" area that is not controlled by either side (and that area has become the only map that is not controlled on the whole map), and then the area at the southern end of Liu Zheng's base base. That area has been occupied by the enemy.

"As the ancients said, on the side of the couch, how can others sleep peacefully? Humph! No, I have to destroy the enemy city center on the west side of the boundary river first! Hey hey, hey, otherwise, fight here, but that side suddenly makes me suffer from the enemy! Humph, I won't do such a thing, but I won't do it!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help biting his teeth, and then left five Mark tanks with an order. I won't do it, but I won't do it!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help biting his teeth, and then, with an order, he left five Mark tanks and 20 riflemen left behind in the base camp. In addition, he sent seven Mark tanks, plus five howitzers, to rush to the base that Liu Zheng regarded as a nail in his side.

However, Liu Zheng immediately realized what it means to be attacked on both sides and what it means to be attacked by the enemy on both sides. Just as I led some of the combat power - some howitzers, some Mark tanks, to destroy the center of the enemy's city near his base, a dense explosion suddenly sounded.

After hearing this violent explosion, Liu Zheng couldn't help but tighten his heart and scolded, "Wow, wow, why, it's already started?" And when Liu Zheng really stared at the "C" area, he couldn't help but be stunned: Wow, damn it! Such a great enemy's combat power! Riflemen, rocket soldiers, field guns, Mark chariots, etc., it seems that they are simply "over the mountains"! It's dense!

Liu Zheng knows that in the face of such a large number of enemy forces, it will be very difficult to use ordinary methods. Therefore, Liu Zheng thought that instead of wasting more, meaninglessly wasting more wealth and letting more of his own combat power die and consume with the enemy, it would be better to destroy them with a tactical nuclear missile!

Yes, this account is easy to calculate. The cost of a tactical nuclear missile, that is, 2,000 funds, cannot be used, but if there is no 20,000 to 30,000 combat power to fight for so many enemy forces, it will definitely not work. In this way, that's a ten-to-one difference! Therefore, Liu Zheng decided to use eight Mark chariots to cover and fight for so many enemy combat strength. If there is no 20,000 to 30,000 combat power, it will definitely not work. In this way, that's a ten-to-one difference! Therefore, Liu Zheng decided to cover with eight Mark chariots, and he drove an atomic Annie to fight for the fighting power of the enemy's group, a nuclear bomb attack!

At this time, the enemy's tide-like combat power has been overwhelming, passing through the center line of the "C Highland" and approaching the entrance and exit of Liu Zheng's base.

"Five Mark chariots, go!" With Liu Zheng's order, five Mark chariots, which had been ready for a long time, rumbled away.

Liu Zheng knows that that kind of "Mark Four Heavy Attack Tank" can be said to be the most combat vehicle of all his combat strength. This kind of chariot can be said to be very strong, with a high health value. In addition, its attack ability and lethality are also quite large, with a long range. It should be said that as Liu Zheng's main battle tank, it is indeed well deserved.

At this time, some of the enemy's field guns had begun to attack Liu Zheng's eight "Mark IV heavy attack tanks" at the front. With the enemy's field guns, they suddenly sat back, and then the dark red fire flashed at the mouth of the gun, and field shells roared at Liu Zheng's "Mark IV heavy attack tanks" roaring through the air.

"Boom~~~" Although shells and field shells, like falling rain, exploded one after another next to Liu Zheng's "Mark IV heavy attack tanks", but only damaged about 20% of them. Health. However, at this time, the counterattack of Liu Zheng's "Mark IV heavy attack tanks" finally began.

With the sound of "boom" of fire, the large-caliber barrels on the left and right sides suddenly became golden. At the same time, because the two barrels fired at the same time, and the firing power was quite strong, the whole chariot suddenly retreated, and then the "Mark IV" were killed by Liu Zheng. The enemy's field artillery targeted by the "heavy attack tank" immediately raised a burst of flame. Then, a deafening explosion suddenly sounded. Countless wreckage and fragments of the chariot, mixed with the dark red fireworks, scattered and shot away into the air, and then, Falling from the middle of the sky...

In this way, relying on the super defense ability of the eight "Mark 4 heavy attack tanks" and their extremely strong attack ability, as a result, the target, some enemy tanks, one by one, were destroyed one. Thus, it is well guaranteed that Liu Zheng's atomic Annie is ready to launch that tactical nuclear missile.

"Prepare, launch!!!" At this time, Liu Zheng's atomic Annie has arrived at the designated position! With Liu Zheng's order, under the cover of the six "Mark 4 heavy attack tanks" in front of him, the extremely powerful nuclear bomb attack finally began!